Illicit Proposition by Piper Stone

Chapter 14



I had no doubt that a good number of people would assume I’d lived a good life away from the horrors of what had occurred. Others would say I’d forsaken my family. They would both be wrong. However, I’d lived a life of lies that I’d perpetuated in staying away, refusing to fight the enemy.

No more.

The phone calls I’d made only moments after the accident had proven fruitful. Within hours, additional soldiers had arrived, prepared to take on the fight that would likely lead to dozens of deaths. They were loyal to the men who ruled Europe, prepared to lay down their lives given their loyalty. While that wasn’t the world I hoped to rekindle, I’d come to realize that my father’s methods of operating were somewhat outdated.

However, his commitment to his employees was something I’d already embraced. I would lead the De Leon organization into the future.

But only with Devon at my side.

I ached for her, the woman who’d thwarted the angry beast that had taken up residence in my soul, allowing the man my parents had raised to surface. I wanted so much more out of life, but nothing would mean a damn thing if I lost her.

That just wasn’t going to happen.

There was no turning back. I would rescue the woman I adored.

The woman I loved.

I’d issued an illicit proposition, never thinking it would mean anything more than enjoying the fruits of my labor. Then I’d taken one look at her in the art gallery and my fate had been sealed.

As I shifted through the woods behind the man’s estate, I remained unable to take my mind off her. She’d risked her life for my shameless need for revenge. She’d trusted me to protect her and I’d failed.

The darkness was oppressive, the approaching storm just another painful reminder of the night that had changed my life. As a flash of lightning shifted across the sky, I lifted my head, studying the intense electricity. My body was alive with current, the rush of adrenaline something I’d felt the entire day as I’d grown antsier to perform my duties. There was no doubt Perez was expecting my arrival at any time. He’d doubled the number of guards, but he had no idea that hundreds had surrounded the property, waiting my order to storm the compound.

I shifted through the dense foliage, trying to focus on the task at hand. It was entirely possible Devon had been moved in anticipation of my visit, but given what I knew about Perez, he’d continued to believe that there was nothing and no one that could threaten his world.

The fact no security wires had been tripped meant he was prepared for a fight.

So be it.

“We need to be very careful, Santiago,” Luis said as he flanked my side. The man was well versed in handling scum like Perez. However, I hadn’t known the extent until he’d shared some additional stories.

“I’m aware.”

“Perez is likely to have the tower wired.”

All I could do was grin. “That’s exactly what I’m hoping for.” As I started to move forward, he placed his hand on my arm.

“That’s what you want, an actual confrontation with Rafael.”

“You are correct.”

He cursed in Spanish, hissing under his breath. “Don’t be a martyr, my friend. You have too much to live for.”

“I’m doing what I should have done years ago, Luis. But you already knew that the moment I called you. This needs to happen, and the war ends tonight one way or the other. This is to honor my father.”

“Then I will have your back.”

And I knew he would.

“Just make certain that you find Emilio. That’s imperative.”

“No worries, my friend. That’s already in motion,” Luis stated with confidence.

As we continued our path, dozens of soldiers following us, I was forced to realize that I had no business asking Devon to remain in Spain. Nor did I have the right to demand she do so. She wasn’t my possession on any level.

When we were only fifty yards from the rear of the bell tower, Luis’ question surprised me.

“Do you want to try for the crest?”

I didn’t need time to answer. “Sharing my family’s legacy has nothing to do with sterling silver and jewels. The only thing of importance is saving the woman I love.”

“I’ll have your back. I only wish that I had been able to do so for your father.”

There was such haunted angst in his voice, but there was no way he could have known what Diego had orchestrated.

There was no further hesitation. We rushed toward the tower, a single shot at the lock garnering us entrance. I motioned to the soldiers to maintain their presence on the exterior, only ushering Luis inside. This was far too personal.

The set of stairs leading up to the pinnacle hadn’t been replaced, the wood cracking under our feet as we advanced. While there was no sign of Perez or his soldiers, I could sense them all around us. They believed they were laying a trap.

There were no additional sounds, the stairwell nothing more than a vacuum. I advanced carefully, only the flashes of lightning providing any concept of light. When I’d reached the top, I was able to make out a closed door.

