Sam’s Little Girl by Pepper North

Chapter 6

“Let me carry that.” Sam didn’t say anything about the bulging bag that obviously held more than just her computer as he took it from her. He helped her into his big truck with a supportive hand on her hip.

“Sam…” Hope put out a hand to stop him from closing the door.

“I promise you, candy girl, nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen. Now, all I know is that I haven’t slept for three days. I’ve worried since the moment I got the call to go that you would decide you couldn’t be with a military guy because I disappear from your life without warning or explanation. I need to hold you and have you close.”

Hope scanned his lined face and nodded. “I’m ready to go now.”

Sam leaned forward and pressed his lips lightly to hers. As if one brief kiss wasn’t enough, he captured her mouth for a deeper taste. Hope curled her fingers into his taut shoulder muscles and clung to the powerful man before her. She only realized she’d lost all track of where she was when he pulled away with a groan.

“Let’s get going before we scandalize your parents’ neighbors,” Sam growled. He closed the passenger door with a firm, controlled snick.

She watched him round the hood. Hope memorized this moment, wanting to be able to replay the feeling of him being safe and home in the future. Hope’s breath caught in her throat. Sam was the first man with whom she’d ever imagined having a future. That has to mean something, doesn’t it? Tears sprang to her eyes.

Instantly concerned at seeing her blinking back tears, Sam reached over to take her hand. “You don’t have to come with me, candy girl, if you don’t want to.”

“I only want to be with you, Daddy.” She hesitated a bit on that last title but loved the smile of pure happiness that replaced the exhaustion for a split second.

“Little girl, I need to hold you tight. Let’s go home.”

* * *

Sam pulled into the driveway of a modest home in off-base housing. Someone had freshly mowed the grass, attesting to his emergency plans in case he was away. This time she wasn’t worried about her imminent spanking and could look around a bit. Hope noticed small details, and that there were no decorations or flowers adorning the plain house. It looked like it needed a family to care for it.

“You should plant some peonies. My grandmother had them in her garden. I’ve always wanted a house with those beautiful round blossoms,” Hope shared.

“I’d like that. The house needs to be made into a home.” Sam looked at her meaningfully before sliding out of the driver’s seat.

When she opened her door as he rounded the hood, one pointed look made her close it quickly. Hope bit her bottom lip as she waited for him to help her out of the truck. When she stood on the sidewalk, she whispered, “Sorry.”

“I have no doubt you’ll learn what I expect quickly. Come on, candy girl. My tank is way past empty.” Sam ushered her inside.

He paused briefly for her to look around. “I’ll give you the grand tour later. Are you hungry?”

When she hesitated, Sam clarified, “Always tell me the truth, little girl.”

“Starving. I should have had Mom make us some sandwiches.”

“I can take care of you, Hope. I’m hungry as well. Let’s put your computer case on the desk in the kitchen and rummage around for something to eat.”

A few minutes later, Hope sat in front of a steaming bowl of cheesy potato soup that had come from his stocked freezer. She dipped her spoon into the thick mixture and tasted it. “Mm… yum.” She hastily switched from one sound of enjoyment to another when he looked at her with eyes hooded from exhaustion.

“Good, huh? I like to cook. Not so much for myself alone as for others. The team and their families get together frequently. I try things out on them and make more to store in my freezer.”

“It’s delicious. I only have a few things I make well. I’m great if there’s something that has to cook for a long time. I tend to forget about things if I’m concentrating on a problem. My family thinks my gumbo is better than what you get in a restaurant.”

“Littles shouldn’t play with knives, candy girl.” Sam voiced the concern written over his face.

“Oh, I’m fine,” she assured him, but could tell he wasn’t sure. She’d make him gumbo sometime. That would change his mind.

By the time she couldn’t eat another bite, Sam had consumed three heaping bowls. Shaking her head when he offered her more, Hope wondered how long it had been since he’d eaten. “Your tank really was empty.”

“Come on, candy girl. You can guard me while I crash. Wake me when you’re getting bored,” Sam invited as he rinsed out their bowls.

“Oh, I won’t do that.”

“If you need me, call my name. I’m fast at shaking off sleep.”

Hope wasn’t planning on waking him up. She allowed him to tow her back to the bedroom. As Sam threw off his T-shirt and unbuttoned the fly of his fatigues, Hope blindly groped for the edge of the bed and sat down on the bed to watch the show.

