Illicit Proposition by Piper Stone

Chapter 15



I stood outside the nondescript building, gazing up at the bright sun. A new day had unfolded, one that would alter the course of not only my life but that of so many in Spain. My army was in full force, prepared to protect the new empire. They’d learned what was expected of them, provided guidance as well as rules that they would follow or face the consequences. Luis was in full control, my Capo more than prepared to handle his duties. For that he would be well paid.

The entire staff at the estate had been given raises, long overdue. At least Samuel had followed through with my demands, prepared to walk away. While I remained angry with him, I knew he’d attempted to do what he could to keep the estate out of Perez’s hands.

I also knew he’d learned about Diego’s betrayal on some level. His refusal to admit to me what he suspected was just another reason I could no longer trust him. I’d studied the crest for almost an hour before putting it in a special cloth, securing it in one of the safes. It would always mean something to me, but in truth, the crest was just a symbol of our family’s strength and determination.

I would continue the legacy my ancestors had started, only I would do so with even more generosity than my father had displayed. I smiled at the thought before walking into the building’s entrance. This was a historic day. The meeting of the Dons. We would form a new alliance, preparing to move into the future. There would be peace as well as prosperity.

Even though we all had lines that could never be crossed, we also were determined to continue with the respect that had begun two decades before.

Before Perez had gotten greedy.

There was still no sign of Emilio, but I knew it was only a matter of time. For now, four soldiers would remain at the house at all times. When the time was right, I’d hunt Emilio down like the treacherous animal he was.

Until then, I had business to attend to.

I also had other issues to contend with. The thought brought a growl slipping to the surface. On one hand my life was shifting to where it should have been years before.

On the other…

I didn’t want to think about it at this point. The weakness wasn’t something that could be displayed in front of the powerful Dons. They prided themselves on their strength of character as well as mind.

After walking off the elevator, I buttoned my jacket, pressing my hand against the weapon I’d secured in a holster. Then I walked toward the set of double glass doors. The office was the location where we’d handle our combined business, the decision to meet quarterly one I approved of.

The thought of having certain joint ventures was creative in nature, a method to continue keeping the peace. We would see how effective the contract would be.

Especially given we were all brutal men.

I smiled as the receptionist led me to a conference room. It would seem I was the last to arrive.

I lowered my head in respect as I studied the other men. They were all formidable indeed.

“Gentlemen. Thank you for coming on such short notice,” I stated.

As each one of them stepped forward, shaking my hand, I had the distinct feeling I had the blessing of my father.

I also knew that wherever he was, the man was indeed proud.

That alone was enough to ease the anguish and guilt I’d felt for far too long. A new chapter had begun, in which I was prepared to take the reins.

God help anyone who attempted to cross me.

For they would face the wrath of a monster.

* * *

I took satisfaction in the fact the meeting had gone well. Although I would never trust any of the older men in keeping their word one hundred percent of the time, I was confident that the arrangement would be beneficial for years to come.

As I walked toward the Ferrari, I thought about the evening ahead. I’d made the plans with the hope of determining the next course of action, but that remained to be seen. Devon had a mind of her own, a will that was stronger than most. She also had a life in the States, something I refused to keep her from experiencing. The simple fact was that she’d completed her job, albeit I remained furious with her for risking her life in doing so.

Still, I couldn’t help but smile at her level of ingenuity. She was one magnificent woman.

I adjusted my sunglasses, keeping the smile on my face as I thought about how I was going to devour her that very night. My excitement was off the charts.


The man’s tone held a sense of urgency. I bristled as I stopped just short of my car, angry that the man would bother me on a day like this. What the hell did he think he was going to accomplish by angering me further?

“Samuel. This is unexpected.” I didn’t bother turning around to face him. Let the man come to me.

As I heard the sound of his footsteps approaching, my initial reaction was to unbutton my jacket as well as the snap on the holster holding my weapon. I couldn’t be too careful at this point. What did the formerly trusted man have to lose in eliminating a man I was certain he now considered an enemy?

He flanked my side, staring out at the parking lot as if there held something of interest. For a full minute, we both remained quiet. When he finally spoke, I could hear more than just a hint of sadness in his tone.

It would seem he was devastated by my decision to oust him from the fold.

“I know you don’t want to see me,” he said in a stilted voice.

“You’re right. So what are you doing here?”

