No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Six

Every time someone tried to take the cards she carefully kept in the sealed bag, she hissed. It was her precious tie to her alphas, and she wasn’t parting with it. A relieved Margot came into her apartment on Monday afternoon with a huge box. “Here. Presents from your pride. Keep them in the room, so you don’t set off any other omegas; they have also included some snacks for you and toys.”

She perked up. Toys? Olly scrambled for the box, her shorts loose, and she opened the box that had been tacked shut again.

“Why did they send me stuff?”

“Because if you are going feral over old scent cards, you need your alphas to keep calm. So, since you can’t have them, you can have their scent. This is quite the variety.”

“Ohmygod. The boys!” She pulled out two jaguar stuffed toys that smelled like the boys.

Margot watched and chuckled as she discovered a box of lollipops, a case of spicy jerky, and hot pepperoni, bags that had fabric in them, and her fingers shook as she let a tiny bit of air out, and she smiled. “Dexter.” The next bag, “Ambrose.” The third bag she inhaled deeply as the calming cool wind washed through her. “Argus.” Her purr was thick and heavy.

Margot stared at her. “That is impressive for someone who couldn’t do it three days ago.”

Olly beamed at the bag full of boxer briefs, and she looked at Margot. “I will save those for later.”

“Thanks for that.”

She blinked at the box of graduated sex toys. “Oh. Right. I should be working on capacity.”

Margot shook her head. “You are an odd thing. We also have toys here for you.”

“Yeah, but I am starting at pencil and trying to work up to garlic sausage, so I need to get to work.”

“Keep looking in the box. There’s more.”

She grinned and found underwear that was pretty and lacy and, shockingly, in her size. “Wow. They must have really looked.”

The object at the bottom, nearly as large as her hand, was sitting, waiting, and had a slow blinking light.

“Is that a...”

“It’s a phone, Olly. All yours. You can use it for data, texting, or even talking to your guys. If you want to video chat, you can do that, too, but I would wait until you are a little further along in that dildo collection for that because we don’t want those guys on our doorstep in rut.”

Olly looked at her and asked, “How does it work?”

Margot sat next to her at the table and explained how to use the phone, how to dial, how to hang up, how to do hands-free. Video chatting. They practised it all, and then, Margot showed her how to view her contacts and make calls to the three pre-programmed people in the phone.

She had spent the morning and most of the afternoon with medical and taking baseline tests on her education. If she was good enough, they would let her get her GED that week. Then, she needed things like driver’s training and testing. She drove vehicles around the farm all day, but she didn’t have a license.

Her penchant for reading would probably let her pass high school equivalence, but she didn’t want to go to her pride at a standardized disadvantage. She didn’t know what their occupations were; she did know that she wasn’t suited to one without the degrees and categories that she needed. She was trying to catch up to ten years of deprivation in one month. It was a good thing they had sent her the scent packs; they would help her concentrate or, at least, make her feel secure.

It was the first thing they taught an omega. Your alpha would make you feel calmer with scent alone. She had three, so that meant if one was injured or dead, it was unlikely that the shock would kill her. Well, she didn’t have three yet, but she wanted to. The high whine surprised her.

Margot looked at her and smiled. “Well, it seems that your instincts are intact. Are you going to eat in the general area today?”

She shook her head. “No, I want to... hey, if I want to send them something. Can you forward it to them?”

Margot nodded. “I can. Do we need a scent-locking bag?”

Olly pursed her lips. “I would really recommend it. It isn’t for the faint of heart. Three small bags and one large... to keep it in.”

“Fine. Courier?”

“Yes, please. I want to thank them properly for the gift.”

Margot laughed and ruffled her hair. “I doubt there will be anything proper about it.”

“And I will send down for an extra sheet and a set of scissors. I have an arts and crafts project in mind.”

“Right. I will let you go and make some calls.”

“I am gonna flip the lock, just in case.”

Margot laughed. “Thank you, but don’t forget dinner. Even in heat, you still need to eat.”

Olly chuckled. “You rhymed.”

“Right. Go make those calls. I am sure they know we have received the package by now.”

Olly walked behind her and closed the door, locking the deadbolt before she dove to the box of toys and lay back on the bed to try the smallest. She blinked. Oh, that was easy.

She bit her lip and skipped to the third size out of ten. This one nudged at her as she slid it inside. Still no pain. She could grip it though, that felt fun.

She skipped to number six and lay back with her feet on the mattress and her thighs wide as she slid it in. She moaned at the feeling of being filled and slid the faux shaft in and out of her to places that hadn’t been touched before. Something hot and urgent started in her, and she blindly pressed the phone to call one of the guys.

A low, smooth voice answered, “Hello, precious. You got our present?”

She gasped and whispered, “Yes, it’s very nice; thank you, Ambrose.”

His voice had a hint of tension. “Precious, are you using one of them now?”

“Um, yes?” She gasped and moaned. “Sorry.”

His voice changed tone. “Which one are you on, Precious?”

