Kaius the Fierce by Cara Wylde

Chapter Eight

She was the first to retire after dinner. When she left to take a bath, this time with soap and shampoo, Kaius was still talking to his raiders and grunts about the plan for the enemy horde. From what Beka and Birma had translated for her, she understood that for now, the captain would try to be diplomatic. He was willing to give Goroth the Devourer the benefit of the doubt and have a conversation with him. Maybe some of his orcs had gone rogue and destroyed the orchard without his knowledge. In truth, Kaius didn’t believe that, but the war was over. They all lived in peace, or at least they were supposed to. A battle in the valley would mean even more destruction of the land.

Grace took her time to prepare for the night. She dried her hair and combed it carefully, lathered her skin in rose-scented body milk, then thought it might be too much and tried to take some of it off by rubbing the damp towel all over her body. She didn’t know how orcs liked their women. She put on a sexy set of lingerie – black panties and a black bra, – and threw a negligee over it. The set wasn’t the softest or the most qualitative. She’d never been able to afford expensive clothes, and spending any significant amount of money on lingerie was out of the question. Anyway, the point was for it to be removed quickly, not admired in great detail by her orc mate.

Finally, Grace looked at the two beds on opposite sides of the gallery. She munched on her lower lip, wondering if she should move her nest of pelts, blankets, and pillows next to the captain’s, as to try and make a single bigger bed.

“Yes, that sounds like a good idea.”

It took her five minutes to do it, and after checking herself in her hand mirror one last time, she sneaked under the blankets. She didn’t have a watch, and there seemed to be no clock around, but she was sure an hour had passed since she’d left Kaius with his orcs around the bonfire. If not more. The orcs seemed to not care much about the passing of time. Their biological clock told them when it was time to sleep, when it was time to wake up, eat, work, hunt. Grace wasn’t sure she’d get used to it soon, but maybe eventually. She did appreciate that she didn’t have to wake up with the alarm anymore. It had only been one day, but it was already obvious that life in the mountains was less stressful than what she’d experienced, practically, since birth. Now, if Kaius could come to an agreement with the other orc captain, everything would be perfect.

She waited and waited, until her eyes dropped. She fell into a light sleep, her senses still trained on every little noise. She’d wanted to surprise Kaius, but he was taking too long. She only hoped that she’d hear him when he entered, and not make a fool of herself. It wasn’t particularly sexy to find your bride fully dressed for action and also fully asleep in your bed.

He was light on his feet, but she did hear him. Her eyes snapped open. He was standing before her, dressed, with his boots still on, and a surprised expression on his face.

“Grace. What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” She lazily threw the blankets off her, trying to adopt a position that looked at least a little bit enticing. She stifled a yawn. Her system told her it was probably past midnight, and she would’ve loved to go back to sleep. “Waiting for you...”

“You were asleep. I’m sorry I woke you up.”

“N-no... I mean, I did doze off for a second. Where were you?”


“Just come here.” She sat up and reached for him.

His brows shot up, confusion replacing the surprise and curiosity in his eyes. For a second, she thought he would step back, but he didn’t. She took hold of his shirt and pulled slightly.

“Come lie next to me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Kaius. I’m your bride and I’m sure. Yesterday, you told the horde that we’re sharing a bed. I don’t want to be the reason you lie to them.” She giggled, trying to make that last sentence sound funny. She didn’t have a great sense of humor, so she wasn’t disappointed when Kaius didn’t laugh.

“It’s too soon. You’re not ready.”

She sighed. “Why don’t you let me decide that?”

“I’ve learned about human females. They’re not like our kind. They need time to bond and to... to...”

“Shh... just come here... Don’t think about it.”

“I want to respect your traditions.”

This time, she laughed wholeheartedly. “Who told you it’s tradition for a woman to wait?”

“No one. I just read... and thought...”

“What have you read? Jane Austen?”

He furrowed his brows. He clearly had no idea what she was talking about.

“No, I don’t think so,” she chuckled while pulling at his clothes, trying to make him take them off. “Your English is contemporary enough. Listen... Kaius...” She stopped for a moment and fixed him with a serious, intense gaze. “Don’t you want me?”

He swallowed hard. “I do.”

“Then take these off and come lie with me.”

He nodded and started with his boots. She moved back slightly, so she’d have a better view of his body. He didn’t look at her as he removed his shirt and his pants, but the hard cock between his thighs said more than looks or words could. Grace licked her lips in anticipation.

His muscles moved beautifully under his taut skin as he slowly lowered himself to his knees. She sat up too, moving into a kneeling position. He was tall, and she had to crane her neck to look into his eyes. Her hands went to his chest, and she pressed her palms over his heart. It beat steadily. Somehow, that reassured her that everything was going to be all right, and that she wasn’t making a mistake. He looked like a monster, but he wasn’t. And besides, he was handsome. He was probably the most handsome orc she’d seen, and she’d researched his species plenty when she was at the institute. She could do this, and she’d even enjoy it. She’d never waited long when it came to men, so why would she wait now? None of her past lovers had promised her anything, or if they had, they’d lied. Kaius the Fierce promised her something – security, and a place where she could belong. He wasn’t interested in her life before the institute and before coming to live with the horde. He hadn’t even asked. Maybe in other circumstances, she would’ve wondered if his promises were real, but this was different. This was a system that worked. A woman would join an institute for orc brides, an orc would choose her and take her with him, and even if love and a happily-ever-after weren’t guaranteed, at least the woman knew one thing for sure – as long as she gave her mate heirs, all would be good. This was the entire point of the system. Orcs needed brides, and human females needed security and a better future than they’d been able to carve for themselves in the world.