“If she’s inside, you’re going to get her out of here. Do you understand?” I whispered.

“And what about you?”

“You know the answer to that.”

“Don’t do this alone,” he huffed.

I took a deep breath, closing the distance to the door. “I’m doing what’s necessary.” I knew I’d find the door unlocked. There was no reason for Perez to do otherwise.

As I walked inside, I sensed her presence immediately, her perfume filling me with an entirely different level of rage. After hearing the single soft whimper, I lifted my weapon.

“Rafael.” The sound of my voice was almost unrecognizable, the deep baritone laced with more anger than I’d felt in a long time.

When the bastard laughed in the darkness, I almost took the shot, but my instinct told me otherwise. Suddenly, a light was flipped on, the high-powered beam pointing in my direction. While I was only allowed to see the two forms silhouetted in the shadows, I could clearly tell he had his hand wrapped around her throat.

Rafael shifted, allowing me to hear the rattle of chains. The asshole had her shackled. I couldn’t wait to put a bullet into his brain.

“You are such a fool, Santiago. You really thought you could return without retaliation?”

Luis shifted several feet away from me. Within a matter of seconds, I heard the sound of gunfire crackling over the roars of thunder. As another flash of lightning lit up the night sky, I was able to get a better look at what I was facing.

Devon was shackled, her hands bound in chains over her head. Rafael had one hand around her neck, the other with a gun pointed at her head. With the beam of light pointed in our direction, it would be easy to miscalculate any shot I might have.

“You’re the fool, Rafael, if you believed I wouldn’t seek revenge for murdering my family. Including my mother.”

He laughed again, the sound managing to boom over the rounds of ammunition. “I never intended for her to die.”

“But she did, all because of you.”

“Your father was a liar and a cheat. He was also a traitor.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it.”

“I knew he’d turned the circle of mafia Dons against me. I knew what they were planning. He thought I was a fool. Just like he did all those years ago.”

I could tell he was becoming unhinged. What I didn’t know was what the hell he was getting at.

“We’re not here to debate my father. You have something that belongs to me.” I inched closer, darting my eyes back and forth. With a single misstep, I’d cost Devon her life.

“Don’t you want to know why I spent my life trying to destroy your family?”

“I know why. You hungered for more power.” I was finished with the game. I no longer gave a shit about anything but ending the years of guilt and fury. “My father was smart enough to know that you were planning on betraying the circle.”

Rafael exhaled, the sound exaggerated.

Crack! Crack! Boom!

There was an explosion somewhere on the grounds, the sudden activity drawing his attention away from Devon for a split second. I used the moment to advance even closer, keeping my weapon steady.

“You don’t understand,” he hissed.

I was losing my patience. “Then explain it to me, Rafael, but you have one chance. There will not be another.”

When he spoke again, his tone was entirely different. “Because your father took what belonged to me.”

What the hell was he talking about? “What are you trying to say?” I demanded.

Growling, he took a step away from her, allowing more of the light to highlight his location. “You really don’t know. Do you?”

“Cut the crap, Rafael. We can either end this peacefully, or this entire estate will be ruined.”

“As if I care.”

I was thrown by the sadness in his voice.

“What do you want to say to me?” I barked the question, realizing that he was on the edge. I’d never known him to be emotional on any level. He was nothing more than a cold-blooded killer.

“Your father stole the most important thing in my life. Your mother.”

The words didn’t register for a few seconds. “What. The. Fuck?”

“Yes, she and I were to be married, but your father took her away to a little chapel much like this one. He married her. He soiled her. He destroyed me.”

“Then why in God’s name would my father ever agree to work with you?”

His laughter was also entirely different. “Because he believed I forgave him. That’s not something that could ever be forgiven. Now I’m going to take what belongs to you.”

There was only a split second to make a choice in order to save her life.

Even as his damning words continued to ring in my mind, I took the shot, the only one that I would be allowed.

All I could do was pray to God that I didn’t miss.


As his body slumped to the floor, I could swear I heard him call out my mother’s name.

* * *

There was nothing like having Devon in my arms. While anger and contempt for Perez and the reason for his betrayal remained in the back of my mind, I refused to waste any energy on worrying about a man who’d spent his life plotting revenge.

