No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Seventeen

The standard ibuprofen was taken, and she had a snack while the guys looked at the instructions on the pamphlet from the IUD.

“You guys are sure hooked on pamphlets.” She finished her veggies and dip after they had expressed their dismay at how things had been done in the wrong order.

Argus smiled. Ambrose answered. “Most men say that women don’t come with instructions, and if they did, they wouldn’t read them. We are determined to gain any insight into you, and if it only comes in pamphlet form, we will read it.”

There was something that had happened during the doctor’s visit that was sending little curls of pleased lust through the links, and she could feel it in all three. “You guys are happy about something. What?”

Ambrose grinned. “We didn’t hurt you.”

She snorted. “With the amount of slick you have been inspiring, I would doubt that you could.”

Argus chuckled. “She couldn’t tell that we had been frolicking for nearly a day.”

“There were intervals.”

Dexter rumbled, “But you weren’t stretched out or swollen or anything.”

Olivia covered her face with her hands. “Right. Got the idea. Thank you. Armour-plated, latex vag. Got it.”

Dexter snorted. “Not hardly. You are all slick, soft satin, and tight, eager muscle.”

She thudded her forehead against the table.

Dexter murmured, “Shouldn’t I have been honest?”

Ambrose chuckled. “You described her very well. I would have gone with oiled velvet, but yeah, she clenches hard enough to grip a single finger, so no wonder she can milk a knot. The miracle is that she has space for a knot at all.”

Olivia got up abruptly and said, “Uh, I don’t need to be here for this discussion, do I?”

She headed out back to the brick patio, and the boys ran up to her. They had an enclosure at the house, but they knew how to open it.

She went to a lounge chair and had a seat, the boys on either side, their heads on her lap. She must have fallen asleep because a voice she didn’t know called her out of her nap.

“Well, well, where did they find you?”

She jolted awake and saw the man standing six feet away. He was living midnight, and his expression was admiring. He had a nice scent. Baked apples wafted toward her.

She looked at his black hair, blue-black skin, and dark amber eyes. “Hello.”

He smiled and walked toward her. “Ford Rathsmussen at your service, dear creature. Did I catch you before or after one of the cats mauled you?”

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

He crouched next to her, and he chuckled. “Which of the pride do I have to negotiate with for your body. I will only deter you for a few hours, days, weeks. Probably weeks. I am very generous with my lovers. You will be compensated for your time.”

She pulled on her links and swallowed. “Um, I am not interested.”

He leaned forward and was speaking when he realized, “Your scent tells... wait. Where is your scent?”

She sighed in relief when she heard the rustle of her guys behind her.

She got up and walked around the chair, straight to Argus’s arms.

Ford came toward Argus. “If she’s frigid, I can thaw her out for you.”

Ambrose snorted. “Not necessary. Our omega can withhold her scent.”

“If that is an omega, I am going to hang up my dancing shoes.”

Argus chuckled, and Olivia saw the question in his eyes. He kissed her and purred. She was ready in less than a minute, panting and rubbing against him.

Ford spoke while she was making out with her favourite mate. “Peaches? You find an omega, and she smells like peaches?”

She said, “When Dexter, Ambrose, and I get together, it is like a fucking bake sale.”

Ford paused. “Is she making a joke? She has a sense of humour? I had pinned her more for an inflatable doll.”

Olivia growled and started to turn to smack Ford when Argus pulled her back.

Argus held her with an arm under her breasts, and he licked at Ambrose’s mark before he tended his own.

“Bonded? I just meet the love of my life, and she is already bonded?” Ford chuckled. “How are you two dealing with that?”

Dexter joined them and kissed her softly, sliding a hand inside her robe to caress her hip, which nearly exposed her to the other omega. Ambrose wrapped himself around the other side. “She’s our bonded mate, and she is in heat, so do excuse us, neighbour.”

His eyes gleamed with excitement. “Wait. So, she’s a pride mate? Are you accepting pride applications? I have been looking for some boring men with a fun female to attach to. I come with four alphas of my own, none bonded.”