Grace cupped his face with her hand, and he gently leaned into her touch.

“I’m sorry about the orchard,” she said.

“Me too.”

“I want to make you feel better.”

“You make me feel better just by being here.”

“I want to do more than that.”

Slowly, she pulled the straps of her negligee over her round shoulders, then slipped her arms out, letting the transparent material pool at her knees. His breath hitched as he took in her generous breasts and wide, enticing hips. She bit her lower lip, stopping a moan from escaping her quivering chest. The way he looked at her could make her orgasm on the spot. No man had looked at her like that before. She’d always been curvy, even as a teenager, but even though that hadn’t stopped her from getting dates and one-night stands, it hadn’t meant that her lovers truly appreciated her. She remembered the many times when she’d felt like the second option, or maybe the third. She tried to push those thoughts away.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked. If Kaius could give her some validation right now, she was going to take it and feed on it greedily. She, for one, definitely liked what she saw. His body was strong and perfect. Too big for her, but she was sure she could manage with a bit of determination.

“Yes,” he breathed. “You’re beautiful, Grace. Your kind is so unlike the females we’re used to... In our world, I mean...”

There was something there. A hint of regret in his voice? Maybe she was overthinking it.

“Well, our skin is not green, for one,” she chuckled.

“You’re small, fragile...”

She bit the inside of her cheek. She could get used to those two adjectives to describe her.

His hand glided over her clavicle, a whisper of a touch.

“If I’m not careful, I might break you.”

“You are big, for sure.”

“Big?” He furrowed his brows.

For his species, of course he thought his size was normal. And compared to the Giant, he was more than normal. Ideal.

She moved her hand lower, gently pressing her fingers above his crotch.

“I’m not sure what to do with it, if you know what I mean...”

“I don’t.”

“It might not... fit.”

His eyes widened slightly, which meant he was starting to catch her drift.

“We’ll go slow. And if you want to stop, I’ll stop.”

She doubted that would be the case, but she nodded gently, not wanting him to worry. He seemed to be shy, or not quite sure where and how he was allowed to touch her, so she smiled up at him, took his hand, and placed it on her breast. He squeezed her, and this time, she let out the softest whimper. She felt like she was on fire. How long had it been since she’d shared a bed with a man? Lately, she’d been too focused on simply surviving to have time to think about her body’s needs. He placed his other hand on her waist and squeezed again, then traced the rim of her panties with the tips of his fingers.

“We don’t have to go that slow,” she teased.

A grin curved his lips. He leaned in, and Grace closed her eyes when she realized he was going to kiss her. She’d wondered about it... Imagined how his lips might feel. The kiss started out slow and steady, gentle, with only the hint of his sharp incisors tugging here and there, not even intentionally. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in, wanting more. His hands went to her hips, and his fingers dug into her soft flesh. She shuddered, her anticipation growing with every second that passed. She parted her lips slightly, – an invitation, – and he slipped the tip of his tongue between them. She groaned and pushed her tongue inside his mouth, urging him to give her more. Her body was alight with desire, and her panties were soaked. He hadn’t even touched her much, but just his presence turned her on. The feel of his bare body pressed against her, hard in all the right places, – in all of the places, – drove her mad.

Kaius obliged. He ran his big hands up and down her back, exploring her body without taking too much, too fast. She started rubbing herself against him, her soft belly enticing his cock to grow harder and harder. Their tongues battled and savored each other for a minute, then he started tracing kisses down her neck, until he reached her shoulder. Gently, he pushed her on her back, and she happily followed his lead. She spread her legs so he could settle between them, and then he was kneading and kissing her breasts. He pulled at the padded cups, trying to get the thing off, and Grace laughed when she realized he had no idea how it worked. She unhooked the bra herself and discarded it on the floor.

Kaius looked at her gorgeous breasts, barely able to breathe.

“You’re all I ever wanted.”

Grace blushed when another realization hit her. This could very well be the first time Kaius was sleeping with a human female. With someone of her species. She wondered if she should ask, but then she thought better of it and decided it was enough for her to enjoy this moment.

He took one nipple between his lips, sucking it and biting it until it became a hard pebble, and then moved to the other. He couldn’t have enough of her breasts. Grace had to sink her fingers into his hair and push him down to suggest to him that there were other parts of her body that needed just as much attention. He trailed kisses and little nips down her stomach, and when he reached her panties, he knew how to roll them down her legs. In seconds, his head was buried between her legs, and her heels were digging into his big, wide back.

“Oh, God...” she moaned. “Oh my God!”

