No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Fifteen

Running out the time in Ambrose’s lap while he checked on her bite every twenty minutes or so went quickly. Argus was getting progressively more tense as they watched the romantic comedy, and Olivia wasn’t sure if it was the movie or the time.

She dozed in Ambrose’s arms, and Dexter was sitting on the floor, absently giving her a foot massage that made her arch back into Ambrose.

This was the second movie, and it was just wrapping up with the dorky beta hero pledging his allegiance to the deceptively sexy beta heroine as she turned down the fascinating alpha.

“Aw... that’s sweet.” She spoke in the silence.

Three pairs of eyes looked at her accusingly.


Argus murmured, “They made the alpha look like a bully.”

“With anger management issues,” Ambrose murmured.

“And bad fashion sense,” Dexter muttered. “Who wears a leather jacket to an office?”

She chuckled. “So, the alpha was unfairly depicted?”

They all agreed. Dexter grabbed the remote and queued up the next movie. Another romance based on an omega singer and her three alpha bodyguards.

Argus went to get some hot chocolate when there was a beep, and it was coming from the kitchen. There was a blur with black hair and golden skin. Ambrose pulled his arms back. “Your turn. Fair and square.”

There was a dark chuckle from Argus, and he sprinted up the stairs with her. Olivia clung to his neck, and she was surprised when he brought her to the nest again.

“My nest?”

He nuzzled her neck. “You relax more easily here, so it is the best place for the bonding.”

“Will you let Dexter know when to start his clock?”

Argus laughed. “He doesn’t need to wait; we just needed the first bond to lock in. You and Ambrose can each pull on and shore up the other. So, you can now accept other pride members.”

“You make me sound like a private club.”

“Oh, you are. Very exclusive.” He peeled his shirt off and unbuckled his belt, unsnapping his jeans. She watched in rapt fascination as panels of muscle were exposed, and she dug her fingertips into her palms. She groaned when he stood there in tight boxers and socks, then giggled when he flicked the socks at her. She batted them away, and he tackled her into the nest, holding her carefully and landing on his back.

She giggled and covered his chest with tiny kisses. His hands gathered the folds of her dress and hauled upward, pulling it off over her head. She was left in the miniscule lacey bits that Ambrose had picked out.

Her hair was everywhere, but she clawed it into order and grinned down at Argus. She looked at him and took in the sparkle in his eyes, the dark, thick waves in his hair, and the pulse in his throat. “Hiya, Argus.”

He smiled at her. “Hello, Olivia.”

She nuzzled his neck and murmured, “Have I thanked you properly for coming for me?”

“Oh, nothing I want to do to you is considered proper, kitten.”

She chuckled and licked his neck happily. He tasted like the best kind of calm, safe afternoon in the woods. The only place she had been safe.

She nibbled at him and felt her bra release and then slide free. She rubbed her breasts against his chest and rocked on his erection through the ridiculous barrier of her panties and the snug confinement of his briefs.

He groaned. “You learn quick, Olivia.”

She was panting. “I find you... inspiring.”

He chuckled. “Oh, honey, you make me dream of things I have never even imagined before. I certainly would never have cuddled with Ambrose before tonight.”

She smiled and closed her teeth over one of his nipples, tugging softly. “That was nice. I like having all of you close and breathing you in.”

He tugged at a lock of her hair. “Do you, Olivia?”

She nodded. “The scent is waking up and having breakfast in the woods. I was always safe in the woods.”

His arms closed around her, and he pulled her head to his, kissing her softly before rolling over and pressing her into the soft blankets and cushions. “You have a way of breaking my heart and filling it at the same time.”

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

He brushed his lips over hers and smiled. “It will become evident soon enough.”

It was the last bit of conversation as he took the lead on their encounter, and it felt like her blood caught fire.

She wanted to keep tasting him, loved the feel of his skin against her tongue. His scent got heavy around them, and hers was running riot. She rolled her hips against his, and he groaned, but then, he moved down her body until his lips were against the thin layer of lace, and he lapped at her with his tongue. He slid two fingers into her as his tongue dragged over her clit under the fabric.

She threaded her fingers through his hair, and she whined as her hips moved against his fingers and lips. Her body became one huge pulse, and she screamed as he slipped a third finger into her and thrust deep. She clenched on his fingers, and he chuckled.

He slowly stroked her through her climax and murmured soft words to her as she came down from the sudden spike.

When he withdrew his fingers, he licked them and sighed happily.

She blushed and reached for him, “More, please.”

He laughed. “So polite.”

He held the fingers that he had just had inside her to her lips. She licked, sucked, and slurped greedily. She heard him curse, and he grabbed her left wrist, returning the favour by mouthing and licking down her skin until he returned to a spot beneath her wrist and he bit. She moaned, and the link between them started forming. She felt more. There was just suddenly... more.

She purred softly, and he released her arm, licking at the mark that had pulled their consciousness together and made part of her echo at his frequency, or he changed to hers.

He purred heavily as he licked her wrist, and lust flickered through with something brighter and stronger. His mark would activate anytime someone grabbed her wrist. It was an alert system, and when he or her pride touched it, it would start her engine faster than cheap cocktails, or so she guessed. She didn’t actually drink.

She shivered and whimpered. “Can you come inside me now? I feel hollow. I ache.”

He paused and closed his eyes before opening them and leaning back to peel off his boxer briefs. Her underwear was dealt with by his claws, and then, he was leaning into her, and she was more than ready.

He pressed in, and she pressed back until his knot was nudging at her. He pulled out and slid back in on a slow stroke. Olivia sighed and fed him her satisfaction through the link. This is what she had missed. Argus. She wanted him to fuck her forever.

