Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



Liam hangsup the phone and rolls the divider window down. He says to the driver, "St. Joseph's and make it fast."

"Take me home, Liam. My house, not yours. And are you crazy thinking I'm going to church—"

"Adrian got shot. We're going to the hospital," he barks and hits the button for the divider window to go back up.

I freeze. I consumed too much alcohol, but I quickly sober up. I grasp Liam's thigh. "What do you mean Adrian got shot?"

Liam's face hardens. He snaps, "I don't know the details. But get over your antics."

I stay silent, staring at the dark glass in front of me. The car moves faster and weaves in and out of traffic.

Liam's hand moves over mine. In a low, calm voice, he says, "I don't need any more arguments tonight. Whatever I say goes. Do you understand?"

I meet his eyes. There's something unhinged in them. I've rarely seen it, but it's a mix of hatred and vengeance, along with still being pissed off at me. It frightens me. "Liam, what are you going to do?"

He clenches his jaw. His voice is so cold, it sends chills down my spine. "Whatever is necessary."

The driver pulls up to the entrance. We get out of the car. The air is crisp, and I hug my arms, suddenly wishing I took the beautiful wrap his mom bought for me. The ironic thing is I thought Liam bought it for me when I saw it in the closet and loved it. Then I learned it was from his mom, and she put it in our room without asking to come into the house. Out of principle, I wouldn't have anything to do with it. It all seems stupid now, and shame fills me that I spent the entire wedding upset and avoiding Liam. All I can think of is Adrian with blood all over him, fighting for his life.

Liam takes off his coat and drapes it over my back. I glance up at him, but he still has that look in his eyes. I want to beg him to forgive me, but it's not the time. Instead, I grab his hand.

He stiffens and guides me into the lobby. Gemma is with Nolan, Killian, and Declan. Obrecht and Selena are a few hundred feet away, huddled in the corner, talking.

"What's the situation with Adrian?" he asks his cousins.

"We don't know. We just arrived."

Hatred fills Liam's voice. "Dasha?"

"Adrian's ex-wife?" I blurt out. She's been a big problem between Adrian and Skylar.

Liam turns to me and warns, "No questions, Hailee. Don't push me."

I blink hard to stop the tears welling in my eyes. Liam's never been so harsh with me. But I've not been an angel tonight. I shut my mouth, and Gemma puts her arm protectively around my waist.

"Yes, she's behind it. Gavin got their license plate. We know where those thugs are," Killian seethes.

"Let's go talk to Obrecht," Declan advises.

Gemma and I exchange a worried look. The six of us walk toward them.

"Obrecht," Killian calls out.

Obrecht puts his arm around Selena and turns. The same hard look the O'Malleys have fills his expression, but I also see a man on the verge of breaking down and trying to hold it together. I realize all the O'Malleys are doing the same, especially Liam. The conversation we had months ago about how close he used to be with Adrian comes racing back.

Liam's eyes turn to slits. "How is he?"

Obrecht sniffs hard. "In surgery. They said he's losing a lot of blood."

"Where are the others?" Nolan asks.

"Down the hall in the waiting room."

Nolan states, "Let me take Hailee, Gemma, and Selena to the others."

Selena glances at Obrecht, and he kisses her forehead. "Go with Nolan. I'll be there soon."

I squeeze Obrecht's arm as we pass him. Liam avoids my gaze, and it's another blow about how he must have felt all night at the wedding. He tried several times to make things right with me. I just shot him dirty looks or avoided him. I kick myself for my stubbornness.

Gemma and I stand on both sides of Selena and hold her hands. Nolan leads us into the waiting room. Maksim says the hospital wants anyone who is able to donate blood to go to the on-site blood bank.

Obrecht comes back into the room angrier than he was outside. The O'Malleys aren't far behind, and he scowls at Liam so intensely, I get goose bumps.

I rise. "Liam, we need to go donate blood."

He studies me then puts his arms around my waist, and we go down the hall. When we get to the blood bank, I stop him before we enter. I reach up and cup his cheeks. It almost kills me looking into his eyes. I quietly choke out, "I'm sorry."

He stares above my head and takes a deep breath, grinding his molars.

Selena and Obrecht approach us. Liam finally meets my eyes. In an emotionless tone, he orders, "Go give blood."