Just like you did.

The irony left a bitter taste in my mouth.

“You can stop worrying about me now,” Devon said as she gazed at me, offering a slight smile.

While she hadn’t been hurt significantly in any physical way, I certainly knew the emotional scars would remain with her for a considerable amount of time. I was also angry with myself for allowing her abduction to happen. At least with the accident, she’d received only minor scratches and abrasions.

I fisted my hands as I walked to the bar. There were dozens of things I needed to say, but I felt more out of my element than I had for a long time. She deserved better than what I’d forced her to deal with.

“You’re not going to say anything?” she asked.

I almost had you killed.

“You were in a serious car wreck before being kidnapped. I think that gives me reason to worry about you.” I finished opening the bottle of wine, pouring two glasses. What troubled me even more was that Emilio was nowhere to be found on the property. I had every soldier scouring the streets for him, but in the almost twenty-four hours since the coup, he’d yet to be found.

“But you saved me,” she said in such a small voice, which was completely unlike her. “That makes you my hero.”

I resisted growling as I grabbed the glasses, turning around to face her. She kept her gaze locked on me as I walked in her direction, handing her one of the glasses.

“That doesn’t make me a hero, Devon. I did what needed to be done.”

“Are you saying it was merely part of your job taking over for your father?” A slight hint of her defiance had returned, which actually forced a smile.

“What I’m saying is that I’m a very bad man. I realized that only after you were taken.”

“You’re not a bad man, Santiago. Yes, you enjoy the danger and the lifestyle more than you can admit, but you loved your family. You needed to find a way to heal. You also did everything in your power to protect me. I’m so sorry about Diego. I know he was your friend. I don’t know how he could have done that to you.”

Exhaling, I sat down in the chair near her, enjoying just having her in my house. I’d told her certain details, but I refused to worry her any more than necessary. While I doubted Emilio would attempt to breach the security of the estate, I couldn’t put anything past him at this point. With the arrival of the various Dons tomorrow, news that had already hit the city, either he was going to leave town for an extended period of time or plan a series of assassinations.

Several of his soldiers had been killed in the event the night before, but he certainly had dozens more who would remain loyal. Given the situation, that made him extremely dangerous.

“There are few moments of absolute loyalty in the business I’m in. I’ve finally learned that the only people you can trust with certainty are family.”

“Can you trust me?”

She asked the question in a rather coy manner. “Hmm… That depends.” When she gave me a pouting look, I burst into laughter. She was certainly the light to my darkness. My cock ached to be inside of her. I longed to taste every inch of her, filling her with my seed.

Then I’d start over again.

The thought alone brought another round of electricity to my system.

“Why do I have the feeling you’re up to something?” I added.

Her eyes twinkling, she brushed her hand through her hair before taking a sip of her wine. At least she appeared relaxed, not at all like I’d thought she’d be after such a horrific ordeal. In fact, she was one of the strongest people I’d ever met.

“I have something to show you,” she said.


She eased the wine onto the table, wincing when she moved to her feet. I knew she still ached all over and that alone tossed my mind into another wave of anger. “You need to trust me.”

“I can do that.”

When she held out her hand, the look of mischief on her face was beguiling, making me more curious than ever. I put my own wine on the table, accepting her hand. As she pulled me out of the room and to the stairs, she actually started humming. The lilt only fueled my hunger even more.

I was more than surprised when she led me to the practice room, switching on the light. The column remained in the middle of the room as it had been before the party.

“Tell me what you see,” she said then pulled away from me.

“A mistake.”

Devon shook her head. “You’re going to have to try harder than that. What do you see?”

I glanced around the room, uncertain of what she was getting at. “All right. I’m not certain what you’re looking for.”

“Move closer. Go ahead. Trust me.”

I could tell she was referring to the glass box. After giving her a heated look, I did as she asked. As soon as I was within close proximity, I realized the fake crest was gone. “I don’t understand.” I shifted until I could catch a glimpse of her face.

She kept her coy smile as she reached into her pocket, removing something that was covered with a cloth. “I managed to do my job.”

Narrowing my eyes, I was thrown into a fog as I walked closer, taking the piece from her hand. “What did you do?”

