Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



Since Liam left my apartment,I haven't talked to him. He hasn't texted or called me. I'm relieved. Every second I'm not teaching, I think of him and what I should do.

The day of the wedding arrives. I haven't given him an answer. Every ounce of me wants Liam. I've never felt a pull to any man as much as I feel toward him. Yet, I can't seem to tell him I'll go to the wedding with him. I'm still processing how to accept all he admitted to me.

I go through the motions and get ready for the wedding. I pace my apartment, still torn. I've ignored my friend's calls and texts. The day of Nora's wedding dress fitting, I lied to them. I told them I hadn't gone out with Liam and don't know why. But if I talk to them, I'm going to admit I did spend time with him. All these feelings I can't seem to get rid of I'll blurt out, and I'm not sure I can handle that right now.

My phone rings, and I stare at the screen. Liam. My stomach flips. I answer. "Hi. I'm sorry. I—"

"Hales, my car's outside. I'm not in it. My driver will bring you to the wedding, no strings attached," Liam says.

I go to the window and stare down at the street. His black sedan is next to the curb.

"I ummm..." I blow out a big breath of air.

"It's okay. You don't have to say it. And I don't want you to feel strange around me, either, okay? I have to go. If you want to save a dance for me, that's cool. No pressure either way. Bye." He hangs up, and I wipe the tear falling down my cheek.

Why does he have to be so sweet?

I go into the bathroom and touch up my makeup then leave my apartment. I step out of my building, and Liam's driver gets out and opens the door for me. As soon as I slide in the car, I smell him. It makes everything hurt all over again. I hardly know him, and I miss every piece of him I got to know.

He's a murderer, and he said he'd do it again in the future.

But he won't ever hurt me. No matter what, I know this in my heart.

Did my mother think this about my father?

Jeez. The last thing I need is to hear her opinion on this.

Even if he never hurts me, killing is still wrong.

The debate continues, and I arrive at the church. I avoid my friends and Nora. I can't deal with anyone right now, so I take a seat. My insides are a shaking mess. I suddenly question why I came and didn't just stay home.

The wedding is supposed to start at noon but time passes. I get antsy. The church is full, but I've seen no one I know. Kora slides into the pew next to me, and Skylar steps over me to sit on my other side. Boris's brothers appear on the altar. "Hey," I say, surprisingly relieved to see them.

They both put their arms around me. Kora says, "We've missed you."

I smile. It's time to put our little altercation aside. They shouldn't have taken my phone and texted Liam I would go to the wedding with him, but they didn't mean any harm. "I missed you, too," I admit.

Music starts. Boris arrives at the altar. Adrian appears and sits next to Skylar. I glance toward the O'Malley side, and Liam is staring at me.

Holy hail Mary!

He's stunning in his tux. The same intense look he gave me the night he stared me down in the pub is on his face. He offers me a small smile, and I return one. My heart beats so hard in my chest, I think it might burst. The music changes, and everyone stands.

I rise and attempt to look at Nora, but I can't help locking eyes with Liam again. He's a few rows in front of me, so I try to concentrate on the wedding, but all I see are his broad shoulders and thick chestnut hair.

When the wedding is over, they dismiss us by rows. He leaves first, and when I get to the back of the church, he's waiting. "You look beautiful, Hales."

My flutters spark to life. "Thanks. You look really nice, too."

"Can I give you a ride to the reception?" He gives me his puppy dog eyes, and my heart melts. I'm unable to tell him no.


He puts his arm around me and guides me through a side door, to avoid the crowd, and directly into his car.

Uncomfortable silence fills the air. The scent of him alone makes me hot. Liam O'Malley, in a tux, staring at me like he wants to eat me up, makes me squirm in my seat.

He finally breaks the silence. "Thanks for getting me out of there."

I softly laugh, partly due to nerves. "You don't like crowds, do you?"

"More like my mother and church."

I raise my eyebrow. "You don't believe in God?"

"Quite the opposite. I'm an O'Malley. We're Catholic. I fully understand my place in Hell. No amount of confession will save me no matter what Father Antonio tells my mother," he states, staring out the window.

My chest tightens. "I'm Catholic, too. My mom used to make us go to church when I was a child, but I don't anymore."

He turns to me. "Then you understand why my mother's wishes aren't realistic."

"I never really understood confession, to be honest," I admit.

He studies me, opens his mouth, then closes it.

"Say whatever you want, Liam."

He places his hand on top of mine. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you, too."

Lines form on his forehead. He hesitates, swallows, then licks his lips. "Should I keep hoping you need more time and will be okay with my situation, or did you already decide there's no way you can see me again?"