She frowned and didn’t know what kind of a joke he was making.

Ambrose had frozen in place. Dexter’s hand squeezed, and her body throbbed, and she whined, slowly moving her hips against Argus.

“We are heading inside. We’ll be in the nest.” He lifted her carefully and nuzzled her neck before nodding to Ford and carrying her inside.

Olivia held tight to him as he carried her up the steps and down to her nest at the end of the hall.

“Why was Ford here?”

“He was probably here to borrow some lube or liquor or both.”

She laughed. “Was that flirting? I am not really good at spotting it.”

“Yes, kitten. That was flirting; I thought there were elements of seriousness in it. He’s been looking for a female omega to partner up with, and I am delighted that you were bonded to us first. He has a powerful draw.”

She smiled as he set her down in her nest. “Does he? I didn’t notice, and what? Two omegas together? That would be non-stop screwing.”

He grunted as he untied her robe. “Yes, please.”

She chuckled. “You wouldn’t get anything done.”

He groaned. “But... it would be so nice to have you two to watch.”

She pinched him; it took a bit to find a piece of skin that wasn’t taut over muscle. “You haven’t even seen me through a heat yet.”

Argus leaned in and nuzzled her cheek. “How hard could it be?”

She sighed and let the rising heat bleed into their bond. “Let’s find out.”

His eyes went wide as she shared the full force of the burning in her blood, and he slipped her robe from her shoulders and pressed her back into the softness of her nest. When he slid into her, she started the countdown. She normally burned for three days, so she was curious to see what an actual free heat was like.

As he thrust into her, she wrapped herself around him, and her scent was freed. It was the beginning of a long three days.

Olivia was sitting in a large tub with her three exhausted alphas when she came back to herself. She murmured, “What did I miss?”

As she moved, flickers of memory started to rush back, as if her brain had ignored making memories to concentrate on drawing more out of them.

Argus kissed her neck. “You didn’t miss anything. We have a surveillance camera in your nest if you want to watch a replay.”

She blinked. “Why?”

“We didn’t think things would go this quickly, and we wanted to make sure you didn’t say you were happy here when you weren’t,” Ambrose murmured and reached for her.

She settled easily against him, and an ache in her backside reminded her of where he had spent a good portion of his time. “Where are we?”

Ambrose smiled. “My room. A large bed and bath were set up for the hope that we would grow into them one day.”

Dexter had his arm around Ambrose, and Olivia knew exactly when that had happened. Argus had been under her, Ambrose in her ass, and then, he grunted as Dexter worked inside him. The waves of pleasure that ran through all four of them had swirled in her, and she gave them back, so everyone was on the same level as the thrusting and rocking brought her to another fast orgasm.

Dexter was humming with happiness. He had lovers for the first time in his life, and his purr was tremendous when he eventually took her on his lap and rubbed his hands over her. “Are you all right? We are fucking flattened.”

She smiled and opened her thighs as he stroked his fingers against her bare sex. At some point, Ambrose had shaved her pussy, and then, things had moved along faster. Everything got a lot more slippery.

She glared at the oldest alpha of their group. “We are going to have a discussion of appropriate grooming suggestions and why doing that during a heat is not something I will be a fan of again. It will be a waxing appointment a few days before. I ended up with a bit of razor burn the first day.”

Ambrose frowned. “You didn’t say anything.”

“I was trying to lick my way down your happy trails; my mouth was busy.”

He grinned.

She was being assailed by memories of slick and filthy groping, laughter, groans, and more sex than she considered physically feasible. She was a little tender, but that was it. She really was made for it.

She pulled away from Dexter and ignored his sad sound. She moved back to Argus and wrapped herself around him, straddling his lap. He had always been careful with her, had made sure she was comfortable when the others pushed the limits, and his scent still made her feel at home.

“Aw, kitten. You’re sleepy?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Just a little rest, and I will be fine.”

She burrowed against him, and his arms wrapped tight around her, and she slept.

