Expecting the SEAL’s Baby by Katie Knight


Gina had already spent two nights at her mother’s house. She should go back to her apartment, but it felt so good to be with her family. She valued her independence, but her mother, Blake, and Sam brought so much joy to her life. And she needed some of that right now. She was joyous about the baby and about Blake being home, but when she thought of Jeremy, she felt the sharp pain in her heart again.

The physical pain wasn’t logical. The medical professional in her couldn’t explain it, but she couldn’t deny what she felt either.

“Gina, can you grab the tray of cookies from the oven?” her mother asked, rousing her.

“Sure.” Gina had been so deep in her thoughts that she hadn’t even heard the oven timer go off.

“I could have gotten that,” Blake said, making Camilla laugh.

“The last time I put you in charge of cookies, I had to throw them away, tray and all,” their mother said. “They were burnt to crisps.”

“I’m older and wiser now.” Blake defended himself. “Gina’ll let me bake in her kitchen.”

“Not likely.” Gina transferred the cookies to a wire rack to cool.

“Are you staying in that little place after the baby comes?” Her mother asked as she mixed up the next batch of cookie dough.

“I plan to. I like the community there, and my apartment is big enough for me and a baby.”

Her mother looked doubtful. “Baby things take up a lot of space.”

Gina didn’t know, but she’d figure it out later. “Lots of people in my complex have kids. I’ll make it work. No need for you to worry.”

“I’ll always worry about you. And you.” Camilla pointed the wooden spoon she’d been using at Blake.

“Good thing you only had two kids,” Blake said. “That’s a lot of worrying.”

“I worry about Jeremy, too.” Camilla looked between the two of them. “Have either of you heard from him?”

“I haven’t,” Gina said quickly. She didn’t want to get into a discussion about Jeremy. “As far as I know, he’s back on base, waiting to be deployed.”

“Do you know if that’s true?” Camilla had turned to Blake. During the conversation, he’d walked across the kitchen and was leaning against the wall, peering through a window that overlooked the driveway.

“I can confirm that he’s not on base.” Blake pointed outside. “He’s right there.”

“He is?” Gina put the warm tray down and went to the window. She couldn’t believe it. There Jeremy was, walking toward the house with an envelope in his hands.

“Someone should get the door.” Blake gave her a pointed look and whispered, “Go.”

Gina dashed through the house, wondering if her brother knew something she didn’t. She opened the door before Jeremy could even knock. His eyes met hers, and she felt a pulse of excitement. She didn’t know what had brought him there, but it was so good to see him.

“Can we talk, Gina?” he asked, his face serious. “I want to show you something.”

She nodded and slipped outside, closing the door behind her. She gestured to the front porch swing. The faces of Blake and her mother appeared in the window alongside the door, but she shot them a narrowed-eyed look and they disappeared. Whatever Jeremy had to say, she didn’t want an audience to it.

“I thought you might be back on base already. I know how important that is to you,” she said when they were seated.

“It’s not…read this and I think you’ll understand.” He handed her the envelope, and she pulled the paper from it and skimmed the contents quickly.

I am proud to have served my country as a Navy SEAL, but the time has come for me to end my career in the United States Navy.

Gina stopped reading and lifted her head to focus on his face. “You’re not going back. Why?”

“Because I’m done with that life,” he said. “I submitted the letter and completed the necessary paperwork this morning. I’ll miss it in ways, but I can’t go back.”

“Why?” she repeated, feeling breathless. What was he about to say?

He took the letter, setting it aside, and reached for her hand. “I realized that everything that was important to me, that I wanted, was right here. I don’t know what’s next for me, but I do know that I want you and the baby to be part of it.”

* * *

Her mouth dropped open and pure shock was written across her face. He squeezed her hand tighter, lacing their fingers together, trying to convey through touch what was in his heart. But there were words that had to be said.

“I hope you don’t dismiss me for being like your father because I’m not,” Jeremy said. “I need you to believe that. I won’t ever leave you. I won’t leave our family. I want us to be together and raise our baby together, and I hope you want that, too.”

“I do,” she said, but he read the look of doubt on her face. “But I’m a little scared, too. I need to be sure you won’t change your mind.”

He’d come prepared for that. He pulled a worn scrap of paper from his pocket that he’d carried for more than ten years and handed it to her.

“What’s this?” she asked and studied the score sheet. “I remember this night.” She looked up at him and smiled. “We played cards until two in the morning. You, me, and Blake.”

He nodded. “It was from the first time I came home with Blake and met you.”

“Neither one of us would give up.” She flipped the paper over, skimming through the scores for numerous games. “I can’t believe you kept it.”

“I had to. I won in the end,” he said, making her laugh. He touched her cheek then and looked into her eyes, wanting to be sure she heard every word he was about to say. “I kept it because that was one of the best nights of my life. I didn’t ever want to lose the reminder of it. You were already special to me way back then. And you’re even more now.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “I know in my heart that you’ll always be special to me, and that’s why I know I’ll never leave you. Do you believe me?”

In answer, she kissed him. Her arms went around his neck as the paper drifted to the porch floor. “I believe you. And I’m sorry I ever thought you were like my father. That was just my baggage I was pinning on you.” She dropped her head against his shoulder, and he pulled her closer to him. “I want to be with you. For always,” she whispered.

He lifted her face to his. Her eyes were shiny with tears, but he knew they were happy ones, so he went on with what he wanted to say. “I love you, and I love our baby.”

“I love both of you, too,” she said. “So much.” They kissed, melting together, until he heard the front door open.

“About time,” Blake said, and came out onto the porch with his mom.

“Jeremy,” Camilla said. “You better save a hug for me.”

Gina laughed and loosened her hold on him. “I guess I can share him, but only for a minute, Mom.”

Camilla hugged him before speaking. “I have to thank you for bringing my son home and keeping Gina safe.”

“You should add ‘welcome to the family,’” Blake said as he shook Jeremy’s hand.

“No need,” Camilla said. “Jeremy has been part of our family for a long time. Isn’t that right?”

“I guess I have,” Jeremy said, feeling loved like he never had before. “Thank you for that.”

Gina came back to him then, slipping her arms around his waist. When he held her against his side, he truly felt part of something for the first time in his life. They were a couple, and he was with his family.