Grand Love by JC Hawke



“I saidI would make the effort to come to the estate.”

My body vibrates as I force my feet to stay rooted to the floor and not wrap them around him. Scarlet will be so happy. I’m so happy.

“I was not expecting you to agree so easily.” In fact, I thought he would be pissed at me for asking and meddling in his family business.

“No? You think that low of me.” He gives me a boyish grin and I feel my dimples pop at this new easy territory we keep falling into.

I shrug, stepping past him and into the warmth of the bedroom. “Without a doubt, you would’ve been there. I wasn’t going to give you the choice not to be.” I smile at him over my shoulder. “But I didn’t expect you to just say, okay.” Dropping the blanket down on the bed, I go to the bathroom to pee. The door is pulled closed a second later and I sit and smile to myself.

“Luce has a tux for you, but if you need to, you can give her a ring and get it tried on! We were hoping it would fit!” I shout so he can hear me.

I’ve peed in front of him before, mainly after too many cocktails on our holiday.

Taking my time to wash my hands, I glance around at the familiar bathroom suite. The bathtub which I have missed sinking into after a long day, and the walk-in shower that is probably the same size as the one I have now, but it’s not this shower. It’s not his shower.

He got in my bath.

Maybe I’m weird (I am), and the girls will die with mortification for me, but I want to get in. I want to stand where he does every day. Wrap myself up in his soft towels, and to smell like his soap.

Reaching in, I turn on the spray then start to strip—double time—before I can change my mind.

My fingertips glide along the wall as I step into the steaming water, allowing me to feel a little bit at home again. I’ve missed everything about this penthouse and the man who lives inside of it. I’ve missed the intimacy that comes with sleeping alongside him. I’ve missed the meals we’d make long after the sun had gone down. I’ve missed his eyes, watching me as I would dance along the polished oak floors. I’ve missed the long showers—and the quick ones—and the ones we didn’t even need but had anyway, just because. And more than anything, I’ve missed the love we would make in all those places.

I’ve missed Mason. Mind, body, and soul.

Picking up his body wash, I pour a generous amount from the decanter into my palm, and then begin to lather it between my hands. Taking my time, I wash then rinse my body, inhaling the woodsy scent that now covers me like a blanket. It’s so satisfying, so real to me, that when my eyes fall closed, and I let my hand drop between my legs, it’s almost as if it is him touching me.

Just with smaller hands—unfortunately.

God, I wish it was his hands. His long, thick fingers stroking through my folds and teasing my clit until I’m whimpering against him.

My body tingles all over at the mere thought of his hands on me. I push two fingers into my heat, my heart thrumming wildly in my chest. I need more.

I need him.


I imagine his solid chest at my back, his warm breath on my neck and his arm banded around me and taking the place of my own. I slide in another finger and cry out.

“Fuck,” I groan.

I’ve touched myself on more than one occasion since I left Mason, but never, ever, has it felt this good, this intense.

He would’ve touched himself too, I’m certain of it. He would have stood here, in this very spot and stroked himself.

My eyes pinch tighter together, my body coiling tight as I slide my fingers out and up to my clit. The cool tiles bite at my heated skin as my back hits the wall. I allow it to support me, pushing harder into my hand with the new resistance behind me.

A fresh wave of Mason’s soap assaults me, temporarily sending me tumbling, and I quickly fall into that perfect sated bliss I’ve missed so much.

* * *

“You gotyourself off in my shower?”

I’m startled as I pull open the bathroom door. Mason is standing on the threshold, his arm draped on the frame and an accusing look on his face.

I clutch the towel I was carrying tighter in my fist. “Umm, no?”

How does he know?

Reaching up, he runs a cool finger over my heated cheek.


“Yes, you did. Don’t lie to me.”

“I didn’t! I’m not! I just needed to freshen up! I was all hot and needed to… freshen up.” My voice comes out high-pitched and annoying.

His lip twitches. “Did you think about me?”

“Mason!” I snap, feeling my face get impossibly hotter.

“You did, didn’t you?” he says, lifting a cocky brow.

I throw my towel at him in annoyance—and embarrassment. He lets it hit his face and then it falls to the floor. “I’m going to go now.”

