Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker

Chapter 26


“Hey, Camille, how’re you feeling today?” Easton asked, taking her empty lunch bowl to the sink for her. He rinsed it thoroughly and set it in the dishwasher.

She smiled gratefully. Would Aiden have done that, had he been home? “I’m doing better, thanks to those magic pills from my doctor. How was your date last night?”

Easton shrugged.

“That good, huh?”

“It felt a little forced. Second and third dates can be pretty telling. I can usually see if there’s a future or if it’s time to move on.”

“Does that mean it’s time to move on?” Camille asked. Emma’s hopeful face from the night of the Halloween dance entered her mind.

“That was our fourth date, so I should’ve figured it out, right?” Easton leaned against the counter. “I think I’ll see her tonight and try to kiss her. See if there are any sparks.”

Camille thought of Emma. She would be heartbroken. Daisha had texted last night, admitting she’d caught Emma Facebook-stalking Easton. Maybe it was better for everyone if Emma transferred her feelings to Benson.

“Oh,” Easton interrupted her thoughts. “I almost forgot to tell you. I saw Emma at the library earlier today. She wanted me to tell you hi.”

It was as if Easton had telepathy and knew Camille had been linking him and Emma together in her mind. This was her chance to put in a good word about the woman and help out a good cause. “She’s so sweet, and uh, I heard she plays the piano. That’s a great hobby.”

Easton’s eyebrows lifted. He must’ve expected her to have a point. Unfortunately, that was all she had. She’d never even been able to sell wrapping paper to old ladies in elementary school, and the whole matchmaking thing had been born solely out of desperation. Easton was going to have to discover Emma’s attributes on his own, and before Benson could beat him to it.

The doorbell rang, and Camille moved toward the noise. “I’ll get it. You’re going to be late for class.”

She walked to the door and braced herself for Cherish’s chilly morning air. Sure enough, the cold went straight through her sweater and yoga pants. Thoughts of hibernation fled her mind when she saw a florist holding a bouquet of flowers.

“Camille Peterson?” the woman asked.

“That’s me.”

“These are for you.” She handed the rainbow of colored roses to Camille and then left her standing alone in the doorway. The last thing Camille needed was a cold, so she drew the door closed and carried the flowers inside. When she saw the card, she slipped into Aiden’s office, where she could read it privately. Easton was the only one left at home, but she wanted the moment entirely to herself.

She slid her finger under the seal of the envelope and ripped it open. She pulled out a card with a note typed on the white stationery.

Happy six-week anniversary! Six colors of roses, each standing for a different part of you that I love. Red—love, pink—friendship, white—spirituality, yellow—joy, orange—passion, lavender—my queen/love at first sight. I miss you more than Daisha misses chocolate, and we know how much that is! I think about you every hour of the day and am counting down until I’m with you again. I’m so glad I get you for always!



Camille’s cheeks were wet with tears of love and appreciation for her sweet husband. Their circumstances bothered her, but his gesture brought her a measure of peace. She needed to keep pushing forward. Aiden was worth it. Playing matchmaker was worth it. This was the glimmer of hope she needed.