No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Sixteen

She slid her thigh up to his hip, and the desperate eating kisses continued. Olivia was sure that having an orgasm from kissing was just something that women started dreaming about when sex hit their radar, but she was fucking close.

She rocked against him, seeking friction, but he kept his hands on her waist and didn’t move into her as he drove her insane with the slip and slide of his tongue against hers. His purr was heavy, and he slid his thigh against her sex. She opened her eyes wide and clutched at his shoulders as her clit enjoyed the deep vibration he was providing her with.

She shrieked into his mouth and dug her nails into his shoulders as her control snapped and her orgasm hit. It felt like a punch to the abdomen followed by a hard squeeze, and she whimpered.

He lifted his head and looked to Argus and Ambrose. “That is... she’s...”

She looked at Dexter and held her control. “If you want to mark me, I hate to rush you, but time is definitely a factor. I haven’t ever... been free during a heat. It’s coming on pretty quick.”

He moved down her body, licking and sucking at her breasts before nuzzling the curve of her hip where he liked to rest his hand. He nuzzled, licked, sucked, and then bit. She moaned and twisted, but he caught her hands and stroked her thigh. When he raised his head, he murmured, “Easy, babe. Can you feel it?”

She closed her eyes, and the shimmering line of emotion and curiosity was stretched between them. She moaned, and he kept licking at her while he slid his fingers inside and curved them; this was a test; she could feel it. He moved carefully, and when she jerked, he slid his fingers rapidly over the raised area inside.

She went from a moan to a yelp to a silent scream while looking into Dexter’s eyes. He kept a hand over their mark, and the heat that pulsed rhythmically through it was an added sensation. Her eyes went blind as she looked at him, and pleasure pulled through their link and lashed through him.

He shuddered, and she felt the sticky spurt on her belly, so she reached down and squeezed his knot, causing a deep grunt, and his hips jerked against her hand, his cock fought her grip, and his knot resisted, but the clasp was what he needed to drain the pressure.

She stroked a few fingers across her belly and licked them slowly. The scent was pumpkin spice, and the taste was Dexter.

Dexter shuddered and pressed his forehead to hers. “I didn’t know you could do that through the bond.”

Ambrose blinked. “What did she do?”

Dexter’s features lit up. “Just for me? Aw, babe.”

Olivia grinned. “It was a test for me, too, and since you weren’t going to be inside me, I thought that sharing the pleasure was the best bet. It worked.”

He grinned and bent to tend to the bite. His tongue was extra raspy, which made her skin super sensitive.

Argus bent her back and kissed her softly. “What did you do?”

“I fed him my pleasure through the bond while keeping the light connection between you and Ambrose. I look forward to sharing with you during my heat, but then, I won’t have a choice. I wanted to test the choice because it was my last chance to make that experiment of my own free will. When I share with all three, I might lose that individual touch if I didn’t practice it.”

Argus grinned. “You are very clever. You are close?”

“Unfortunately. I think mating with all three of you has kind of set it off.”

Ambrose was moving around, and he went to check on her. “Uh, Olivia, did you have an abdominal spasm and then a surge of slick?”

“Yeah. Why?”

He reached down and held a small piece of plastic on thin cables. She blinked in horror. “Oh, nonononono. Not now.”

Ambrose stroked her thigh. “Don’t worry. It can be replaced.”

Dexter blinked. “What is it?”

Olivia was pale. “My birth control. The Omega Centre wanted me to have a controlled heat before I tried to get pregnant.”

Dexter frowned. “We can get condoms.”

She swallowed. “That won’t do much with the cum that’s still inside me looking for an egg. There is no way to undo that.”

Argus held her tight. “We all want kids, Olivia.”

She looked at him. “But, I just became me? I don’t know if I want to be a mom yet.”

Ambrose stroked her thigh, her IUD in his fist. “You have a lifetime to change who and what you are, but you will always be ours.”

The calm that was washing through her was thick and warm. It was also heavy and taking her under. “Guys. Guys. Knock it off.”

The calm eased up, but it was replaced by concern and at least one trill of excitement. Olivia glared at Ambrose, who was trying to play it calm. “So, DNA testing determines who the father is? Do you even have room here to start a family? Space seems pretty allocated.”

Ambrose grinned. “I can totally put on an addition. I have one drawn up already and have tentative planning permission.”

Argus murmured, “We could buy Ford’s place. It is really huge and adjoins the rescue.”

Olivia sighed. “Can’t we just call the Omega Centre and see if there is a doc around that can implant a new one? They aren’t exactly uncommon.”

Dexter sat up. “They can do that?”

She leaned back against Argus. “Yeah. The one that came out should have made me inhospitable for a while yet. Sorry for the initial panic, but I have myself under control now.”