Olivia woke up sandwiched between Argus and Ambrose with Dexter’s hand on the curve of her hip, over his mark. She looked around the room, and they were in Ambrose’s room. He was the oldest, so it was the only thing that elevated him from the rest. She slid a leg out of the pile, and the arms holding her tightened. The deep purring started, and she dozed off again.

She stretched and rubbed her nose against Dexter’s chest. They were alone together, and she blinked sleepily. “Where did they go?”

“Argus had to put out some kind of emergency on a jobsite, and Ambrose is talking to a client while making lunch.”

She squirmed. “What day is it?”

He smiled. “Wednesday morning. You had three intense days and then one recovery day. You did good, Olivia. I’m exhausted.”

She felt the bone-deep satisfaction in her body. “So, do you want to get up and get dressed or slow sex?”

His hand was moving smoothly between her thighs, and he was purring like a maniac. She rolled him to his back, and his purr went up a notch. He grabbed a condom from a bowl next to the table, and she grinned. “Thanks. Do you want to help? I flunked that course at the centre.”

He laughed and opened the condom and rolled it down and over the expanding knot. She crawled over him and pressed him into her, sighing happily at the heat ever-so-slowly making room for itself inside her.

He clenched her thighs and shuddered. “Oh, babe, you are killing me.”

She continued her slow progress to take him in until her thighs rested on him. She looked down and grinned. “Huh. It went in.”

The veins in his neck were standing out, and he gripped her hips. “Oh, god. You feel...”

She braced a hand on his belly, and she squeezed around him, clenching hard.

His groan as his cock flexed inside her was adorable. She started a slow undulation to rock herself in place, stirring him inside her and driving herself higher, using the small range of motion that his locked knot allowed. She took Dexter’s fingers and pulled his fingertips to her clit. He caught on, and then, he started that deep motorcycle purr of his.

She continued the slow ride, and when she was panting over him, he reached up and cupped her right breast in his hand, squeezing her nipple with just enough pressure to send her over the edge. She screamed softly and kept moving her hips through the spasms until she slowed and collapsed over him, lying on his chest. His purr still rattled him inside her, and she clenched again. He groaned, and she felt him flex again.

A low whistle from the doorway got her to turn and look. Ford was standing there with a tray. “That was lovely... and now, I want pie.”

Olivia looked at him, and he settled on the bed as casually as if he owned the place. Dexter was still relaxed, so Ford’s visit must not be unexpected. She snorted mentally; he had a view of the doorway that she didn’t have access to. Dexter had seen him watching.

She leaned up on Dexter and looked at Ford. He checked out her breasts and belly and the position she was in that resembled doing the splits.

“Aww, pretty. You still stuck?” He raised his brows.

She nodded. “I am straddling a guy I have known less than a week when a new strange guy wanders in, and I am not diving for a robe, blanket, towel, or closet. What do you think?”

He grinned. “I will admit to timing my entrance. So, where did they find you?”

Olivia looked at Dexter, and he shrugged. “On my knees trying to claw my way into a soundproofed shed so I could scream my way through a heat. I am assuming they moved in after you?”

Ford picked up a piece of fruit and held it out to her. She took it obediently, and his eyes lit up. She noted that it was a peach, but she just shook her head and smiled. “So, you have been friends with the pride for a while?”

“I used Ambrose as an architect when I bought the lot next door. He designed my house. Then, he and Argus linked up on the job and moved in here. It has been torture having such gorgeous alphas next door, and when Dexter moved in, my heart broke. So much pretty, and they had no interest in me.”

He fed her some more fruit, and she leaned forward and gave Dexter half. His eyes gleamed. “Thanks, babe.”

She snorted.

“You are an interesting creature. You look soft all over, but when I look in your eyes, I see the keen intellect of an educated alpha.” He held out a strawberry, and she took it, then licked the juice from his fingertips. He shuddered. “That was mean.”

She grinned, and the strawberry appeared between her teeth, and she shared with Dexter again. He was fondling their bond mark. It had healed during her heat, and now, the contact created a warm hum in her body with his fingers over it.