My lips tremble. I don't attempt to say anything else and obey. Selena and I go back into the donation area. Since I drank so much, I'm ineligible to donate, which makes me feel worse. Selena didn't even finish a glass of wine at dinner, so they have her drink water and, after a breathalyzer test, allow her to donate. I sit with her for a few minutes. When I step out, Liam is giving blood.

He comes out, unrolls his sleeve and leads me to a corner.

"Did they let you donate?" I ask.

His broody expression never changes. He shakes his head. "No. I drank too much. Go back to the waiting room with Obrecht. Do whatever he or the Ivanovs say until I get back. Understand?"

Fear grips me. "Why? Where are you going?"

He shakes his head. "Don't ask questions you know I won't answer. Promise me you'll behave, Hailee."

Hailee. Not Hales. Not little lamb. Just Hailee, like I'm no longer his. And wherever he's going can't be anywhere safe. I'm not naive. He's going to kill whoever did this to Adrian. I've lost track of the times he's come home and done things he won't speak of, but for the first time, I'm petrified.

I swallow the lump forming in my throat and stick out my chin, determined not to cry. "I promise."

He studies my face then nods. "Go with Obrecht. Back up his story that there is a long line and only one phlebotomist on duty."

I open my mouth to question him, but he raises his eyebrows. I snap my mouth shut.

He doesn't kiss me goodbye. There's no hug or any sign of affection. The vengeance in his eyes grows deeper, and when his cousins come out from behind the curtains, they leave without another word.

I spend hours trying to keep it together. Bogden keeps coming in and out of the waiting room and talking to the Ivanovs. Darragh and Ruth sit together. I try to contemplate what to say to Ruth to smooth things over, but nothing seems appropriate right now. The doctor reports Adrian is out of surgery, and relief fills the room. But it's short-lived for me. I begin to pace, wondering when Liam is coming back and if he's safe.

Liam and Killian finally come into the room, but Liam avoids me. Darragh stands and coughs so bad, I worry he's choking. The Ivanovs huddle in the corner of the room with Liam and Killian.

"Where's Nolan?" Gemma asks, grasping my arm.

I shake my head but say nothing, staring at Liam. He takes out his phone and makes a call. Darragh approaches them, and while they keep their voices low, it's clear he isn't happy with Liam.

Liam says something to Darragh with a scowl on his face. He and Killian leave the room, but I follow him.

"Liam!" I call out, trying not to trip on my heels since he's walking so fast.

He freezes and says to Killian, "I'll meet you in the car."

Killian glances over his shoulder at me then back at Liam. He says nothing and walks out the door.

I put my hand on Liam's arm, and he spins. "Go back. Do not leave the eyesight of the Ivanovs."

I shudder when I see his eyes. At rare times, I've seen Liam's eyes crazed but never like this.

The tears I've held back all night fall. I reach for his cheeks, but he jerks his head back. "Go, Hailee. You don't belong near me right now."

"Liam," I whisper.

He studies the ceiling. "Go."

I reach for his cheek again, but he moves his head. "I need to leave. You need to go back."


"Hailee. Come with me," Maksim orders and puts his arm around my shoulders.

Liam nods to Maksim and spins, never looking at me. Maksim leads me to the waiting room. After several hours, he takes Gemma and me to his house. Aspen shows us the guest rooms, but Gemma and I stay in the same room.

We both shower and put on T-shirts Aspen gives us. When we finally get in bed, Gemma whispers, "Where do you think they are?"

"I don't know."

"I heard the Zielinski name mentioned. Why would the Polish mob shoot Adrian if his ex-wife is involved? She's Russian, isn't she?" Gemma asks.

This is the first I've heard the Zielinski name associated with the shooting. I have no answers to give her.

Neither of us sleeps. It's late into the next evening when Liam finally picks me up. He has on a black T-shirt, black pants, and his hair is wet. His eyes are still crazed, not as bad as at the hospital, but the chaos is still swirling in them. I embrace him tightly. His body stiffens. He doesn't return my affection and firmly orders, "Let's go."

I follow him quietly to the car with my insides quivering. As soon as we get in the vehicle and the door shuts, I turn to him. He stares out the window, his hands in fists, and the nerve in his clenched jaw twitching.

