For the Heart of a Roguish Duke by Harriet Caves


Daisy had recovered well much to Scarlet’s relief. She had been to see her many times during the week and stayed for lengthy hours, much to Daisy’s gratefulness.

“I cannot stand to be bored,” Daisy said. “Mama is busy with Elizabeth now that the time is so near. She won’t stop fretting.”

“Doesn’t Lady Spencer spend time with you?” asked Scarlet.

“She does, but then I tend to fall asleep. She cannot look after me and Elizabeth together. Mama has her lady’s maid look into me now and then,” Daisy explained.

“And would it be appropriate to ask you about Lord Thomkins?” asked Scarlet.

“Oh, he is a darling. Mama doesn’t approve of him coming to see me. She won’t deny him entry here, but it is chaperoned. Lord Thomkins doesn’t stay long and who could blame him?” laughed Daisy.

Scarlet smiled. “All right, let me carry on with Juliet and Romeo,” she said as she opened the book as Daisy relaxed into her bed.

* * *

The evening of the dinner party had arrived. Scarlet wasn’t certain if she was most excited or Alexander. They had moments of passionate kisses when the servants were otherwise engaged in their duties.

It was six in the evening and the guests would be arriving soon. Among them were Ingrid and George, Daisy, Lord and Lady Spencer, and Horace.

Scarlet and Alexander greeted the guests in the drawing room, which was decorated with white and lilac flowers, and green foliage. The table was adorned with candelabra and green foliage. Scarlet was very happy with the arrangement.

“It is so good of you to accept,” Scarlet said to the Spencers. “How are Mrs. Brown and the child?”

Elizabeth had a baby boy. She was fortunate to be alive after such horrendous labor and birth, which nearly killed her. There was too much blood. In God’s mercy, she survived the ordeal.

“She is resting,” said Lady Spencer. “She regrets not been able to attend the dinner and sends her apologies.”

“It is a shame to not see her today, I admit,” said Scarlet. “Although it is of no fault of her own. Please do relay her the message I will come and see her as soon as possible. Of course, my congratulations are in order.”

Scarlet greeted Daisy next who was conversing with Horace. “Ah, here is My Dearest Friend,” said Daisy as Scarlet and Alexander joined them. “Have I told you how much I am grateful for your assistance when I fell ill?”

“Many times,” laughed Scarlet. “And now you may stop flattering me. I was just speaking to your mother, Lady Daisy. She was telling me about Mrs. Brown. How horrendous, poor Mrs. Brown.”

“It quite puts me off being married and having children,” Daisy said.

“It does? You haven’t mentioned it to me,” said Horace.

“I believe we should not be listening to this,” said Alexander to Horace. “Let’s leave them to it, shall we? Excuse us, ladies.”

Alexander took Horace’s elbow and directed him away. “It cannot be as bad as that, certainly,” said Scarlet, as she watched Alexander’s handsome back retreating.

“I won’t say anymore otherwise I would frighten you,” Daisy said ignoring Horace. “Let’s just say I was not prepared to witness the birth, and neither was Mama. She did tell me when Elizabeth and I were born, it was nothing like this.”

“Do you think Elizabeth will have another child?” Scarlet asked curiously.

“I don’t know. She is a strong woman, much more than I am, and I am certain of that!” Daisy raised her eyebrows.

“I shall leave you and visit Mrs. Hargreave,” said Scarlet. “I believe Lord Thomkins wants to speak to you, he seems to be quite unsettled. I wonder if it is because you said you don’t want any children.”

“I didn’t quite say that, oh dear. Here he comes now.” Scarlet left Daisy and walked over to Ingrid. She prepared herself to not call her Mama. She was standing next to Alexander.

“I was just speaking to Alexander,” said Ingrid.


“I have decided what to do with Uncle,” said Alexander with a somber expression.

“Do you think this is a good time and place to discuss this?” asked Scarlet.

“You are correct, it is not,” said Alexander. “However, I can’t keep it a secret any longer.”

“Is it a secret?” asked Ingrid.

“It will be if you want it to be,” Scarlet said to her mother.

“Well, let’s keep it among ourselves for the moment. If word gets out, then so be it. Anyhow, I want everyone here to know you are my daughter, Scarlet. I am ready for it,” Ingrid said determinedly. “I don’t care what anyone will think at this point in my life, for you are settled with Alexander. And it won’t tar your reputation, I expect.”

“Then, we shall tell them after the announcement,” said Alexander.

