unREASONable by Arya Matthews

Track 28


In the four weeks that follow, Alexandra and CJ do a great job learning and recording my song. Their song. They take turns singing the verses and do the chorus together, with Alexandra singing the bridge in her high, breathy voice. It’s beautiful, but it sounds all wrong. The emotional charge is completely different from what I had in mind. I’m the only one to blame though. Had I chosen to sing it with Alexandra, we would’ve gotten it right. Now that I’ve passed all responsibility for the song to CJ, I have no right to complain.

“Got the opera tickets today,” Alexandra announces one dreary evening in early February.

My initial desire is to storm off without a response, but I’ve been trying so hard, and succeeding, to be nice and restore the balance to the band that I can’t afford to indulge my temper. Everyone seems to breathe easier since I’ve started “being myself” again. Everyone but me, of course.

I want to know why Alexandra wants me to go with her. She’s always with my best friend. But we kissed and she didn’t seem to mind that. Alexandra bubbles with energy and shoots me excited looks any chance she gets, but she still hangs out with CJ like her heart will never belong to anyone except him. But, but, but… Maybe Alexandra’s trying to see if she and I have potential. All the same, it’s clear as day she likes CJ more.

“The performance is on the twentieth at seven,” she continues.

“Glad you managed to get the tickets.”

Alexandra huffs. “Kiera did. She got us really good seats too. I should get her a thank you gift.”

“She’d like that. I hope you enjoy the performance.”

I’m eager to get out of talking about the opera. I should’ve been honest and refused her from the get-go. Now she seems to think I’m going. I need to find a way to get out of it. I need to butt out altogether and save her from the awkwardness of having to choose between me and CJ.

Speaking of our former bassist. “Why don’t you ask CJ to go with you?”

Alexandra grins. “Fiona did. We got four tickets, so I asked her if she’d like to come. She has done so much to help me feel at home. I want to treat her to a fun evening. You don’t mind, do you?”

I shake my head and silently grind my teeth. There goes my easy way out.

“Formal wear, all right?” Alexandra goes on.

“About that—”

“You don’t have a tuxedo or a formal suit?”

“I have many.” That’s not the point!


“Please don’t make me do this,” I mutter, disgusted with my lack of guts. I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but is there anything I can do to avoid that now?

Alexandra pats my shoulder. “Opera sounds boring and maybe a little intimidating, but don’t worry. You’ll love this one.”

She doesn’t give up easily. I always knew that about her.

“You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you, even if I mean it?”

“Of course not. Especially since you have many tuxedos.” She leaves the main house, walking on air.

What a disaster. A beautiful and persistent disaster.

For the remaining time until the blasted evening, I do my best to avoid having any one-on-one time with her.

“Ready for tonight?” Alexandra pounces on my arm after the rehearsal the day of the opera, and her warm fingers on my bicep send shivers down my spine.

I free my arm. “Don’t worry about me. This is something you wanted to do, so enjoy it no matter what. Deal?”

“Deal.” She beams at me and hurries down the hallway to join CJ for whatever it is they’re planning to do.

She’s going to hate that deal, and me for it, but she has to see we can’t be together.