Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



Several Months Later

"Here,change Shannon while I grab a quick shower." Nora hands me the baby as I walk into the penthouse.

The smell of a dirty diaper fills my nostrils and I turn my head. "Jesus. Did you save this until I got here?"

Nora laughs. "Nope. Shannon just knew Uncle Liam was coming and saved the best for you."

I hold Shannon in the air and stare at her. "You did this on purpose, didn't you?"

She scrunches her face and lets out a loud wail.

"Whoa! It's okay." I pull her to my chest and go to the changing table. "Where's Boris?"

"Showering. He'll be out in a minute. Hey, how was Jamaica? I feel like we haven't had a chance to talk. I can't believe it's been a few months since your trip," she replies.

I smile. Hailee and I went to celebrate Selena's birthday. Obrecht surprised her with the vacation and a group of us went. "It was awesome. Nice to get away and pretend we're normal for a few days."

Nora shoots me a smile but there's some sadness in it. "You work too hard, Liam. You should take more breaks."

I grunt. "Easier said than done."

She sighs then pats me on the back. "I know that feeling. See you in a bit." She hightails it out of the room.

I lay Shannon down on the table and quickly change her diaper. Her green eyes glisten, and she sniffles. "There you go, sweetheart." I fasten her onesie and carry her over to the couch. I sit down and bounce her on my knee.

She pulls at the green bow in her red hair. It slides out, and she begins to cry again.

I stroke her head. "It's okay. Mommy will be back soon. You're awfully upset today."

She cries louder.

"She didn't sleep all night," Boris says, walking into the room. He holds out his hands, and I pass Shannon to him. He picks up the pacifier on the table and puts it in her mouth.

She stops crying and curls into his chest.

"Pacifier. Does it every time," he claims.

"Noted." I shift in my seat. "I need a favor."

His eyes turn to slits. "What's that?"

My chest tightens. "Can Hailee and Gemma stay with you the next few days?"

"Of course. But why? Where will you be?"

I glance behind me to make sure Nora isn't in the room. I reply, "We're meeting with the Baileys."

"Are you crazy?" Boris blurts out.

I shake my head. "No. Rory sent a message to my father. I'd rather know what Rory is thinking than not."

"What if it's a trap?"

Acid curls in my gut. It's always a risk, but one worth taking to get into Rory's head. I add all the confidence I can muster into my voice. "It's not the first time the O'Malleys have met with another enemy crime family. We know how to prepare and not be blindsided."

Boris leans toward me. His eyes dart to the bedroom door then latch on mine. "What did his message say?"

"He wants to discuss our boundary lines."

A deep line forms between Boris's eyebrows. "He thinks he can come into Chicago and you'll roll over? Darragh isn't going to go for that."

I grunt. As far as everyone sees, my father is still running the show. Since I defied him and killed Adrian's shooters without waiting to set up either the Rossis or Petrovs, I've been calling the shots. Finn was right. The only thing that matters is I do what I think is right. Since that night, I don't ask my father for permission or wait for him to give direction. I do what needs to be done and tell him about it after. Lately, he doesn't even get out of bed for very long, so it's probably a good thing I stepped further into my role when I did. But no one knows how far his health has declined, except my mom and Hailee. To everyone else, the status quo is the same. I assure Boris, "Neither of us will. Even if Jack's company was already public, I still don't want him or his family within several states of here."

Boris protectively wraps his arm tighter around Shannon. "Agreed. Baileys need to stay in North Carolina, where they belong. If they think they can come into town and start throwing their weight around, they're going to have more than just the O'Malleys to deal with."

I rise and go to the window. It's a windy day in Chicago, and Lake Michigan is rougher than usual. The waves are several feet high. It seems appropriate for the rage coursing through my veins on a daily basis. Since Rory has been out of prison, I've been waiting for the twins to report they took him out or send me a location and time to do it myself. But neither has happened. The entire time Rory has been in Chicago on O'Malley turf but so well protected we can't go after him unless we have a complete shoot-out. While I wouldn't mind taking every one of his clan down, I don't want to put my men in harm's way. So far, he hasn't started to creep into our business dealings. Our lines of drugs and gambling are all secure for the time being. However, at some point, I know he's going to start moving in. This meeting is the first step for Rory to attempt to take what's ours.