Ambrose frowned. “I’ll make the call. I’ll be right back.” Naked and unconcerned, he left her nest.

Argus stroked her belly. “Did it hurt?”

“No more than normal heat cramps and far less than what I used to go through, so... yes?”

Dexter scowled. “It hurts when you go into heat?”

Olivia took his hand and wove her fingers with his. “Everything stretches, fills with slick, prepares for a marathon. It is a deep ache, but my body starts it suddenly. It is like two hundred sit-ups in under a minute on a full stomach.”

Dexter winced. “I am sorry.”

“Don’t be. With all of that going on, the ovaries launch and the uterus preps for visitors.”

Argus chuckled. “You would have been fun to share a desk with in health class.”

Dexter leaned down and licked at her mark. She twisted, and her breath shuddered out of her in a rush.

She squirmed against him, and she wanted nothing more than to wrap her thighs around him and ride him until he roared.

Olivia looked at him and Argus and blinked. “Uh-oh.”

She fed them some of her heat, and they both stared at her. She passed it along to Ambrose, and she heard a thud and then, “Damnit!”

She chuckled. “So, that works.”

Argus murmured, “Are you playing with us?”

“No, just trying to find the remote control to the bonds before things get weird. Hot. But weird.”

Dexter opened and closed his mouth. “What... what was that?”

Olivia smiled. “That was a teeny, tiny portion of what you are going to be feeling in the next six to twelve hours, and you will be feeling it for three to six days. Your nerves will be on fire, your skin will take every touch as pleasure, and if you rub up against one of the other guys, it is going to be nearly as hot as touching me. You are going to want to get inside me every moment that my body is calling yours, and it is going to call constantly.”

She looked at him with narrowed eyes. “You guys are going to fuck me until I pass out, and as soon as I wake up, you are going to start again. I won’t eat, I will barely drink, and when it’s over, I am going to need some alone time, or I might want to just crawl into a pile of my mates and sleep there. I have no idea. I just have gone over forty-three recorded descriptions of heats by different omegas, and this is the average I have figured out.”

Dexter grinned. “I know; I just like hearing you say it. Best. Weekend. Ever.”

Argus murmured, “And part of the week. You might want to warn your parents. They tend to fuss.”

Dexter groaned. “This is not a call I thought I would have to make. Hey, Mom and Dad, you know that nice lady you just met? I have to fuck her until her heat’s over. Don’t worry, I will be screwing around with our other bond mates at the same time. What? Oh yeah, I will see if they can all make a family dinner next week.”

Argus leaned in as Dexter got to his feet. “He likes to rehearse.”

Dexter flipped him off and left the room.

Olivia sighed. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. They warned us two days ago that it was imminent. The only unexpected part was the birth control failure, and considering the circumstances under which it was inserted, I am not surprised it crawled loose.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Neither am I. I hope Ambrose has some luck.”

Ambrose walked in and headed to her closet. He walked out with some fabric over one arm. He was wearing a long, heavy silk robe.

“You know, for an omega in heat, they have someone who makes house calls. She’s on her way.” Ambrose smiled. “Get up, precious. We have twenty minutes, and we may want to take care of that other matter since it is going to be a long weekend. Dexter is ordering groceries. Argus has to let his family know as well, though their pack will be highly amused that he ended up with an omega, a bond, and a heat in the same twenty-four hours.”

She extended her hand to Ambrose, and he took her wrist. She collapsed as her body reacted to the grip on her mark. Argus hissed. “Easy, Ambrose.”

“Oh, sorry, man.” He picked Olivia up and set her on her feet. He tucked her into her robe and escorted her dazed self to the restroom. “Come on, Olivia, before you want to slap the hell out of me.”

* * * *

Argus was still laughing twenty-five minutes later when Ambrose’s cheek was still glowing slightly. It seemed that the lust-haze had worn off mid-prep, and Ambrose had said the wrong thing.

Olivia was sitting on the edge of the kitchen island—grumpy—and the doctor was going through all of the pros and cons of the IUD placement.

“Given the failure, I would recommend a pregnancy test in a few weeks, just to be sure. Are you sure that you want to use this? Your mates could use condoms.”

Argus nodded. “We will, but we would like a backup.”

Dr. Ursel smiled. “Good. Sensible. I wish more alphas would think like that. Most are in a breeding frenzy. How long have you been together?”

Argus smiled. “Less than a day, but we have been pledged for five weeks. She also had medical complications during her last heat, so they asked us to make sure that she could have an uncomplicated one.”

Dr. Ursel frowned. “Let me make a call.”

The doctor left for a moment, and Olivia made a face, glaring at Ambrose. “The kitchen island?”

He grinned. “If you want me to set up an exam table with stirrups, I can have one here in an hour.”

She paled. “No, that’s fine.”

