Illicit Proposition by Piper Stone

Chapter 13


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The constant buzzing in my head refused to stop. Damn it. What the hell? As I opened my eyes, I realized I couldn’t focus. And what the hell was that smell?

I sucked in my breath and shifted. A blast of pain rolled through every muscle in my body, a horrific stench clinging to my nostrils.


Confusion mixed with the haze as I blinked several times. Then I remembered.

Shots fired.

Losing control of the car.


Hissing, I forced myself to move, struggling to make out anything in the darkness. When I noticed an orange glow, I fought to crawl even a few inches. “Devon,” I managed, my voice hoarse.

There was no sound, no cries. Nothing. Just the hiss of a fire.

Fuck. Fuck.

Straining, I shifted again, the orange glow giving more definition to the crushed space. I was able to clearly see the passenger side.

Devon wasn’t there.

Was she thrown from the car? No. No. “No!” I roared, able to kick both feet. The flames were getting closer. I heard other sounds as I managed to slide several inches.


Grunting from the pain, I was able to crawl a few additional inches. Then with one last twist, I made it through the window. I took a deep breath and bounded around to the other side of the car, ignoring the pain erupting in every muscle. The Ferrari had flipped over. What the hell had I hit? A sign. A road sign. No, there was something else.

A vehicle.

Jesus Christ, the car had been rammed.

I crouched down onto the pavement, still unable to think clearly. Where the hell was she? Panicked, I turned in a full circle as a series of images and sounds floated into my mind.

Two other vehicles.

Bright lights.

Bullets coming from two directions.

The crash.

Her scream.

And the voices of two other men as they dragged her from the car.

The fire was close to scorching my skin, forcing me to take stumbling steps away. As the glow of headlights flashed in the distance, I threw my head back and screamed.

I also made a promise.

To myself.

And to the woman I’d fallen in love with.

I would save her.

No matter the cost.

* * *

As I opened the door, the sight of Luis gave me a comforting smile.

“My word, Santiago. You’re grown into quite a young man. Your father would be proud,” Luis said as he pulled me into a bearhug. “But you look terrible.”

“I’m fine. Just banged up. Two cracked ribs.” I pushed away, still holding onto his arms. “And you look exactly the same.”

He laughed, shaking his head. “I’m afraid I’m aging, which I swore I’d never do, but I continue my workouts. I heard about the wreck. You were lucky.”

The man was built like a tank. He was also a crack shot. He came prepared. I was able to see his holster under his jacket. “Come into the kitchen. Diego is already here.”

As I walked into the expansive space, I could see an odd look shared between the two men.

“You need to be in a goddamn hospital, Santiago,” Diego stated, as he’d done twice before.

I glared at him before popping two aspirin, washing them down with a swig of bourbon. “That’s not going to happen. There’s too much to do.”

“You know that Perez won’t stop until he’s taken everything from you,” Luis said quietly.

“That’s a given,” I said. “But I placed a woman’s life into that bastard’s hands. I am going to get her back.”

Diego shook his head as he walked closer. “You could have died in that wreck. You do know that?”

“And for all I know Devon could be dead. We are going to find her one way or the other.” I paced the floor in the kitchen, unable to control my rage. “If anything happened to her, both Rafael and Emilio will beg me to die.”

“You do care about this girl.” This time, it seemed as if Diego’s comment was more of an accusation.

“Of course I do.” I could see a slight glint of satisfaction in his eyes from my vehemence. “Don’t, Diego. I’m not in the mood.”

“What are the plans? I assume you no idea where she’s been taken.” Luis asked.

“No, but I can venture a guess,” I answered.

Diego snorted. “We’re not going to know jack shit until Perez makes contact. You know that.”

“I’ll turn over every fucking rock in this city if I have to. We will find her, but we’ll start with his palace first.”

Luis gave me a look. “I understand your army is growing, but Perez has more people loyal to him than you think.”

I heard the beep indicating a visitor at the gate. Goddamn it, I was finished with talking with the authorities. “Fuck.”

“That’s likely Samuel. I called him.” Diego lifted his head as if he knew I’d admonish his decision. However, the family’s attorney needed to be in on an upcoming conversation.

Or should I say confrontation. I was finished playing games. I was through with taking a backseat, pretending as if I wasn’t the new Don of the De Leon Empire. It was time for things to change.


