Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



I wake up to a text.

Liam: I'll pick you up to take you to school this morning.

Me: You're back?

Liam: Yeah. Want a latte?

Me: Sure. Are you okay?

Liam: Yes, you don't need to worry. I'll see you in an hour.

Me: Okay. Love you.

Liam: Love you, too.

I breathe in relief when Liam walks into Boris and Nora's penthouse. He sets a container with five drinks on the counter then wraps his arms around me. He murmurs in my ear, "I missed you."

I squeeze him tighter. The bad feeling I had while he was gone never left. "I missed you more."

He grunts, kisses the top of my head, then releases me. His eyes travel down the length of my body. "You look nice, little lamb."

I reach up and stroke his cheek. His eyes are bloodshot. "Have you had any sleep?"

"Not last night."

I sigh. Nothing I say will change his situation, but I worry about how running the O'Malley clan is affecting his health. I can see it almost on a daily basis. "Promise me you'll sleep today while I'm at school."

"That's the plan."

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. He glides his hand through my hair, firmly holding my head, and deepens our kiss until I'm out of breath, craving more and feeling like jelly in his arms.

"We better go, or you'll be late," he mumbles against my mouth and slides his tongue against mine again.

"Get a room," Nora teases.

He pulls back and circles his arm around my shoulders. "Brought you a latte. Thanks for letting Hailee stay."

"No problem."

Gemma walks into the room. She glances around, and her eyes widen. "Where's Nolan?"

"He'll be here later."

"He's okay?"


She takes a deep breath and nods.

"We have to go, Hales," Liam reminds me.

I hug Gemma and Nora goodbye. We leave, and Liam hands me my drink. He kisses my head and wraps his arm around my waist, tugging me close to him.

I glance up. "Are we going straight from school to Skylar's grand opening tonight?"

"I'm glad you reminded me. I forgot about it," he admits.

"I'm sure you have other things to worry about," I tease, but my stomach flips when I say it. I hate knowing he's doing dangerous things. I dislike I'm in the dark about what they are, but Liam has always made it clear he won't ever tell me anything that could harm me. So it's something I've come to accept.

He says nothing, just kisses my head again. The elevator opens. He guides me into the car, and we don't say much. The driver pulls up to the school, and I kiss him goodbye. I cup his cheek. "Go get some sleep, Liam."

"Do you have a lot to catch up on from being out?" he asks.

"Yeah. Plus, I have a team meeting after school."

"Okay, little lamb. I'll pick you up at five thirty." He kisses me and squeezes my ass.

"Get sleep," I repeat and get out of the car.

My day goes by quickly. Before I know it, it's time for the kids to go home. I take them to the bus, release the children who walk home, and lead the remaining kids in the latchkey program to the gym. I meet the other teachers and principal in the conference room and try to concentrate on all the upcoming changes the administration wants to implement for the following year.

The room erupts in groans about all the new testing standards and changes in curriculum. They did the same thing last year. I try to stay positive and not make any negative remarks, but Liam's promise to give me my own school pops into my head. It's still something I can't comprehend. I wonder if it's possible. The costs would be outrageous, and I wouldn't want to start a school unless inner-city kids could go for free. They have the fewest resources, and their success rate to get to graduation is the lowest. If Liam was going to give me a school, that's who I would want to help.

The principal adjourns the meeting. It's after five. I rush back to my classroom to finish a few things and pack up before Liam arrives. When I walk into my classroom, the door slams shut, and a black-gloved hand goes over my mouth.

My heart almost stops, and my chest tightens. I struggle to breathe and attempt to fight back, but the cold, familiar Irish accent growls in my ear, "Fight me, and I'll kill you right now."

Tears well in my eyes, and I freeze. I never wanted to hear that voice again. Flashbacks of my mother crying and bloody fill my mind. My father screaming all kinds of horrible things while hurting her fly at me. Dreams I've had for years and tried to escape play like a movie reel.

My father spins me and grips my cheeks with his hand so tightly, I wince. His cold blue eyes send more chills down my spine. "You've betrayed me. You're not an O'Malley. Your last name is Bailey. The blood running through your veins is mine. And you're going to prove your loyalty to me, or the entire O'Malley clan, plus your sisters and that whore of your mother will all be destroyed."

His face blurs from my tears. I take short, shaky breaths, paralyzed and unable to move, except for the quivering in my stomach.

He leans closer, and his stale breath invades my nostrils. "You will bring your mother and sisters to me. Midnight. Tonight. If you don't, the next time you lie down with that O'Malley bastard, I'll slice both of your throats. And know this, dear daughter. No one, and I mean no one, can protect you from me."

He releases me and steps back. "Keep your phone on. I'll send the location later tonight. And if you bring any O'Malleys with you or tell them about this conversation, I'll blow every one of their houses up. Then I'm going to blow this school up, just for fun."

He opens the door, walks out, and I quickly shut and lock it. I collapse on the floor against it. I hug my knees to my chest and attempt to stop my tears and regulate my heartbeat. The smell of his musky cologne, I can't seem to shake.

My phone rings, and I glance at the clock.

Five forty. Liam will be waiting.

I rise on weak knees and dig into my purse. I pull my phone out and text Liam.

Me: I'll be out in a few minutes.