Sam’s body was chiseled. She hadn’t ever seen someone built like him—not in real life. Airbrushed pictures from magazines didn’t count. Hope didn’t know how many carved lines from abdominal muscles were possible to develop, but he definitely didn’t have a six-pack. A twelve-pack or more?

“Take your shoes off and anything else you need to be comfortable. I’m going to rinse more of this grit off me. Sometimes it takes days to get really clean after being out in the field.”

He walked forward wearing a pair of tight boxer briefs that disguised nothing. Sam lifted her lower jaw back into place. “I’ll put clothes on if you’re shy. I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”

“No! I mean, don’t worry about me. Be comfortable.” Hope struggled to keep her gaze on his face. She could feel his heat.

“I’ll be right back,” Sam said as he released her chin. “Lay back, candy girl. I’ll be quick.”

As Hope stretched out on the large bed, Sam turned away and walked to the master bath. She watched him hesitate for a few seconds to hook his fingers into that last piece of clothing and strip his briefs off. Plastering a hand over her mouth to cover her gasp, Hope appreciated his tight butt as he strode out of the room.

Damn! That mental picture lingered in her mind. I bet he looks as good coming as going.

Hope shook her head to force herself to think of something else. Hearing the shower turn on, she closed her eyes. The tension of this latest interview seeped out of her body as she lay still. Blinking her heavy eyelids when she heard his footsteps on the flooring, she saw a blue towel fly toward the laundry hamper as he settled on the bed.

Yielding to Sam, she allowed him to pull her gently onto her side, cuddled against his chest. It should have felt weird, but she fit exactly into the curve of his hard body. Hope’s mind wanted to panic about their intimate positions, but her body relaxed against his. She felt cherished and protected.

“Sleep, candy girl.”

Nodding, she nestled against him. Hope loved the thump, thump, thump of his strong heartbeat and the sound of his steady breath. Even in the dark, Hope didn’t worry. Sam was with her. He could handle anything.

Hope knew immediately when he dropped into sleep. Not wishing to disturb him, Hope stilled against his hard body. Within minutes, she also crashed into unconsciousness.

* * *

Warm lips and a stubble of whiskers brushed against the sensitive skin of her neck. She drifted between sleep and wakefulness as she rolled her head back to allow this delightful exploration. “Sam,” she sighed.

“Daddy,” he corrected softly as he kissed his way to her lips.

Darkness wrapped around them, seeming to envelop them in a private bubble protected from the outside world. Hope stroked his warm skin, enjoying the heat of Sam’s body. When he cupped her head and drew her lips to his, she willingly ceded him control. A flavor that was all Sam burst over her taste buds as his tongue slid into hers.

He didn’t rush. Kissing her as if they had all the time in the world, Sam explored her mouth. His sensuous lips alternated between nibbling at hers and pressing them apart to delve inside. Unable to anticipate what was coming next, Hope abandoned any thought of control and just received. Sam was in charge.

“Daddy is in charge,” she mentally corrected herself, unaware she spoke out loud.

“Yes, he is. Always!” Sam’s deep voice reinforced as his hand slid under her shirt at the waist. He caressed her slightly rounded tummy, making her shiver from the rasp of his rough fingertips.

She had no idea exactly what Sam did other than shoulder the responsibility of steering the group’s movements, but knew it was physical. The calluses on his fingers reminded her of the risk he faced. “I was so scared,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry, little girl. I don’t want to frighten you.”

“I know. I’m silly.”

“Not silly. Being part of a military life is hard. It’s doubly hard for a Little. I plan to treasure every second that we have together and plan for the future.”

“You think we have a future together?” The darkness made her courageous. Hope felt like she could ask things that she would never have dared in the daylight.

“Yes. You’re my little girl.”

His simple answer floored her. Commitment echoed in his tone. She had no doubt that his decision had been made, and he wouldn’t change his mind.

“I’m going to mess up. I always do,” she whispered. She’d had a few boyfriends who hadn’t lasted long. Math was more interesting than they were after several weeks or months.

“Then I’ll spank your bottom or punish you in another way so we can wipe the slate clean.”

Her breath caught in her lungs. The memory of her punishment flooded into her head, bringing instant sexual heat. His consequence for her behavior had done just that—cleared anything that could have festered between them. She stared at him as all the pieces clicked into place. This man would take all of her, the good and the bad, the submissive and the independent.

Unable to resist, Hope lifted her head to press her lips against his. Instant heat flared between them. She moaned into his mouth as his hand rose to cup her breast. Instinctively, she arched her torso, thrusting that soft mound into his hand.

When his mouth left hers, Hope chased it. She needed more of him. “Please,” she whispered.