I took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before releasing. “Fine.” I walked toward the console in the kitchen, allowing the entrance. “Have the men ready. I am going to find out where she’s being held.”

Diego inched closer. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

The taste of blood remained in my mouth and a rush of adrenaline shifted into my system, heightening the rage. “It’s always interesting to slide into the lair of your enemy. You can learn more by simple observation than anything else. And if you listen. I remember my father telling me that more than once. Of course at the time, I couldn’t have cared less. My father was a very good listener.”

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”

I took another swig of bourbon, unable to think of much else but finding Devon. I was sick inside, hating myself for giving a shit about the crest. That’s not what my father would have wanted. I was the only person left to carry out his legacy.

“I never understood my father, Diego. Not at all. As a matter of fact, I used to make fun of him. He wasn’t as powerful or dangerous as Don Perez. I was such a fool. My father ruled in the methods of some of the great leaders. He cared about his people. He protected them at all costs. He paid them extremely well. And yes, he issued the necessary punishment if necessary. All he required in return was absolute loyalty.”

“Your father was a gentle giant, Santiago,” Luis said with utter respect in his tone. “The reason so many of his men remained loyal after his murder was that fact alone. However, do not think he wasn’t a man to be reckoned with. Your father was determined to keep the majority of his more merciless actions and decisions away from the family. Unfortunately, he made a single mistake. That cost him everything, including your mother.”

A cold chill settled in my system. I turned toward him, studying his eyes. “You’re trying to tell me that my mother’s murder wasn’t a random attack.”

He stared into my eyes, never blinking for a solid minute. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. He’d let down his guard. For that, his guilt destroyed him.”

I walked closer, fisting my hand. “Perez?”

Luis nodded once, but that was all I needed to strengthen my resolve. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as memories rushed into my system. Perez had taken my mother away from the family in an effort to control my father. When that hadn’t worked, the bastard had both him and my brother killed. Now the asshole was determined to take me apart in a final blow by killing Devon.

My weakness.

My kryptonite.

My heart.

“Why did he spare me?” I asked.

“That I do not know,” Luis said in a strangled voice.

“You’ve been through some shit tonight, buddy. You’re not making much sense. I’m going to make some phone calls. Let me see if I can find out what the hell is going on.”

Diego didn’t need to make phone calls to find the answer.

That much I already knew. I held the glass to my hand, closing my eyes. Images of Devon’s face immediately flashed in my mind. The despair was almost too much to bear. Because of my arrogance and refusal to let go of the past, I’d put her in harm’s way.

After gulping down the rest of the drink, I realized my hand was shaking. No one betrayed me. No one. My chest heaving, I tossed the glass against the wall, enjoying the sounds of shattering glass. When I heard the chime of the door, I took long strides toward the entrance, jerking it open.

Samuel’s eyes immediately widened. “Ay Dios mio,” he struggled to say, his face ashen.

“I don’t think God has anything to do with this. In fact, I’m fairly certain the devil grabbed my soul a long time ago. Come inside. There are some questions that need answers.” I moved into the kitchen, ignoring the broken glass in my attempt to grab another as well as the bottle of bourbon.

“Drinking isn’t a good idea, my friend.”

I gave him a look as well as a smirk, walking out the other door, moving through the house until I found Diego. I studied him for a few seconds, waiting until he noticed we’d walked to the doorway. I poured another glass, taking a swig before placing that and the bottle on one of the tables.

He ended the call, shifting his gaze from Samuel and back in my direction. “No one is talking on the street at this point. It’s like she just disappeared.”

My entire body remained rigid, but my mind was entirely too active. “Come with me,” I told them, taking my time as I exited the room. As I walked down the corridor toward my father’s office, I thought about what Frances had said after noticing I’d been inside.

“I’m so proud of you. That means you’re ready to heal. To live. To love.”


That was twice that I’d been told that. I couldn’t feel less proud of myself or my behavior than I was at the moment. While revenge was supposed to be sweet, full of satisfaction, it was also destructive as hell. And I’d allowed this to happen.

When I was outside the door, I took a deep breath before walking inside. Then I moved toward the window, gazing out at the early morning light just cresting over the horizon. “It’s really beautiful here.” My father had one of the best views of the estate, his beloved olive trees. He’d babied them, making certain they were well tended to. He’d hired the best arborists, hired the best foreman to take care of them. In turn, they’d produced some of the most luscious fruit because of the tender loving care.

And I’d made fun of him.

