It’s Only Temporary by Iona Rose


“Eva and I have been brainstorming several ideas on how to take the business to the next level and this was one of them.” Bianca’s eyes were gleaming with excitement.

“You get all the advantages of a store without the headache of running one,” I told her.

“Yes!” she said. “I’m just crossing my fingers that her store turns out to be close to the kind of store we’d want to partner with,” she said, a look of worry clouding her eyes.

“Hey, tonight is a night for celebration, not worry,” I said.

“How did I get so lucky to have you in my life,” Bianca said, swiveling her stool around to have a better look at me.

“I’m the lucky one,” I said.

“Did you talk to your boss?” Bianca said.

“Yeah, I did. The only new information I got was that the new owners are coming in next week. We’ll just wait and see.”

“You seem so calm about it,” she said.

I shrugged. “It is what it is. I weighed my options and decided that I wasn’t so badly off financially. I can manage for six months or more without a job. I call that a win.”

“That’s got to be a major comfort. You’d definitely have time to pick the job you want.”

I remembered my conversation with Marjorie and the conclusion it had made me reach. Without giving myself time to talk myself out of it, I plowed ahead.

“Speaking with her was also helpful in an unexpected way,” I said and told hold her everything that had transpired with Marjorie. Bianca made sympathetic noises.

“I feel sorry for her,” Bianca said. “All she has is her job.”

“I don’t want to be like that. I love my work but I also want love.” I stared into her eyes. “I don’t want to let the past cloud my judgment or make me miss out on the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

Her eyes widened.

“I’m talking about you Bianca. I think you’re more than amazing and I don’t want to be just lovers or friends with you. I want it all. I want to introduce you as my girlfriend.”

I couldn’t read the expression on her face. Had I frightened her off? I knew her feelings about relationships and how little faith she had in them as well as herself.

“We’ll just take it a day at a time and I promise I won’t come on too strongly. Just nice and easy.” I was rambling and probably making it worse. “Say something.”

Her lips curved into a smile and the knots in my stomach eased.

“That sounds good. I’d like that too.”

I stood up and moved between her legs. I rested my hands on her hips and gently brushed my lips against hers. I inhaled her scent as I slipped my tongue into her mouth and tasted her.

Bianca moaned and threaded her fingers through my hair. Our kiss deepened and grew frantic. My cock pulsed to life and pushed against my pants. I drew back to cup her face and stare into her eyes. It had all happened so fast but it felt right.

“My woman,” I said, my voice gruff with emotion.

“I want to celebrate,” Bianca said suggestively.

Without another word, I slipped one hand behind her and the other under her hips, and lifted her. I carried her to her bedroom, laid her on the bed and proceeded to undress her.

“I want to taste every inch of your skin,” I said.

She shivered as I pulled off her t-shirt.

“Are you cold?”

“Hell no,” she said and grinned.

“Good.” I took a nipple into my mouth and as I teased it, Bianca whimpered with need.

I flicked her hard nipple with my tongue before moving to the next one and showering it with attention. She writhed underneath me and murmured sweet words that I wasn’t sure she was aware of. It was official. Bianca was mine.

I made a vow to myself that I wasn’t going to worry that I was on the rebound. I’d enjoy peeling back the layers and getting to know her on a deeper level.

“I want you Connor,” she said gripping my head.

I growled at the need in her voice. I peeled off the rest of her clothes and then got up to undress. As I stripped off my clothes, I kept my eyes glued on her body. God, she was hot.

I arranged myself between her legs, careful to give the leg with a cast enough room. Bianca arched her back urging me to take her.

“Fuck,” I hissed, moving her legs further apart. Her pussy glistened with arousal. “You look so hot.”

“Please, I can’t wait,” she moaned.

I lined up my cock to her entrance and pushed the head in. I planted my hands on either side of her and watched as my cock disappeared inside her pussy.

“Oh my God,” Bianca cried when I was buried to the hilt.

I pulled out and thrust back in again. Pleasure was drawn on her face as I took her faster and harder. She panted and met my gaze. Asking Bianca to go home to Colorado had been the smartest thing I had ever done in my life.

Who would have known that doing so had opened a door to one of the best moments of my life?

“Connor. Please.”

“What do you need sweetheart?” I ask her without changing the pace of my thrusts. I knew what she needed but I loved hearing her voice coated with need.

“You. I need you,” she said.

“You have me.” I grazed my steel hard cock against her clit as I pulled out and she screamed.

I did that several more times and her body stiffened and then trembled uncontrollably as she came. I continued pumping, chasing my release and it followed a minute later.

Bianca squeezed her inner muscles gripping my cock tightly. I grunted and groaned as cum shot out of me, flooding her pussy.

