The Retaliation You Deliver by Tracy Lorraine



My body trembles as I watch Leon climb from the driver’s seat before he slams the door so hard the entire car rocks with the force.

My head spins, the alcohol from tonight making everything a little hazy. But there’s one thing that is very clear to me, being alone with Leon right now is a bad idea.

His eyes are wild just like they were in my uncle’s office on Thursday night.

The look terrifies me, but at the same time, he’s not wrong with everything he’s said about how my body reacts to his wicked taunts and dangerous threats.

It’s wrong. So freaking wrong.

I never should have allowed him to put me in his car, not that I’m sure there was anything I could have done to stop him. And I know I shouldn’t follow him into this hotel, but I also know that I’m going to allow it to happen. My curiosity, my desire, is too strong to walk away and not find out what he’s planning.

He might think I’m scared of the darkness within him, but the reality is, I’ve never wanted to dive in and lose myself more in my life.

The parts of him he considers broken speak to mine and drag out the girl I’ve spent all these years trying to hide.

My cell vibrates in my purse as Leon begins to march around the front of the car to get me.

Quickly, I flip my purse open and pull my cell out.

Letty: I know you probably hate me right now, but you need this. You both do. Fight like hell, girl. He deserves all your wrath and anger.

I can’t help but laugh at her words. Yeah, I want to hate her, but I also trust her. Now that I know a little background on her and Kane, and how well she knows Leon, I trust her even more.

I just hope that she’s right and that after tonight, things might go back to making more sense once more.

He rips my door open and stares down at me with my cell in my hand.

“You’re not calling for help,” he spits, yanking it from my fingers.

He stares down at the screen and laughs.

“She’s right,” he mutters. “I really do fucking need this. Get out.”

He wraps his hand around my upper arm and drags me from the car.

“Fix your dress. You look like a cheap whore. This place only welcomes exclusive ones.”

My chin drops in shock at his words.

“Then maybe you should go and find one of those.”

His fingers grasp my chin once more, his grip painful as he glares down into my eyes.

“Maybe that’s my plan. Maybe there’s already one waiting for me and you get to watch.”

All the air comes rushing from my lungs and tears burn the backs of my eyes. But it’s not his words that affect me, my reaction is purely from the thought of him being with someone else. I hate it, and I hate myself for my reaction because I shouldn’t care.

“We’d better hope you don’t have performance issues again then, won't we?” The words slip from my mouth without instruction from my brain.

His eyes darken as his nostrils flare.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Macie.”

“I’m not the weak little girl everyone thinks I am, Leon,” I hiss. “Our paths might not totally align, but we’ve both fought our way through one way or another. It’ll take more than a few harsh words from you to break me down.”

“Good. I’d be bored if it were that easy.”

He gives me ten seconds to right my dress seeing as I’m moments from flashing anyone who could be looking our way then he reaches out and takes my hand in his.

I fight my reaction to his simple touch, my arm burns with heat at his harsh grip.

“Don’t say a word,” he warns as we step into the fancy hotel.

I’m used to wealth, I’ve grown up having money thrown at me in the hope it’ll keep me at arms length but even still my eyes widen at the luxurious red and gold decoration along with the ornately carved pillars and furniture.

Leon walks me right up to the reception desk and hands over a black and gold card.

“Good evening, Mr. Dunn. I hope you’re well,” the receptionist says, holding his eyes and smiling. She’s probably well into her forties but still, she doesn’t seem to have any problem trying her luck with him.

“I’m great, thank you, Whitney.” The smile he flashes her sends a wave of jealousy through me. I haven’t seen him smile since we arrived at my uncle’s on Thursday and I hadn’t realized until this moment how much I missed it. “We’ll just need the room for the night.”

“No problem. How is your father? We haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Oh, he’s been a little under the weather.”

I stare at Leon’s profile as a coy smile tugs at his lips. Whitney probably misses it, but there’s more to his words than he lets on. I’d put money on it.