My stomach flips. "I don't want to lead you on, Liam."

His face falls and he clenches his jaw. "Meaning you already made up your mind?"

"No. But I can't tell you I'll get there and—"

He puts his finger over my lips. I gasp from the spark it ignites through my body and right into my soul. "I'll wait. As long as it takes, I'll give you. If you tell me no, I'll accept it. But if any part of you is still contemplating it, I'll wait."

The car stops, and he removes his finger from my lips. I stay silent, wishing he would be a jerk and give me a reason to hate him.

Hope fills his expression. "What if we hang out tonight and don't call this anything? Just two friends at a wedding together? Would that be okay?"

My eyes fill with tears. I wish this weren't so hard. I wish I could get past things. I wish he didn't have to be so kind and charming, or wasn't the sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on. I wish I didn't feel such a strong connection to him. It would make everything clearer. I nod. If I speak, I'm going to lose it, and I'm trying to hold it together.

He picks my hand up and kisses it. "Thanks."

I'm unable to tell him I can accept him, and he's thanking me.

What the hell is wrong with me?

It doesn't erase the situation.

He opens the door and helps me out. Within seconds, he's escorting me through a sea of people, confident, strong, so protective, I can't help but love every minute of it.

Since Nora's pregnant, she wanted the reception right after the wedding so she wasn't too tired. She had Anna help her design it, and the room looks like you're outside under the stars. Liam escorts me everywhere, never once leaving my side. I'm grateful, since all my friends have their men. He introduces me to every person we come across.

After dinner, I need to use the restroom. I come out of the bathroom and freeze. Liam's back is toward me. A woman with long red hair, a killer body, and perfect-looking everything is in front of him. She reaches for his bicep, and he shrugs out of her grasp.

"Don't touch me, Megan," he seethes.

"You don't have to be so upset. I didn't know you were out—"

"What would it matter?"

"Liam, I know I didn't handle things the right way. We were young," she claims.

"We were engaged. You agreed to marry me. I was still in the county jail, waiting for my trial, when you got with Danny," Liam accuses.

My pulse increases. He was engaged to this woman?

"I know. But everyone makes mistakes. And Danny and I aren't doing well. It's because I never forgot you. Now that you're out, we can start where we left off. I'll leave him and—"

"Are you out of your mind? You fucked my cousin within a month of me getting arrested. You've been with him this entire time. Now you're going to leave him?"

There's a lurch in my stomach. How could this woman be so cruel? No matter how old they were or what Liam did, she was going to marry him. If she loved him, she wouldn't have run to his cousin within a month. And I know how Liam feels about dating his friends' past girlfriends. I can't imagine how badly he had to hurt during an already-difficult time.

She puts her hand on his cheek, and I almost throw up in my mouth. She claims again, "Liam, we can start fresh."

He grabs her wrist and holds it away from him. "Don't ever touch me again. You were with me for my place in my family. You never loved me. I won't be stupid twice."

"I did love you."

He releases her. "Get away from me, Megan. Don't ever talk to me or expect anything from me. There's nothing from you I want. When you see me at family events, you better avoid me like the plague."

"Liam, please. Listen to me." She steps closer and lowers her voice so I can't hear.

Screw this.

I slide between them and reach for Liam's face. It's hot from his anger. He glances down at me, and all I see in his eyes are years of pain and betrayal.

"Excuse me, we were talking," Megan says.

"Hey, baby. I'm ready for my kiss now," I tell him.

Surprise enters his eyes. I swallow and stand on my tippy-toes until my lips are on his.

His one hand palms my ass. The other slides to the back of my head and tugs at my hair. The throbbing in my lower body intensifies as his mouth ravishes mine.

He spins me against the wall and tongue fucks me while pressing his hard erection into my stomach. I barely hear Megan spit out a few nasty words and leave.

"What are you doing to me, Hales?" he murmurs and sticks his tongue back in my mouth.

I whimper and pull him closer, unable to stop, or let go, or continue to ponder if we should or shouldn't be together. Everything hits me at once. I've always played it safe. It's never made me happy. When I'm with Liam, I feel alive. I'm taken care of and his priority. And I've never been with any man who's so fiercely loyal or kindhearted.


"Take me home, Liam."

He retreats an inch from my face and stares at me. The green in his eyes flares against the brown.

My veins pulse with my blood. I add, "Come with me and stay the night."

He pushes a wisp of hair off my cheek. The pounding of our hearts beat against the other. His warm flesh presses deliciously into mine. The corners of his mouth slightly curve. "Do you want to dance first?"

"Not unless we're both naked."

He grins and pecks me on the lips. "Whatever you want, little lamb."