“I caught a break. I did what you hired me to do. After all, I’m your employee.”

As I held the crest in my hand, my heart aching, I could finally accept that the crest was only a symbol of what my father had stood for. “You risked your life for this?”

“I did what you asked. I thought you’d be happy.”

“I’m furious with you.” I said as I snapped my hand around the crest, enjoying the sensations as the metal dug into my skin.

Confused, she backed away, shaking her head. “I managed to get the one thing that is more important to you than anything else, including human life, and you’re angry with me? Are you kidding me?” Her mouth twisted in anger and frustration, her eyes imploring mine. She continued backing away, a mixture of emotions crossing her face.

I held up the crest, my hand shaking. “This means nothing to me. Nothing.” I moved to the box, opening the lid and tossing the crest inside, not giving a shit where it landed.

“You bastard. I thought for once I’d actually make you happy. I’m such a fool.”

As she started to rush out of the room, I yanked her arm, dragging her against my chest. Then I fisted her hair, pulling her onto her tiptoes. “Don’t you understand? You are what matters to me. You’re the only precious thing in my life and I almost lost you because of that crest. I am the fool, Devon. Not you.” Even as I crushed my mouth over hers, she fought me, slamming her fists against my chest.

But I refused to let her go.

I wanted nothing more than to devour her, taking hours to do so. I needed to feel her heated naked body against mine, filling the void that had been in my life for so long.

She moaned into the kiss and while she continued to fight to be freed, she arched her back, her body melding into mine. I was hungrier than I’d ever been, my heart pounding from the lust and the love I felt for her. She was my everything. My night and day. The good to my evil.

When she finally relaxed, her hands now clinging to my shirt, I knew in my heart that I could never let her go.

But that was what needed to happen.

She deserved a life devoid of constant terror.

I thrust my tongue inside her mouth, dominating hers, taking every drop of her sweet essence. The kiss was passionate and raw, my needs more savage than ever before. I couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Every cell in my body was bursting from the explosion of heat building between us, a fire ready to feast.

Which is exactly what I planned on doing with her.

When I broke the kiss, I continued to hold her close, both of us having difficulty breathing. “You were a very bad girl.”

“Not fair. I did what was instructed of me,” she breathed as she brushed her fingers across my cheek.

“No, you disobeyed me. I’m not going to stand for that.”

Her eyes opened wide as she realized what I was about to do. Once again, she pummeled her fists against me in a lame attempt to get away.

She should know better than that by now. I took what I wanted. Period.

I pushed her away then tossed her over my shoulder, enjoying the sounds of her squeals as I carried her out of the room.

“You’re so mean. A bastard.”

Grinning, I smacked her on the bottom several times as I carried her into the master bathroom. When I finally eased her down, she did her best to skirt around me in another crazy attempt to get away.

“Not so fast, little girl. You’re going to learn a lesson for endangering your life.” I stated the words in a dominating voice, giving her a stern look.

She chewed on her bottom lip, shifting back and forth on her bare feet. “I promise to be good?”

The way she phrased the statement into a question almost brought a smile to my face. “Remove your clothes.”

“I said I’ll be good.”

“Oh, yes, you will. Take them off or I’m going to do that for you. I assure you that you won’t like it if I’m forced to do that.”

Groaning, she gave me a nasty look but complied, ripping off her tee shirt and tossing it against the wall. She even cursed as she fumbled with the button on her shorts, dragging them down her long legs provocatively. My God, my mouth was watering. I couldn’t wait to taste her sweet pussy all over again.

“Panties too,” I instructed.

She gave me another rebellious glare but did as I asked. When she was standing completely naked, I almost lost it, fucking her like some wild animal, but she needed to learn to obey.

And who she belonged to.

“Face the mirror.”

“If you use the bath brush again I’m going to…” She didn’t finish her statement, instead jerking around and slapping her hands on the counter.

I adored the way she pushed every button, refusing to back down, but she would soon learn. One way or the other. As I slowly unbuckled my belt, she watched me in the reflection intently, a warm flush creeping up along her jaw. She appeared more fragile, yet I knew better.

She was a little lioness.

After slowly tugging the belt through the loops, I pulled the leather strap under my nose, inhaling in an exaggerated manner. Her eyes opened wide, her mouth twisting all over again. There was no doubt she had some choice words to say to me.