"Please tell me you're meeting somewhere you chose," Boris states.

I spin and snort. "Don't insult my intelligence."

"Shoot his ass on the way in or out," Boris instructs.

I shake my head and point at him. "I expect more from you, Boris."

"What does that mean?"

I cross my arms. "I don't have the luxury of doing something like that in these meetings. If I do, there will be a war in the streets. He comes in escorted by our men, we talk, he leaves escorted by our men."

"What if it's a trap?" Boris repeats his fear.

"It's on our turf. It's not possible for him to trap us. An O'Malley would have to be a traitor for that to occur."

Boris's face hardens. He sniffs hard and stares at me. "We all know men can change sides."

"O'Malleys are blood. You can't change sides from your own blood," I insist.

Boris raises his eyebrows. "Isn't that exactly what Hailee and her sisters have done? Her mother, too?"

My heart pounds harder. "That's different."


I look away and don't answer.

Boris's voice turns cold. "Not all your men are blood. You know this. Don't blindly give your trust like I did. There are weak men in every organization. My advice to you is to find out who those men are before the Baileys do. We would have prevented a lot had my brothers and I known who the traitors were."

I say nothing, not wanting to believe any O'Malley could turn on our clan but realizing Boris speaks from experience. He's one of the few people I trust, so I don't take his warning lightly.

"This is happening tonight?" Boris asks.

"Tomorrow. We're meeting in Indianapolis."

Alarm fills his expression. "Why there?"

"Rory thinks it's neutral, but we own the town. We're leaving tonight to make sure every point is secure," I relay.

Silence fills the air. Neither of us breaks our gaze. Boris finally asks, "You need our men on this?"

"No. I promised Maksim I wouldn't pull you or any Ivanovs into our business. I've got it handled."


"We're good, Boris. I need to keep Hailee and Gemma here. If your guys can be on call for their sisters' and mother's security if needed, I'd appreciate it. There shouldn't be any issues, but in case something pops up..."

He nods. "Sure. I'll get with Adrian."

"Thanks. I'll bring Hailee and Gemma over around six." I step toward the door.

He calls out, "Wait. Nora said she needs to talk with you before you go. Let me go get her." He rises and takes Shannon into the bedroom.

I stare out the window, glancing down at the busy city streets. Boris's words about traitors fill my mind. I wish I could escape them, but I can't.

"Hey." Nora's voice rips me out of my thoughts. She runs her hand through her wet hair.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Have you seen your mom lately?"

I exhale deeply. "Last week. Why?"

"I hadn't heard from her in a while. Shannon and I visited with her yesterday. She told me your dad isn't getting out of bed very much?" Nora's eyes glisten, and she bites her lip.

"She shouldn't be telling anyone—"

"Liam, it's me," Nora says in an insulted tone.

"Sorry. You're right."

She puts her hand on my bicep. "It's all right. Are you doing okay?"

I turn away from her and stare out the window at the waves. "It is what it is."

A moment of silence passes. Nora keeps her voice soft. "I think your mom is struggling, Liam."

I refocus on the building to the right. The guilt that always eats at me flies into my chest. I swallow the thick lump expanding in my throat. "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about that."

"Just go see her. It'll help take her mind off it for a while," Nora suggests.

I study Nora's face.

"What aren't you telling me, Liam?"

I close my eyes briefly. I admit, "Things haven't been good since Kora and Sergey's wedding. She and Hailee had it out, and I took the key back. I said some things I shouldn't have."

Nora slowly nods. "I see. Would this be about your mom invading personal space?"


Nora smiles. "How are she and Hailee now?"

I shrug. "I've intentionally kept them apart."

Nora tilts her head. "You can't do that, Liam."

"Why? My mom stays out of our life. Hailee doesn't get pissed. It seems like a good plan to me," I state.