“Okay, well you know where to go,” she says, sliding the card back at him, a seductive smile on her lips. “If you need anything, you know where I am.”

My free hand curls into a fist at her blatant flirting.

“Thank you, Whitney. Have a good night.”

“You too.” He winks at her. Actually freaking winks.

My teeth grind at both of their actions as he drags me away, but even still the hussy never so much as looks in my direction. She’s too busy stripping Leon naked in her head.

The elevator doors open the second we step toward them and I gasp in shock when he pushes me inside and slams me back against the wall.

“Le—” His name is cut off when he presses his hand against my mouth, forcing me to breathe through my nose in an attempt to catch my breath.

“Jealous, baby?” His green eyes sparkle with excitement and danger as he stares me down.

I shake my head as much as his harsh grip allows.

“What would you do if I invited her up? You know she’d agree.”

My teeth grind and he feels it.

“She’d be all over it. She’s wanted me for a long time.”

A growl rumbles up my throat before I have a chance to catch it.

His smirk turns evil as he steps into my body, pressing me against the wall.

“Innocent little Macie Fletcher,” he murmurs. “If only everyone knew, huh.”

His hand slips from my face and I drag in a deep breath.

“Fuck you,” I seethe.

“If only they knew what a filthy little slut you really are.”

“Leon,” I gasp as he wraps his fingers around the fabric hiding my breasts, tugging it aside to expose me.

“Look at that,” he mutters, his eyes locked on my bare boob, his finger flicking my hard nipple. “Your body defies you, Macie. It always has.”

“I hate you.”

“Sure. I wouldn’t expect anything else. He made sure there was nothing left of me to love anyway.”

I have to slam my lips shut to stop myself from telling him that that can’t be true.

I refuse to believe that everything I’ve seen of Leon since we first met was fake. I want to believe that he never would have been able to keep up that lie as well as he did if that sweet Leon didn’t really exist somewhere under all this anger.

I hold his eyes, wanting him to read my thoughts, not that I think for a second that he’d believe me even if he could.

One side of his lips curl up before he lowers his head to my chest and sucks my nipple into his mouth.

“Oh God,” I gasp, my head falling back against the wall as he sucks harder, until a bolt of pain shoots down my body, zeroing in on my clit.

He laps at me, bites me, teases me until the elevator dings alerting us to our arrival.

Taking a huge step back, he runs his eyes down the length of my body, heat burning in his eyes, his cock trying to break out of his pants.

I should feel ashamed of the state of me, but staring at his reaction gives me confidence, it shows me just how much power I’ve still got over him even when he doesn’t want me to have any.

Covering myself up, I push from the elevator wall and walk out ahead of him.

I have no clue where I’m going but I’m sure he’ll soon point me in the right direction if I take the wrong turn.

His stare burns into my back as he follows me down the hall.

“Stop,” he booms when I’m beside the door.

Stepping up behind me, the heat from his body damn near scalds my bare back as he taps the pad beside the door with the card.

With his arm clamped around my waist, he swings the door open and walks me inside. The feel of his hard length pressing against my ass makes my thighs clench with desire.

I shouldn’t want him as fiercely as I do. Especially when he’s this angry. When all he can see is his need to hurt me.

“So this is where you bring all your expensive whores to impress them?” I ask as the hallway opens up to an impressive suite with floor to ceiling windows that showcase all of Maddison County in the distance.

“I don’t need to impress anyone, Macie,” he says, immediately walking over to the kitchenette and pulling out a bottle of whisky from behind a glass door.

He pours himself a generous amount before knocking it back in one go.

“This is my father’s place. He’s the one who feels the need to impress. I, on the other hand, don’t really give a fuck what people—what women—think of me.”

“I guess that’s good seeing as you treat them like shit.”

“What do you know about how I treat women?”

“Other than from experience?” I quip.

His brow lifts and I take a step toward him, needing to show him that I’m not scared of him, no matter how much he threatens me.