I took my time folding the belt, kicking out her feet then pulling her hips away from the counter. “I think thirty will be in order.”

“Thirty? You’re sadistic.”

“No, I’m going to protect you because you can’t seem to protect yourself. Stay in position or we’re going to start all over again.”

“Oh, I could hate you.”

“But you don’t. Isn’t that true, sweet Devon?” I rubbed my fingers down her spine, breathing in her lovely perfume. Then I tapped my hand against her rounded bottom before taking a step back. After I delivered the first crack, I glanced into the mirror.

She was stoic, but her eyes were filled with venom. The woman was a little fighter. Thank God her spirit hadn’t been broken.

I smacked her four times in rapid succession, enjoying the cracking sound as the belt sliced against her skin. She finally let out a single moan, closing her eyes as she clawed the marble.

“You’re doing very well,” I whispered, no longer recognizing my voice from the lust. I cracked the belt three additional times, waiting as she lifted her leg, twisting her hips.

“Oh. Oh! That hurts.”

“As it’s supposed to. Remember, stay in position.”

She smacked her hand against the mirror, stamping her foot on the floor.

I issued several additional hard cracks, my breathing becoming labored, a haze forming across my vision. My heart continued to pound against my chest, and it was all I could do to control my actions. She was far too tempting, further freeing the savage beast inside. I took a deep breath, caressing her heated bottom, appreciating the way color had blossomed across her skin.

“Five more.”

She hissed in reply, smacking her other hand against the mirror then hanging her head low. “I will always hate you for this.”

“That’s perfectly fine with me.” What I’d realized about Devon was that she thrived in being taken in hand. She craved having a dominant partner.

And she longed to surrender on every level.

As I ran the belt through my fingers, I took a few seconds to admire her long, beautiful, and voluptuous body. She was gorgeous on every level, creating the kind of desire that would never be satisfied. Even now, as my cock was pinched against my zipper, I couldn’t imagine not being able to taste her every single night.

I smacked her twice, swallowing hard afterwards.

“Get it over with,” she whispered between clenched teeth.

I honored her request, cracking the strap against her skin the three additional times. When she knew it was over, her hands slipped down the cool surface of the mirror. Her back heaved as she took several deep breaths. After tossing the belt, I brushed the tips of my fingers down her back, taking my time before lightly massaging her bruised ass cheeks. When I squeezed gently, she jerked up her head, glaring at me as only the woman could do.

She was challenging me.

She was enticing me.

She was inviting me to fuck her.

I was unable to hold back any longer, never taking my eyes off her as I stripped off my pants. She didn’t seem surprised, nor was she furious for what I was about to do.

Devon simply held the gaze, a wry smile crossing her face. By the way her nipples were rock hard, the scent of her slickened pussy wafting into the air, I could tell she was fully aroused. That created the kind of desire that could only be considered barbaric. I was nothing more than a primal animal, prepared to capture his prey.

And she knew it.

And she wanted to be taken hard and fast.

My balls ached to the point of sheer madness. I had difficulty breathing as I slid my hands around her hips, crawling my fingers up her stomach to her full breasts. I cupped and squeezed as I ground my hips against her. Then I pinched both nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, twisting and pulling until she cried out in pain.

As well as pleasure.

She undulated her body, shifting back and forth as she arched her back, using the pressure her hands had on the mirror as an advantage. The smile on her face remained, her eyes no longer able to focus. She even opened her legs wider in another blatant invitation for me to fuck her.

“I’m not going to be gentle,” I managed, forced to take deep and ragged breaths.

“I don’t want gentle. Just fuck me.”

Her words were like sweet music, the most powerful aphrodisiac. I was almost blinded as I continued to twist her hardened buds, enjoying her scattered breaths and whimpers. She was the full embodiment of everything I’d craved in my life.

Everything I needed.

Unable to hold back any longer, I wrapped my hand around my shaft, pushing the tip past her swollen folds. As I gripped her hip, I threw my head back, roaring as I thrust the entire length of my cock deep inside.

