Hot SEAL, Labor Day by Cynthia D’Alba

Chapter 8

Ana loved being on the back of Sawyer’s bike. She knew all about the risks of riding a motorcycle. Besides hearing her mother tell her only uncouth people and troublemakers rode motorcycles, she could hear Randall screeching she could get hurt or break her hands. Maybe, but that didn’t stop her from tightening her hold around his waist.

Man, she loved how firm he felt, heck, how secure she felt holding on to him. She felt invincible, even if realistically she knew she was reacting like an adolescent teen. She’d never had time for boys, not really. School work and piano had defined her life.

But Sawyer wasn’t a boy, was he? He was a man, and she could honestly say, the first real man she’d ever kissed. Those kisses on her porch had been a total wow, like knocked-her-socks-off incredible. Obviously, he had much more experience with kissing. She couldn’t begin to imagine what he would be like in bed.

That thought stunned her. Bed? Sex? She hadn’t given sex any thought outside of scoffing at the love scenes in books. She’d been with two different guys in her life and never had she felt anything like what romance books described. But after Sawyer’s talented mouth and tongue, she was beginning to question everything. If she’d misjudged kissing so horribly, maybe sex was more than what she’d experienced…?

Before she could finish all her musing, Sawyer pulled into a gravel lot and roared past cars toward the front. He nuzzled his bike in a small area not far from the amphitheater entrance. As soon as the bike stopped moving, he dropped his feet to the ground and stood.

“Easier to park, right?”

She laughed and climbed off the back. “Much. Plus, we’re practically parked at our seats.” She pulled the helmet off her head. “How bad’s the hair?” she asked as she tried to tame the tangles.

He dropped the kickstand and joined her to remove his helmet. “It’s not bad.”

He ran his large hand down the back of her head. She shivered in response.

“Your hair is always gorgeous,” he said, and leaned over.

She rose on her toes to meet his mouth. He tasted like mint toothpaste and beer. Those two flavors shouldn’t have gone together and yet strangely did.

He draped his arm around her shoulders and they headed toward the entrance. She loved how he was always touching her. A stroke of her hair. A fingertip to her knee. A heavy, muscular arm pulling her tight against him. She could get used to that.

Their seats were in the middle of the of the twentieth row. With the way the rows dropped in front of them down to the stage, their view was ideal. Plus, their location made the acoustics excellent…if country music was your jam. Apparently, it was for Sawyer as she heard him singing along with the band, Molly and the Moonshiners, a country cover band who played all the hits of other country musicians. Some of the songs she recognized, but not enough to know the words or much of the melody. Still, having Sawyer’s deep alto voice in her ear made the evening pass much too quickly. She whistled and clapped along with the rest of the audience as they demanded an encore from the band.

She knew what that felt like…the demand to reappear and play another piece. Most nights, she was happy to give the audience another musical piece, especially if they’d been receptive and polite during the main performance. But there were those times when dragging herself back on stage was like dragging a mule that didn’t want to be moved.

After the second encore song, the band waved and left the stage for the last time.

“Did you have fun?” Sawyer asked, a bright grin on his face.

He rested the palm of his hand on her lower back as they made their way to the exit. The heat from his hand warmed her back and stirred the butterflies in her stomach into flight.

“Yes. Did you know you have a wonderful singing voice?”

His gaze dipped to the ground and the back to her face. “Thank you. I love to sing, but I don’t get a lot of chances to belt one out, except for nights like this.”

“I suppose singing on the job is taboo for you.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“What about karaoke? Ever do that?”

He laughed again. “My team would never let me live it down if I did.”

“Too bad there isn’t a karaoke bar around here. That would be fun. I’d love to hear you sing more.”

His hand slid up her spine and back down. “Now, you’re just being nice.”

“No, I’m not. I really like your voice. Do you play the guitar or anything while singing?”

He wiggled his fingers. “I have five thumbs when it comes to musical instruments. I tried the guitar, the trumpet, and even the drums. I love music, but when it comes to producing it, you don’t want me on your team. Were you always good on the piano?”

“Yep.” They stepped up to his Harley. “To be continued,” she said, slipping the helmet over her head.

He climbed on after her, and they slowly made their way among all the cars out of the parking area. She held on tight as he weaved in and out of the line of cars, making his way to the exit before most of the cars they’d been parked around.