Now I know the truth, I see more of him than I think he’s even aware of. He’s angry, sure. Who wouldn’t be given the situation? But under all that pain and anger is a lost little boy who desperately needs to be told that it’s going to be okay.

He might think that my uncle was the one to ruin his life, to plant the seed of darkness inside him. But he’s the one who’s watered it and let it grow. Allowing it to fester inside of him until it begins to seep out.

He’s held on to his need for revenge for so long now that he can’t see anything else.

I should know. I’ve lived with the guilt for as long as he’s lived with the pain.

“I know you’ve only fucked redheads for years. And I think we’re more than aware as to why, aren’t we?” Reaching out, I swipe the bottle from his hand and lift it to my lips.

I regret it the second the strong alcohol hits my lips but I refuse to back down, to show an ounce of weakness in front of Leon.

He needs this. He needs me to fight. So that’s what he’s going to get.

I’m done letting him take the lead and following him down a track full of lies and deceit.

He’s played his cards now. I know the truth. And one way or another, I’m going to make him face it.

Because if he doesn’t… well, I don’t think either of us really need to go there.

“I’m fucked up, what can I say?” he says with a shrug, not even bothering to deny it, which makes me weirdly happy. “None of them mattered until I found the one I wanted.”

“Oh yeah? How good was I?” I force out through my burning throat.

“You have no idea how good it felt to fuck you over his desk. To take your innocence from you just like he took every bit of my childhood, of my life, away from me.”

“Is that what you imagined all these years? How lucky for you that I basically fell into your lap.”

He takes a step toward me, snatching the bottle back.

“Oh Red,” he says after swallowing a few shots. “What I’ve imagined has been so much worse. Open.”

Unable but to do as he demands, my lips part and I tilt my head back as he fills my mouth with whisky.

I try to swallow fast enough but he pours too much and it spills from my mouth and down onto my chest, soaking into my dress.

“Filthy little slut.”

The strap around my neck tightens before the sound of ripping fabric fills the space a second before cool air breezes over my naked chest.

Finishing off the bottle, he drops it to the floor before taking a step toward me.

“I’d run now, if I were you, little Macie Fletcher.”

His chest brushes my nipples and I swallow down my reaction.

“I’m not scared of you, Leon,” I tell him, staring him dead in the eyes. We’ve both experienced the devil in our lives and he is not it.

“Silly, silly girl.”

It takes a second for my brain to catch up with my body but the second my overheated skin presses against the windows, everything comes crashing back.

“Leon,” I whimper, the icy cold glass almost painful against my breasts.

Squeezing my eyes closed, I try to forget that I’m standing here damn near naked for the entire town to see.

All they need to do is look up and… A shudder rips through me.

“What do you think they’ll all see when they look up at you, Red?”

“P-please don’t,” I beg, hating that I do as I turn my head to the side.

“Do you think they see the sweet little Macie Smith that you pretend to be? Or the filthy liar that you really are?”


“I know what I see,” he growls in my ear. His deep voice sending a shudder of desire through me.

It’s wrong. Oh so wrong but even like this, I can’t help the way he affects me.

“You. Are. A. Filthy. Liar. Macie. Fletcher.” Each word punches the air and I feel them like physical blows. “And it’s time everyone discovered the truth.”

“And you?” I inquire, feeling brave.

“This isn’t about me.”

“But it is. Don’t you see, my lies are intertwined with yours. You expose me, I expose you. Is that what you want? The world to know why you're so angry, why you hate yourself and everyone else so much?”

“Shut up,” he booms, confirming what I already know. I just touched a sore spot.

“You’ve never spoken about it, have you?”

The length of his body presses against mine. His heat is almost enough to make me forget about my current position.

“Shut the fuck up.”

“You’ve never told anyone how it made you feel to be used like that. To be abused by someone you trusted.”

“Macie,” my name is suddenly more like a plea for me to stop talking.

“Well, now you can. I already know your dirty little secret, so you can tell me everything. You can explain how dirty he made you feel. Hell, you can even tell me that you enjoyed it, if you wa—”

“Enough,” he booms, his hand slamming down on the glass beside my head, making me flinch. “This isn’t about me.”

