Grand Love by JC Hawke



Wakingup to an empty bed isn’t high on the list of how I like to start my day but waking up in Mason Lowell’s bed—empty or not empty—seems to make it suck a little less this morning. Rolling over, I snap up the piece of paper that’s laying on his pillow.

You taste far better than this shit coffee.

My chest warms as a soft laugh slips from my throat. “So romantic, Mase.”

“Dadiee,” Ellis’s sleepy voice drifts through his open door, and I quickly stand to go to him. It’s been a busy weekend and couple days in the gym. I’ve been looking forward to my time with him. Poking my head around the doorframe, I wait, watching as he traces circles on his mattress. “Dadieee,” he coos, almost perfectly. He doesn’t look up, and I wonder how their morning routine normally goes.

“Not Daddy, baby boy.”

His small body jolts at the sound of my voice, his head popping up as he stands in a rush, grasping the cot’s railings. A smile quickly spreads his cheeks wide when he sees it’s me, his hands slapping together as he wobbles on his chunky legs.

“Come here.” I lift him from the cot and snuggle him close to my body. My toes flex in the fluffy rug that covers a large portion of the room, and I stand rocking him, feeling more content than I have in months. “You have a special daddy, Ellis.” I lean back to look at him. “I’m sorry I kept you from this. I’m sorry, baby, Mummy won’t let us be apart again. I promise.”

Reaching out, he grasps my hand, curling his fingers around my pinkie and shaking it. “What are you doing?” I chuckle, ruffling his hair before placing a kiss on his head. “Let’s get some breakfast, then you can show me your super cool clothes.”

After breakfast and over an hour of being continuously shocked by my son’s impressive wardrobe, I put him in his pushchair and walk back to my apartment. By the time we get there, Ellis is flat out. I do a load of laundry and clean up the couple dishes that were left in the sink on Friday night before we headed to Lowerick. Then I take my exhausted body and plant it on my sofa. I feel tired. It’s like Mason is on catch up for the last year that he hasn’t had me—not that I’m complaining.

Pulling out my phone, I scroll through my contacts. I want to try Mum again but I know she won’t answer. She hasn’t in months. There was no way I could afford to keep helping her each month after I had Ellis, but if I knew cutting her off financially meant losing all contact, no matter how selfish she can be I still hate that I don’t get to hear her voice. She’s my mum and for the longest time, she was all I knew and loved.

It might be a stupid idea, and one that she probably won’t even appreciate, but I’ve seen pictures of me as a baby. My mum held me proudly once and I want her to feel that again—maybe it will work. I slip into my bedroom and slide out my box, then pick out a picture of Ellis and take it back to the living room.

I let the ink guide me without too much thought.

Hello, Nanny.

I presume Nanny is okay? I can’t imagine you’d like to be called a granny just yet.

My name is Ellis Anthony Lowell and I am 9 months old. Mummy has told me about you. She tells me you’re super good at cuddles, and that your cupcakes are some of the best in the world. I hope I can try one, one day. She also says I have your smile, but mostly I look like my daddy. He’s an amazing man and I think you’d like him too. Mummy and I would love to hear from you. Here’s our address in case you’d like to write back to me, or you can call any time. I hope I can meet you one day. I know it would mean the world to Mummy and I think with the way she smiles every day, that my cuddles could be just as good as yours.

Love Ellis xx

There’s nothing that can’t be fixed in life if you have love in your heart x

I find an envelope in the kitchen drawer and write out my childhood address on the front. I’m unsure if she even lives there anymore, but I want to try. I have so many unanswered questions yet what I want more than anything is solely for Ellis. I want him to have every bit of the love he deserves in life. I slip the photo into the envelope and add my address on a piece of paper. It’s in her hands now. She can make the choice.

The rain starts to pour around the same time that Ellis wakes up and I almost put off going out, but I want to post my letter and I want to go and see Mason at the office. I call Vinny and have him come pick us up.

“Sorry for calling you out in this weather,” I tell him, smoothing out my hair that’s now rain soaked in the flip-down mirror. Vinny told me to get in the car when he arrived, but I didn’t listen and insisted I would get Ellis strapped in. Now I look like a drowned rat.

“Don’t be, it’s better than being stuck in the office.”

“Could we stop off at Starbucks?” I ask, already anticipating the frown he gives me.

“Of course. There’s a post box close to The Montwell, too. I can pull over for you?” He nods his head to the envelope I placed in the centre console when I got in.

“Thanks, Vin.”