He leaned in. “That’s fine...”

She glared at him. “That’s fine, sir.”

He chuckled and kissed her slowly, she caressed his jaw, and when he leaned back, she tapped his cheek. His grin was unrepentant.

Argus asked, “So, what do you think Dr. Ursel is doing?”

Olivia sighed. “Getting my medical history or the salient points.” She looked at him. “If the doc comes back grey, she got the details.”

They were all in their robes, and Olivia was wearing light silk that Ambrose had picked out for her. Argus had thought that having pride robes with their favourite beasts painted on them was ridiculous, but he was happy for the option to get down to skin the moment the doctor was gone. He looked at the robe Olivia was wearing, the fabric outlining her tight nipples. She needed a matching robe, but he couldn’t figure out what her cat would be if she even had one.

Dexter returned with the groceries, and he put them away, keeping a stack of sports drinks aside. Argus asked, “Dexter, if you looked at Olivia and had to figure out her big cat, what would it be?”

Dexter grinned. “Easy.”

He walked over and whispered it in Argus’s ear, and he shouted with laughter. It was pretty dead on. Argus said softly, “Let Ambrose know.”

Dexter walked over to Ambrose, and after a short glance at Olivia, he went and grabbed his phone. The artist was about to get an email.

Olivia took the opportunity to ease to the edge of the counter in preparation to jump down, but Argus stopped her and said, “Just a few more minutes, kitten.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I want you inside me now.” She stroked his chest in the vee of his robe and pulled at the fabric, yanking him to her.

Argus was surprised by the aggression, but his omega had a need, and he was duty-bound to fulfill it. He tried to soften her heat with gentle kisses, but if he didn’t mistake himself, she was spelling his name against his lips with her tongue. “Oh, fuck, kitten.”

A feminine throat cleared. “Olivia, I understand the need for this device, even as a temporary measure. Argus, was it? Please stand aside. Oh, you might want to hold her hand. This is not comfortable.”

Olivia sighed and lay on her back, pulling her feet up and tucking her heels next to her hips. He had never seen her from that particular angle, and it was perilously close to presenting to her alphas. The doctor took a look and sighed in relief. “Well, at least you haven’t been at her yet.”

Argus and the others looked at each other, “Uh, doctor, we have been at her for the last twenty hours. What are you seeing that we aren’t?”

The doctor set to work, and Dexter went to hold her hand. The doctor spoke conversationally. “You are feline alphas, and your knot has a ridge of small abrasive spurs, right?”

They all agreed.

“Well, Olivia hasn’t any of the signs of abrasion or inflammation that I normally see after a woman has entertained one of your sub-designation. Felines don’t easily breed for that reason. It is hard to get repeat matings.” She finished what she was doing and withdrew her tools, putting them in a bag.

Olivia was breathing heavily, and Dexter was stroking her forehead.

“The pain and cramping will subside in a few minutes, possibly an hour. If there is excessive bleeding, call me. If you dislodge it again, call me, but you might want to consider just taking your chances if chemical contraception won’t hold, risking the ten percent chance of conception during your heat might be a suitable alternative.”

Argus was shocked. “You are telling her to just roll the dice?”

“More or less. She’s an omega; they were born to breed with alphas. You are alphas, and you have found an omega who can tolerate your particular mutation. Enjoy it. My granddaughter has been fighting her designation and has found nothing but misery. Olivia has a terrifying back story, but she has the men she wants.”

Argus grunted. “Are you sure about that?”

Dr. Ursel took out a set of scissors, and she was about to cut the strings when Olivia muttered, “Cut them as short as possible and roll them up, Doc. I am pretty sure that the last one got... uh... snagged on someone.”

The doctor paused. “Right. The barbs. Excellent logic, Olivia.” The strings were clipped and rolled up before she tucked them inside.

Dexter helped their mate sit up, and she winced and got her robe back into concealing lines.

She gave Argus a smile. “Well, that dumped some ice water on my hormones.”

He rubbed his cheek against hers and purred. He looked to Dexter and Ambrose. “Group hug.”

Argus held Olivia in his arms, and Dexter and Ambrose came in. They started to purr, and Olivia looked up at him. “Oh. You bastards.”

He grinned, and their purrs got deeper and rougher. Dexter slid a hand to cup her groin, and she shrieked, and her knees gave way.

The doctor was looking at them as they chuckled and parted, leaving Argus holding their throbbing mate.

Dr. Ursel looked at them and nodded. “Wow. That is the first time I have seen that move. I can feel your purr at the back of my throat from several feet away.”

Olivia mumbled, “My throat is not where I am feeling it.”

Argus chuckled. “Give us time, kitten.”

She bit his chest lightly and looked at him, a slight grey ring around wide, dilated pupils. “Time is something that just ran out.”