Grand Love by JC Hawke



The soundof the elevator whirling as it carries me to the penthouse is the only sound audible over the beating drum that seems to pound against my chest. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s the penthouse. And Mase. And home. There was always something about the penthouse that I loved; it was almost instant. And then I fell in love with him here. Amongst stolen moments and stupid fights, it all led me deeper into us. Not a relationship or another person but a promise.

I flinch, despite anticipating the ping that sounds. I calm my breathing and look up into a sea of candlelight. The living area is littered with candles, just like that night all those months ago. It was one of our first nights together, and we were supposed to be going out on our first date. I shake my head at the memory, a smile forcing its way to my face. I freaked out over his money, sulked in the bath, we had sex and then woke hours later to find the downstairs in puddles of candle wax. God, if I could go back… would I change things?

Tentatively, I step out of the elevator, making my way through the foyer, and deeper into the lounge. I stop and take in the view, never tiring of the visual sensation that is the City of London. It’s a rush of cars, people and flashing lights, yet so peaceful from up here.

“You’re late.” His voice is deep and instantly pulls me from my trance.

I spin in place, finding him watching me from the middle of the dining area. “I was sent on a wild-goose chase.”

“You didn’t like it?” he questions.

I start towards him. “I loved it.”

“Yes!” I hear someone hiss from the kitchen. I frown at Mason, and he shakes his head.

“The studio—”

“It’s perfect. It’s all perfect, Mase.” I slide my arms around his neck, smoothing my hands over his navy fitted shirt that hugs his strong shoulders perfectly.

His nostrils flare as he fights to control his emotions, and I smile, my tears seem to have dried up thankfully. He takes a step away from me, holding my hands in his.

“I know I said we would take things slow, and this is probably all happening quicker than you want it to, but I can’t think of one good reason why we would spend another second apart. I love you, Nina. Even the ugly parts that should make us impossible, I love. If I had things my way, I’d call in a vicar and marry you right here, right now.” I draw in a sharp breath, my heart thudding in my chest as my stomach bottoms out. “But I also know that you would run a million miles from me if I did that.” He smiles, and I see the nerves that flutter deep within his eyes. “What you should know, is that I will spend the rest of my life climbing over every hurdle we create—and Angel, we’ll create them.” I laugh, stealing a hand away to wipe a stray tear from my face. “You could run to earth’s end and I would still find you. In this life, and the next, you will always be my one. My Pixie. So, I ask that you consider being my wife. You don’t have to answer me now, you can take all the time in the world to decide–I don’t even have a ring.” He smiles, patting his pockets. So perfect. “But come live with me, with our son, as a family, and then when you are ready, know that I will be too. I’d be your husband today, tomorrow, and forever.”

What in the world did I do to deserve this man? I’m in awe of him—of his love.

“Of course,” I splutter, trying to control my voice as my throat burns.

“Of course, you’ll move in?” His shoulders drop in relief.

“Mase,” I cry, struggling to speak. Does he really believe I wouldn’t want to marry him? “You have no idea how much I love you, do you?”

His eyes look lost, searching mine for the answers I’ve always had but not always shared. “I want to be with you, Mason. Even though it terrifies me that it could ruin us again. That it could hurt like it did before. But I’d do it a thousand times over. There’s nobody else. There never will be anyone else. If that means I have to get off my high horse and accept all the aspects of your love—even the parts that I don’t always like—then know that I will. I’ll bend until I break every time, if it means I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”

He rolls his eyes playfully. “You just had to bring up all the ways I hurt you. Couldn’t just say yes.”

“Mase.” I swat his arm, laughing through my tears.

He lifts his chin. “You’d marry me, Pix?”

“In a heartbeat.”

He shakes his head as he looks to the ceiling, laughing. I watch as he steps around me, his hand outstretched. Vinny is at my back, Lucy stood by his side, her face red and blotchy from her own tears. When did they sneak in?

I laugh as my eyes meet Lucy again. “You could’ve warned me, bitch!”

“As if,” she sniffs.

Vinny steps forward and places something in Mason’s hand, giving me a soft wink before moving back to stand with Lucy.

“I swear to God if you don’t say the word yes this time.”

Laughter fills the room but Mason’s eyes take a hold of my soul. One look and he has me. Completely.

He drops to one knee, staring up at me with so much love.

“Will you marry me, Angel?”

I nod through my tears as I look down at the beautiful ring he holds between his fingers. “Yes!” I whisper. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I proclaim, getting louder by the second.

His smile, so full and perfect, lights up his entire face. Scooping me up from behind the knees he thrusts me up into the air. “She said yes!” His chest rumbles with laughter beneath my thighs.

I look down at him, my hands linked in his hair. “I love you,” I promise him.

“I love you too.” It feels like forever as we stand looking into each other’s eyes, and I know that a piece of paper could never compare to the vow we make there and then. I want to be Mrs Lowell, that alone makes me crave the words that will bind us together one day, but the actual words—our vows, they are branded in our love, in a look, unspoken.

Cheers fill the entire penthouse as Elliot, Charlie, Megan, Ellis, Scarlet, and Lance all spill from the kitchen. “Congratulations!” Elliot grins, kissing Mason’s head first and then mine, wrapping his arms around the both of us.

Scarlet and Megan are just as emotional as me and Lucy, and we steal a moment as Scarlet hands me Ellis. “God, I cannot believe you’re engaged, Nina,” Lucy’s voice wobbles as she inspects the ring on my finger. “It’s phenomenal.”

“It’s Mum’s.” Scarlet tells me, hugging my waist. “It’s perfect.”

“It is.” I look down at Ellis as my throat burns, getting thicker and thicker with emotion by the second. Everyone fusses around us. Champagne is poured and more hugs and kisses are shared than I have ever seen shared between a group of grown men.

It’s late into the evening when everyone has left that I crawl into bed and completely bawl my eyes out. Mason pulls me to him the second I rest my head on the pillow.

“I’m sorry,” I cry.

“Shhh, it’s okay,” he whispers into my hair, holding me tight in his arms.

“I… I—”

He sits up in the bed and pulls me to straddle his waist. His thumbs swipe at my tears as he holds my face. “Talk to me, Angel.”

“I don’t think I ever allowed myself to believe in all of this.” I spin the diamond-encrusted band around my finger. “Growing up, none of this was real to me. It was a dream that I didn’t think I wanted. I danced a lot, and it became my only focus. It became my dream.” I take a breath and try to calm my breathing. “When I saw the studio today, I was so happy. It’s truly incredible and I will dance again—I know that.” Mason looks at me intently, his eyes narrowed and dark. “But when I came here, saw you, and then our family, the boys and girls, Ellis and Vin.” I roll my lips, needing him to hold me closer, for longer—forever. “Mase, it made me realise that dancing was just something I did whilst I waited for you. It felt real. And for the first time in my life, it was as if all my dreams came true.”

His eyes shine. Our lips brush. And then he rolls us, telling me everything he can’t with his words.