“I’ve done everything you asked. A courier will send the final financials to your house today. There is another offshore bank account that your father asked I keep private. All the information is being sent as well.”

I took a deep breath, holding it as I thought about his statement. It was just another betrayal in my mind. “I appreciate that. I do hope you are able to live a happy life, Samuel. I’m certain that’s what my father would have wanted.” I did wonder if he understood my generosity at this point.

“I have something for you. I… Well, let’s just say I hoped that I would never have to give it to you.”

His statement forced me to turn my head in his direction. I hesitated to grab my gun as he reached into his pocket. Instead of a weapon, he pulled out an envelope.

“This is from your father. He gave it to me the day before he died. Somehow, I think he expected something tragic to occur. The instructions were clear to give it to you only if absolutely necessary.”

I lowered my gaze, peering at the sealed envelope. “What is it?”

“I honestly don’t know, but I was made to understand that he hoped you would never have to read it.”

I turned to face him fully, eyeing the note as I determined whether or not I wanted to bother accepting.

“You father wanted the best for you. I think he’d be very happy how things have turned out.”

Chuckling, I accepted the envelope, folding it then shoving into my pocket. “You’ve done your duty, Samuel. I think it’s time that you and I part ways.”

“For what it’s worth, I loved you like a son.”

After taking a deep breath, I realized he was suffering himself. “Thank you.” There was little else I could say at this point.

Another awkward moment settled between us.

“Well, I’ll leave you to your business. I do hope you find happiness, Santiago. You deserve to enjoy your life.”

As he started to walk away, a part of me wanted nothing more than to continue our conversation, but there was no point. There was no going back.

I’d always prided myself in having a sixth sense, an innate knowledge when something treacherous was about to happen. As the slight breeze tickled my skin, every nerve stood on end, electricity crackling around me.

The slight movement was all I needed, my training and instinct kicking in.

“You killed my father. Now you’re going to die.”

Emilio’s harsh statement was carried off by the wind.

As I swung around, the slight advantage he’d had was just enough, the weapon in his hand poised to fire. There would be no tomorrows.


Samuel’s scream broke the tense moment, the man rushing between us.


The single shot would have killed me instantly.

Instead, Samuel managed to block it.

Pop! Pop!

I didn’t hesitate, issuing two rounds into Emilio. He stood for a full three seconds, only the shaking of his hand providing any indication that I’d hit my target.

As he slowly slumped to the ground, a series of lights flashed in front of my eyes.

The man I’d thought had betrayed me had taken a bullet meant to end my life.

The man I’d once considered a second father had saved me.

Not out of loyalty.

But out of love.

* * *


“What are you doing?” I asked, trying to fight the mixture of emotions running through me.

“You need to trust me,” Santiago stated with his usual authority as he placed a blindfold around my eyes. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

After he tied the sash, I placed my hands over my eyes, hissing under my breath. “I do trust you, but I don’t like surprises.”

“Maybe it’s time you learn.”

The heat of his body as he pressed it against me was oppressive as well as empowering every desire that continued to rage through my system every time that he touched me. The man had a powerful hold over my psyche, keeping me wet and hot all over. I wanted to hate the sensations, but there was no way I could.

I was far too attracted to him.

He kissed the top of my head then pushed me forward. “Where are we going?”

His chuckle was deep and husky, creating a wave of shivers dancing all the way down to my toes. “Relax. Sometimes surprises will tantalize every cell and muscle in your body.”

“Now you’re scaring me.”

He continued to laugh as he slowly walked me forward. Within seconds, I realized that we were outside. The warm breeze skittered across my skin, creating wave after wave of goosebumps. He kept his hands on my shoulders as he guided me and in truth, I had no idea where we were going.

I’d contemplated telling him I wanted to leave more than once. I’d agonized over the decision even as we continued to share rounds of passion. He’d been much more open over the last few days, caring in a way that had caught me off guard.

Yet I doubted he loved me.

I’d muttered the words after the beautiful yet rough moment in the bathroom and had hated myself ever since. He wasn’t the kind of man who could love anyone.

“You’re going down several stairs so watch your step,” he instructed.

He took his time, allowing me to get used to placing my bare feet on the surface. Stone. He was taking me down stone steps. While I hadn’t explored every inch of the estate, the only stone stairs I remembered led toward the beach. Within seconds, I was able to gather a scent of the ocean. As the sounds of rolling waves shifted into my eardrums, all I could do was smile.