We stop close to the office so I can post the photo and Vinny doesn’t ask questions. There’s a possibility he will tell Mason I’m trying to contact my mum and that’s okay, I know he doesn’t understand, but I would tell him about it anyway. I wait for Vinny to get the umbrella then we rush towards the doors with Ellis held tight to my chest. Once inside The Montwell, Vinny hands me the coffee.

“Are you okay to go up from here? I need to run some things through security before I go back up.”

“Yeah, of course,” I tell him, waving him off as I walk to the elevators. The guard gives me a welcoming nod and gets the button for me. “Ellis and Frey?” he asks, seeing I have my hands full.

“Yes. Thank you.”

He dips his head in reply and presses the appropriate button. The doors slide closed and I take in a deep breath, absorbing the feeling of being carried closer to him as the smell of the coffee in my hand assaults me.

“Nina!” George sings at me, being his usual cheery self as the doors open. He’s leant over the reception desk and stands when he spots me. “Oh, let me take this edible little poppet!” He leans in and takes Ellis from my arms. “How are you?”

“Good!” I tell him, gripping the coffee with two hands when I spot Jasmine rising to her feet from behind the desk. A small ball of energy knots my stomach, but I knew she’d be here.

“You look it!” George agrees.

I nod, smiling awkwardly as I try to think of what to say next. Jasmine is standing just as unsure on the other side of the room. She doesn’t look anything like the girl who passed me in tears at the hotel all those months ago. Her black dress is simple but looks thick and expensive, fitting her slim frame like a glove. I try to figure out if we share any resemblance. I don’t particularly see it from a first glance, but she does have a full face of makeup on. As if she doesn’t know what to do, she reaches up and fingers a wayward strand of blonde hair from her face.

I’m certain she feels just as uncomfortable as I do.

“Hello, Jasmine.” I nod, cursing myself internally when the words come out barely loud enough for my own ears.

“Hi,” she replies, quickly losing her frown and replacing it with a softer look.

“Ellis, should we go see if Daddy is finished in Uncle Elliot’s office?” Ellis watches George intently, slowly reaching up to stroke his navy and white bow tie. “Won’t be a minute, girls.”

“He’s about as subtle as a brick through a window,” Jasmine mutters as they disappear, making me dip my head as my lip curls at her comment. George really is as subtle as a brick through a window.

For five solid seconds, we just look at each other, waiting for the other to say something.

I jump in. “So—”


“Oh god.” I chuckle. “Sorry.”

“You go first,” she tells me, nodding her head as if it’s what she wants.

“So, I guess you’re going to be around here—the office, for a while…”

“Yeah, I like it here. It’s… good.”

“That’s good.” God, this is too much. “Look, Jasmine, I’m going to be super honest here. I have a lot going on in my own life right now, and I know from what Mason has told me you do too. I don’t feel ready to explore this.” I gesture between us in a weird unnecessary way and quickly grasp the coffee with both hands to stop myself from looking any more of an idiot. “Sister thing,” I add, hoping I don’t sound like a complete bitch. It hasn’t come across well at all, I can tell by the drop of her shoulders.

“Me too! I can’t… like it’s not that I don’t want to know you but…”

“No, I get it!” I smile at her, instantly relieved that we’re on the same page. “Maybe we could grab a coffee at some point, once things aren’t so…”

“Sure.” She nods, pursing her lips so as to stop her smile from widening.

“Nina.” My head turns at the sound of Mason’s voice. He has a wide grin lighting up his beautiful face as he stalks towards me.


He wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my temple. “This is a nice surprise.” He eyes the coffee cup in my hands then flicks his eyes back to mine with a wicked look on his face. “For me I presume?”

“I thought I’d bring you some more shit coffee.”

“You couldn’t get me some of the other that I like?” My eyes bug out at him. I look at Jasmine who thankfully thinks we are talking about coffee. At least she doesn’t let on if she knows her boss is a sex fiend. “Excuse us,” he tells her, taking my hand and leading me into his office.

“Where’s Ellis?” I ask, taking a step towards his desk before his hands snake around me and I’m dragged back into his solid body.

“With Elliot,” he hums, his lips running up the length of my neck. “You really do taste delicious, angel.”

I tap his arm playfully and step out of his hold. “That’s not why I came here! You’re obsessed.”

“I am.”

“Go get our son, Mason. We came here to give you your coffee.”

“Fuck the coffee.” He tries to pull me back to him, but I push him away.

