The Retaliation You Deliver by Tracy Lorraine



Iwas planning on going home after my visit to Harrow Creek, but when I got to the intersection on the border of Maddison, I found myself heading in the opposite direction toward Rosewood.

I parked at the very end of the beach and walked to Luca and Peyton’s spot.

I figured that if it helped give him some clarity over the years, I thought it might be worth a shot for me because I really needed to clear my head.

I stare at their initials carved in the tree with my hands buried deep in my pockets, my heart like a lead weight in my chest.

What Peyton and Luca share, even with their time apart, is something most people can only dream of.

Even as kids, it was clear to see that they were destined to be together.

It was always me and Luca. He might be my twin and we might have kinda been stuck with each other but he’s always been my best friend, and equally, I’ve always been jealous of his relationship with Peyton.

The three of us were pretty tight until… until Richard happened. Then I backed away.

I know the cracks in mine and Luca’s relationship are my fault. I know I pushed him closer to Peyton because of my inability to deal with what happened, but still, I sat on the sidelines and watched them fall in love knowing that unless I found a way to deal with my shit, then I was never going to have that for myself.

I drop to the ground, pulling my knees up and wrapping my arms around my legs as I stare out at the ocean. The sun is busy making it’s final descent for the day, casting the water in a bright orange hue.

I sit there for the longest time, reminiscing on how different life could have been if Richard Fletcher was never a part of my life. Hell, if my own father accepted what I told him and helped me instead of brushing it under the rug in favor of helping his friend.

If just one thing happened differently, then maybe I wouldn’t be here now with two men’s lives hanging in the balance.

If only I would’ve told Mom instead. Coach maybe. Anyone other than him. Maybe it would have been dealt with years ago. Maybe Mom would have grown some balls and left that prick sooner, maybe Peyton and Luca never would have been hurt the way there were.

Maybe. Maybe. Maybe…

I blow out a long breath and all the possibilities flutter around in my head.

All of this is my fault. If I weren’t so fucking scared then I might just have saved everyone a lot of pain and heartache.

Could I have saved Macie though?

I shake my head, not wanting to have her factor in all of this, but I can’t help it.

Somehow in only a matter of days, she managed to achieve something that no one else ever has. Letty’s got close over the years, but both of us have always known that we were always destined to be friends. But Macie managed to get herself under my skin almost from that very first moment I looked into her eyes.

I thought it was because I had been searching for her for so long. But after the two weeks we spent together and how empty I feel now after only two days without her, I’m really starting to wonder.

My fists clench as I allow myself to admit for the first time just how badly I need her, how much easier she’d make all of this right now.

“FUUUUCK,” I shout into the silence around me.

This wasn’t how it was meant to go. I wasn’t meant to… want her.

I’m meant to hate her.

I do hate her.

But also I… Fuck, I need her.

Agonising minutes pass as I sit there convincing myself that going to her dorm is a really fucking bad idea until my cell pings in my pocket.

Colt: Hot redhead at basketball party. Get your ass here.

In the past, that kind of a message would get him the result he’s after. But the thought of being with any readhead that isn’t her is suddenly less than appealing. Although, admittedly, it’s probably what I need. Some nameless, faceless woman to take it all out on. From behind, she could be Macie.

My cock stirs at the thought of taking her from behind, of her full ass, the smooth, pale skin of her back and her thick red hair wrapped around my fist as I fuck her until I lose some of this fucking tension.

Leon: She’s all yours tonight, man.

I let out a sigh knowing that I made the right decision, even if my body isn’t onboard.

Colt: Not tonight. I’ve got my eyes on a spitfire.

Leon: Leave Ella alone.

I can’t help but laugh at the way he follows her around like a puppy yet claims not to want her.

Colt: No can do, man. You can’t see what she’s wearing.

He must sense that I’m about to give up and put my cell away because he starts typing again.

Colt: I miss my wingman. Come on, bro. Come get fucked up with me.

I stare at his words, the need for the sweet oblivion that could come from meeting up with him and doing exactly as he says becomes too hard to deny.

Leon: On my way. Get the drinks ready.

Colt: Yes, bro!

Without looking back at my surroundings, I push through the undergrowth and back toward the parking lot.