“What announcement?” asked Ingrid.

“You’ll see,” Alexander winked. “Everybody, please gather around before we sit down for dinner. I know everyone is very hungry, and I apologize.”

There was polite laughter. “This won’t take long.” Alexander took Scarlet’s hand. “Miss Snow and I are engaged to be married.” He said this with a beaming smile.

A cheer went up from the small group of guests. “Congratulations indeed!” said Lord Spencer.

“Hear, hear!” echoed his wife.

“Well, you kept that piece of news very quiet,” said Horace. “I couldn’t be any happier to hear it!”

“I wanted to tell you, just not before tonight,” Alexander chuckled.

“When were you engaged?” asked Ingrid.

“Just after the incident,” said Scarlet. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

“It is all right. I am very pleased for you both,” said Ingrid.

“Congratulations, I suppose,” said George. “You will have to excuse me though, for I don’t think I can be here now. It is too difficult.”

“Poor boy, I wish he would get over you and find another Lady,” sighed Ingrid, as they watched him exit.

“So do I,” muttered Alexander.

“Don’t be insensitive now,” Scarlet whispered. Then in a normal voice, “It will take him time to get over it. We will let him be.”

“Well, I believe it is time to eat. I am famished,” said Alexander. “Everyone, let us make our way to the table.”

“So, what was your decision about your uncle?” Scarlet asked as they walked over.

“I have decided he will be sent to the Colonies,” Alexander replied. “He must repent for what he has done.”

“I agree to that,” said Scarlet as she and everyone else sat down to eat.

* * *

The wedding of Scarlet and Alexander took place a few months later in the small church at Bentley. The same amount of guests were invited as the dinner party, and this time Elizabeth and her husband attended with their little boy, Henry, who was six months old.

Daisy was engaged to Horace, and George was back from his travels. He had found a Lady of his own and had accepted Scarlet as his sister, much to her and Alexander’s relief. Ingrid had announced Scarlet as her long-lost daughter, which surprisingly, the ton accepted. And Scarlet couldn’t be happier.

“Well, Duchess Bentley,” said Alexander as they arrived at their honeymoon residence near the coast. “What shall we do now?”

“Don’t tease,” laughed Scarlet.

Alexander picked his new wife up and ran up the steps to the new Manor he bought, and straight into the bedroom. “The wedding was nice,” he said as he put her down on bed. “But this is even lovelier.” His voice was full of passion.

“I have anticipated this day for so long,” Scarlet closed her eyes as her husband kissed her mouth seductively.

He undressed her gently and slowly, taking off all her clothes. He then undressed himself. With eyes dilated, he stroked Scarlet’s lovely, curved breasts, perking her tight, hard nipples. He bent his head and licked them slowly, each taste longer than before. He then put them in his mouth and nibbled them between his teeth.

“Oh, my darling!” Scarlet cried as waves of pleasure and passion coursed down her body. In the same moment she felt wet between her thighs.

Alexander kissed her smooth stomach next, making Scarlet convulse. She cried out and grabbed his buttocks, squeezing hard. She felt his hardness against her thighs, throbbing and probing.

“Do not tease me, Your Grace,” she said between heavy sighs.

“Oh, you have enticed me for so many months, My Darling,” he cried as he came up and kissed her again on the mouth. “I want this forever. Promise me you will not leave me.”

“I will always be by your side,” Scarlet breathed. “I will never leave you. I love you, Your Grace.”

“And I love you, Your Grace.” Taking her hands in his, he spread her arms out like butterfly wings and gazed into her eyes deeply.

Smiling, he bent his head and sucked on her nipples once again, rubbing his manhood against her groin.

“Take me now,” Scarlet cried. “I cannot bear to wait any longer.”

“Are you certain, My Love?”

“Yes, I am certain.”

“This may hurt a little, but not much,” Alexander warned her as he entered her slowly.

Scarlet bit her lip as the sweet pain came. Waves and waves of it. It was the most pleasurable experience. Alexander rocked in and out of her until with a final grunt, he finished.

“Oh My Darling, you have made me the happiest man,” Alexander kissed Scarlet on the forehead, and rolled off her.

They lay there side by side, their breathing returning to normal. Scarlet turned on her side to look at him, as he did too. Alexander touched her lips with his finger and tasted her.

“You have made me the happiest man,” he said.

This time, he didn’t engage in play, but entered her immediately.

Scarlet felt she was the happiest and luckiest woman in that moment.

The End?