“What are you doing?” I demanded.

“I suggest you have patience or I’m going to need to punish you.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Be careful, little girl.”

There was more happiness in his tone of voice than I’d heard for days. While he’d shared a portion of his business activities with me, including the meeting with several powerful Dons, he’d refused to express his sadness in the betrayal he’d experienced. However, after hearing about his attorney’s life-threatening injuries, I knew without a doubt how much the man’s wounds bothered him.

What surprised me the most was that Santiago had made certain Samuel’s hospital bills were paid in advance. Maybe nothing should surprise me about the man any longer.

He’d told me about the envelope Samuel had given him from his father. As far as I knew, he’d yet to open it. While I hadn’t pushed, I could tell how much it was also haunting him. Whatever the circumstances of his father taking his mother away from Rafael Perez continued to nag at his mind as well as his heart

I prayed that Santiago found some peace in knowing his father had an important reason why.

My heart fluttered from his touch as well as the hunger building inside of me. The man was simply… spectacular.

And completely off limits.

This was just a job after all.

“We’re almost there,” he whispered in my ear, nuzzling against my neck then nipping my earlobe.

The man was going to shatter me if he wasn’t careful.

“Last step.”

I couldn’t stop a slight giggle as my foot hit sand. We were on the beach.

“By the way, I will devour you later.”

His words allowed me to feel more beautiful than I had before. I’d selected a tropical dress from the collection that had been purchased, hoping that I would find the courage to tell him I wanted to leave. At this point, I wasn’t certain I could do that.

In a few seconds, I was able to gather a scent of smoke. There was a fire somewhere. What was the man doing?

“Okay, now close your eyes,” he instructed. “If you disobey me, you know what will happen.”

“Yes, sir.” As he untied the blindfold, I held my breath, fighting the urge to peek.

But I didn’t.

“Okay, now you can look.”

Very slowly I opened my eyes. At first, all I could concentrate on was the incredible view of the ocean, the sun finally fading yet a spectacular display of colors remaining on the horizon. Then I noticed what could only be described as the perfect cabana-style hut, complete with what appeared to be a bed and at least a dozen pillows. There were lit torches on the four corners, the light tapestry over the gorgeous thick wooden columns wafting lightly in the breeze.

There was also a firepit created out of stone, crackling wood in the center. I could make out a small table with an ice bucket holding a bottle of champagne, two crystal glasses flanking its side. And the table of food was exquisite. Fruits and cheeses, meats and breads. I couldn’t have been more shocked. As I took a couple of steps toward the incredible view, I noticed crabs in a bucket of ice, waiting to be cooked on the open flame.

I slapped both hands over my mouth, shaking my head as I squealed like a little girl. Then I turned around to face the man I’d fallen deeply in love with. Santiago looked so handsome in his white tee shirt and dark pants, his hair already disheveled by the breeze. I’d never seem him appear as sexy as at this moment.

“You did all this?” I asked, daring to take a step closer to him.

He stood with his hands in his pockets, a boyish grin on his face. “You mentioned you would enjoy a beachside dinner. This was close to what you had in mind. Right?”

I couldn’t hold back, racing toward him and jumping into his arms.

His laugh was warm as he held me.

I cupped his face, rubbing my fingers across his cheek. “Thank you. This is amazing.”

“This is for the woman I love.”

I’d been stunned only a few times in my life. This was one of them. “You… love me?”

He lowered me down then tangled his fingers in my hair, holding me close. “More than I can say.” As he captured my mouth, he barely parted my lips.

The moment was just as raw as always, but there was something even more special about the way he was holding me.

As if he never wanted to let me go.

As if I was the only thing that mattered to him.

I slid one arm around his neck, keeping the other pressed against his chest. As the kiss became more passionate, all I could hear was the pounding echo of my heart in my ears. He swept his tongue inside, swishing his back and forth across mine. The taste of him was so sweet, adding to the vibrations dancing throughout.

Lightheaded, I could barely breathe as the moment of intimacy continued. My nipples ached, my pussy juice already soaking my lacy panties. And I was happy.

When he finally broke the kiss, he brushed a single finger across my lips. “Yes, sweet Devon. I love you.” A smile crossed his face as he led me to the gorgeous bed, pushing me down gently. Then he proceeded to open the champagne, pouring two glasses.