“Mase, go and get him!” I laugh.

“Fine.” He rolls his eyes and leaves the room, returning a few minutes later with Ellis who now has a perfectly positioned bow tie around his neck. “Look at this champ, Mummy!”

“What’s George done to you?” I follow Mason around the desk and stand leant against his office chair when he sits down with Ellis on his lap. The second I’m close enough, his hand slips down to glide up my inner leg, grasping me just above the knee.

“You came to see me,” he says, looking up at me with a boyish look on his face.

“We missed you. You left without saying goodbye this morning.”

“I didn’t want to wake you both.”

“Always wake me,” I tell him, smoothing my fingers through his ruffled hair. “It was odd waking up at the penthouse.”

“Odd how?”

“I don’t know… It felt like I’d never left.”

“Good. I like that.” He smiles, beckoning my lips with the twist of his.

I lean down and give him a deep kiss, keeping it short for Ellis’s benefit. Mason’s eyes are heavy and full of lust as I pull away. “Come to mine tonight. I don’t want to be alone,” he admits.

“We’re supposed to be taking things slow,” I remind him. I should have known he’d have no restraint. But his honesty has me conflicted, and I already know I won’t deny him.

“I can go slow.” He winks.

“Get away you sex maniac.” I push on his chair and step back.

“I’m serious. Come to mine tonight. We can keep it PG.” He gently slides a hand down Ellis’s back, looking up at me with so much adoration in his eyes it floors me. “I want you both with me. Always.”

My heart sings with his words. Is there anything I want more than to be with this man—always? I don’t think so.

“Will you pick us up on your way home?”

“Of course I will.”

* * *

I spendthe rest of my day giving Ellis one hundred percent of my time. The last few months have been nonstop. I started working at the gym, then Mason—he gets his own category all to himself, and then all the preparation for the ball. For the last year I’ve thrived off of routine–even though I’ve struggled being alone. But the idea that everything is changing again and so quickly, despite how much I’ve wanted all these things, it still scares me.

Leaning down, I kiss Ellis’s smooth hair, inhaling his sweet shampoo. Something deep inside of me tells me things are about to change for us again. Mason doesn’t want us apart anymore, and I get it. I hate being alone too. But my concerns are that we will move faster than our hearts can handle. I’d like to think I know Mason, that I can deal with the curve balls that come our way now. But am I foolish to think that after only a couple months we can find our happy again?

Right now, I want to spend my time with my son, snuggling on the sofa and listening to the rain fall outside.

I look down at his little face which is resting against the crook of my arm. “You’re so tired today, baby.”

His wide eyes don’t leave the TV screen and I smile as his small hand clenches my vest, holding me tight. “Daddy will be here soon.”

* * *

The soundof my phone vibrating has my eyes snapping open. Ellis is asleep in his cot. He drifted off whilst we were lying on the sofa, and I felt so drained after yesterday and this morning that I decided to have a lie down.

Searching my bed, I find my phone.

“Hey, Scar,” I whisper, pushing back the covers and slipping from the room.

“Hey!” She sounds happy and cheerful, and it instantly lifts my mood. “I just got back from work. I stopped in to see Joey today…”

“You did? Was he okay? What happened?”

She sighs through the phone. “I did pop over to yours after but you weren’t home.”

“I went to the office with Ellis. We took Mason coffee. How was Joey?”

“He let me in. Well, not in, but he opened the door, eventually. He’s definitely struggling, but I think he’s okay. I gave him my number and told him I would pop back in the week which he seemed to be okay about.”

“He was?”

“Yeah. Did he sleep much before all this with his brother?” she asks.

Did he sleep? I would say yes, he never looked tired, but he was a workaholic when it came to his photography. “Most of the time.”

“Well, he isn’t sleeping. But I think that’s normal given the circumstances. I didn’t ask about his medication; it isn’t really my place. Is there a neighbour or anyone you know who could check in each day?”

Me. I’m the only one. I know this. “No.”

“Okay, don’t stress over this, Nina. I’ll do my best to go over as much as possible around work.”

“I’m so sorry, Scar. I just wanted to wait a couple days, give Mason time to chill out about Sunday.”

“I get it,” she tells me. “From what you’ve told me, Joey has been through a lot. He probably needs time.”

“Thank you, Scarlet, I appreciate you doing this.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I feel for him, and I want to help.”

She has no idea how much peace of mind it gives me knowing that someone is checking in. “Will you be at Elliot’s on Saturday?” I ask her. “He said he wants us all there.”