It takes me ages to get out of town but when I finally do, I breathe a sigh of relief, my mouth watering for a taste of the strongest alcohol Colt can find me.

I’m almost in Maddison when he sends me his location and I drive straight to the house, not bothering to change. I really don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of the state of me. I’m not here for them, I’m here just to get fucking lost.

It’s what I’m good at. It’s what I know.

The party is in full swing as I sit behind the wheel of my car watching the students fool around in the front yard. Someone has a hold of the hose and is spraying everyone in sight.

Their shrieks and laughter filter down to me and I wonder just how it might feel, to be that carefree and enjoy yourself without the constant darkness trying to consume you whole.

When my thoughts begin to piss me off, I push the door open and climb out walking up toward the house while glaring at the guy with the hose to ensure he knows what a bad fucking idea it would be to direct it at me.

I’m halfway up the yard when the front door opens and the one person I wasn’t expecting bursts out with her hand in another’s.

She’s drunk, that much is obvious the second my eyes take her in.

My fists curl both knowing how much she hates being out of control but also at the fact that someone else is touching her when she’s wearing…

Fuck me.

The silver dress is wrapped around her body like a second skin. It’s short, almost too short, and low-cut, showing off her impressive cleavage.

My cock immediately hardens at the sight of her as images of bending her over in that dress slam into me.

No fucking way is that motherfucker getting anywhere near her.

I don’t even register who he is, it could be Luc or Kane for all I know. My entire focus is on Macie as I fly toward them.

Her scream filters through my red haze as I pull my arm back but it doesn’t stop me throwing my fist into the prick's face.

“Leon,” she screams, her tiny hands wrapping around my upper arm in a pathetic attempt to restrain me while the guy goes stumbling back against the wall.

It’s not until I’ve got him pinned up against the wall by his throat that I realize who he is.


A little bit of guilt flickers through me knowing that Macie sees him as her only friend but it's not enough to make me stop.

“Don’t fucking touch her,” I bark, swinging again and this time connecting with his nose with a satisfying crunch.

“Stop please, Leon. Please,” she cries behind me, her voice rough with emotion and slurred with the alcohol she’s consumed.

Leaning in close to Nathan, I watch as the blood pours from his nose as the front door opens behind us.

I know who it is before he even opens his mouth.

“Leon, let him go.”

“If you fucking touch her again, I’ll kill you. You got that, bro?”

“I-I,” he stutters before spitting blood at my feet. “Only one of us has hurt her, bro, and it’s not fucking me.”

His palms slam down on my chest and I make it easy on him and stand back.

He might be taller than me but I’ve got at least twenty pounds on him and could take him to the floor in a heartbeat if I wanted to.

Macie immediately rushes toward him, concern glittering in her watery eyes.

I keep my eyes on him, and he knows it.

“I’m fine,” he says, dodging her attempts to touch him.

Smart man.

“Leon, what the fuck?” Letty screeches when she finally joins the party in the front yard.

Ignoring all of them, I walk up to Macie who’s still trying to help a reluctant Nathan.

“Let’s go,” I demand, reaching for her hand.

Her entire body tenses at my words and she jumps back, out of reach.

“Are you fucking insane?” she screams, her face hard with anger.

It’s fucking hot.

“You don’t get to turn up here, throw your weight around then demand I leave with you. I’m nothing to you, you’ve made that very clear, Leon.”

“I’m not leaving here without you,” I blurt out, my words shocking myself as well as her if her wide eyes are anything to go by.

“Then I guess you’re not leaving.”

I sense the others step up behind me, but if I think they’re there to back me up, I’ve got another thing coming because they all sidestep me and stand with Macie.

Shaking my head, I stare the people closest to me, those I fucking love, going up against me in favor of her.

The girl who allowed me to endure the pain and torture that turned me into this monster.

“So that’s it is it? You all finally get the truth and you turn your backs on me. Thanks for the support, assholes.”

Marching forward, I move around Luca ready to leave but his hand grips my upper arm.

“We’re not against you, brother. We’re just with her too.”

“You don’t even know her,” I spit. “She’s a traitorous bitch who doesn’t deserve your loyalty.” I say it loud enough so that she has no way of not hearing every venomous word as it passes my lips.