“You played me, Leon. You convinced me that I was crazy for thinking you didn’t have an ulterior motive and yet you did all along. What I want to know is, were you always this much of a cunt, or did he make you this way?”

A low growl rumbles up his throat at my question, at my language as his hand lifts to the nape of my neck, crushing my cheek against the glass.

“I want you to watch them watch you. I want you to look in their eyes as they see you for what you really are.”

A violent shudder rips through me at his words, but I swallow down my fear.

Those people down there are nothing. No one. They probably haven’t even seen me. And even if they do. They don’t know me. I could be anyone. I’m just a body. Just a woman enjoying her night.

Squaring my shoulders, I straighten my spine with my new found confidence.

Leon Dunn isn’t going to break me.

I survived Richard Fletcher, I can survive Leon.

He’s a pussy cat compared to the devil I was forced to live with.

His fingers brush my hip as they curl around the tiny bit of lace left covering me.

“Is this really going to make you feel better?” I ask. “Is shaming me like this really going to get you what you need? Is it the retaliation you’ve desired all these years?”

“I should have brought a fucking gag,” he mutters as he pulls the fabric from my body. “Maybe I should use this. Shut you up with your own panties.”

The image that pops into my head makes my hips roll.

“Fuck,” he barks as I grind against his hard cock. “You asked for it.”

A second later, the lace of my panties brushes my lips.


I refuse, biting on the inside of my lips.

“Defiant little bi—”

“Argh,” I scream when he spanks my ass so hard I feel it all the way down to my toes. “Fuck,” I mutter against the lace that’s suddenly stuffed in my mouth.

My hand immediately lifts to pull it out, but I don’t get anywhere near it because he snags both of my wrists and pins them behind my back.

The snap of leather fills the room as he pulls his belt free.

“Oh God,” I moan around the fabric

“No, baby. He’s not going to help you now. You’ve handed yourself over to the devil. And guess what?” He pauses for a beat as if I could actually respond. “It’s playtime.”

He binds my hands tightly behind my back.

I tug to see if I’m able to free myself as he chuckles to himself.

“It’s cute that you think I’d let you escape.”

I moan in frustration bucking against his hold.

“Because if for any second you thought Thursday night was it. That I got you out of my system, you’d be very much mistaken.”

“I hate you,” I seethe, making him laugh harder because he knows that while my head might believe my words. My body doesn’t.

My heart is pounding, my chest is heaving, and I can already feel my desire dripping down my thighs.

It’s mortifying because at any moment, he’s going to find out just how badly my body craves him.

It’s wrong. Oh so freaking wrong.

So why does it feel so right?

I cry out once more and he brings his palm down on my ass, the force of the hit only pressing me harder against the glass.

“I bet you look beautiful from down there. All wanton, just waiting for me to touch you.”

His fingers grip my hips so hard I have no doubt he’ll leave marks as he pulls my lower body from the windows.

I cry out when he spanks me again.

“So pretty,” he muses, rubbing the burn with his palm. “Are you wet for me, Red?”

I shake my head, not willing to submit to him despite the fact we both know I’m lying.

“Huh, that’s funny, because I can smell it, baby. I can smell just how badly you need me. So fucking sweet it makes my mouth water.”

He moves behind me and when I glance back, I find he’s on his knees, my ass right in his face.

My hips roll, my body desperate to feel something, to have the need that’s coiled tight within me snapping into a million pieces.

He can do that. I know he can. And I know he knows that I want it.

Is this all part of his game? Torture me with his barbed words, his brutal touch and leave me waiting. Begging.

No. I won’t beg. And not just because I can’t right now.

With one hand squeezing my ass cheek he runs a finger over my puckered hole.

“I should take this too. Take all your firsts and ruin you for anyone else.”

My breath catches in my throat at his wicked words as my pussy clamps down on nothing as another wave of desire washes through me.

I don’t want that.