Olivia cocked her head. “Why are you here?”

“Ah, two omegas in the same neighbourhood is unheard of. I thought it would be fun if we became friends. I have all kinds of events that I can bring you to. You would gain quite a following.”

She looked at Dexter. “Why would I want a following?”

He grinned. “Omegas crave attention.”

She shuddered. “Not really. I really just want to figure out an occupation and keep myself busy, then have cuddles and messy sex with the guys.”

Ford’s eyes lit up. “What kind of occupation? Porn?”

She blinked and leaned back. “No. I give it away; I don’t charge for it.”

Ford laughed.

Dexter sat up and wrapped his arms around her. “She’s written a memoir.”

Ford leaned in. “I know dozens of folks in publishing. They are deadly dull but are always looking for someone to have dinner with. Apparently, they like eating.”

She clapped a hand over Dexter’s mouth. “It was a memoir as an assist to therapy. It isn’t finished.”

Ford reached out and stroked her thigh. “Let me read it. I like reading stories about cute omegas and their coming of age.”

“Uh... that isn’t exactly the story.”

Dexter traced his tongue on her palm. She let his mouth go. “Yes, pet?”

He raised his brows. “Pet?”

“Scooter? Junior? You can pick a name if I can replace... babe.”

He chuckled. “My dearest, honey-dripping omega. Let him read it. I have his email. We can send it to him after we uncouple and Ambrose stops leaning in the doorway.”

She was appalled. “You are not calling me that.”

A silky touch caressed her cheek, and Ford was extremely close. He whined. “You smell good. Sooooo... good.”

Dexter snickered. “Your scent comes out when you are aroused or irritated.”

“Good god.”

Dexter’s knot let her go, and the rush of scent caused Ford’s eyes to roll back in his head, whimpering. “Oh, my god.”

His head was suddenly at the point of connection, and Olivia squawked as he started licking. Thinking that he wanted to get at Dexter, she separated them and moved back. Ford tackled her and buried his head between her thighs as he licked and sucked ferociously.

Confused, she looked at Ambrose and saw that he was surprised and amused. “Ford is impulsive, and he won’t go further, but despite him surrounding himself with male alphas, he prefers females. Are you uncomfortable?”

She blinked as his tongue swirled around her clit and his fingers entered her. “No, but this is kinda strange. The betas back home don’t do this a few minutes after meeting someone.”

She arched as the fingers hit that spot inside her, and she mewled, twisting her hips against his hand. His mouth sucked and nibbled; she felt the building in tension, the air filled with peaches and syrup. She panted, writhed, and locked her fingers in his dark hair as she started to shake. Ambrose kissed her softly. “It’s okay, precious. Let go.”

She wailed, and her control shattered. Ford continued to move his fingers inside her, but he licked around his fingers, gathering the slick against his tongue. She moaned and shuddered as he swirled his tongue around and around.

She had just calmed when she started climbing again. Green apples filled the air, and she squirmed. “Whoa. Wait. What’s going on?”

Ford looked up, his mouth shining. “Can I have more?”

She blinked. “Why?”

He whispered, “You taste so good. Please?”

She glanced at Ambrose and Dexter. They shrugged. She sighed. “Fine. But this is the last time. I want to take a shower.”

He chuckled. “That is possibly the least sexy invitation I have ever gotten, and yet, it’s the most irresistible.”

He dove back into her—or rather his—happy place. She sighed and panted lightly as he went on, but when Dexter and Ambrose decided to help, she was lost. They painted her nipples with fruit and sucked both breasts at the same time. Her marks were all stroked with slippery fingers and focused tongues. She moaned, whined, her hips moved violently, and her body took on that peach nectar scent. Ford was moaning, and she finally came with a silent arching of her back as every nerve was locked and on fire.

