It’s Only Temporary by Iona Rose


Iwas trying to read a magazine I’d brought with me before sleeping but I couldn’t concentrate. Since returning to our room, Connor and I hadn’t exchanged a single word. He had undressed and entered the bathroom to take another shower even though he’d showered just before dinner.

I knew he was upset about the story I’d contorted about the first time we met and the way in which he’d proposed. I’d be upset too. It was an outrageous story and while at the time, it had amused me, all I felt now was guilt.

I’d been angry with Connor when I went for dinner. How could he have apologized for kissing me and then left me high and dry? Looking back, I could see that I had probably misunderstood his apology. After all, his cock had been pressing against my body the whole time. You couldn’t fake a hard-on.

My insides heated up as I tried to imagine the size of his cock. It had felt like a huge plank of wood against me. I could feel my panties dampening as I thought about it.

The shower water stopped and I jumped, as if I’d been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. The temptation to touch myself came over me but I couldn’t do it when I was sharing a bed with the object of my fantasies.

A few minutes later, Connor strode into the room with a towel draped around his waist and hanging low. All air left my lungs as I watched the vision of male perfection stride across the room.

He sat on the bed and pulled off the towel. My eyes almost popped out. I couldn’t see if he was wearing anything but I suspected that he was naked. He entered the bed and pulled the covers over his body.

Guilt flooded me. He was really upset over that stupid story I had told over dinner, and with good reason. At the time, it had been fun and amusing to tell and I’d wanted to pay him back for what I’d seen as rejection.

Stupid I know. He turned away and lay facing away from me. I tried to reverse our roles. How would I have felt if he’d done the same thing to my family. The truth was that my family would have loved it. The more outrageous the story, the better as far as they were concerned. My family were different people and to be honest, nothing he would tell my parents would embarrass me. They had done worse things in their lives.

I needed to make things right between us. I placed my magazine on the bedside table and slid down the bed to face his very muscular back. My fingers ached to touch his skin and feel the hardness of his muscles.

I inched closer until I could smell his woodsy masculine scent. God, some men smelled good. Edible. I cleared my throat and gathered my courage.

“Hey Connor,” I started.

He grunted in response. I wasn’t discouraged. I knew how to employ charm when I needed to. I wasn’t averse to pleading either when I knew that I was wrong.

“I’m sorry about dinner,” I said. “I shouldn’t have told that ridiculous story.”

He turned around to face me, and ended up so close that when he spoke, his breath fanned my face. “You told two embarrassing stories. Which one are you referring to?” His expression was unyielding and I could see that I’d genuinely upset him.

“Both and I’m really sorry.”

“If you don’t want to do this Bianca, you don’t have to. I can drive you to the airport tomorrow. I’d rather come up with a reason why you had to leave unexpectedly rather than have to deal with my family thinking we’re both crazy and worrying about me,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

It dawned on me that what had been a game to me was serious to him. I always forgot that other people were not as casual as I was about their families.

“It won’t happen again,” I said.

Our gazes met and held. Electrical currents zipped between us. Then he nodded and, in my relief, I closed the distance between us and kissed him on the mouth.

At first, he didn’t respond and I thought that I’d made a mistake. Then a growl filled the room and he draped a hand around my waist and pulled me close, almost roughly.

His lips were hard against my soft ones and a rush of arousal went through me as he kissed me deeply. I’d been kissed more times than I could count but no other kiss had come close to how it felt with Connor. He kissed like a caveman, taking control of my body as if it was his.

Goosebumps erupted on my skin where his hand held me firmly. Then he pulled away from the kiss but before I could protest, he was on top of me, his lips on mine again and his cock pressing against my thigh through his boxer briefs.

I wrapped my hands around his neck as our mouths fused together again and sensation after sensation came over me like rough but exciting waves. My body felt as if it had melted into his and I couldn’t tell where it ended and his began. I’d never had that feeling with a man before. It was almost as if the mere act of kissing Connor, transcended beyond the physical. Crazy, I know.

His mouth left mine and moved to my neck, sucking and licking. I let out unashamed moans as he dropped to my breasts. He reached down and pulled up my silky red lingerie that I’ll admit I’d picked with what was happening in mind. He lifted it, exposing my body and I sat up when I realized that he wanted to get it all off.