He licked her hard and fast, as if he was hungry and she was the only snack he could get until his next meal. His tongue was like nothing Grace had ever felt before – long, thick, firm. He flicked her clit with the tip of it, while his finger sank into her pussy. She arched her back, letting her head bury into the pillow. His finger was replaced by his tongue, in and out, in and out, and all she could do was tremble, moan, and anticipate the orgasm that was going to hit her. When it came, it felt like a wave that swept her off the ground, took her somewhere high above, then let her crash back down onto the warm pelts and into her orc’s arms.

“Oh, fuck...” She curled her toes and pressed his head down. He licked her lazily until she came down from it and was willing to release him. “Oh wow!” She looked down at him, and he met her gaze. “I... I don’t know what to say...” He climbed back over her, pulling her legs further apart. She eyed the monstrous member that was getting closer and closer to her dripping entrance. “It’s my turn...”

He knew what she meant, and he shook his head. “Next time. Now, all I want is to be inside you.”

She nodded. “I want that too. And I want...” The head of his cock pressed gently between her wet folds. “I want you to fill me.” She’d never spoken so dirty before. In the past, sex had been rather mechanical and boring. She hadn’t had the chance to explore any kinks, and she wouldn’t have even felt comfortable doing it with the men she’d dated. Kaius was different. She felt like he would never judge her, no matter what she said or did. She hoped to God she was right! “I want to feel you come inside me.”

A deep growl started in his chest, making his whole body vibrate. He leaned over her and pulled her earlobe between his lips. As he tugged lightly, driving her crazy with lust, he guided his cock inside her, letting the round, mushroom head penetrate her slowly. She was impossibly tight for him, so even he had to take his time. He didn’t want to hurt her, and as she trembled and whimpered in his arms, completely at his mercy, he felt like it would be so easy to break her.

Only the tip was in so far, and she felt stretched beyond her limit. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, focusing on her own breath. It hurt a bit, and it burned a bit more, but it wasn’t completely unpleasant. She knew this would happen. She’d expected it. But she wasn’t going to tell him to stop because she wanted this. She wanted to take that enormous cock of his into her body and milk it to the last drop. What a discovery it was that she might have a fetish for impossibly big cocks. She spread her legs as wide as she could, relaxed her muscles, and willed her pussy to receive him.

“Are you okay?” he asked, kissing her damp forehead.

She nodded fiercely. “Mhm. Keep going. Almost there.”

“You’re tight... Maybe you were right, and it won’t fit.”

She snapped her eyes open and furrowed her brows. “Oh, it will. It will fit!” She gathered her courage and placed her heels on his buttocks. Firmly, she pushed down, forcing him to go deeper and faster. Her mouth formed a surprised “o” when half of his cock disappeared inside her. Now she was stretched beyond every conceivable limit. But the pain was starting to be replaced by burning hot pleasure. Her pussy throbbed around him, pulling him in inch by inch. “See? It fits.”

He grinned and kissed her forehead again.

“You feel amazing.”

“And you feel...” She fanned herself theatrically. “You feel unreal.”

He frowned. “I am real.”

She laughed. “And what a blessing that is!” She hoped she didn’t sound sarcastic, because she was being serious. She was probably in no danger of an orc understanding human sarcasm, though.

He shook his head. “There’s something about you, Grace Adams. I don’t know what it is. But I’m glad you’re mine.”

“Yes, I’m yours.” His cock was fully sheathed now, and she could feel the head resting against her cervix. “Move, please...”

He pulled out and slammed back in, causing her back to arch and her fingernails to dig into his shoulders. He didn’t mind. He did it again and again, until Grace was screaming and moaning, releasing every sound her vocal cords wanted to produce, keeping nothing in, nothing secret. The whole cave could probably hear her, but she couldn’t think about that. She couldn’t think about anything.

It was too much, and at the same time, not enough. She raised her hips to meet him when she could, but at some point, she felt so deliciously exhausted, overwhelmed by each wave of pleasure that coursed through her body, that she just relaxed and let him do what he wanted. He lifted one of her legs onto his shoulder, changing the angle, and Grace let out a loud scream when his cock drove even deeper inside her.

His eyes widened. “Did I hurt you?”

“Mmm... no... Oh my God, no. Just keep going... Please don’t stop...”

She didn’t remember sounding like this ever before. Needy, almost desperate. Her whole body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

“If you want me to...”

“I don’t, I don’t! I’m begging you... I’m so close... So close...”

He bent over her, and with both hands next to the sides of her head, he looked into her eyes and thrust into her hard and fast. She held his gaze, but not for long. An orgasm rippled through her, and she closed her eyes and stuffed the corner of the pillow into her mouth. She’d been screaming and moaning for the past hour, but this was another thing entirely. If she allowed herself to scream as loud as she truly wanted, she was sure it would reverberate through the tunnels and galleries like an earthquake.

“Grace,” he murmured as he closed his own eyes and released stream after stream of seed at the entrance of her womb. Her name and a deep growl let her know that it was over, that he’d given her all he could give. “Grace...”

She let out a long breath, wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him close, and he hugged her gently, careful not to crush her.

“Should I...”

“Not yet.” She didn’t want him to pull out. For the first time in her life, she felt full and satiated, and she wanted that feeling to last for as long as possible.