For the Heart of a Roguish Duke by Harriet Caves

Chapter Twenty-One

“This is lovely, isn’t it?” Scarlet commented as she and Alexander sat down to have tea. “It is like we are already married.”

“May I remind you we have been eating together like this for a few months now?” Alexander took a bite out of some bread.

“Well, all right. It is not quite like we are married. I am just assuming it will be like this when we are.”

“You do not make any sense, My Love,” Alexander smirked.

“You mock me,” Scarlet frowned.

“Not at all. Now, let us eat in some silence. I have to be away soon to meet some people,” Alexander drank some tea. “What will you be doing this afternoon.”

“I am hoping I get some visitors, and if I don’t, I will be practicing a new song on the pianoforte or do some embroidery work.”

“A new song? I would like to listen to that when you have finished,” Alexander said in a delighted tone.

“And so you may, Your Grace,” Scarlet smiled.

“Good. May we have more tea?” Alexander asked the butler, who promptly filled their cups.

Just then the doorbell rang. “I shall see to it, Your Grace,” said the butler. Moments later he came back and announced Mr. George Hargreave.

“George? What is he doing here?” said Scarlet.

“Ask him to come in to the drawing room,” said Alexander.

Alexander and Scarlet left the table and went into the drawing room, George was already there sitting on a sofa. “I thought you were in France,” said Scarlet. “What are you doing here?”

“I came back last night,” said George. He wasn’t dressed for visits, and he seemed to be a little worse for wear. “Mother…our mother told me you were here. So, I came for a visit.”

“That is nice. It was also very unexpected,” said Scarlet.

“Why, why was it unexpected?” George asked. “I am your brother. It sounds quite comical if you ask me. Once we could have been anything else but that.”

Scarlet could see George was very upset. “Shall we go and promenade in the garden, perhaps?”

“I will come with you,” said Alexander.

“No, there is no need. George is not dangerous. After what happened, we must talk about it. And we should have done this sooner. I apologize for my lack of insight, George,” said Scarlet.

“All right, I shall wait here until you two arrive back,” said Alexander.

“But what about your meetings, Your Grace? You must not worry about me and go. George is my brother now, he won’t hurt me, will you, Brother?”

George looked pained at the word. “Are you certain?” Alexander and George exchanged sour glances.

“Of course,” said Scarlet.

“Very well,” said Alexander.

“All right, let’s go, George,” said Scarlet.

“I know it is hard for you to see me as your older sister,” Scarlet began as they walked down the path to the garden. “It is quite unusual for me to have a brother too. I never imagined I would gain one in you.”

“The difference here is that I loved you as a woman, and not a sister,” George said looking down at the ground. “If I were to have a sister, why couldn’t it have been someone else?”

“We don’t always get what we want. But now you have to see me in a new light, a new way. I have accepted you as my brother and you must accept me as your sister,” said Scarlet. “Don’t you agree?”

“I don’t have a choice, do I? Besides, you and the Duke are in love, how can I compete with that?” George stopped and turned to look at her. “I won’t say anything to embarrass you.”

“Then I pray you don’t,” said Scarlet. “Have you forgiven Mama?”

“How easy it is for you to say her name,” George smirked. “Don’t you feel strange saying Mama?”

“Not at all. I have always wanted a mother. Mama has been kind to me, she nursed me to health twice now; before when I got the cold and to me she was Mrs. Hargreave then. And she nursed me after the carriage accident. So, to me she was already like a mother,” Scarlet explained.

“Of course, all this is a shock to you, and I don’t blame you for being out of sorts with all of us. It will take a long time for you to accept the situation. I and Mama are willing to give you that time.

“Be kind to yourself. Go and explore the world out there. You are young and carefree, you don’t have to be tied down to love someone yet. George, I have never loved you like a woman does with a man, you have always been His Grace’s young cousin and an acquaintance to me, I suppose. Now we know we are brother and sister, we must act like it.”

“I underestimated you,” George turned back to the garden. “I see now you are wise and are able to adapt to any situation, however bizarre it is. It will take me some time before I can become used to us as brother and sister.”

“I am happy to wait until that time comes. Will you go abroad and enjoy your life there?” asked Scarlet.

“I will give it some thought, perhaps I shall,” George said with a genuine smile. “So, are you going to marry the Duke?” There was a twinkle in his eye.

“We have not announced anything, but there is a dream to do so between us. You will know in time if that is the case. I am organizing a dinner party in the next few days, I do hope you will come,” said Scarlet.

“If I haven’t gone away, I will certainly attend. I am grateful to you for inviting me.”