No half measures with Connor. In seconds, I was naked save for a tiny thong which provided little cover. I hadn’t been with a man for ages and as warning bells went off in my brain, I easily ignored them. There was no way I was going to say no to a fantasy coming true.

I’d dreamed of this very moment for months, when I started noticing Connor and his friends in the bar. I had suspected that he would be a great lover, only the reality was far better than I could have imagined.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said as he brought his mouth to a nipple and clamped it between his lips.

It was so sensuous, so unexpected that a gasp escaped my mouth. My need for him soaked my panties and made my body ache for him.

He did delightful things with his tongue and mouth on one nipple before moving to the other one to give it the same attention. He bit each nipple in a way that was both pleasurable and almost painful.

I arched my chest for more and scraped his back with my nails. He slid further down my body, kissing my skin as he did so. I stopped breathing when his breath fanned my panties and there was no movement.

“You’re so wet,” he said. I couldn’t see his face but I could feel his eyes on my pussy.

Then he ran a finger along the front of my panties and I cried out as if someone had burned me with a hot rod. Then he did it again, pushing his finger deeper, teasing my clit through the material of my panties. I scream as he rubs me in my most sensitive spots.

I was going mad with arousal. I writhed and pushed my hips to meet his finger. I needed more and I wasn’t getting it. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Please,” I said to him.

I couldn’t believe it when he chuckled. “I was waiting for that.”

Bastard. Except he wasn’t. He was great. Sexy. Gifted with his fingers and mouth. Clearly a man who knew his way around a woman’s body.

He gripped the hem of my panties and pulled them off in one movement. I should have expected that but I didn’t. It caught me by surprise to find myself suddenly naked. I was caught between modesty and getting the terrible ache I was feeling satiated.

I chose the latter one and I didn’t protest when he pushed my thighs apart and arranged himself between them.

“Spread your legs more sweetheart,” he growled and a thrill went through me. “I want to see all of you.”

I did as he asked, knowing that I was completely exposed to his eyes. I’d never met a man as demanding as Connor in bed. Sex with him could never be a passive activity. He demanded all of me and I shivered as I let him feast his eyes on me.

Then his weight shifted and the next thing I felt was his hands on either side of my pussy spreading it open and then his tongue swiped along my slit. That was the last thing I remembered.

I lost all track of time and place as he licked, nibbed and sucked me in places which had never felt a male tongue. I wasn’t a virgin and I’d had a man down there before but Connor ate pussy as if it was an ice cream cone. Unhurriedly. He explored every inch of my pussy with his tongue and fingers.

As I teetered on the edge, he did this crazy thing with his tongue, flicking my clit fast and then taking it into his mouth and sucking. I clutched at his head for dear life as a thousand stars exploded in front of my eyes and an orgasm violently rocked me.

“Connor.” His name fell easily from my lips as if I’d been screaming it for years.

My orgasm carried me likes waves, each growing bigger than the last one and I never wanted it to end. Connor stayed on the job, licking all the liquids gushing out of my pussy.

Afterwards, he did the sweetest thing. He came up and pulled me into his arms, holding me as my body shook from the intensity of the orgasm. No man had ever done something so sweet. I could feel his rock-hard cock pushing against the confines of his boxer briefs and the thought of it filled my mind until I had to see and feel it for myself.

I gently extricated myself from Connor’s hold and pushed him gently to lie on his back. He followed my movements with hooded eyes as I lowered myself until my face was in front of his tented boxer briefs.

I felt naughty and daring as I gave him the same treatment I’d received. No playing around. I gripped the hem of his boxers and tugged at them. He raised his hips and I pulled them all the way down over his very big and very hard cock.

He was definitely the biggest man I’d ever seen and I couldn’t wait to get my hands around it. He kicked his boxers to the floor and I inhaled deeply before moving my hand to hold it.

It was so hard, it felt like holding a plank of wood. He groaned deeply encouraging me to do more. I leaned forward and licked the tip and immediately tasted the salty musky taste of his precum. Nice. I went back for more until it was all gone.

I took the thick head of his cock into my mouth and sucked on it like a lollipop, creating a suction with my lips. He raised his hips and let out growls from deep inside his throat.