He grasps my T-shirt as I pass him, wrapping his arm around my neck and drawing me into his chest. His nose goes to my hair, and he inhales deeply. “You smell like me.”

The smile that greets me as I lift my head to look at him is so wholesome, so fulfilling to me, it makes my heart beat out of rhythm and my body heat again.

I push up onto my toes and gently kiss his jaw.

“You’re actually going to go?” he murmurs, and the tone he emits tells me he doesn’t want me to.

“Yeah, Mase.” I smile. “Tonight has been good though.”

He nods, letting me step back.

Pulling my phone from the changing bag on the bed, I notice I have six missed calls, all from Joey.

“Is Vinny driving you?”

“Uh, yeah.” I shake my head, distracted, as I scroll through the missed calls. “I’ll text him now.”

“Is everything okay?” He looks at the phone in my hand.

“Yeah, everything is fine.”

I shoot a quick text to Joey.

Nina: I’m out. Everything okay?

“I’ll call Vinny,” Mason tells me, his tone flat as he leaves the room.

My eyes follow him out the door and then fall back to the phone in my hand. I’m pretty sure he would have been able to see the name on the screen from over my shoulder, and I know it will piss him off. I’d ignore Joey for Mason’s benefit, but he never calls me. He texts or waits until he sees me.

Mason is leant against the back of the sofa when I descend the stairs. His glare follows me as I take the last few steps. It’s that glare, his furrowed brow and ticcing jaw that confirms what I already knew. He saw the name on my phone.


“Save it.” He waves me off, then stands straight and says. “Do you not think that the reason he told you about the pictures the other day was to drive a wedge between us?” He looks to the ceiling, his hands shoving deep into his pockets. “He’s manipulating you, Nina, all to get what he wants from you.”

Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay fucking calm. “Which is?” I ask.

He cocks his head to the side. “What do you think?”

“Joey is my friend, Mason. He hasn’t so much as looked at me in another way since we first got together. And, it’s all well and good putting the blame for the pictures on Joey, but it was you who offered up the money. Joey only told me what you did.”

“So I fucked up because I wanted to buy some photos of you?” he scoffs, his pointer finger touching his chest before he lifts it and scrubs at his face.

“No. But I won’t cut him off because you don’t like him. He’s my friend.”

His stare is fixed on me, his eyes dark. “I won’t apologise for wanting what’s mine. Joey is a prize prick, and I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.”

“How can you be so judgemental? You don’t even know him!” I yell the words at him and internally slap myself the second they pass my lips. I don’t want to do it like this. “Mason. Joey would have given them to you if you’d just asked. They’re—”

“No, he wouldn’t.”

I tilt my head to the side, knowing he won’t get it and that I have to let it go. Tonight has been too good to spoil, and I need this man more than I need my pride. “Okay, maybe you’re right.”

“I am,” he states, so sure of himself.

I shake my head, ready to drop it. “You should know though…” I swallow thickly, meaning every word that leaves me. “You could be the poorest man on earth, and I’d still love you.”

He tips his chin. “Then you’re a fool.”

“And you’re a jackass,” I counter, trying my hardest to stay calm.

Talk about prize pricks.

He pops a dark brow. “A jackass who’s at the centre of all your fantasies?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, pretty boy.”

His laugh is scornful as he steps up to me, chest to chest. “Pretty boy?” he questions.

Goose bumps pebble along my arms, the air in the room quickly taking on a different vibe entirely. If I don’t leave now, I know exactly where this will end up.

“I’ll see you on Saturday, Mason,” I say, my voice coming out throaty but final.

His burning eyes hold me in place with more force than if I glued my feet to the ground myself. My eyes are transfixed on his, and as he leans forward a fraction of an inch, my mouth parts, sucking in a shaky breath. This man shouldn’t make me nervous. But he does.

Time seems to wait along with me. Slowly. So, so, slowly. He brings himself closer, letting our breath mingle before brushing his lips against the corner of my mouth. I lift my chin to meet him, seeking him out, but the moment I do, a low chuckle vibrates from deep in his chest. “See you Saturday, Pix.”

He looks down his stupid crooked nose at me, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.