She clamped on Ford’s fingers, and he let out a low moan, and his scent splashed over her in a wave, which set her off again. She screamed and clenched so hard, he hissed, the waves of enjoyment sent her off, and she slowly came back to herself with a stunned Ford looking at her and Ambrose and Dexter stroking her hair and torso slowly, purring to calm her down.

She was panting, and Ford has his hand wrapped around her ankle. “I swear to god, if you try and put your dick in me right now, I am going to cut it off. As much as it seems like the best idea in the universe.”

Ambrose raised his brows. “Really?”

“Yeah, his scent hit me, and I went off again. I wanted nothing more than to just crawl over him and get him inside me.”

Ford whined. “Why didn’t you?”

She winced. “Wow. Not a good look for you. It is bad enough when I do it, but I am usually blacked out with lust.”

He gave her a wry look. “I came from just watching you the second time. That hasn’t happened in... well... ever.”

“Oh. Good. I am going to take that shower now. Which way was my room?” She was disoriented but needed to get away from Ford.

Dexter helped her off the bed and led her to her room, where the nest had been stripped, and the clean pillows were stacked and waiting. She wanted to fix her nest, but a shower was more important.

She told Dexter that she wanted to shower alone. She gave him a slow kiss and pushed him out. She climbed into the shower and fought the wave of shame that came over her. Tears fell hot and fast, and her throat swelled. What she had had with her alphas had been special for her, even if the memories were swelling and fading into her thoughts. Reacting like that to Ford filled her with humiliation.

* * * *

Ambrose picked up his phone. “Hey, Argus. What’s up?”

What the hell just happened?

He and the others were in the kitchen, and he paused, seeking the bond. It was placid.

“What’s going on, Argus?”

“She... fuck... I don’t even know what she’s feeling right now. Shame? Anger at herself. Disgust?

Ambrose frowned. “Ford asked to play, and we said she could.”

Argus growled. “Did she bring it up, or did he?

“He did. Why?”

She’s a people pleaser. She won’t say no to us. Ever. What you just told her was that you would let other people have her, and her opinion wasn’t required.

“But, everyone wants Ford.”

Yeah, and we all know that Olivia is everyone. That she has no self-control.” Argus growled. “I will be home in an hour. I want her dressed and being cuddled in the living room, but she needs to know that you aren’t going to start offering her to neighbours.”

Ambrose heard Dexter forcing the bathroom door. “Dexter went to get her.”

Good. Take care of our mate. She doesn’t know anything about social or sexual relationships. She is learning from us and...

“Got it. Get home when you can.” He hung up and touched the link again, and his knees shook. Her actions during her heat had been explained to her as normal and natural. Having a strange male omega go down on her while her mates watched wasn’t.

Ford raised his brows. “Something up?”

“Yeah, you need to leave. Olivia is having a crisis of conscience because she doesn’t know what happens after her heat.”

“Oh, come on. Everyone knows omegas have a nearly limitless capacity for sex.” He chuckled. “This also isn’t her first heat.”

Ambrose pinched the bridge of his nose. “Olivia isn’t most omegas.” He gave Ford a shortened version of Olivia’s history.

“She was told that her pride would be her mates, and no mention of outside partners was ever mentioned. Reacting to you feels like a betrayal to the pride.”

Ford nodded, chewing on a carrot. “I am not going to go.”


“Having me scuttle away will add to the shame. When she comes downstairs, let me hold her. If her attachment is linked to mating, I can help her with that. I can also explain a bit about being an omega that those stuck-up betas at the centre won’t have shared with her.”

“Argus will be pissed.”

“Argus has absolutely no interest in me if I am not in heat. You and Dexter are a little more flexible.”

Ambrose sighed. “Just because he doesn’t want to have sex with you doesn’t mean that Argus doesn’t like you. You just don’t stop flirting long enough to have a conversation. He’s really a chatty guy and has a lot of other interests. He would be a good friend if you put in the effort.”

Ford glanced upward. “You think he will let me after today?”

“Yeah, but I think I am going to have my ass handed to me.” He didn’t think it, he knew it, but he liked to pretend that there was a chance it wouldn’t happen.