“I have work, but I’ll pop in after,” she promises.

“Good, we can catch up properly then.”

“Yes! I’m dying to get the scoop on Lucy and Miller. Things did not sound good at the café on Monday! Have you spoken to her?”

“Not since our coffee date.” Shit! I forgot about Miller. I’m the worst friend.

I hear keys rattling in the door. “I have to go, your brother is here.” I smile as Mason steps into my apartment, he’s still in his suit and looks just as edible as usual.


“Did you just ‘hmmm’ at him,” Scarlet exclaims.

I chuckle down the phone. “Goodbye, Scarlet.”

Mason’s eyes are heavy and locked on me as I hang up the phone. His hands are relaxed at his sides, and he stands and waits, unmoving as he watches me.

“Hello.” I grin, flipping the phone between my fingers.


I close the distance between us, not being able to help myself. “How was your day?”

His arms wrap around my back, and I stare up at his handsome face. “It was going great… until you showed up, gave me a raging hard-on and left.”

“Umm, I did no such thing. You need to control your urges.”

“You need to take responsibility for your actions.” His boyish grin makes my stomach flip.

“I didn’t do anything.” I chuckle.

“You’re doing it right now.” He grinds his hips into me, his cock hard against my stomach. “Where’s my boy?”

“In his bed,” I whisper, loving the feel of his hands on me.

“He’s a good kid. We need more just like him.”

“If I had a penis, it would be getting soft over that comment.”

His head falls back on a laugh, then he says, “You want me to talk dirty to you, angel?”

“Always.” I grin.

His eyes darken within a millisecond. My Mase—my favourite Mase—is here. “Turn around.”

I spin instantly, a giggle falling from my lips.

“She’s obedient. Who’d have thought?” he tsks.

“What are you going to do to me?” I ask innocently.

His breath fans across the shell of my ear. “What do you want me to do to you?”

I decide to play a little. “I don’t know… I’ve never…” I look down to the ground, hiding my face. “I’m a virgin.”

He handles it well, and I expect him to be laughing when he speaks. What I don’t expect is what actually happens. Sliding his hand into my hair, he tugs my head back. “Well, that just won’t do,” he rasps against my cheek. His breath is ragged as his chest vibrates at my back. Pushing me forward, he bends me at the waist, rolling his erection into my ass. “You’ll take me here,” he states.

“I cannot. It’s not a Tuesday.”

His hand connects with my left cheek. “Holy fuck, Mase!” I yelp, shooting forward.

“Watch that mouth. Unless you want me to gag you.”

I giggle again, loving this all a little too much. “I’m not sorry,” I mutter.

“What was that?” He pulls me upright, turning me to face him. “Did you say something?”

His eyes are wild and dark, but I can still see the light in them. He’s more turned on than maybe ever before. “No.”

A sharp brow pops. “Oh, but she lies.”

I shake my head, lowering my eyes to the ground as a small smile pulls at my lips. “No, I swear. I didn’t say a thing.”

“Get on your knees.”

I subtly shake my head, dying a little inside knowing he’s taking this so seriously. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t completely turned on. I fall to the hardwood and onto my knees, licking my lips… because they are dry…

He unbuttons and shrugs out of his shirt, then starts on his belt. His eyes stay trained on me, but my eyes roam his body. “You’re so perfect, Mase,” I tell him, not being able to help myself.

He falters, pausing with his hands on his suit pants. “Are you trying to make me forget your filthy mouth, Pixie?”

I shake my head no.

“Good. ‘Cause it’s about to be fucked.”

“I’ve not done that before. Will you teach me?”

“Of course, I will.” He slides his boxers off, his body flexing as he kicks them to the side.

“You have a really big penis.”

His façade cracks and he breaks out into a breathtaking smile. “Fucking hell.” He chuckles.

Licking his bottom lip, he mouths, “open” before pushing the head of his cock into my mouth.

I slide him a little way in, not doing anything fancy. “Is this okay?”

“Perfect,” he tells me.

But I know my man, and I know this is far from his perfect. I look up at him, giving him my best innocent eyes. “Really? ’Cause my parents will be home soon.” I dart my eyes in the direction of Ellis’s room. “And I was kinda expecting more.” I flick my tongue over the tip. “But… it’s okay if you are… a bit vanilla.”

“You little shit.”

I bare my teeth and run them down his shaft. “Show me what you got, Bossman.”