Cocky jackass.

Mason follows me into the elevator, a smirk firmly in place as he stands at my back and uses the mirror to watch me. It annoys me that he can be so confident. He doesn’t show any reaction to what’s just happened. He just smiles and carries on.

He needs to be brought down a peg—or two.

“Ugh!” he gasps, then groans as my hand squeezes his balls. Not enough to hurt him but enough to make him squirm.

“What’s the matter, Bossman? You’ve lost your smirk.”

He exhales through his nostrils, and I have to bite my lip to stifle a laugh. But my triumph doesn’t last long, his breath rushes out heating the shell of my ear as he rolls his hips, grinding his erection into my back. I tighten my hand around his balls. “You think I don’t like your hands on me, baby?” His teeth pull at my earlobe and I can’t help but drop my head to his shoulder. “Harder,” he groans, rolling his hips as I squeeze him tighter.

His chest rumbles with a laugh as the elevator pings. Warm, wet lips smash into my dimple before he rights me.

I remove my hand just before the door slides open to Vinny.

* * *

I don’t goto my apartment right away. I hate being alone on any night of the week. But tonight, I’m rushing to Joey’s door for an entirely different reason. He hasn’t returned my text and when I tried to call him on my way home, he didn’t answer. It’s not unlike him, but after the six missed calls from before, it makes me worry.

Joey gave me a key when he moved into the flat, and I use it freely. But the coward in me is hesitant as I approach the door.

I knock.


When he doesn’t answer, I pull out my key. Worry sits like lead in my gut, slowing down my every move. He must be home. Joey is always home.


The lock clicks and I push on the door. I’m greeted by complete darkness.

“Joey?” I call out.

Something’s wrong. I can feel it.

Gingerly I reach for the light, flicking it on and bathing the small flat in a yellow glow. “Joey?” I call out, even though I’m certain he isn’t here.

I let the door click closed and then cross the room to his bedroom in a rush. As I expected, I find his bedroom empty and my shoulders sag as I let out a frustrated huff. Not knowing what else to do I sit on his bed and wait, calling him three more times before giving up and going home.

* * *

My apartment is quiet,and I waste no time disappearing to my room to crawl into my bed. It’s been the longest day, and I already know the next couple days won’t be easy with the ball and now Joey. I know something is up, and it makes me anxious not being able to get hold of him.

My phone beeps with a text.

Mase: I’m thinking about you

Butterflies take flight in my stomach, making it dip and bottom out.

He’s thinking of me?

Nina: Thank you for this evening. I really am looking forward to Saturday

Mase: Would you believe me if I told you I am too?

I smile into the dark room.

Nina: No but you made me smile

Mase: I did…

Nina: Yep

Mase: What are you wearing?

I read the message over and over. He’s horny?

God, I’m not in the right frame of mind for this. I type out a reply three times and delete it before another message comes through.

Mase: Shit. Do I need to work on my game?

I chuckle at that. I sit up in my bed and try to get into it.

Nina: You don’t think you have game?

Mase: I was hoping for a sext

Oh man.

Nina: Do you think you deserve a sext?

Mase: You got yourself off in my bathroom (wet emoji) It seems only fair

Impossible man.

Nina: I think you’ll find it was in your shower

Mase: My dirty girl

Mase: I want details

Details? This isn’t a documentary.

Nina: Absolutely not. LOL. We’re even now

Mase: I don’t think so. You had a front row seat at the gym. I didn’t get to watch you. I need that visual else it didn’t happen.

Nina: You knew the minute I came out the bathroom what I’d done. Trust my word I came. HARD.

I cover my hand over my mouth and chuckle at my words.

Mase: I’m going to need more than that

Nina: Sorry, it’s all I got

Mase: Did you imagine me grabbing your hips?

Mase: Or were you riding my face? I know you love that

Oh, shit.

Mase: Or maybe I had my thumb in your ass whilst filling you from behind?

Nina: Maybe I had my thumb in your ass?!

Mase: Baby…

I sit and laugh to myself.

Nina: Good night jackass

Mase: You owe me an orgasm, Pix!

I roll my eyes, sliding down the bed as I start to scroll back through the thread.