"That isn't a long-term solution, Liam. You can't shut your mom out. Is that what Hailee wants?"

"I didn't say that. This is all my decision. Hailee has asked a few times about my parents, but I'm not letting her near them. I have enough shit to deal with. I don't need family drama."

Nora puts her hand on her hip. "Your dad's dying. Take it from me, this isn't the time for you to stay away. Once your parents are gone, they're gone." She blinks hard, but a tear escapes, and she wipes it off her cheek.

I know everything Nora says is in my best interest. She wouldn't be butting in if she didn't think I was screwing up. "Fine. When I get back in town, I'll go see my mom."

"Where are you going?"

"I have out-of-state business to take care of. Hailee and Gemma are staying here for a few nights."

Concern floods her expression. "Be careful, Liam."

"I will. Keep Hailee and Gemma from freaking out."

Nora laughs. "Easier said than done. Maybe I'll invite your mom over for lunch."


"What? It'll be fun."

"You're so Irish."

She beams. "Yep."

"For real, though, don't invite my mom over. I don't need Hailee upset, especially when I'm gone."

She rolls her eyes. "When did you get so dramatic, Liam? It's just an innocent lunch..."

"Yeah, right."

She groans. "You underestimate my talents."

I hug her. "Don't do it. Thanks for letting Hailee and Gemma stay. I'll see you tonight."

She squeezes me tight. "If you change your mind—"

"I won't," I firmly pledge then leave. I get in my car and glance at the time. There are always too many things in a day to do, but the combination of Nora and Boris's conversation sticks with me. I debate for a few minutes but finally tell my driver to head to my parents'.

When I get to the house, my dad is in bed. My mom carries a tray downstairs. It looks like it was barely touched. Food fills the plate, and the tea and water glasses are full.

"Liam. What are you doing here?" my mother asks. Her face looks more worn and tired than I remember.

I take the tray from her when she gets to the bottom of the steps. "I haven't seen you in a while."

She stays quiet.

"Are you doing okay, Mom?"

Her lips quiver, and she looks away. Her cheeks quickly become wet, and her chest heaves.

My heart breaks. I put the tray on the step and tug her into me. She sobs, and I hold her tighter. I blink hard to contain my own emotions. "Shh."

"I'm sorry," she cries out.

"Shh. It's okay. Everything will be okay."

"No, it won't. He's...he's..." Her body erupts in tremors, and I focus on the cross on the wall. I'm not sure why I look there, but I can't seem to tear my eyes away from it. It's the one thing that didn't change when my mother remodeled. Since I was a child, it has hung on the same spot on the wall.

Several minutes pass until she catches her breath. She finally pulls back and wipes her face. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to—"

"No. I'm sorry, Mom. I shouldn't be avoiding you."

More pain fills my mother's expression. I kick myself for my choice of words. She lowers her voice. It comes out as a statement and not a question. It's not angry or accusatory. It just sounds sad. "Hailee hates me."

I firmly reply, "No, she doesn't. I'm the one who kept her from coming over here with me."

She tilts her head. "I don't understand, Liam. If she doesn't hate me, why would you do that?"

I fight to look away from her, but cowards do that, so I keep my gaze on her green eyes. I realize I've been a coward since the wedding, and I detest myself for that. One thing I've always prided myself on is not being a coward. "In my mind, it was easier."

Tension fills the air. The ticking of the clock seems to get louder. My mother swallows hard. She takes a deep breath and quietly says, "Mary Kelly told me I overstepped. I just wanted to help. For fifteen years, I prayed several times a day that you were safe and you'd be home in one piece. I thought I was dying. Most days, I couldn't breathe. Your father, well, he had to continue like everything was normal. I've never felt so lonely. He was here, but we didn't talk about it. We couldn't. The happiest day of my life was when you stepped out of that hellhole." She shuts her eyes, and new tears fall. "But now, I'm just losing everyone. And I'd rather feel what I did when you were gone than this. At least then, it wasn't your choice."

