unREASONable by Arya Matthews

Track 27


I wake up in a much lighter mood than the night before. A new day, a new plan. Marshall is a pain, and being in love with him complicates everything, but neither of those things will stop me. I have to keep fighting for my bassist spot. My heart can wait.

I brush my teeth, get dressed for the workout in a hurry, and run to the Nest. Everyone but Zach is already in the gym, but the pianist keeps late hours and always rolls in last.

“Morning,” CJ greets me the moment I step in.

“Good morning.”

Yesterday he told me to act happy to spite Marshall, then kissed me. It was a very brotherly kiss, but he still did it. While he told me he’d always love me. I was too frustrated to think about it, but now that my head is clearer, I take the event apart. Did CJ mean love love? He has to know I don’t feel the same way about him. I value our friendship, but there’s no love. Not the same kind I feel for his best friend.

I don’t get any time to corner CJ about it. Zach finally arrives, and we start the workout. At the end of it, Marshall surprises me by putting my dumbbells on the rack then saying, “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

Did I hear that right? He took the first step toward making peace. I shouldn’t be too surprised, though. Marshall does that all the time. Zach’s sister, Nari, was right. The Vipers are good guys, or they try to be.

I open my mouth to reassure Marshall that I’m not mad at him, but he’s already at the door. The O’Neals and CJ have gone ahead, and Zach lingers on the cycling machine, so I feel safe to whisper when I catch up with Marshall. “Did you already eat breakfast? I didn’t. Should we go out like you wanted to yesterday?” This is also part of the new plan—keep being nice to him, pretending that he can’t get to me.

“We need to practice the new song.”

I take his smooth expression and lack of grumbling as a good sign. “Okay. Do you…” I hesitate, and Marshall finally faces me.

He looks so calm that it makes me stumble. His eyes lack their usual fiery glimmers. He is serene. So good.

Now’s not a good time to get lost in him. I’ve got to stick to the plan.

“There’s an opera performance of Eugene Onegin here in Portland in February. The troupe that’s bringing it is from Russia, and they’re amazing. My parents took me to see them once as part of the present for graduating from the music school. Would you…” Just say it, you scaredy cat. “Would you like to go with me?”

Marshall stops. He’s going to say no.

I try to act like I don’t care one way or another. I even pull out my phone and pretend to check it for messages.

“I’ll think about it,” he says.

It takes all of my self-control to not groan. Another vague answer. What did I expect?

“Breakfast! Breakfast!” Zach emerges from the workout room and pushes us both toward the kitchen.

I sit next to Marshall during breakfast and stay close to him throughout practice. I haven’t lost yet. I can still win him over. Marshall acts completely relaxed the whole time. It’s nice but weird at the same time. Like something is missing. I’ve gotten used to dealing with a discontented Marshall. What do I do with this one?

We practice the new song. Having listened to the demo hundreds of times, I know all the words, but I’m not certain about the style. I don’t want to sing the same way Marshall recorded it and rip him off.

“What do you think? Is it right?” I ask CJ.

He shrugs. “Ask Marshall.”

Marshall glares at CJ. “Don’t ask me. It is your song.”

CJ scowls and walks to the other side of the room.

For the first time, I see trouble brewing between the members of Project Viper.

I look at Shane, Graham, and Zach for clues. Graham shrugs, as he always does, and the other two shake their heads, refusing or reluctant to help ms