I go into the adjoining bathroom, attempt to clean the makeup off my face, put some more on, and debate about what to do.

My father doesn't make empty threats. He follows through on them. I know this about him. I experienced it as a child. His words to blow up the O'Malleys and the school tear at my heart.

I close my eyes and take several deep breaths. I pull the settings on my phone up, double-check my microphone is still off, and wonder if there is any way he could be listening to my conversations.

I grab a notepad and pen, put it in my purse, then leave. I avoid looking at anyone and go straight to the car. When I get inside, Liam's eyes turn to slits. He holds my cheeks and says, "What's wrong, little lamb?"

I put my trembling finger to my lips and pull out my notepad. I write:

Don't talk. I'm scared my father is recording us.

Liam's eyes grow wide. He tugs me closer to him. He mouths, "Why?"

My writing turns into scribbles as my hand tremors intensify.

He was in my classroom. If I don't take my sisters and mom to him at midnight, he's going to kill me and blow up O'Malley houses and the school.

Liam sniffs hard. A scowl erupts on his face. He takes the pen from me.

Are you okay? Did he hurt you?

I crumble in his arms and sob while shaking my head. He pulls me tight to him and shushes me. He reaches into my purse, does something on my phone, then checks his. He says, "Hold on a minute," releases me, then dumps the contents of my purse. He examines it with his hands and eyes then pats down my hair and clothes.

"No one is listening, little lamb. Did he hurt you?"


Green flames of rage build in his eyes. He seethes, "I'm killing him. Tonight."

I blurt out my biggest fear, "What if you die instead?"

"Shh." He tugs me back to his chest, stroking my head. "I'm not dying."

Liam's phone rings and he sends it to voicemail. It immediately rings again, and he answers it. "This isn't a good—" His body stiffens, and his face turns white.

The driver pulls up to Skylar's office building.

"Jesus. Call my cousins." Liam hangs up and swipes his screen.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He holds his finger in the air and closes his eyes. He barks, "Where is he?"

I begin to panic. Please don't let anything happen to my sisters or mom.

"How many men are with him?" Liam barks.

Oh God! Please, please, please.

Liam hangs up.

"Are my sisters and mom—"

"They're fine. Selena's ex-husband kidnapped her. Listen to me, Hailee. I'm taking you inside. You stay with the Ivanov women and their security. Understand," he orders.

My relief is brief. Selena and I have become good friends. I only have an inkling of what her ex did to her, but I know he's a nasty, dangerous man.


Liam's eyes morph into the crazed expression I've only seen a few times. "When I get back, I'll take care of your father."

Fear for Selena, my family, and that something will happen to Liam overpower me.

Liam cups my cheeks. "I need you to be strong right now, little lamb."

I nod. "All right."

He opens the door, guides me into Skylar's office, and Obrecht rushes toward us.

He seethes, "Do you see what not taking care of loose ends does?"

I step out of the way, and Liam holds his hands in the air. He says, "She's at his house."

Obrecht throws another death glare at Liam, and both of them, along with the rest of the Ivanovs, head outside.

Skylar, Aspen, Kora, Nora, Anna, and Gemma all huddle around me. They look as scared as I do.

I study Kora. She knows more about Selena's situation since she was her divorce attorney. I deal with the elephant in the room. "He's going to kill her, isn't he?"

She shuts her eyes then turns away. Her face scrunches. "He's an evil man."

A few hours pass. Kora's phone rings. She answers, "Sergey. Is she okay?"

I hold my breath.

Kora puts her hand to her mouth then tears fall. "Good. Thank you. Be safe." She hangs up and turns to us. "They have her. Obrecht is taking her home."

"Oh, thank God," I say as my friends all do the same.

More time passes. I glance at my watch, and my gut drops further. It's ten o'clock, and my father's threat stays on the surface of my mind. Gemma and I go into Skylar's personal office and sit on the couches.

Finn comes storming into the room. His face is red, and he barks, "Where is Liam?"

"I-I don't know. He's not back yet. No one is," I answer.

"What's wrong?" Gemma asks.

Finn's demeanor doesn't change. "When you see Liam, you tell him I'm looking for him."

"Finn," Liam says from the doorway.

I jump up but freeze. The two men pin an intense gaze on each other.

"I told you not to touch Mack," Finn growls.

Mack? My father's brother?

Gemma grabs my arm.

"I didn't. Obrecht did. It happened before I could stop him," Liam claims.

"Is he dead?" Gemma asks.

Liam closes his eyes then clenches his jaw. He stares at Finn. "Yes."

"And Jack?"

"Ivanov garage. Obrecht gave me his word he'll wait."

Finn shakes his head in disgust at Liam then shoves past him.

"You can't go right now. I need you to finish this off," Liam calls after him.

Finn spins. "What are you talking about?"

He points for him to go back into the office.

Finn reluctantly returns.

"Rory threatened Hailee in her classroom today," Liam informs him.

"What?" Gemma cries out.

"He's texting her a location. There are no more options. We take him out. Tonight."

Finn glances at me. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "Yeah. But he's going to blow up O'Malley houses and the school if I don't bring my sisters and mother to him at midnight."

"Hailee! What the hell? Why didn't you tell me this?" Gemma accuses.

Finn looks at the ceiling then says, "I'll be outside. I need some air. I'll let you know when I can think again."