I've done a lot of horrible things in my life, but nothing compares to how I've hurt my mom. "Sorry doesn't seem like a strong enough word, but I am. I realize I made a mistake. I'm going out of town for a few days. When I get back, I'll do better. I promise."

"I'm not an obligation, Liam. You don't owe me anything."

My heart sinks further. "I know you're not. I want to see you. And you should know, Hailee's asked to come here several times. I've stopped her."

My mother furrows her eyebrows, and I know I've hurt her even more. I do the only thing that feels right. I step forward and tug her into me. "I'm sorry. And I've missed you. When I get back, we'll get together, okay?"

She sniffles and nods. "Okay."

I kiss the top of her head and pull back. "Is Dad asleep?"

"No. He's reading the paper."

"Okay. I'm going to see him before I leave."

She smiles. "Good. He'll like that."

I give her another hug then go upstairs to see my father. I knock on the door and try to cover the horror I feel every time I see him lately. In forty years, I've never seen him lying in bed until now. He's lost more weight, and the physically strong man I always knew seems to have withered away.

He looks up. "Liam."

"You have a minute?"

He motions to the chair next to the bed. I slide it across the floor closer to him. "How are you feeling?"

He arches an eyebrow. "Have you gone blind?"

My lips twitch. "No. You look like shit."

He starts to laugh, and it turns into a cough. After a long, drawn-out hacking session, he sets his blood-filled handkerchief down. His glistening eyes focus on me. "Is everything set up for your meeting?"

"Yeah. I'm leaving tonight."

He studies my face. "Don't let your guard down. At all times, you watch your back. He's a sneaky bastard."

"Got it. But I do have a question."

"What's that?"

"Boris made a comment today about traitors. How do I know we don't have any in our clan?"

His next words send a chill down my spine. In a cold voice, he replies, "You don't. Like I said, never let your guard down. At all times, watch your back, son."

"Great. I was hoping you'd give me some magical formula or something," I tease.

He snorts. "I wish. Now listen closely. When you meet with Rory, don't give him anything. The less you talk, the better. Listen to what he says, reiterate he's not doing business in our territories. Record the conversation, and we'll go through it together when you get back."

"Got it."

"One more thing, Liam."

I wait for him to continue.

"Come closer."

I lean toward him. He puts one hand on my head and the other on my stomach. "Use these. Whatever you do, don't use this." He taps my heart. "He's going to bring up his daughters. He wants them in their roles. He thinks he owns them. The worst thing you can do is react."

I struggle to inhale fresh air. The one thing I can't seem to control is my reactions to anyone threatening or even discussing Hailee.

We talk some more. I go downstairs and say goodbye to my mom. I get in the car and look at my watch. School would have gotten out. Hailee typically stays later, but I text her.

Me: I need to pick you up now. If you have things you can do over the next few days at home, bring them with you.

Hailee: What's going on?

Me: Everything is fine. But you'll need to call off work for the next few days. I'm outside.

Hailee: I'll be out in five minutes.

She comes outside and gets in the car. Panic floods her expression. "What's going on?"

"I need to go out of town. You and Gemma will stay with Boris and Nora."

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"You know better than to ask, little lamb."

She releases a frustrated breath of air. "Why do we have to go to Boris and Nora's? And why can't I go to work?"

I pull her onto my lap. "So I don't have to worry about you while I'm gone. And for this situation, I need to know you're safe. Now stop asking questions about this. I can't discuss anything else regarding it."

She pierces her eyebrows together and bites on her lip.

"You look cute when you're thinking hard," I tease.

"Stop it. This isn't funny. How long will you be gone?"

"A couple nights. When I get back, I need you to do me a favor."

She softens her voice. "Okay. What is it?"

"I want to go to my parents' for dinner. My mom isn't doing well. My dad's..." I stare out the window and compose my thoughts, shoving my emotions down. "He's not good."

"Liam, I've been telling you we need to go see your parents," she reminds me.

I give her a chaste kiss. "Yeah. I know you have."

"Okay. Do you want me to call your mom and arrange it?" she asks.

"Would you?"

"Of course."


She slides her hand on my cheek. "Liam, why do I have a bad feeling about your trip?"