“Hope, after I make you mine, I’ll never let you go,” he warned.

“Good. Kiss me, Daddy.”

His mouth slanted over hers as the passion skyrocketed between them. Sam’s hands roamed over her body as he explored and caressed her. Soon, her clothing was an impediment. Sam yanked Hope’s shirt up over her head and flung it away as he kissed the tender spot over her heart. Cool air wafted over her nipples, making them tighten even further as he deftly unfastened the back closure of her bra.

Hope wiggled under him as Sam loomed over her. He shifted one thigh over hers to allow his weight to pin her solidly in place. His thick shaft pressed against her soft skin. Hard heat revealed the extent of his desire, making her body flood with slickness in response as his fingers quickly dealt with her shorts. Sam slid a hand under her lower back to raise her upward as he pulled the denim over her hips.

Eagerly helping him, she wanted everything off between them. As Sam shifted to yank her shorts over her feet, Hope hooked her fingers in the shoulder straps of her bra to shrug the garment off.

His hand tightened on her ankle, freezing her in place. “Leave that to me, little girl. I get to unwrap my present.” His deep voice was even more gravelly than usual.

Liking his reaction to being close to him, Hope relaxed against the mattress. Sam in control turned her on. She loved his dominance and wanted to please him.

After tossing her shorts away, Sam rewarded her by trailing his fingertips up her thighs. Automatically, Hope widened her legs, silently inviting his touch. She bit her bottom lip as those fingertips traced the seam between her lower lips over her cotton panties. Her hips bucked up as she responded eagerly to the whisper-soft caress. A small sound of dismay burst from her lips when he lifted his hand.

“Shhh! Soon,” Sam promised as he leaned forward, capturing one pert nipple. Sucking it into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the tight peak, drawing on it at irregular bursts.

So focused on his mouth, Hope allowed him to shift her as he stripped the bra straps down her arms and off. Trying to please him as much as he thrilled her body, Hope explored his hard muscles. She traced the corded strength in his shoulders and arms. His fit body became her playground.

“No!” she protested when his hand trapped hers against his hard abdomen.

“No playing with Daddy’s cock without permission, little girl,” he chided her gently.

“Are all these rules written somewhere?” she huffed.

“You’ll learn,” he promised, agilely sliding lower on the bed.

Sam trailed kisses down her torso. He stopped to press a kiss to her mound over her panties. Hope heard him inhale deeply and knew he scented her aroma. The base action fueled the heat growing inside her. Sam would not be a man who dealt only with the niceties of life. His lovemaking would be intense, just as he was.

“Lift your hips, candy girl. I need to taste you,” he instructed, hooking his fingers under the sides of her panties.

Immediately, she followed his instructions. Hope felt the lace brush against every inch of her skin along its path as he slowly pulled the scrap of fabric from her body. The sinuous feel increased her arousal. This time, instead of tossing the garment away, Sam lifted it to his face and inhaled.

“So sweet and wet. Spread your legs, Hope.”

Dropping the material to the bed, Sam guided her legs around him as he repositioned himself between her legs. Taking advantage of the lightening room as dawn approached, he paused to look at the display she offered him. Brushing his fingers over her mound, he praised her, “Beautiful, candy girl.”

Her heart swelled at his words. Raw truth colored his praise. Hope felt a gush of fluid well from deep inside her as she lifted her hips slightly to offer herself. “Please!”

Sam pressed a kiss to her lightly tufted mound. His powerful hands brushed against her inner thighs before pushing them apart even further to make room for him to settle into place. Running his tongue up her slit, he hummed his appreciation of her flavor. “Mmm!”

This familiar exchange between them settled Hope’s nerves. This was Sam. He knew more about her than anyone had taken the time to investigate. She wanted his touch and the pleasure she was confident he would skillfully help her find.

Sliding his tongue through her pink folds, Sam explored her intimately. Slowly as if he had all the time in the world, he searched for those spots that made her breath catch. Obviously memorizing them, he would return to lavish attention on her most sensitive places.

Soon, Hope couldn’t hold still. Wiggling and lifting her hips, she tried to get closer to his devastating mouth. His hands controlled her movements, pinning her in place. The air gushed into her lungs as one thick finger slowly glided into her body. She loved that he took his time, but she wanted more.

“Please,” she moaned.

“I know, candy girl. It’s hard for a little girl to wait. Let Daddy make it better.”

Sam lowered his lips to her once again. Gliding his tongue in a slow circle around her clit, he stroked his finger out and pressed two back inside. Hope groaned as her body stretched to accommodate him. The slight burn felt so good.