“Don’t come out,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am.” I shifted carefully, keeping my cock inside until she was lying on top of me. “I could have a second career as an acrobat, what do you think?”

She giggled. “I think you’re right.”

I massaged her back and perfectly rounded ass. Feelings of happiness overwhelmed me. Everything had somehow fallen into place. It was odd to think that all along, she had been right in front of my eyes, serving us whenever we went to The Ace.

“Do you want to know the first thing I’ll do when I get this blasted cast off?” Bianca said, shifting her body for a more comfortable position.

“Hey, don’t call it that,” I protested. “Had you not gotten a cast, we’d have gone our separate ways and never met again.”

She made thoughtful sounds. “You may be right. In that case when I get it removed, I’ll save it as a memento.”

“I think we can just do with the memory. It’ll take up too much space,” I said.

She laughed. “Anyway, I was telling you the first thing I’ll do when I get it off. I’ll come to your place.”

“That’s something to look forward to. I can’t wait to see you walking around my apartment naked.”

Bianca hit me playfully on the chest. “Trust you to turn an innocent conversation dirty.”

My stomach growled loudly reminding me that I hadn’t eaten since my lunch with Marjorie. I swatted Bianca on her ass.

“I’ll go start on that salad,” I said.

“I already made it. It’s in the fridge,” she said as she slid off me.

“Great.” I popped into the bathroom, freshened up before returning to the bedroom to dress.

I pulled Bianca to her feet when I was done and helped her dress.

“You know I can do this myself right?” she said.

“Yeah, but it’s an excuse to touch you.”

“You don’t need an excuse to touch me.” She draped her arms around my neck and went on tip toe to kiss me.

“I love how soft your lips are,” I said cupping her ass.

“And I love how hard your body is,” she said.

I gently pried her hands from my neck. “If we don’t stop now, we’ll be back in that bed.”

I handed her the crutches and she hobbled after me to the kitchen. I got the leftover chicken from the fridge and warmed it in the microwave.

“Wow,” Bianca said when everything was on the island. “You do everything so fast. It’s almost like you’re on fast forward.”

“That’s from working in the lodge kitchen since I was young,” I said.

“How was it growing up in a lodge?” Bianca asked as we ate.

“It was cool having people around all the time. James and all the guys who worked there became like family. Plus I saw my parents all the time. They never had to leave to go to work. That was cool.”

It dawned on me how lucky Sarah and I had been to be raised as we had. Unlike a lot of friends I had known in school, we hadn’t been raised by nannies. I mused over how Bianca had been raised and protective feelings came over me. It pained me to imagine her been shuffled from one parent to another.

“If I ever have children, that’s how I’d want to raise them,” she said softly. “I’d love to be present for every important milestone.”

“Me too,” I said. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her that I’d found the mother of my children in her but I’d promised to take it easy.

I could easily imagine Bianca mothering our children and that thought got me aroused all over again.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow,” Bianca said. “I want to see that store so badly.”

“Hey, do you want me to come and go with you. I can think of an excuse to give at work,” I said.

“That’s sweet of you but I’ll be fine. Eva is coming with me and we’ll take a cab.”

“How is she doing? Is she allowed out of bed?”

Bianca nodded. “She is as long as she’s not on her feet for too long. Nothing could have kept her away.”

We ate the rest of our dinner as we chatted. I cleaned up and then we settled in the living room to watch some TV. As we relaxed on the couch, with me spooning her, my phone rang from my pocket. It was Tony.

“Are you free for a drink on Friday,” he said, after we exchanged pleasantries. “You’ve been MIA for too long.”

“A drink?” I was buying time, looking for an excuse why I couldn’t go.

Bianca looked at me over her shoulder and nodded vigorously.

“Say yes,” she mouthed.

Tony and I agreed to meet after work on Friday. “Will you manage okay without me?”

Bianca laughed. “Of course I will. You need time with your friends. I hate to be the one monopolizing all your time.”

I leaned forward to nuzzle her neck. “I like it when you monopolize my time.”

She let out a soft laugh. “Romanic but unhealthy.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

She was silent for a while before she spoke up again. “Are you, Tony and Mathew childhood friends?”

“No, we met as adults but we became close pretty fast,” I said. “Life gets in the way sometimes but we try.” I was glad that Bianca had pushed me to go out with them that Friday.

“There’s something poking my ass,” Bianca said trying to stifle a laugh.

“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,” I said and pushed my hard-on harder against her.

“I’m not complaining,” she murmured.

I moved my hand up to cup her breast. It was crazy to be horny for your woman twenty-four seven. I’d never felt for another woman the myriad of feelings I felt for Bianca.