"Don't. You have nothing to worry about," I lie and instantly feel guilty. Hailee and I don't lie to each other. I may not tell her everything, but I don't ever want untruths between us.

"Then why won't you tell me anything?"

I fist her hair and tug it back so I'm looking down at her. She gasps, which makes me smile. "Keep your nose out of O'Malley business."

"This isn't funny, Liam. I'm wor—"

I slide my tongue in her mouth and kiss her until she's out of breath. I glide my hand up her skirt and trace the thin strand from her panties on her hip. "How much do you love this thong, little lamb?"


"Get your ass on the other seat, take them off, and spread your sexy legs," I order.

A naughty smile forms on her lips. She backs away, sits on the seat across from me, and opens her legs. She drags her finger along her panties. She innocently asks, "You want these off?"

I lick my lips at the sight of the damp cloth. My pants become tighter. "Stop asking questions. I don't have time to punish you all night."

She purses her lips and takes her panties off. She holds her finger in the air with the thong hanging off it. "Now what?"

"Toss them here."

She flicks them at me, and I sniff them, then put them in my coat pocket. She pouts and opens her legs wider. "Is that all you wanted? You didn't have to pull me out of work early for that." She drops her hand and plays with herself.

Oh, my dirty little lamb.

I lunge between her legs and grab her hand. She continues to play with her clit, but I make her circle faster. I slide my tongue into her pussy, going as deep as possible, then flicking the tip as her walls clench me.

"Holy shit! Liam! Holy...oh...oh God!" she cries out.

I reach into my pocket and find the tiny bottle of lube I picked up at the store. Once my finger is coated in the slippery gel, I push past the hard ridge of her forbidden zone.

She gasps, and sweat breaks out on her skin.

I inch into her until my palm presses against her ass. My mouth stays locked on her pussy, my other hand guiding hers. She comes several times until I'm satisfied she's ready. Then I shove her thighs toward the back of the seat and cage my body over hers, pinning her legs with my shoulders.

Her orbs morph into blue, lust-filled flames. Our hot breaths merge, and my tongue, full of the residual of her orgasms, slips into her hungry mouth. I release my pants, pull my finger out of her, and replace it with my erection.

I groan as I slowly slide in her and mumble, "Jesus, you're tight, little lamb."

"Oh...oh..." Her mouth forms an O, and she opens and closes her eyes several times.

Her body grasps mine as I move in and out of her with a controlled speed. I lick her lips and take her hand and reposition it on her clit. "Just like before, Hales."

"I-I can't...oh...Liam, it's...oh God!" Her body begins quivering, and she struggles to keep her eyes open.

"Shh." I bury my face in the curve of her neck, inhaling her muted sugar scent and enjoying every sensation of her body spasming on mine.

Her hand circles between us, and a loud moan echoes in the car.

"That's it, little lamb. Show me what you got," I growl into her skin. I drag my fingers along the side of her thigh and begin thrusting harder.

Crimson floods her cheeks. A drop of sweat rolls down her chin and I lick it off. Salt mixes with the sweetness of her previous orgasms still on my tongue.

"Fuck, I love you," I mutter.

"Liam!" she cries out, and her body convulses so hard on me, I explode in her, burying my face once again in her neck.

We stay frozen, except for our breathing. The car stops. I pull out of her and release her legs and massage her quads. "Little lamb, are you okay?"

She nods, red-faced, blue eyes satiated, and her pink pouty lips curving up. Her chest rises and falls slower, and she reaches around me and locks her fingers behind my neck. She studies me. Then her face turns serious. "Liam, don't go."

Reality hits me. "I have to."

"I have a bad feeling about it."

I almost tell her there's nothing to worry about, but I stop myself. We don't lie to each other, and I don't want to start. The fact is, there are too many things that can go wrong. I might get blown to pieces the moment her father steps in front of me. Instead, I tell her, "It's a few days. You'll have fun with your sister, Nora, and the baby."


"It's not an option, Hales." I kiss her on the lips. "Pull your skirt down so we can go inside. We need to pack."