“Um, six is a good starter.”

He cursed, and there were groans in the background. “Is it inside you now, precious?”

“Yes.” Her voice was breathy. Her slow movements were increasing that itch of urgency in her body.

“Aw, honey, are you sliding it in and out really slow?”

“Uh-huh.” She kept the deliberate motion up, but it was getting harder.

“What are you feeling?”

“Hot, itchy pressure under my skin. It wants me to go faster, but I want to make it last. First times shouldn’t be rushed.”

“Oh, god, precious. You are so right there. Do you know how to put the phone on speaker?”

“Uh-huh. Margot thought I would need to.”

“Ohhh, she’s a smart lady. Can you reach one of our scent packs? The one with the boxers in it?”

She flailed around and found it. “I have it.”

“I want you to stop using number six and to take number eight and tease your opening with it. Let me know if you can do that for us.”

“Us?” She pulled the toy out and whimpered.

“Us. We are all here with you, precious.”

Argus growled, “We are with you, kitten.”

Dexter growled. “Just waiting on you to be ready, kitten.”

She blindly grabbed for the box, and her hand came out with a thicker, longer specimen.

Olly circled her opening with the wide head, and she clutched the bag of scent. “Okay, I am ready.”

Ambrose murmured, “Good girl, precious. Now, open the bag, inhale and go as fast or slow as you want. We will be here until you finish and tell us you are okay.”

She nodded and opened the bag, inhaling deeply, and she felt a roar of slick leave her. She lifted the toy and used it on herself, sliding it in and groaning as it pushed at her opening, the walls, and deep inside.

Argus murmured, “Fuck yourself, kitten.”

She moved the toy faster and faster. The width stretched her, and she felt her clit swell, so she patted it to calm it, and her scream went on and on until she fell back to her bed, the toy still inside her.

She panted, whimpered, stopped seeing stars behind her eyes, and took stock of the items around her. She was sweaty, her thighs were coated in slick, there was a wonderful ache deep inside, and the box of toys looked wrong. “Uh-oh.”

Ambrose was there in an instant. “What is it, Olivia? Did you tear?”

“No. I grabbed the wrong toy.”

He exhaled in relief. “You can work up to ten; it isn’t a problem.”

There was an amused tone to Argus’s voice. “Which one did you grab?”

“Uh... ten?” She licked her lips. “It is a really good fit and feels so nice. Thanks for the present.”

She listened to their low voices and groans, as well as the sound of skin on skin. “If you guys are jerking off to me, let me know.”

Dexter chuckled. “Just finishing up. We were with you all the way, and now, we are rock-paper-scissoring for cleanup. It’s a cum-splattered mess in here.”

She groaned, and her hip rolled.

Ambrose said, “Precious, is it still inside you?”

“Yeah. It feels good.”

He chuckled. “Glad to hear it. Can you touch around where it is inside you and feel how deep it is?”

She blinked. “Oh, you want to know if the knot is in.”

“Yes, baby.”

“Oh, yeah. I am right up to the hand grip.”

A chorus of groans.

“Precious, it doesn’t hurt?”

“No, there is an ache, but it’s nice. After I hang up with you, I will try it again. I haven’t figured out what the clit does, but patting it seems to work.”

“We will help you with that when you are with us, precious. Now, start to fuck yourself again and tell us what your favourite foods are.”

She moaned as her hand started to move the toy and her body provide the slick. “Anything I don’t have to cook myself. Next question.”

She moved her phone to her belly, so she could speak more easily, and while bending forward, she grazed her nipple with one hand; she bent her head and licked at the nipple, holding her breast and continuing to move the toy as her hips rolled with it.

“Precious, what is that wet sound?”

“Um, I am licking?”


“My nipples? I can just reach them. It feels super nice.”

He groaned, and the others were with him. “We are not going to let you out of bed until we are all exhausted and sticky, and even then, we may crawl back in.”

“Aw... that is weeks away. I don’t want to be alone when I cum. Can I call you guys if I need to do what I am doing now?”

“Masturbate?” Dexter supplied helpfully.

“If it isn’t an evening, Dexter has the most flexible schedule. He can talk you through it. After five, we are all yours.”

She chuckled the moaned. “What about mornings between five and seven?”

Ambrose chuckled. “I have got you there, precious.”

Argus sighed. “I will just have to settle for waiting for you, kitten, and listening to you.”

She let out a throaty moan. “Fine. I will reserve video chatting for Argus.”

He let out a hoot of triumph. “I will definitely take that, kitten. Just you and me, and when we’re both exhausted, the boys can come and say hi in the chat.”

Ambrose growled. “You meant the guys, right?”

She laughed and got the scent bag. “He meant the boys. They came for me first.”

She opened the bag fully and was surrounded by the scent of all three of them, and this wasn’t a casual scent; this was sweat, cum, and the musk from their cock. She moaned, thrashed the cock inside her, and whined for contact with another being. She held one of the stuffed jaguars, and she was in a frenzy of licking, moaning, and thrashing before she let out a keening cry, and she dropped to the mattress, landing on the folded sheet she had created for that very day.