I don’t want him to take everything from me.

Do I?

He begins circling around the sensitive skin, it’s an alien sensation but one that makes the need within me grow.

“I bet you’d be so tight you’d damn near strangle my cock,” he mutters and I begin to wonder if he’s actually talking to himself more than me.

Then suddenly, his finger is gone and I try to cry out when something much gentler presses against me.

A moan rips from my throat, muffled by my panties as he licks at me.

My legs tremble as my pussy gushes.

I scream, my fists clenching in their bindings as he pushes his tongue inside me.

So wicked. So dirty.

But I love it.

“You want it, don’t you? You want to feel my cock buried so deep in your ass you have no idea where you end and I begin.”

I shake my head again denying that his words are true.

He punishes me with a slap. Then another and another until I’m sure my ass has his glowing red handprint on it.

“Pretty,” he murmurs, trailing his fingers up my inner thighs, collecting up my juices as he moves. “Macie, Macie, Macie. So wet for me. Such a little lying, filthy whore.”

I push back, offering myself up to him, needing his tongue again, his fingers. Anything.

“Anyone would think you’re enjoying this. Being on display for the entire county to watch as I eat you.”

A groan rumbles up my throat, my need to demand he does just that desperate to fall from my lips.

Thankfully, in only a heartbeat, I realize that my demand is unnecessary.

I scream around my panties as he licks up the length of me.

“So fucking sweet.”

My legs tremble with my need to let go as he laps at me like a man starved.

He circles my clit, bites down on my sensitive skin and plunges his tongue deep inside me.

My hips roll desperate for more as my cheek and breasts stick to the window as my body heats, sweat coating every inch of me.

I moan and mewl, itching to pull my panties from my mouth so I can really let go but no matter how much I try to spit them out, I can’t.

Shifting around so his back is to the window, Leon sucks on my clit once more, but this time he slides two fingers inside me. The intrusion burns but the pain is so freaking good that I almost come the second he strokes my walls.

Dragging my eyes open. I stare down at him as his cold, evil ones glare up at me.

Everything he feels for me shines bright in the green depths. His hate, his anger, but more importantly, his desire.

He might want to punish me, but despite all the bullshit surrounding this situation, he wants me just as badly as I do him.

The broken parts of us just align.

We might be a car crash waiting to happen. But like this, right now, stripped bare with our pain bleeding from us for the other to see, we work, even if he refuses to acknowledge it.

We might have experienced different things. But we’re the same. Deep down, we’ve got the same fractured souls. We crave the same revenge, we’re desperate to deliver the same retaliation.

The only difference is that I think he’s got the means in order to follow through with the thoughts that have run around my head for years.

He can put an end to the torment, the nightmares. But he’s got to be able to accept the past, what’s happened to him if he’s ever going to find a future for himself.

A moan rips from my throat as my orgasm finally begins to crest. But just as I’m about to fall, Leon rips his fingers from my body and releases his vicious hold on my clit.

I pant, my chest heaving as I desperately try to drag in the air I need through my nose only.

Thankfully, he takes pity on me and after pushing his way up the window, he plucks the lace from my mouth and throws it to the floor.

“Oh God,” I moan, sucking in huge lungfuls of air.

His hand grasps my chin, forcing my head back so I have no choice but to look into his dark green, sadistic eyes.

An evil smile curls at his lips as both them and his chin glistens with my juices.

“You’re a sick bastard, Leon Dunn,” I spit.

His smile widens but he doesn’t say anything, instead, he shoves two fingers deep into my mouth.

“Lick them clean.”

My eyes narrow on his, my hate burning through them but as much as I want to defy him, I find my tongue lapping at his digits, my own tastes exploding in my mouth as his eyes flare with desire.

I suck on them, making him groan, and just before he pulls them free, I sink my teeth down into his skin.

Immediately, the coppery taste of his blood fills my mouth.

“You fucking bitch.”

