Daddy’s Sweet Little by Scott Wylder

Chapter Seven









The waitress hadn’t even delivered our drinks yet and it already felt like the best date of my life. There wasn’t any real justification for the feeling. We’d done nothing other than drive to Georgia’s diner. About the only thing of note was that he opened the car door for me when we left and opened it for me after we parked. It was weird to look across the street and see Daddy’s Candy but know I wouldn’t be there for a few days.

A thought occurred to me and I asked quietly, “Did you call the store Daddy’s Candy because you’re a Daddy?”

For a moment, I thought it had to be the stupidest question I could possibly have asked, but instead of responding negatively, he nodded with a smile. “Back then, I was full of hope and excited about the future. I figured if I could get that candy shop up and running, it would…”

He let the words trail off and I noticed a wistful look on his face. “You used to have somebody,” I said. “Someone special.”

He nodded and my heart decided it liked the idea of resting in my stomach instead of where it was supposed to be. All of my confidence drained, as I realized everything I did would be compared to her. How in the world was I going to measure up to a girl who made him look like that when he thought about her.

The waitress brought our drinks and I sipped my cherry vanilla soda slowly. It didn’t taste very good. Marc noticed my expression and said, “Is your soda okay?”

I nodded. “I’m just thinking.”

“About how I used to have somebody?”

I said, “Oh no, not that but…” I saw the expression on his face. He knew I was lying. “Yes.” I said.

“Don’t ever lie to me again, Princess,” he said. The warning felt simultaneously terrifying and electrifying. “I suppose there will be some things you don’t want to tell me, and I understand that but don’t ever lie to me again.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I said. It felt very good to say those words but I still couldn’t stop thinking about how I had to measure up to some girl that made him wistful. “You must miss her very much.”

He smiled sadly and said, “No. I don’t miss her. I missed her when she left but that was years ago.”

“But…” I didn’t know how to explain myself, so I just said, “Are you sure? You… you look like you still miss her.”

He shook his head. “You mean when you asked me?” I nodded and he said, “She was my first little girl,” he said. “And I learned how to be a Daddy with her. I worry I can’t be a good Daddy for anyone else.”

I sighed. “I understand. The first love is always the strongest.”

He reached forward and took my hand. “Listen to me, Nina. That’s not what I mean. I mean I learned how to be the kind of Daddy that Taylor needed.”


“Yes. That was her name.” The waitress came and he ordered for both of us. After the waitress left, he said, “I’m afraid that I’m stuck, being that kind of a Daddy. That I won’t be a good one for anyone else. The other girls since her… well, I haven’t done a good job.”

“You mean because you do the things you know Taylor would like but they might not like them?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I really like you, and I’m afraid I’ll treat you like Taylor and…”

“And I won’t like you back.” He nodded and I couldn’t believe how honest, open and vulnerable he was being with me. “Did Taylor like onion rings?” I asked.

He stared at me as if I was crazy. “She didn’t like anything fried. What does that have to do with anything?”

“A minute ago, you ordered chicken fried steak for you and the cowboy cheeseburger with onion rings for me. I didn’t tell you what I liked but you ordered what I wanted.”

“I saw you with the menu and… I still don’t know what that has to do with anything.”

“You ordered what you thought your little girl would like, Daddy,” I said. “Not what Taylor would have liked.”

I could tell he thought I made a good point because he said, “You’re pretty damned insightful, little girl.” I smiled and also blushed a little bit. I wondered if he knew how truly special he made me feel. The idea was amazing but also a little bit unsettling. I wanted a Daddy who could make me feel special, but what would happen when he realized I wasn’t that special at all.

We made small talk for a while and when the food arrived, it looked great. I took a bite of my burger. A little ketchup fell down onto my shirt. I put the burger down and looked at Marc in horror. I knew my face turned so red it was almost scarlet. I felt as if all my energy had drained from me. I thought I might cry!

“Oh, God,” I whimpered. “Now I’ve ruined everything!”

“Sweetie,” Marc said. “I’ll get you a new shirt.”

“Not the shirt,” I replied. “I mean this date. I made a mess and I embarrassed you and…”

“Calm down right now,” he said sternly.

The sound of his voice was overpowering and I froze, my panic instantly gone as he stared at me. “I wasn’t embarrassed and you didn’t ruin anything,” he said firmly. “Get a napkin and clean up a little. That’s what you do when you make a mistake, Princess. You clean up and you get on with your life. You don’t have to panic.”

I looked at him as if he had just said the most enlightening and surprising thing in the world. I couldn’t believe how just having something to do fixed the panic. I reached for a napkin and wiped away the ketchup. The stain might not go away, but I could get a new shirt. When I finished, I asked, “You… You still like me?”

“Oh, Honey,” I said. “I adore you.”

“You still… still want to be my Daddy?” I could feel the surprise and wonder in my voice, but it didn’t surprise me because I felt as if he’d just performed a miracle.

“I want that more than I could ever explain,” Marc said.