“I think that was a good start. If I go off again, I won’t bother you.”

Ambrose’s voice was steel. “You will call us, precious. No matter what time, day or night. It will be our pleasure to be with you.”

She looked down and blinked. “Oh, I got stuffy Romulus all sweaty.”

Argus asked, “You needed something to touch?”


“Hug the stuffing out of them. They are there because we can’t be.”

She was suddenly shy as she pulled the toy out. There were some flecks of blood around the knot, but she had been using it aggressively, so it was unsurprising.

“What do you see, precious?”

“I got a little overly enthused with the knot, and there is a bit of blood.”

“Does it hurt?”

“No, just a deep ache that makes me want to do it again. Heats are frustrating.” She chucked low in her throat. “Maybe you guys can be around for the next one.”

They chuckled. “Oh, kitten, if you think we aren’t going to be there, you had better get your head examined.”

She grinned. “Are you calling me crazy?”

Dexter smiled. “He is calling you ours. Have a good evening, Olivia. I hope we get a call later tonight.”

Ambrose sighed. “Keep to eight or lower. Now that you have gotten all worked up, you are a little swollen, and it will feel tighter.”

“Yes, sir.”

He chuckled. “You have delightful instincts. Good night, Olivia.”

She blinked and was going to have to look that up later. He responded to the word sir. She was rather glad that he was there, and she was here.

“Good night, Olivia.” His tone was stern.

She whispered. “Good night, Ambrose, Dexter, Argus.”

They murmured a final good night, and the call was over.

Olivia groaned and slumped back to the bed. As tests of her recovering biology, it had been wildly successful. It had gotten her in touch with her pride, and they wanted to touch her, so the deep ache from lack of contact would be satisfied. She just had to catch up with her education, go to therapy, and pretend to be normal. She could do that. Well, she could if she figured out what normal was. There didn’t seem to actually be a linear path to what folks considered acceptable. She was currently humping a piece of silicone, and folks considered it normal, so it was obviously a sliding scale.

She bit her lip and inhaled the scent of them mixed with the scent of her. That stimulation was one-sided, and she had a plan to change that.

* * * *

Three days and eight sex-filled calls later, Ambrose went to the door of his office, and his assistant handed him a box. The faint scent of peaches clung to the box, and he smiled slowly at the return address of the Omega Centre.

He called Argus, and the sound of a worksite was in the background. “Hey, Argus, what time will you be home tonight?”

“Normal day, should be home around five. Why?”

“We just got a parcel from the Omega Centre. It smells like peaches.”

He groaned. “What time is it?”


“You sick bastard.”

“Didn’t want you to make other plans.” Ambrose chuckled.

“Fine. I will be home promptly. Are you going to torture Dexter next?”

“Of course. His parents are already confused by him working peaches into every design he does. They will be relieved to find that it is a woman and not your pert butt.”

Argus laughed. “Probably. Have fun, Ambrose.”

Ambrose called, and Dexter picked up. He sounded frazzled, and Ambrose grinned. “Are you going to be home by five?”

“Yeah, of course. Why?”

“We got a parcel from the Omega Centre. It smells like peaches.”

“You fucking bastard.”

“Did you want me to wait to tell you?”

“No. Damn. This is not going to make my parents happy.”

Ambrose snickered. “They built the company around your designs, so this year, the theme will be peaches. When they meet Olly, they will understand.”

“They will be so relieved. I have been jumping for the phone so much lately, I think they think it’s one of you.” Dexter chuckled. “They still want me to find a nice beta and settle down. I haven’t told them about Olly yet.”

“When she’s with us, it will make more sense.” Ambrose chuckled.

Dexter’s tone was tortured. “When will that be?”

“She’s going as fast as she can... for us. You know that. She is going to need a lot more therapy, and we will need to help her continue her education in any direction she wants to take it. She missed out on a lot of options.”

Dexter sighed. “I know. I have been designing items for her all day. My parents are in despair, and I can’t say shit until she’s with us.”

“Yeah, but if the box contains what I think it does, it will make it harder and easier at the same time.” Ambrose chuckled. “See you tonight.”

“Fucking hell. Yeah. See you tonight.”

Ambrose hung up. So, their little kitten liked to play. It was good to know. She also defaulted to calling him sir when they were on private calls, and that was encouraging. He suspected that she had been doing some research, but it was something he wanted to ask in person. He wanted to watch her eyes get wide, and her thighs clench together.

It was going to be so much fun having her around. He wondered what she wanted to take up as a hobby when they were done spending every waking moment between her thighs, rutting deep.

He shook himself and put the parcel near his jacket. He now had to get back to the home he was working on and maybe put some more peach trees to the side. He snorted as he worked, their little omega was sending shockwaves through their lives, but until they had her with them, things were uncertain. He wanted that certainty, and they wanted Olivia.