unREASONable by Arya Matthews

Track 41


We sit around our dining table, Connor at the head, and wait for him to start. Connor takes his sweet time, taking turns to look at each one of us. Just like CJ, he likes to use silence as his weapon, to intimidate in this case.

“I assume I don’t have to explain why I’m here?” he says at last.

Since I don’t want to prolong this awkward meeting any longer than absolutely necessary, I say, “Because I announced Alexandra joining Project Viper without anyone’s approval?”

“Does the band approve of her then?” Connor takes another look around the table. It’s obvious he’s invested in her success, and now I’m itching to find out why.

“We do approve,” CJ says. “She’s been great.”

“Agreed,” Zach adds.

The O’Neals nod.

“Are we signing a long-term contract then?” Connor addresses Alexandra.

She looks at me. I give her an encouraging smile.

“I’d like to stay,” Alexandra says to Connor.

“Good. Then I need to see you all at the office on Monday. You too, of course.” He points at Kiera. “There’s a pile of paperwork to sign, lawyers to talk to. You know how it is.”

Half of my friends slump against the backs of their chairs, the other half rests their upper bodies on the table. I remain sitting straight. This isn’t over yet.

Alexandra squeezes my hand.

Connor squints at me and says, “Come with me.”

We end up in our office.

“How do you know Alexandra?” I ask before he can say anything.

“Her dad was a good friend of mine. I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it. But you and her?”

“I’ll take good care of her,” I promise.

“Does she want you to take care of her?” He sits on the edge of the computer desk, and his gaze turns to ice. “Don’t think I haven’t heard of your pigheaded attitude. And before you ask, no. I didn’t hear about it from Alexandra. She never said anything. Whenever I called, she always sounded like everything was great.”

“Then how?”

“I have my sources.”

And I have my suspicions. Fiona. But I choose to drop the issue. I was no angel, and it won’t help anything if I get defensive.

“It’s different now,” I say.

I wouldn’t have believed six months ago that I’d fall for Alexandra with such hopelessness, but she changed the way I think about my life, about her, about Project Viper. And I love every single bit of it. I love this change. Something’s wrong with me.

No. Everything’s just right. Perfect, in fact.

“I saw you on stage with Alexandra.” Connor brings his foot to rest on his knee. “You’re in a tricky situation. Project Viper’s future will largely depend on you and your ability to keep things in check with her. If the two of you have a major falling out, it’s not going to end well for the band, so don’t jump into a relationship with her blindly. You’re mad about her today, but what about tomorrow? What about a year from today?”

“It’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

We stare at each other. I know Connor doubts me, but I’m all in when it comes to Alexandra. He has nothing to worry about.

“One thing at a time, I suppose,” he says in the end. “Just try to take it slow.”

Slow? With Alexandra? I don’t think either of us is capable of that.

“Of course,” I say all the same, because what other choice do I have?

He leaves.

Kiera peeks into the office. “So, you like Alexandra now?”

I chuckle. “Subtle.”

She gives me a gentle scolding look. “Took you long enough.”

“Don’t even start.”

“Fine, I won’t. But remember how I told you she’d be good for you?”

“You can’t possibly take credit for that!”

Kiera laughs. “Can’t is not a word in my vocabulary.”

I scowl, but I have better things to do than stay irritated with her. It’s been a long day, and normally I’d be pumped to go to bed, but there’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep tonight. I’ve got too many apologies to repeat and too many missed kisses to make up for.