Luca releases me and I storm forward toward my car. The offer of getting fucked up with Colt long forgotten.

“Leon, wait,” Macie cries and my body stops of its own accord.

My heart pounds as she walks around me. She stands before me with her shoulders squared ready to fight and a fierce determination on her face.

I’m so lost in her angry blue depths that I don’t see her hand coming until pain explodes across my face and down my neck.

Pride for my girl swells within me as I stare at her shocked face.

“You hit me,” I growl, taking a step toward her.

“You deserved it,” she says, standing her ground.

“You’re going to regret that, Red.”

She screams and I throw her over my shoulder and take off toward my car.

“Leon, get the fuck back he—” Luca starts but when I spin around, I find both Peyton and Letty holding him back.

Both girls stare at me, their eyes begging for me not to hurt Macie but I also see an understanding within their gazes.

With a nod at them, I take off once more while Macie squeals and wiggles over my shoulder.

“If you don’t stop that you’re going to find yourself fucked on the hood of my car for everyone to watch.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she hisses back, the alcohol giving her confidence.

I stop the second we’re in front of my car and slam her down on the hood, wrapping her legs around my waist, placing my hands on either side of her head and lowering down until my nose is almost touching hers.

“Fucking try me, Red.”

My entire body trembles with my restraint as she writhes against me.

“I hate you,” she seethes.

“Good. The feeling is fucking mutual.”

Her chest heaves as she stares up at me, her nipples hard behind the thin fabric of her dress.

“You look like a filthy slut, do you know that?”

“Fuck you, Leon. I don’t give a shit what you think of me.”

A smile curls at my lips.

“Keep talking dirty to me, baby. It’s not going to get you out of this any quicker.”

“Do your worst. I’m already as fucked up as you are. Can’t ruin what’s already broken, Dunn.”

I shake my head, a humorless laugh falling from my lips.

“You’re lying. There’s plenty of you for me to shatter.”

I pull her from the car, aware that we’ve still got an audience, and despite threatening it, there’s no fucking way I’m letting anyone watch as I fuck her, not even my brother.

“Let’s go.” Wrapping my arm around her waist, I push her toward the door.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she growls.

“No? I don’t see you fighting or anyone coming to your rescue.”

Her chin drops in realization as she looks over her shoulder at our audience.

“Traitors,” she cries and I push her into the car. “Oh no. No. No. No.” She tries to push past me, her balled fists raining down on my arms and shoulders and I throw her over the console and onto the passenger seat.

“Fight all you like, we both know who’s going to win, Red.”

“Fuck you,” she hisses, going for the door but quickly finding it locked. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“I don’t think you’re really in a position to make demands, baby.”

I start the car and then turn to look at her, a wicked smile curling at my lips.

Her hair is a wild mess of curls around her face, her cheeks are red, both from hanging upside down I’m sure.

Her dress is all twisted ensuring she’s showing off even more cleavage than she was when she first stumbled out of the house, and her dress is so high up on her hips I can see her black panties covering her pussy.

“What?” she barks, her nails digging into the sides of the seat, her chest still heaving. If she’s trying to pretend I don’t affect her then she’s doing a really shit job.

“You’ve got no idea, do you?” My brows pull together as I stare at her, unable to believe she doesn’t know how fucking hot she looks right now.

She’s like my kryptonite.

I know I shouldn’t touch her but fuck if I can help myself.

“Just drive and get this over with so I can go home.”

“Careful, Red. Anyone would think you don’t want to spend the night with me.”

“I don’t,” she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and staring out of the windshield as if I’m not even here.

A chuckle falls from my lips.

“Pretend all you like, baby. I can read you like a book.”

“Oh yeah. So you know how I’m planning on killing you?” She shoots me a wicked look that only makes my cock harder.

“No. But I do know that you’re wet as fuck for me right now.”

She scoffs.

“You’re delusional, Leon.”

“Been called worse, Red.”

I floor the gas, my wheels spinning as we speed away from the house.

Luca, Peyton, Kane and Letty are still standing in the front yard staring at us but I barely look at them. I don’t care about their opinions. They’ve made enough bad decisions in the past few months that none of them can criticize me right now.