I took a deep breath, taking in the gorgeous scenery. Nothing could have prepared me for such an incredible evening. He sat down on the bed, handing me a glass. I noticed the serious look on his face and sighed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, uncertain I wanted to know the answer.

He took a deep breath, crowding further onto the bed then gazing at the rolling sea. “I never paid much attention to the ocean, at least not in the way you seem to enjoy it.”

“This is beautiful.”

“You’re the only thing beautiful in my mind.”

“What’s wrong?” I asked, fearful of the answer.

“Who said anything is wrong?”

Sighing, I gave him a rebellious look. “I know you too well. Spill it.”

A slight smile crossed his face but he took a deep breath before answering, “I want you to consider staying here, Devon. However, I will completely understand if you want to leave. You more than fulfilled your obligation for your payment. I can make arrangements for you to leave tomorrow if you’d like.”

A moment of agitation went straight to fury. “Is that what you want? You claim to love me then send me away. What the hell is that about? I don’t understand you at all.” The moment I tried to get off the bed, he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, holding me in place.

“Don’t you understand that you are the very light I’ve needed my entire life? Can’t you see that with you by my side, I’ve become a better man? Do you not get how much I want you with me, but fear that you’ll hate me after a short period of time, still considering yourself nothing more than a possession as well as a prisoner? I can’t have that. I won’t do that to you. Not for anything. Will it break my heart if you leave? Without a doubt, but I will understand.”

I wanted to remain furious with him, but as I stared into his gorgeous eyes, I realized that there would never be another place I wanted to be than by his side. “You’re such a fool, Santiago. I think I loved you from the minute I laid eyes on you.”

He darted his eyes back and forth across mine before allowing himself to smile. “Then it’s settled. You belong to me. You will become my wife.”

Laughing, I shook my head. “I think I need to help you understand about romance.”

“Mmm…” he breathed. “We have all night and all day tomorrow and the night after that.” Fisting my hair, he forced my head back, lowering his until he was able to press several kisses across my skin. “Does that mean you accept?”

“Maybe. If you’re a very good boy.”

His laugh was infectious and at that moment, I’d never felt so close to anyone in my life.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. There was no need to say anything else, the moment far too incredible for a need.

When I heard him sigh, I knew the sound far too well. The demons had resurfaced, and I knew why.

“What did the note say?” I asked, fearful of how he would react.

After a few seconds, he shifted away, pulling an envelope from his pocket. As he eased his glass onto the table, I could swear there were tears in his eyes. He took his time opening and unfolding, although I could tell he’d already read it at least once before.

“My father loved my mother from the time he turned sixteen. She was a year younger, far too young of course for marriage. They developed a friendship, talking as often as they could manage to do, building a foundation between them. He waited, wanting her more than anything and when she finally turned eighteen, he was determined to ask for her hand in marriage. Sadly, arranged marriages were all too frequent at that time. Little did either of them know that she’d already been promised to Rafael Perez.”

“Oh, no.”

He gave me a look, shifting on the bed until he was able to look into my eyes. “Well, my father was having none of it and so they developed a plan, managing to elope before the wedding day. While her parents were mortified, they made financial arrangements to Perez in exchange, which seemed to suit him even more, and at that point, there was no turning back.”

“But Perez never forgot.”

“No. A possession had been taken from him that he was determined to have no matter the cost. He’d gone on with his life, but he wanted everything.”

“I’m so sorry.”

After lifting his head toward the sky, a full smile crossed his face. “I’m glad I know. I think I understand my father even more than before.”

“Thank you for telling me.”

He folded the note, shoving it back into his pocket. “My father said that the love of my mother meant more to him than anything. I didn’t understand.” He took my hand into his, taking a deep breath. “Until now. I love you, Devon. I’m not a good man, but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to cherish the days we have together.”

I remembered a beautiful statement my mother had once shared with me so many years before. I’d forgotten about it until this moment, but I knew in my heart that true love could be found.

As long as you opened your heart to the unexpected.

“Never forget that when you find the right one to share your life with, he will complete you while letting you fly. He will be your protector, your lover, and the man you couldn’t tolerate spending a day without. Once you’ve found him, never let him go.”

“You’re my everything,” I whispered.

As Santiago once again pulled me into his arms, allowing me to feel his rapid heartbeat, I knew the man holding me would never let me go.

He was dangerous.




And the only man I could ever see spending the rest of my life with.

The End