What I wouldn’t give to have one more day with the larger-than-life man.

I shoved the sadness aside, my gut continuing to churn from the need to find Devon. The more time that went by, the less likely it was she’d remain unhurt. Perez’s patience would grow thin, preferring to leave her broken body somewhere I could find it.

“I’m surprised you were able to bring yourself to come in here,” Samuel said with almost no inflection, which I found odd. As close as he and my father were supposed to be, he seemed completely over my father’s death.

“It was important and necessary,” I answered, keeping my eyes on the myriad colorful clouds crossing the sky.

“What do you want to do, Santiago? Storm his empire?” Diego asked.

I waited for a solid thirty seconds before answering, “That’s exactly what we are going to do. She’s being held in the bell tower.”

“How could you possibly know that?” Luis asked.

As I slowly turned around to face them, I shifted my gaze from one man to the other. You could always tell a lot about a man’s character by the kind of respect or disgust he held in his eyes. There was only man in the room I trusted implicitly; however, only one of my old friends had actually betrayed not only me but the family as well. “Because the bell tower sits over the building where Perez keeps his most prized possessions, including my family’s crest. Devon has become his most prized possession.”

“How did Perez know where to find you and how to get to her?” Samuel asked. “From what I understand, the stretch of the road you were on would have allowed you to notice if anyone was following you. They certainly couldn’t have traveled the road at night without headlights.”

I moved around the desk, running my fingers over the surface. “You make a very good point, Samuel. How indeed. I also wondered how Perez knew that my appearance at the party was likely to occur. He was certainly prepared to find me. Whoever took the brunt of his soldier’s actions likely lost his life.”

“You honestly think Perez had one of his guests killed at the party thinking it was you?” Diego asked, shaking his head.

“That’s exactly what I think, although I doubted Perez wanted the gunshot to be heard by all the rich and famous people he’d invited.” I eased my weapon into my hand, surprising Samuel more than the others. I turned it over twice then lowered my hand. “I assure you that if I’d been allowed to bring my gun inside, I would have considered putting a bullet in between his eyes whether or not guests watched the horrific incident. And do you know why it wouldn’t have bothered me?”

Diego cleared his throat. “You’re ready to take over just like you said.”

“Yes and no, Diego. What none of you know is that over the course of the last few months, I’ve reestablished the connections to the other Dons just like my father would have wanted. With a single phone call, I can have hundreds of soldiers prepared to aid in bringing Perez and his ruthless empire to the ground.” I waited as the information sank in, enjoying the mixture of reactions.

Luis smiled, the same one I remembered seeing when he was working with my father. It was a smile of respect and of loyalty.

Samuel swallowed hard, even taking a step backwards as if I’d punched him.

And Diego? Well, his reaction didn’t surprise me in the least. Sadly, I’d been prepared. I took two long strides in his direction, pointing the barrel at his head.

“What the hell?” Diego snapped, almost ready to reach for his weapon.

“I don’t think you should do that, my old friend. That would only accomplish one thing. Your instant death,” I stated with complete authority.

“What is this all about, Santiago? Diego has been a friend. He’s been with you from the moment your father and brother were murdered,” Samuel insisted.

“You’re correct about that, Samuel. He was a trusted man in my father’s regime, working side by side with him. There are three questions that have bugged the shit out of me for years. The first one was easy to answer myself. Why did Perez allow me to live? To stand as a symbol to all the other Dons that with one command, he could destroy all of them. The second and third weren’t so easy. In fact, they haunted me for years. Now I know the answers.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Diego snarled.

I removed the safety, inching closer. “The second question involved why Perez never touched the estate. At first, I thought he was enjoying the game. I’d know my home was still intact, but I’d never be able to see it again. When my instincts refused to stop pissing me off, I thought, Samuel, that you’d sold out my father and your payment was the house and grounds. You have been making a good deal of money while keeping it going in my absence. However, you were actually doing exactly as you knew my father would have wanted you to do. You cared. You knew I’d return one day.”

When I glanced at Samuel briefly, I could see beads of sweat trickling down both sides of his face. “And the third question. How was Perez able to track my whereabouts so easily? Well, that one has bothered the hell out of me. After last night, there was no doubt in my mind.” I slowly shifted my gaze back to Diego, able to slide a grin onto my face. “You were the one who betrayed my father on the night of the attack in this very office. You were the one who kept Perez informed of my actions all these years. You were the one who gave him a head’s up regarding the party as well as where I was going after leaving his house. There is only one way his men found me on that deserted road. You.”