“Where are we going?” Macie demands when I fly past the turnoff toward her dorm building.

My teeth grind as her soft, slightly slurred voice flows through me.

“How much have you had to drink?”

“How is that any of your business?”

“Because you don’t drink, or party, yet here you are.”

“Yeah well, excuse me if I need a way to forget what happened recently,” she spits.

“Try doing that for the last decade.”

“You’re a selfish asshole, you know that?”

“Me?’ I ask, all the air rushing from my lungs in shock.

“Yes, you. You walk around going after the revenge you think you’re due yet you have no idea what anyone else has been through. The only pain you know is your own. You don’t stop for a second to even consider what everyone else might have been through.”

“He didn’t fucking ra—” I cut myself off, not even able to spit the words out in anger.

“Just take me home, Leon. I’m not having this conversation with you right now.”

“I didn’t have any intentions of talking, Red.”

“I want to touch you less than I want to talk to you,” she spits, disgust oozing from her tone.

“Not interested now you know the truth, huh?”

“W-what?” she asks, rearing back, her eyes boring holes into my profile.

“You were more than happy to touch me before.”

“This has nothing to do with… with him and what he—” She swallows the words just as much as I did. “This is about me, Leon. The way you treated me.”

“You were begging for it.”

She shakes her head, blowing out a long breath.

“Stop the car.”


“Leon, stop the fucking car,” she screams like a mad woman.

“So you can run away? I don’t think so.”

“Leon,” she growls.

“You seem to be missing something, Red.” I glance over, ensuring she can see the danger and threat lurking in my eyes. “I’ve searched for you for ten years. You really think I’m going to let you go that easily.”

“You walked away pretty quick the last time,” she quips.

“Yeah, I’ve regretted it ever since. I should have taken you up on your offer and fucked you in every single room of that cunt’s house until you didn’t know your own name and couldn’t feel your own body.”

She gasps, but while she might think I hear her shock, I don’t. All I hear is desire.

“You’d have like that, huh?”

“No, I—”

“You want my punishment. You know you were wrong. You know that you owe me. And you fucking love it.”

“Shut up,” she demands.

“No need to be ashamed, Red.” Reaching over, I run my palm up her thigh.

Her body trembles beneath my hand making my cock ache for her.

“I’m more than happy to deliver all the punishment you deserve. I’ve spent ten years imagining all the things I’d do to you when I finally got my hands on you. I just never realized just how much fun it would be.”

“Leon,” she whimpers as my fingers get higher.

Her hands grip my arm tighter trying to force me away from her but she’s nowhere near strong enough.

“Oh baby,” I moan when I finally find the soaked fabric of her panties. “You remember the last time we were in a car together?”

“Leon.” It’s meant to be a warning, we both know that, but my name leaves her lips as barely a whisper.

“Yeah, that was hot watching you come all over my fingers. Did you think about that the whole way back to Maddison while you were trapped in here?”

“No,” she cries as I apply a little more pressure, her nails digging into my skin, the pain feeding the darkness threatening to explode within me.

“I bet you squirmed all the way home remembering just how good it was.”

“No, I hated you all the way home. I hated myself.”

“Good. You should.”

I take a sharp right without indicating, which sends her flying into the door before I slam my foot on the brake as I pull into the parking lot.


Her face twists up in confusion as she stares up at the hotel before her.

“Why are we here?”

“Because I want you somewhere where the others can’t come rescue you.”

Her breath catches at my words.

“Macie?” I ask, killing the engine and turning to look at her.

“What?” She spits.

“Do you trust me?”

Throwing her head back, she barks out a laugh as if I’ve just asked her the most insane question.

Reaching out, I grip her chin and pull her eyes back to mine.

“Macie?” I growl.

“No, Leon,” she spits, looking at me as if I’m nothing more than a piece of shit on her shoe. “I don’t trust you. I don’t even know you. The person you showed me before was an act, wasn’t it?”

I shrug. “I guess that’s for you to decide.”

Her jaw ticks under my fingers.

“Let anyone know there’s an issue, and things will only get worse for you,” I warn, releasing her and climbing from the car.