It’s Only Temporary by Iona Rose


It had been two weeks of hard adjustment learning to live with my new limitations. My apartment had started to feel like a prison until Connor insisted on taking me for evening walks. Bless that man. I’d tried to get him to get on with his life and forget about me but he showed up every evening after Eva had left for the day.

As if reading my mind, Eva looked up from her computer. For the second time that week, I noticed how pale she looked.

“Connor has been coming around a lot. Is something going on between you two?” she said in her usual blunt manner.

“Nope,” I said. “We’re just friends and he’s determined to help me through this period, no matter how many times I tell him that I’m okay.”

I turned my attention to the neck piece I was working on. Work had been my savior. My productivity had shot through the roof. It took so much effort to get up that I did it less than I usually did. Which meant I got a lot more work done.

“I’m here though. Have you told him that?” Eva said. “He shouldn’t come from a misplaced sense of responsibility.”

I looked up sharply. “What do have against Connor? He’s a great guy and it wasn’t his fault that I broke my leg.”

“I don’t like guys who sleep with my sister on the rebound,” Eva said.

I inhaled sharply trying to maintain my patience. I’d told Eva about our week in Colorado and how we had scratched each other’s itch, as I’d started to think of it. But, that part of our lives was over and we were just friends.

At least that’s what I was sure Connor had in mind. I wished I could say the same. Sometimes it took me as much as two hours to fall asleep after I went to bed. I tossed and turned and remembered how gorgeous Connor had looked that day, and how I’d have loved to have his strong arms around me.

“Your sister is also an adult who can make her own decisions,” I pointed out irritably.

“Maybe but she needs her sister to look out for her.” Eva had to have the last word in an argument.

I needed a change of topic pronto. “Enough about me. What’s happening with you? You don’t look too good. Is everything alright with Jeremy?”

She smiled and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. I loved Jeremy like a brother and I really wanted their marriage to work. It gave me hope that Eva and I had normal people genes when it came to relationships and marriage.

“Everything’s fine on that end. He hasn’t brought up the conversation of a baby and it feels like we’ve become honeymooners again,” Eva said, a soft look on her face.

I wondered if that soft look that came over women when they talked about a man they loved, would ever happen to me. “That’s great.” I peered at her face. “Then why do you look so pale? Like you don’t have enough blood or something.”

She nodded. “I’ve been feeling a bit weak to be honest.”

“And you haven’t gotten it checked out?” I shook my head in frustration when she nodded in the affirmative. “You’re leaving work early today. Go and see a doctor please.”

“Okay Miss Bossy,” she said.

I worried for the rest of the day. It wasn’t like Eva to admit so readily that she wasn’t feeling well and to actually agree to go and see her doctor. That meant that she was feeling even worse than she was admitting to.

I was in the kitchen sipping water and sketching on my pad when the sound of a key turning came from the front door. I smiled and waited with abated breath for Connor to find me in the kitchen.

Against Eva’s advice, I’d given him my spare key seeing as he spent most evenings and weekends at my place. It saved me the hustle of hobbling to open the door for him. Besides, I trusted Connor and I knew him more than I’d known any of my past boyfriends. I even knew his family for goodness’ sake.

He strolled into the kitchen carrying two shopping bags. Seeing him sent shocks of awareness through me and when he smiled, my legs, including the broken one turned to jelly.

“The best part of my day is seeing you,” he said as he leaned forward to kiss my cheek.

I deliberately moved my head so that his kiss landed on my lips. He inhaled sharply when our mouths touched and instead of moving away, he lowered the bags to the floor and came to stand between my legs.

He forked his left-hand fingers through my hair and stared at me intensely. “I want to kiss you really badly. I’ve been fighting it for two weeks.”

My lips parted and a moan escaped my lips. “I’ve been hoping you would kiss me for two weeks,” I said, caring little for my pride.

“Oh Bianca,” he said and brought his mouth to mine.

Everything in me came awake as though my body had been waiting for that very moment. He tasted of coffee and of potent masculinity. The hand on my hair massaged my scalp and the other rested on my hip.

I kept my hands hanging by my side at first, too focused on the wild sensations racing through me. My nipples were sharp spikes pressing against my top, aching to be touched.

I moaned into Connor’s mouth as his tongue teased mine before he withdrew it and nibbled on my lower lip. How had I survived for two weeks without his kisses?