I cover his fist and slide closer. "Liam."

He closes his eyes and exhales deeply.

"Liam," I repeat, putting my palm on his cheek.

He sniffs hard and finally turns.

I suddenly don't know what to say. Everything sounds petty and not good enough. His face becomes blurry from my tears, and I hear him sigh.

He tugs me onto his lap. I bury my face in his chest, sobbing. His strong arms circle me, and he kisses the top of my head.

We say nothing the entire way home. When we get inside the house, he goes directly to the bathroom, undresses, and turns on the shower.

I watch him scrub his skin then put his arm on the tile and smell the soap bottle how he always does. I strip and step behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso tightly. I kiss his back and cry out, "Please forgive me."

He drops the bottle and spins me so fast, I gasp. In an instant, his hot mouth is on mine. He slides his tongue into my mouth and reaches for the back of my thighs, lifting me off the ground, entering me in one thrust.

I kiss him back in a perfect storm of emotions that all night has been raging inside me. The fear I felt that I might lose him, my nerves about his safety, and the love I have for him that runs so deep in my bones I know I can't survive without him, all make me dizzy. And the regret I have for my petty actions toward him at the wedding swirl through all of it.

"I'm sorry," I sob again.

"Shh," he commands and presses closer to me. The warmth of his body is a sharp contrast to the cold tile on my back. I clutch my arms around his shoulders, gliding my fingers through his hair, trying to hold every part of him I can.

His hands grip the side of my head. He dips his tongue over and over into my mouth, matching the speed of his thrusts. Like always, he owns my body in every way possible.

The sound of the water beats on the tile. Steam fills the air, creating a foggy darkness. His green eyes glow through it, assessing me, as if I'm his prey to consume.

"You're mine, little lamb," he mumbles then slips his tongue back in my mouth.

Tremors fill my body. I dig my nails into his scalp, whimpering, unable to respond with words.

"Don't shut me out ever again," he growls, pounding into me harder until my eyes roll and I become limp, sandwiched between his hard flesh and the cold tile.

"Promise me," he demands.

"I-I promise," I barely get out.

He detonates inside me, holding my face in front of his and never taking his eyes off mine. His cock pumps ferociously, spewing his seed deep within me, and his labored breath merges with mine. Several minutes pass and he doesn't move. "I mean it, Hales. If you have a problem, you talk to me about it."

"I know. I'm sorry."

He nods. "I stopped at my parents' house and got the key back. My mother won't be coming in uninvited anymore."

For some reason, that makes me feel bad. I should be happy, but guilt plagues me. I blurt out, "I'll apologize to your mom."

He huffs. "My mother isn't innocent. You don't have to do that unless you want to." He steps back, releases me, then turns off the water. He grabs a towel and wraps it around me then puts another one around his body.

We dry off and get in bed. I stroke his head. "Liam, I need to know something."


"Was the Polish mob involved in Adrian's shooting?"

His eyes turn to stone.

I quickly add, "I just want to know if they are after us, too?"

He sighs, strokes my back, then finally replies, "A threat against an Ivanov is a threat against the O'Malleys. I want to shield you from everything, but maybe it's better if you know who comes after us."

A chill runs down my spine. "There are more than the Bailey and Ryans?"

He grunts. "I wish they were my only problem. You don't ever trust them or a Rossi, Petrov, or Zielinski. Other families threaten us, but those issues are outside of Chicago."

I scoot closer to him. "And you have to deal with all these problems?"

He grinds his molars. "Yeah. But once my plan comes to fruition, there won't be as many threats. The O'Malleys will pull out of different businesses we have now, and that will eliminate a lot of issues."

"Like what?"

"Nothing I'll involve you in."

I open my mouth to speak, but he flips me on my back and cages his body over mine. He drills his eyes into mine. "You were a bad girl yesterday, little lamb."

"I know. I'm sorry. I—"

"Quiet!" he growls.

I gasp and swallow hard.

"Naughty girls get punished." He pins my wrists above my head with one hand and reaches for something in the nightstand drawer. His hot breath beats into mine. Metal handcuffs latch around my wrists.

My heart races faster, and my breath shortens.

In a low voice, he says, "I think I need to remind you who you belong to."