Diego shook his head several times. “That’s just not true. I would never betray you or your father. You’ve been my entire life.”

“Loyalty can easily be bought, dear old friend, at least when it’s not real.” The fact I’d trusted Diego for almost eight years after the horrific murders would piss me off for years to come. It was something I’d be forced to deal with, but I could at least handle the situation, providing the punishment necessary. “I’m going to ask you a couple of questions, Diego, and you will answer them, or I assure you that the pain you suffer will be immense.”

“You’re making a huge mistake,” he hissed.

“Maybe so, but I’m finished with traitors. What is Perez going to do with Devon?”

A slight smile crossed his face, and it took everything I had not to erase it with violence. I pressed the gun against his forehead, cocking my head. “Tell me.”

“Don’t do this, Santiago,” Samuel pleaded.

I ignored him, keeping a smile on my face. I’d never seen Diego show fear on any level. That had been one of the things that I admired about him. Now it only infuriated me even more.

“You have three seconds, Diego. I’m losing my patience,” I stated clearly. “Two. One.”

“Emilio has taken a liking to her. He’s going to make her his bride.”

Over my dead body.

I lifted my head, fighting the building rage. “Good. Question number two. Why?”

“Why?” he repeated.

“Why betray my family?”

His expression hardened, his eyes colder than I’d seen before. “Because your father never gave a shit about my work. I did everything in my power to help make him successful, but he was greedy. He was a traitorous bastard himself, Santiago. Did you know that? He decided that working with the other Dons was more important than the business deal he’d made with Perez. He was attempting to uncut Perez’ control long before he was killed. You talk about loyalty, but you never understood the code that had been in place for years.”

“So you sold your soul.”

“I did what I had to in order to survive.”

“You truly didn’t understand my father. Did you?” I didn’t give a shit about his answer. “All the years you spent by my side. You must have thought I was an idiot. Well, I assure you that the one thing my father did teach me was to protect the family honor, including his corporation. As you meet your maker, just know that you failed in your duties to Perez. You underestimated my father and you certainly underestimated me. I assure you that the De Leon Empire is secure. Have a nice life in hell.”

The single shot was all I needed.

I’d protected my father’s business from everyone, including Samuel. In building relationships over the past few years, I’d been able to parlay even more wealth than I’d inherited. My father’s last words spoken only hours before he’d been murdered had remained with me.

“Never trust anyone except for family. There will always be a reason for those you believe loyal to betray you.”

What a shame I’d been forced to learn that the hard way.

I shifted my attention to Samuel, moving in front of him. “You will transfer ownership of the house to my name. You will supply me with every financial record. Then you will disappear. Do you understand?” There was no doubt in my mind that Samuel had betrayed me.

Samuel remained nervous, darting his eyes from my face to the gun that was still firmly planted in one hand. “Fine. But you will need someone to support you.”

“Yes, I will, but it will be by my choice. Not yours. Now, leave my house.” I backed away, still holding the weapon as I glared at him.

He shook his head, gazing down at Diego. “I hope you find the life you’re looking for. You should keep in mind that things aren’t always as they seem.” As he began to away, my body started to shake.

“Did you know about my mother’s murder? Were you aware that Perez was responsible?” I snarled, shifting in his direction.

He stopped short, his shoulders heaving from his heavy breathing. “Only when your father told me. It crushed him. I was there to pick up the pieces, Santiago. You seem to forget that.”

“I never forget anything, nor do I forgive.”

“Betrayal is something your father knew well, Santiago. I fear you’re going to learn that the hard way.”

What in the hell was he getting at?

I held my breath until he walked out. Then I turned in Luis’ direction, studying him carefully. “Do you know what he’s talking about?”

Luis lifted his head, locking eyes with mine. “Not, but some secrets are best left with the dead.”

Exhaling, I wasn’t certain whatever both Samuel and Luis were alluding to meant anything at this point. After all, I was the only one left. “There will be no more secrets in this organization.”

As he walked closer, he had a pensive look on his face. Then he smiled. “You are very much like your father. However, Perez isn’t going to let this woman go without a fight. Are you certain she’s worth it?”

After a few seconds I smiled. “She means the world to me. There is nothing that will stop me from getting her back.”

“Then we fight.”

Yes. Then we would fight.

Until the death.