He shifted his attention to my neck, licking and kissing my skin. I threw my head back and cried his name. He lifted my top and I helped to pull it over my head, leaving me only in my bra.

He cupped my breasts possessively and brought his mouth to mine again. Intense pleasure stabbed at my core. A frenzy came over me, as if he was going to walk out of the door at any moment, and I caressed his shoulders and back fervently.

He squeezed by breasts over my bra and I let out a cry. I needed his hands on my skin. I was about to reach for the front clasp of my bra when he beat me to it and snapped it open. He pushed the strap away from me and then descended on them, like I wanted him too, taking a nipple into his mouth.

The relief was instant as he sucked one nipple and tugged at the other one. Arousal flowed from my nipples to my pussy. I clung to him, unable to focus on anything other than the needs of my body.

My cries must have become too loud because Connor stopped everything he was doing. He stared at me with a stricken look.

“Eva?” he said.

I burst out laughing at his expression. “A bit too late for that.”

He grabbed my top and attempted to pull it over my head. I was laughing too hard to explain to him that Eva was not in the apartment. When I finally did, he stared at me sheepishly.

“Your sister frightens me,” he said, before his gaze hungrily returned to my chest.

The laughter died in my throat.

“You’re so beautiful Bianca. I want to make love to you,” he said, holding my gaze.

“Yes please,” I managed to say in a breathless voice.

He slid his hands under my hips and lifted me easily and then carried me down the hallway to my bedroom. I stared at the sharp masculine planes of his face and his brilliant green eyes, and I knew that I was in trouble. I felt a lot more for Connor than lust.

He made me long for things I’d vowed to stay away from. Like marriage. What would it feel like to wake up to his face every day? Those thoughts were dangerous but I couldn’t force them out as he laid me gently on the bed.

“I’ll be careful,” he said as he carefully pulled down my shorts.

“I know you will,” I said, watching his movements impatiently.

He threw my shorts over the side of the bed and when he turned his attention back to my panties, he drew a sharp breath. They were soaked through. He cupped my mound and then rubbed his thumb over my folds.

I wriggled and moaned at his tantalizing touch. He watched me with lust filled eyes as I lifted my body to generate more friction from his fingers.

“I want to taste you,” Connor said and took his hand away. As gently as he had lowered my shorts, he did the same with my panties, leaving me completely naked.

“Good girl,” Connor said when I spread my legs for him.

He lowered his head and inhaled deeply as though reminding himself of my scent, and then he swept his tongue over my folds and I lost it. I cried out in ecstasy as he teased me with his tongue, his hands spread on the sides of my pussy, spreading it wider.

He drove me to a near climax and then at the last minute, he drew away and got off the bed, leaving me whimpering for more.

“I want you to come when I’m inside you,” he growled as he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the ground.

I stared as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his boxer briefs, his cock large and jerking up and down as if it couldn’t wait to be inside me.

Connor returned to the bed and carefully arranged himself over me, ensuring that none of his weight was on me. I reached down, took his cock, throbbing with need and guided it to my entrance.

Connor took over, slowly pushing his cock inside as my walls gave way. I closed my eyes at the exquisite sensation of being slowly filled up. My breath came out as pants, as if I’d been running for two days.

I reached out, needing to hold on to something. My hands landed on Connor’s shoulders and I gripped them hard.

He buried himself deep inside me. I felt as if I’d been transported to heaven. I writhed under him as he pumped in and out in a steady rhythm. I scraped at the skin of his shoulders and urged him to fuck me faster. I didn’t care about my leg. All I needed at that moment was mindless pleasure.

He gave it to me, fucking me faster and harder, keeping his gaze on me as sweat dribbled down his face. “I’ve missed this.”

“Me too,” I said the pressure in me mounting.

When I came, I came hard, and I cried out as the force of the orgasm shook me to the very core. Tears fell from my eyes and flowed down my cheeks. As I panted, I kept my gaze on Connor, greedy to see every expression drawn on his gorgeous face as he came.

“Bianca!” he cried before his face contorted and he pumped faster into me.

Seconds later, he flooded my pussy with his hot cum, continuing to thrust into me until he was completely emptied out. We exchanged a tired smile before he withdrew from me and came to lie by my side facing me.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he said, staring at me intently.

“No. On the contrary,” I said and we both laughed.

He rested a hand on my thigh. “You’re an addiction. I’d promised myself that I would control my lust and give you time and space to heal.”

“I like it when you’re not controlling yourself.”