Cool evening air flowed around her as Sawyer goosed the gas and the bike shot out onto the highway. The return to Harbin’s Harbor was on a fairly empty street. Either the traffic was behind them or the tourist traffic had departed for home. It would be interesting to see what the lake looked like in the morning without all the Labor Day boats and jet skis.

Once back at Harbin’s and walking toward their individual cabins, Sawyer laced his fingers through hers. “It’s not too late. Want to share a drink and look at the moon?”

“Yes. I don’t have any beer or bourbon, but I can offer you wine,” she said.

“Give me a couple of minutes to grab my bourbon and a glass. I’ll be right back,” he said as they stopped at the stairs leading to her porch.

“I have a glass,” she said with a smile. “Bring the bourbon and yourself. That’s enough.”

He grinned, and then kissed her. She leaned into the kiss, not wanting it to be so short. When he broke the kiss to run to his cabin, she almost fell over.

“Be right back,” he said, and gave her another kiss.

Ana went inside to pour herself a merlot. There were no wine glasses in the cabin. Only eight-ounce glasses and coffee mugs. She filled a hefty portion of merlot into a glass and got an extra one for Sawyer’s bourbon. When she got back to the porch, Sawyer was already waiting.

“Wow. That was fast. Teleportation?”

He chuckled. “Something like that. I didn’t want you to change your mind and decide it was too late.”

“No way.” She jabbed a thumb toward her chest. “This girl is up for a party.”

He arched a brow. “Really?”

“Yep. I bet I can stay awake until midnight.”

He laughed as he took the glass she offered. After splashing a healthy portion into the glass, he set the bottle on the floor. He held up his glass. “To Molly and the Moonshiners.”

Ana tapped her glass to his and took a long sip. “This is really good. I don’t drink a lot of wine, or really alcohol, but you introduced me to this brand of merlot, and I love it.” She leaned over as though imparting a secret. “I got directions to the winery in Napa. Shh. It could be the next place I run off to.”

“My lips are sealed.”

They drank for a minute, and then he said, “We were talking about your piano. When did you start playing?”

“I was about three or four. I would hear a tune and then try to find the right keys to produce the sound. I begged for piano lessons when I was about five. Mom thought I was too young. I disagreed then, and I still do. She should’ve found me a teacher as soon as I showed the talent and interest.”

“Maybe the lessons were a strain on your parents’ budget. I mean, piano lessons are a luxury for a lot of families.”

She realized he had no idea about her family…all the ridiculous money her grandparents had, all the millions her mother had.

Before she could respond, he said, “Wait. I just realized your family had a piano when you were little. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been picking out tunes, right?”

She nodded. “We had an older piano that nobody played. Mom inherited it from her grandmother, so it was more of a sentimental keepsake.”

“So, your mother didn’t play?”

She shook her head. “Nor my father.”

“Your grandparents? Did you inherit your talent from your mother’s side or your dad’s side?”

“My great-grandmother. She taught piano lessons to help make ends meet.” She wasn’t lying. Her mother’s grandparents had had nothing until their son hit it big in real estate. Now, her family had money flowing like an open faucet.

“That probably makes your mom and your grandparents happy that her talent was passed along.”

Actually, it didn’t. Her grandmother felt Ana having a career was ridiculous since her trust fund was large enough to pay for anything and everything Ana might want, as well as any children she might have. Her grandmother grudgingly accepted her piano playing because it was the classics and not some pop nonsense. However, she’d rather Ana had fulfill her role in Chicago society.

“I’m sure they are,” she lied.

“I hate to bring this up, but you’ve been missing since Friday. They must be worried about you. Don’t you think you should let them know you’re okay?”

“If I call home with my cell, the location of the call will be recorded. If Randall knew I was this close to San Diego, he would be here in hours to guilt me into going back, and frankly, I’m not ready to go back.” She looked at him. “I’m exhausted, Sawyer. Not physically, but mentally. I needed to read some romance novels and eat some taboo foods, and maybe kiss a sexy man. I’m not ready to give all that up.”

“So, call home on my phone. I can block the number so it will read ‘private’ on their end. You can tell them anything you want to, but they need to know you’re okay.”

