Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 3


Emmalyn shuffled the takeout bags in her arms, and struggled to find her keys to unlock the apartment door.  She grew up in this apartment and adored it.  It was in a modest neighbourhood, and close to several high-end shops and restaurants.  She shared it with her uncle Mathias, and even though she was now twenty-three, Emmalyn never got around to moving out.  Every time she brought the topic up, her uncle would find some preposterous reason to put it off.  Honestly, she was in no hurry to be on her own.  It had always been just the two of them.  Her parents died in a car accident when she was young and she didn’t have any memories of them.  The only picture she had was held in a tiny, tarnished locket worn around her neck.  The image inside was faded, but it was something she held close to her heart.  When they died, Mathias had stepped forward as her only remaining relative.

Emmalyn may have missed out on having parents, but she was far from unhappy.  Mathias was a wonderful uncle.  He loved her just as much as her parents would have.  He was fun.  He made decent money.  And he was always there for her.  When she skinned a knee, he would clean and bandage the small cut.  When her first boyfriend broke her heart, it was Mathias who held her while she cried on his shoulder.  And when other kids called her names for being different, he assured Emmalyn they were the different ones.  He always made things better, and she loved him dearly for it.  He also enjoyed the finer things.  The apartment was cozy, but the furnishings were top of the line.  She picked out a soft cream coloured sectional for the living room, but it was Mathias who provided the big screen television, surround sound and glass-topped end tables.  Her bedroom had a four-poster bed and beautiful matching nightstands, and the kitchen held a large round table equipped with every appliance imaginable.

Emmalyn finally dug the keys out of her pocket and was poised to push one into the lock when the door abruptly opened.  Thrown off balance she stumbled slightly, and would have fallen if not for Mathias wrapping his enormous arms around her tiny frame.  She righted herself and looked up at his smirking face.  Mathias was rather large and unnaturally fit for a man in his early forties.  He reminded her of The Rock.  And on more than one occasion, the girlfriends she brought home would drool over him.  He was just that handsome.

“Jesus, you smell like a wet dog,” he grumbled as his smile slipped and a frown took its place.  He promptly dropped his arms, relieved her of the food and stepped aside so she could enter.  Emmalyn quickly darted past and pulled the door closed behind her.

“And hello to you too,” she flippantly replied.  His grin immediately reappeared and he shook his head.  “It was bath day at the shelter,” Emmalyn revealed.  “I don’t know who got more soaked, me or the dogs.”

“Did you fall in again today?” he chuckled, and she threw a glare in his direction.

“Once Mathias. Only once did that happen and it was because the dog was the size of a small horse,” she defended.

“Right,” he countered, still snickering.  “My mistake. Go take a shower and wash that stink off.  I’ll get plates and set out the food.”

“That sounds perfect,” she admitted as she dropped the small tote on the floor and headed for her bedroom.  Each room had its own bath, which made living here with Mathias a much easier decision.  Sharing would definitely have been an aggravation neither of them needed.

Emmalyn had been in a hurry this morning to head out and groaned as she looked at the unmade bed and pile of clothes on the floor beside it.  Bending, she hastily picked up the clothes and dumped them into the already overflowing hamper.  She’d have to throw in a quick load once she finished showering.  Mathias worked from home, running his own investment company from a laptop.  He had offered on more than one occasion to wash her things, but she couldn’t deal with him touching her underwear.  It was just too embarrassing to even think about.

Knowing she was staying in for the night, Emmalyn grabbed loose pyjama pants and a cute matching crop top.  Underwear followed, and then she stepped into the bathroom to run the water.  Waiting for it to warm, she took a minute to survey herself in the mirror.  Her hair was a light chestnut colour and fell to her lower back.  She had suggested cutting it once, but Mathias flew off the handle.  He was old school and believed all girls should look like girls.  Instead of arguing, she had given in.  It was a decision she never regretted.  Emmalyn’s hair was thick and shiny, and she was forever getting compliments on it.  Although fairly short in stature, her smaller frame accentuated her curves and perky breasts.  It was her eyes though that made her appear different.  They were light blue, but with silver flecks that drew people’s attention.  She’d been called a freak on more than one occasion, and had even resorted to wearing brown contacts to hide them.  She wore them so often now, even her uncle admitted to forgetting how striking her natural eye colour was.