He pressed a kiss to her neck, her temple, and he licked at the inside of her wrist when she laid her hand on his shoulder. They rocked together easily, and she enjoyed the slow climb of pleasure until urgency crept in just before the peak. She tried to move faster, but he held her pinned and kept moving at his unhurried pace.

“Argus, faster.” She plucked at his shoulders and fed him her urgency.

He shook his head. “No.”

He continued his steady strokes, and she started to shake with every thrust and slide. She whined in frustration and heard and felt Ambrose come into the room. He moved in the nest and sat above her head, taking her arms and pulling them taut. Her balance was screwed, and she had no way to speed up the thrusts. Ambrose held her wrists in one hand, careful of the new bond mark. He reached down and stroked her breasts with the other, teasing and chafing her nipples. She moaned, and her body began vibrating faster until she shattered, and her body clenched down on Argus’s cock, but his knot was out of her grip.

“Oh, there we are, love. Just squeeze me a little more.”

She blinked and gasped, but when she reached some kind of benchmark that he had in mind, he thrust in and locked the knot into her. Her eyes went wide, and the breath rushed from her lungs. The long, low wail wasn’t a sound she had ever made before.

He chuckled. “Easy, kitten. Just a little experiment to set the bond.”

He took her left hand from Ambrose, and he turned it so that her bond mark was exposed. He began to tease them with the same dexterity and enthusiasm he had offered to her sex earlier. The first surge of slick coated his cock, and her eyes widened again as she realized what he was doing. He was using the bond mark as another erogenous zone.

He continued to simply mouth at the mark, and her breathing took up a whining hitch. His hips began to rock, and when she purred, he rutted in earnest, the short jerks of his knot against the band of muscle meant to hold him. He pounded against her, and the spiral of pleasure vectored sharply upward until she screamed and he roared.

The bond sent hot satisfaction between them, and she smiled weakly. “Well, that worked.”

He looked at her with a smirk. “It did indeed.”

She sent her attraction and admiration and the feeling she had in her chest when she saw him. His eyes went wide this time, and he smiled softly before kissing her with an aching gentleness. She felt an overwhelming warmth through her body, and more fluttering clasps squeezed his knot. It felt like an emotional hot bath. It was designed to comfort and relax.

Their lips and tongues continued to meet and part while they waited, and when he separated from her, they started over again with her on her side and Argus at her back.

Ambrose licked and sucked at her breasts while Argus lazily thrust.

When he locked inside her, she moaned low and shook around him, her teeth clenched on a groan as the sensation of having him locked to her taking up space in her perfect memories. He stroked her throat, licked Ambrose’s mark to send lightning through her, and traced his own mark with delicate fingers. His mark made her clench.

“Gods, Olivia, you are so fucking tight.”

His words made her clench again, and he groaned, spilling inside her. She whined because now the countdown to him leaving her started.

“Aw, are you sad because I came? You wanted to feel me inside you longer?”

She nodded.

Ambrose chuckled. “I think you will remain her favourite. I am good with that. As long as I can join you occasionally. I think her face would be sweet if you were in her pussy and I was in her ass.”

Olivia’s eyes widened, and Argus chuckled and groaned. “She enjoyed that idea.”

Ambrose smiled. “I know. It was like an electric lick through the bond.”

He and Argus chuckled. Olivia groaned and said, “Arrangements will have to be made in advance for that. The prep work would have to be set up.”

Ambrose kissed her softly. “Helping you get ready for that would be my honour.”

She shivered, and Argus grunted. “That is a weird honour.”

He grinned. “Anything to make it easier for her to give yourself to us with no reservations.”

She gasped. “Sounds like a title for my book.”

They both froze. “Book?”

She paused and blushed. “The centre had me work on writing as part of my therapy. So, I already have enough for a book. Margot suggested that I continue with my first few weeks with you guys, just to wrap things up and give the readers a conclusion.”

Ambrose asked, “Can we read it?”

Argus kissed her shoulder. “Me too.”

She shrugged. “You know all of it. Well, the broad strokes.”

Argus placed his hands low on her belly. “I like broad strokes, but I wouldn’t mind knowing details.”

She sighed. “You are going to get mad.”

“Probably, but your past is part of you, and while it doesn’t have any bearing on how I feel, I would like to be warned in case it rises again.”

Dexter spoke from the corner of the nest. “I agree. Are you going to publish it?”

“Uh, doesn’t that involve a long process of submissions and stuff?”

Ambrose grinned. “Not if you cheat. I designed a lake house this summer for the owner of a publishing house. I am pretty sure that she would take a look at it.”

“I don’t want to cheat.” She frowned. “Is that cheating?”

Dexter chuckled. “It is being escorted to the front of the line. If the book isn’t good or doesn’t have a marketable hook, it won’t sell.”

Argus licked her ear. “Dexter’s older sisters are in publishing. One is an editor, and one designs cover art in-house. He’s the baby.”

“Oh. Ohhh.” She shuddered as their bodies slowly unlocked. Argus massaged her belly, and a rush of slick and cum followed his cock out of her.

A deep whimper left her chest. Argus kissed and licked her wrist, and her body relaxed against him again.

He murmured softly, “Dexter.”

Their fourth moved in, naked and aroused but careful. Ambrose moved aside, and Dexter slid in front of her, smiling. “You consent to the mark?”

She grinned, and Ambrose winced, and she felt Argus tense. They hadn’t gotten formal consent. It was implied consent and begging all the way.

“I consent to the mark, Dexter.

He lunged at her, licking and sucking at her mouth, and the kiss got progressively more dangerous as time went on. His hands gripped her waist and pressed her against him, rolling his hips to hers.

His affinity with Hector was marked in a few ways. He was also larger than standard, and he desperately wanted a mate.

It was excellent because she desperately wanted a Dexter.