His lips closed around that bundle of nerves to suck gently as he explored her body. The faint prickle of his whiskery lip added a hint of pain to the sensations buffeting her. Hope strained against his restricting hand on her abdomen to get closer. She could feel the tingles growing as she concentrated on the building sensations.

There!Sam gently rolled her clitoris between his teeth, impelling her into a climax that rocked her body. Shimmers of pleasure coursed through Hope as she clamped her fingers onto Sam’s broad shoulders. His touch softened, extending her orgasm as long as possible.

“Please!” Hope pleaded. “I need to feel you inside me.”

“Candy girl,” Sam growled, as his eyes darkened further.

Hope thanked the growing light for revealing his form as Sam prowled over her body. His arms still hooked under her outspread knees, he moved to kneel between her legs. Draping her thighs over his corded ones, Sam leaned forward. His thick erection ground against her as he slid through her intimate folds.

Pressing a kiss against her lips, Sam allowed Hope to taste her sweet juices, increasing her desire. He released her mouth to reach into the drawer of the bedside table as her hands explored his muscular torso. After tearing open a small packet with his white teeth, he gripped his shaft in his fist as he prepared to roll on the condom.

Memorize this!Hope ordered her brain as the sight of Sam touching himself pushed her arousal higher. How can this gorgeous man be interested in me?

“Stop thinking, candy girl. Feel,” he commanded as he placed his cock at her entrance. Slowly, he pressed forward, forging a heated path into her core.

Allowing her eyes to close as she savored the feeling of Sam’s body joining with her, Hope strained to hurry his entrance. Sam’s powerful hands restrained her against the mattress as he controlled his pace. His thick cock stretched her tight channel as he moved deeper until Hope couldn’t tell where she left off and he began. Just when the pressure became too much, he reversed his motion to withdraw.

Unwilling to lose the connection with him, Hope wrapped her legs around his trim waist. To her delight, he stroked back inside, pausing to grind against her body before moving out. The short surges interspersed with direct pressure on that sensitive bundle of nerves at her entrance provoked those tingles once again. She strained against him, hoping to find her pleasure again.

Sam didn’t rush. His movements were deliberate. Releasing his pinning hand from her tummy, he stroked and teased her body. He remembered exactly the places and type of touch that brought her the most pleasure.

Hope hadn’t ever had a lover who focused completely on her. She had no doubt Sam was enjoying their lovemaking, but giving her pleasure seemed to be his dedicated goal. Her hands stroked over his body, trying to target his most responsive areas. Heeding his rule of not touching his shaft without permission, Hope discovered areas that caused his breath to change or his eyes to darken with need.

On his next stroke in, Hope’s body surged against him and catapulted into an orgasm. Her channel seized around him, squeezing his cock within her. Stabilizing herself with a hand on his hip, Hope’s gaze ricocheted to Sam’s face. She swallowed the thank you that threatened to burst from her lips at the sight of his jaw, gritting to withstand her temptation.

He wants me! I’m the one he’s truly interested in!

“Come with me,” she invited, as he started to move again.

To her delight, Sam cupped his hands under both her bent knees and hauled her body upward. Draping her calves over his shoulders to rest on his back, he surged forward. His thrusts quickened and deepened as she allowed him complete control. Still, he watched her face and when one stroke of his cock was too much, he guarded against entering her too deeply.

Their bodies became coated with sweat and they slid against each other. Sam shifted to rest on his hands, pinning Hope below him. He thrust against the upper peak of her entrance to target her responsive clit.

With a keening cry, she felt her body explode again. This time, he quickened his thrusts until, with a roar, Sam pressed himself deep inside. Through the condom, she felt the surge of heat as he emptied himself into her tight channel.

Her hands slipped over him, trying to hold on. Sam’s masculine scent filled her nostrils. No cologne would ever smell so good. She lifted her lips to invite his and clung to his wide shoulders as he answered her plea with a hard kiss that thrilled her with his mastery. She was his and he was hers.

Long moments later when their heart rates and breathing had begun to settle, Sam slipped from her. Ridding himself of the condom, he wrapped an arm around Hope to cuddle her against him. The fierce military man pressed soft kisses to her skin, making her feel cherished and more loved than even her most committed relationship ever had.

“Damn, little girl. I’m glad I found you. I’m never letting you go,” he said, repeating his warning from before.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she promised as she closed her eyes in exhaustion. The steady thump of his heartbeat lulled her to sleep.