Gasping, her breathing even more ragged, she continuously slapped her hand against the mirror, the rattling sound mixing with our combined husky moans. The feel of her muscles as they clamped then released several times, pulling me in even deeper was the most incredible feeling I’d experienced. I remained buried inside for a few seconds, finally pulling out and hesitating.

She jutted her hips backward, refusing to take my tease. I slammed into her again. And again. The force was enough to push her against the counter, the sound of skin slapping against skin only adding to the sweet music. I did what I could to maintain some level of control, but it was almost impossible as I plunged into her another four times. Then I slowed, catching the perfect rhythm, wanting nothing more than for her to come on my cock.

I wanted to keep her hot and wet all over, hungering to the point she finally let go.

“So hot for me, sweet Devon,” I whispered hoarsely.

“Uh-huh.” She laughed, the sound raspy, then she dragged her tongue across her lips. She would do everything in her power to tempt me just like the vixen she truly was.

And I loved every second of it.

I refused to stop, driving into her in hard, even motions. My balls began to swell, my cock throbbing even more. She met every brutal thrust with one of her own, tossing her head back and forth. I could tell she was close to coming and I picked up the pace, thrusting harder and faster.

“Oh. Oh… I’m going to… Come.” Fog had developed across the surface of the mirror, but I could still see her expression of utter bliss.

“Not yet. Wait. Wait…”

She laughed then moaned, pushing her bottom against me. “Please. Let. Me. Come.”

I waited another few seconds, never slowing my rhythm. As the sensations became overwhelming, I issued the single command.

“Come. Now.”

There was no holding back. Her entire body began to shake violently as she erupted in the kind of explosive orgasm that brought prickles along her shimmering skin.

“Yes. Yes. Yes!” Her scream was high pitched, the sound something I never wanted to forget. She scratched the mirror, every muscle in her body twitching. As she erupted into a second orgasm, I almost lost it.

Every muscle in my body was tense and as I rolled onto the balls of my feet, stars flashing in front of my eyes. I dug my fingers into her hips, holding her in place as the climax shifted to a giant wave crashing over her.

“You’re beautiful when you come,” I hissed, although I wasn’t certain she could hear what I was saying.

Devon moaned continuously, the sound deep and hoarse.

I refused to stop even as she sagged against the mirror, pressing her face against the glass.

“I’m not finished with you yet.”

She laughed softly, bobbing her head as she struggled to breathe. “Just do it.”

“What? What do you want, my beautiful kitten?”

As she slowly lifted her head, she wiggled from side to side. “Fuck me in the ass.”

Her request was exactly what I wanted to hear. Pulling out, I slid my leaking cockhead up and down the crack of her ass, toying with her before sliding the tip between her cheeks. I pressed it just inside her dark hole, waiting as I studied her for a few seconds.

There was no doubt she was just as hungry as I was, longing for the closeness. I wanted to give her so much, everything that I had in my means. I longed to share the kinds of moments with her that she’d mentioned, indulging in our combined passion every day and every night. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to protect her.

Because I refused to lose her to anything or anyone.


I slipped my cock into her asshole inch by inch, pushing gently past the tight ring of muscle. Then there was no holding back. I couldn’t believe how tight she was, her muscles slowly accepting the thickness of my cock.

“Yes. Oh, God.” Her words were nothing but rocket fuel, pushing the fire to another explosive moment. This was the perfect moment shared between us. For a few seconds we were as one.

One soul.

One heart.

One need.

I closed my eyes as I began to fuck her in earnest, enjoying every second of the way her muscles clamped then released, stretching to accommodate, sucking me into the wicked heat. I could no longer think clearly, nor did I care. All that mattered was the intensity of this moment, the beautiful sharing of intimacy.

With every brutal thrust, she whimpered, continuing to push her body against mine.

Within seconds, I knew I couldn’t hold back for long. There was nothing I could do, no possible way of controlling my needs any longer. I folded my body over hers, intertwining our fingers as I drove into her, nuzzling against her neck.

“Mine. Forever mine,” I whispered.

She closed her eyes, a serene look crossing her face and as my balls swelled, finally filling her with my seed, I heard three little words slipping from her mouth.

Just three words that I’d longed to hear.

Three syllables that had seemed impossible to find.

A statement that would haunt me for the rest of my life.

“I love you.”