Sometimes, we think we want the kink. We ask for it—entice it even. But then we get it, and the next thing we know we have tears rolling down our cheeks, and our hair being ripped from our scalps—let’s not forget the urging from the perpetual cock that’s being thrust down our throats. But, honestly, is there anything hotter than watching a six-foot-two deity come undone because of your mouth and your mouth alone? Right now, staring up at this man as he drips down my throat, there’s absolutely no place I’d rather be than on my knees swallowing around Mason Lowell’s cock.

“Jesus fuck, Nina,” he says, his voice strained. I pull away, letting him fall from my mouth with a loud pop as his hips still pump ferociously.

“I thought you wanted to come inside of me?” I twiddle my hair between my fingers.

“Angel, I was this close to blowing in your mouth.” He sighs.

“But you promised. You could be the first to ever get inside of me.” I bite my bottom lip and his eyes zero in on the movement. “I’ve never even used my fingers.”

“Strip. Now.”

I pull my clothes from my body double time, noting that my T-shirt and joggers really aren’t a turn on.

Mason rounds me, his breath tickling my ear. “You’d make a shoddy virgin.”

I don’t expect his words and instantly turn to face him with a grin on my face. “What?”

“You look like a woman that’s been well fucked, angel.”

“Oh really?” I laugh.

His hand connects with my ass again, only this time it’s bare, and the sting takes longer to soothe. “I’m going to tell you what I want and you’re going to do it. Only you will do it with that potty mouth shut. Do you understand?”

I nod.

“Good girl.”

Ugh. If I wasn’t wet before—I was—I sure as hell am now.

“Your body is perfect.” He kisses my shoulder, smoothing his lips over the skin. “Follow me.”

With not a care in the world, he stalks in all his naked glory to the lounge. Sitting himself down on the sofa, he widens his legs, then looks up at me expectantly. “Turn around,” he tells me.

Turning, I plant my feet between his, waiting. Anticipation runs up my spine, making a shiver roll through me. “Mase?” I ask.

His hands take my hips, pulling me back and down onto him. He lines us up perfectly and I sink down on him to the hilt. “Yes!” I hum, my mouth dropping open as I roll my hips onto him.

Caressing my waist gently, he groans into my ear, “Bring your knees up.”

I lift them one by one, sliding my feet along his thighs. The new position has me dropping deeper. “Ready?” he asks.

What a stupid question. Of course I’m ready. I roll my eyes, getting ready for the moment he takes over my movements and shows me his talents. “Catch yourself, angel,” he warns.

I frown, not understanding until my head is being flung towards the ground. I gasp in horror. “Mase!” I place my hands on the hardwood, my hair fanning all around me and blocking my vision. My ass is in the air, and I can only imagine the view he has right now.

His warm breath tickles my clit. “I might put this in a fucking frame one day.”

“Oh my god,” I groan, a mixture of mortification and pleasure making my head spin.

Taking my ass cheeks in his large hands, he squeezes them together before stretching them apart. “Do you ache here” —he runs a finger through my pussy— “as much as my cock aches for you? Because the way your clit’s throbbing between my fingers” —he squeezes my pulsing nub— “tells me that you do.” Gripping me at the hips, he directs me onto his waiting mouth, unhinged as he ravishes my entire lower body. His nails bite into the flesh on my thighs and I buck into him. It’s as if he can’t get enough, crazed to taste every inch of me.

My body goes rigid as his thumb slips into my ass. I feel him suck at my centre, the sound of his lips smacking together making me heady.

“Fuck,” he hisses, pulling his hands away and gripping my hips to pull me upright again. He thrusts up and into me right as my orgasm rips through me, sucking him deeper and tighter to my walls.

He bounces me on his lap, our skin slapping and our moans filling the silence in the apartment. Curling one hand around my shoulder and one around my hip, he takes complete control, thrusting into my body until he finds his own release.

I fall back, panting to his chest. My legs are tucked up under me still, and I can feel his cum sliding down his softening cock.

“Well, thank god I’m not a virgin.”

His light chuckle has goose bumps pebbling over my skin. Soft lips graze my cheek. “I said you’d make a shoddy virgin. You’re too much of a butt slut.”

My mouth drops open into a deep O. “I am not!”

“You go wild when I go near your asshole, Pix.”

“Stop talking. You’re ruining it.”

His chest vibrates against my back. Somebody thinks they’re hilarious tonight. “Shower, wake the boy, dinner, and then, I’m going to take you home and show you all the ways I love you.”


“I’ll even put it in your arse.”