“Yeah? What are you going to do about it? You’re nothing but a scared little boy, Leon Dunn. A scared, broken, little boy who doesn’t think he’s worth anything.”

His hand clamps over my mouth, stopping my wicked words. He pushes me backward and I don’t fight it.

He needs to hear these things, he needs to properly deal with what happened and if that means he needs to hurt, then so be it.

I’ll make it hurt because I know it’s the only way to heal.

I’ll also be right here to take all of it from him.

We don’t stop until we’re in the bathroom. He spins me, forcing me over the counter, my chest pressing against the cool marble, my nipples pebbling against the smooth surface.

His eyes hold mine in the mirror as his chest heaves.

My words hit their target, I can see the hurt in his depths and he hates me for it.


“You finished?” he asks, taking a risk I won’t keep taunting him when he removes his hand from my mouth, although he doesn’t move it very far because it just slips down to my throat, squeezing in warning.

“Are you?” I quip.

His jaw ticks giving me the answer I already knew.

“You want to drown in the darkness of your past?” I ask him, holding his stare. “I’m more than happy to go down with you, Lee. But it’s not going to be easy. Pasts like ours are messy, painful. And until you accept what you’ve been through, you’re never going to see the light.”

I don’t even realize he’s pulled himself out until I feel the hard head of his cock at my entrance.

“Shit,” I cry as he thrusts forward.

My feet leave the floor as my head collides with the mirror in front of me.

“What is it you're hoping to achieve here, Leon?” I force out as he pistons in and out of me in punishing strokes. “You want me to tell you that you’re evil? That you’re nothing? Or do you want me to tell you that you're getting your revenge by punishing me? Or…” I add, knowing this one is going to sting. “Do you want me to tell you that you’re just like him, taking whatever you want, hurting whoever you want without caring about the consequences?”

“FUUUUCK,” he roars, his thrusts are so hard each one hurts as he hits my cervix.

“You. Know. Nothing.”

“Wrong,” I spit. “I know everything. That’s why you hate me. You’re ashamed. You’re scared. You think you’re weak.”

“NO,” he booms, his grip on my hips painful as his cock swells, letting me know that he’s about to explode. “NOOO,” he cries but before he comes, he pulls out of me, lifts me from the counter and pushes me to the floor.

I land on my ass with a thud, pain shooting up my spine as he fists his cock in front of me.

I’m enthralled looking between the fierce expression on his face and the way he violently tugs at himself.

“ARGH,” he cries, his entire body locking up for a beat before jets of cum shoot from his cock, covering my chest.

He stills for a moment, his hand resting on the wall above me, the room falling silent for long seconds as we both fight to catch our breaths.

I watch him from my seat at his feet, his eyes closed, his face twisted in torment, all his hate for himself, for the world, oozing from his every pore as I wait for what comes next.

My body aches, my arms and shoulders pull, and my pussy clenches around nothing as it tries to find what it needs to climax as I shiver against the cold tiles beneath me.

Any thought that this might be over is obliterated the second he opens his eyes.

They’re even colder than they were before, if that’s even possible.

“Look at you at my feet covered in my cum.” He smiles and my stomach tumbles.

I might claim not to be scared of him, but right now he looks unhinged.

I breathe a sigh of relief when he reaches behind me and releases my arms, but it’s short-lived because he only frees one hand.

He looks around the room briefly before lifting me and placing me in the shower. He lifts my arms and reloops his belt around my wrists.

“What the hell are you doing?” I scream as he connects his belt to the rail in the shower. “Leon,” I cry when he takes a step back.

“Open your legs, I want to see your swollen cunt.”

My breath catches in my throat.

“Who are you?” I breathe, desperate to see just a hint of the Leon I thought I knew instead of this monster I’m staring at right now.

“Just a broken little boy,” he mutters, turning his back on me and storming from the bathroom without so much as a glance over his shoulder.

“LEON,” I scream, harshly pulling at the railing above me in the hope I can dislodge it somehow, but it’s pointless. “FUUUUUCK,” I scream, kicking my legs in frustration.