She nodded. “You’re probably right. It’s too late tonight. But since you offered, I’ll use your phone to call my parents’ housephone. Someone will answer, and I can let them know I’m fine.” She looked at him. “Thanks. Seems like this is the second time you’ve come to my rescue when I needed help.”

He reached over and took her hand. “I’m glad I could be here for you.” He studied her face for a long while, and then said, “I really like you, Ana. You’re funny, and easy to talk to, and so, so sexy. You sort of blow me away.”

Her eyes opened wide. “You think I’m sexy?”

“Oh, babe. You rock my boat like no one ever has.”

Heat flushed up her neck and to her cheeks. Her gaze dropped to the porch. “I know what you mean.” She looked up at him. “You’re like no man I’ve ever known. You’re kind of blowing me away, too.”

“Whew. Glad to know I’m not in this by myself.”

“Nope. I’m right there with you.” She stood, walked over to where he sat, and leaned down. “I’ve never initiated a kiss before.”

“Hey, no time like the present.”

The smile on his face and the twinkle in his eyes were all the encouragement she needed. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his. He let her drive the kiss, and that shook her to her bones. She had no idea what she was doing. Still, she put her hand on either side of his face and found his beard soft to the touch. She’d already noticed that earlier when he kissed her, but now, her fingers spread and glided through his velvety facial hair.

After her second tentative kiss, Sawyer pulled her onto his lap. “I love how merlot tastes on your lips. Now, let’s see how it tastes on your tongue.” When he spoke, his lips touched hers with each word. His voice, deep and rough, sent chills up and down her back like he was playing scales on her spine.

He angled his head and gave her a deep, soul-crushing kiss. She opened her lips readily for him, meeting his tongue with hers as he thrust into her mouth. The kiss was all tongue and lips and heat. Her stomach squeezed. The area behind her navel pulled. Tingles and hotness hit between her thighs with a force she’d never felt.

Her arms weaved around his neck. Her body pressed against his as though she was trying to get inside his chest. She groaned and rubbed her aching nipples against his hard chest, not finding the relief she sought, even if she didn’t exactly know what she was seeking.

Sawyer’s hand cupped one globe of her rear. His fingers flexed, caressing her bottom in his hand. His mouth left kisses along her cheek then down her neck. Her head fell to the side, exposing more skin that wanted his mouth desperately.

She wiggled on his lap, the ache between her thighs growing exponentially with each thrust of his tongue. Beneath her bottom, she felt Sawyer’s cock, hard and thick.

Her hand found the band at the nape of his neck holding his hair. She pulled it out, freeing his long hair for her fingers to stroke. The strands were silky and soft. She loved how they felt gliding between her fingers.

Sawyer breathed into her ear, giving her chill bumps another boost. “God, Ana. You are so fucking sexy,” he whispered into her ear. He kissed her there then he ran the tip of his tongue along the top of her ear. “But we have to stop.”

“Why?” She pulled away until she could see his face, and what she saw stunned her. His eyes were dilated with lust; his lips were swollen and red from their kisses; his breathing was labored; his hair blowing in all directions from the breeze off the lake and the raking of her fingers. Behind the hand she rested on his chest, his heart pounded rapidly.

Her heart raced and throbbed painfully against her chest. Her lips were probably swollen and red. Her hair was draped over his supporting arm and tossing in the wind. Did her eyes look like his? Was he as turned on as she was?

“You know why,” he said. “If we don’t stop now, I won’t want to stop.” He stood, rising to his full height with her in his arms. “I’m going to put you inside your cabin. I want you to shut the door and lock it.”

She smiled and kissed him again. He groaned.

“Ana, you’re playing with fire, and I don’t want you to get burned.”

She stuck out her bottom lip in a sulk. He caught her pouting lip between his and sucked. Her breath caught, and she moaned.

“And that’s why you’re going inside right now,” he ordered. Still holding her, he opened her door, set her on her feet inside her living room, sighed loudly, and cussed. Then he shut the door.

“Lock it,” he said through the door.

Ana locked the door, then leaned on it and slid to the floor until her knees were bent up to her chest. Her mind whirled. Her lust-addled brain wanted to follow him back to his place, but fear stopped her. Not fear that he’d hurt her or anything like that. Fear that the experience would be like her others, leaving her disappointed. She liked Sawyer too much to risk it.

But it was a long time before she was able to fall asleep.