Turning away from her reflection, she stripped and stepped under the hot spray.  Emmalyn loved working at the shelter with the cats and dogs, but knew she smelled most days.  The dogs were always unkempt when they arrived, and she took it upon herself to see they were thoroughly cleaned and brushed.  It was a never-ending task but one she relished.  The dogs eagerly lapped up the tenderness showered upon them and this created an instant bond between them.  Focusing back on the shower, she reached for the shampoo, washed her hair twice before adding the conditioner and hurried to soak and rinse the rest of her.  She stepped out, dried off, dressed and braided her wet hair.  With hunger pains growing, Emmalyn didn’t want to keep her uncle waiting.  Mathias always refused to eat until she joined him, and it was one of the many ridiculous things that she appreciated.

As soon as Emmalyn stepped into the room, Mathias pulled out her chair before sitting down himself.  Then he loaded up her plate and his own, and poured each of them a tall glass of lemonade.  She smiled at him in thanks and dug in.  Today, she’d bought Chinese food knowing it was his favourite, and smirked as he took a huge bite of noodles.

“You spoil me,” Mathias hummed as he swallowed and loaded his fork with more.

“I like spoiling you,” she easily admitted.  “It makes me happy to see you enjoying the small things I’m able to do for you.”  Mathias dropped his fork and lifted his head, commanding Emmalyn’s full attention.  She sat back in surprise, knowing he would have something extremely important to say.  He didn’t make her wait.  He never did.

“You know I appreciate it when you say things like that.  I’m forever worrying that I can’t give you all the things a young woman like you needs.  I do my best, but always feel it’s never enough,” he quietly admitted.

Emmalyn rose from her chair, circled the table and wrapped her arms as best as she could around his large frame.  “You mean everything to me Mathias, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life.  I don’t need parents when I have you.”  Then she kissed his shaved head and whispered in his ear.  “I love you.”

She heard a sharp intake of breath and knew he felt the words deep in his soul.  Mathias might look like a handsome brute, but the big man was a softy.  All it took was a smile at him sometimes, and he’d cave and grant whatever she asked.  He placed his large hands over hers and gave them a squeeze, then motioned to the plate.

“Eat before it gets cold,” he ordered.  “A small thing like you needs to move fast before I eat it all.”

Emmalyn threw her head back and laughed as she took her seat.  “You never finish your plate until you’re sure I’ve had enough.”  He gave her a slight shrug but didn’t deny it.  Emmalyn knew he secretly loved doing small things for her too.  Mathias took the job of guardian very seriously.

She was about to dig in again when an ear-splitting roar came from the living room.  It sounded like a tornado had dropped into the apartment.  Pillows and books flew in from the other room, and one of the many paintings Mathias had hung on the wall fell loudly to the floor and shattered.  Emmalyn turned to him in confusion, surprised to see he was already out of his chair and dragging something out of the pantry.  Twisting back around with a look of pure rage descending over his face, he held a mighty sword in hand.

“Is that a sword?” she asked in astonishment standing up and taking a step towards the living room.  Mid step, Mathias seized her arm and spun her around.

“You get behind me and stay there,” Mathias ordered, strangely ignoring her question.  Apparently not moving fast enough, he thrust a small knife in her hand and threw her behind his big frame.  She grabbed onto his shirt to keep from falling.

“What the hell?” Emmalyn cried over the noise of what sounded like five men dropping into the room.  The sound of them shouting over the roar of the tornado filled the air.

“If I fall, you fight to the death.  Do not let yourself be taken,” Mathias yelled as he lifted the sword, spread his legs for balance and prepared to take on whatever force had landed in the other room.

All Emmalyn could do was cling to him and cry out in fear as the massive and strangely dressed men charged into the room brandishing swords of their own.