“We are family now, George, whether that suits you or not.” Scarlet said this firmly. “And I want my family there. Oh, it feels so good to say that.”

George smiled at that. “I believe I will have to love you as my family now.”

“Indeed,” Scarlet smiled back.

* * *

Daisy sat by the fire, it was a little chilly. Scarlet was sitting opposite her, with her palms folded neatly on her lap. She gazed into the flames feeling quite peaceful.

“You have not forgotten the accident, have you?” Scarlet said.

“It was most terrible,” said Daisy. “So frightening. I sometimes believe I am in that accident when I sleep. Has that happened to you?”

“I must confess it has,” said Scarlet. She listened to the cackle of the log and flame. “I have woke up because of it too.”

“As have I,” said Daisy. “I have not traveled in one since.”

“You haven’t? But then you must, Daisy. You must let go of the fear, Dearest.”

“How can I? What if I am in another carriage accident? I dare not think what will happen to me. Poor Mama, she was beside herself when I was brought home in such a state. But you were worse, you were not breathing and were unconscious.”

“I wish I could remember that,” Scarlet said thoughtfully, “It is like I have lost some of life, and then brought back again. Is that possible?”

“I wish I could know. You could ask the Doctor, he will know,” said Daisy.

Just then, Lady Spencer walked in with a heavily pregnant Elizabeth.

“You are back early,” said Daisy. “Sister, do you really think it is good to be shopping in that state?”

“I have to still do things, Daisy. And this ‘state’ will make you an aunt very soon,” said Elizabeth.

“I don’t know how I feel about that,” said Daisy truthfully. “I mean I can’t wait to play with the child when he is born, of course. I am just not keen when he will call me Auntie Daisy.”

“How do you know the child will be a boy?” Scarlet asked.

“I am not certain, but it feels like it may be,” responded Daisy happily.

Lady Spencer sat down on the sofa, thoroughly exhausted. “Shopping is beyond me now, I don’t believe I can do it now. It was only because we had some things to buy for the nursery that we went,” she said.

“Oh, Mama. You only sat in the carriage while I did the shopping,” Elizabeth told her mother.

“Why didn’t you take a footman with you?” asked Scarlet. “Forgive me, but the child is due anytime now. You certainly must be careful.”

“You sound like Mama,” Elizabeth laughed. “But it gets tedious sitting at home all the time. And I needed some fresh air. Perhaps I should have taken a footman and a maid instead of Mama. Daisy won’t come with me because she is still too frightened of carriages. I don’t blame her, of course. You two must still be traumatized.”

“I try and not dwell on it much,” said Scarlet. Besides, I have had other things to worry about.

“I wish I could just stop thinking about it,” said Daisy solemnly. “I believe we need cheering up. What else should we talk about?”

Scarlet wanted to tell them the good news of finding out Mrs. Hargreave was her actual mother, and that she and the Duke were to be married. But she held her tongue. The latter would be announced shortly, but the news of her finding her mother was not to be repeated yet.

“I don’t have any news of my own,” said Scarlet. “Daisy, how about you? Are you planning on marrying a certain Viscount?”

“We are only courting. And no, he has not proposed,” said Daisy. “I hope he will someday soon. I really do. I want to be married now.”

“As do I,” Lady Spencer said from her lying-down position. “It is right for my last daughter to be married now. Of course, he must have a position in society.”

“Are you taunting me, Mama?” Elizabeth asked crossly. “If Papa is happy about my marriage to my husband, then why can’t you? It has been a year now.”

“I am doing no such thing, Elizabeth. I just want my second daughter to be married to a higher-ranking man, so she will be happy. That is all,” Lady Spencer replied. “Is that wrong?”

“Oh, please, stop arguing the both of you,” said Daisy. “Oh, I am beginning to feel unwell. Can I be excused to retire to my bed?”

Scarlet touched her friends’ face. “She does seem hot.”

“She is sitting next to the fire, of course she will be hot,” said Elizabeth.

“No, that’s not it. I have also been sitting near the fire, I am nicely warm, but not like this. Oh dear, she is shivering now. Stay here, Elizabeth and Lady Spencer, I will take her upstairs,” said Scarlet as Elizabeth tried to stand and Lady Spencer struggling too.

Scarlet took Daisy upstairs. Her maid undressed her and put her in bed. “Can you bring a towel and some cool water please?” she asked the maid. “I shall be up here again in a while. I will just see Lady Spencer.”

Scarlet checked on Daisy who was murmuring in her sleep, and then went downstairs. “How is my poor daughter, why has she taken ill so suddenly?” asked Lady Spencer who was now sitting up.

“I don’t know,” said Scarlet. “If you agree, will you let me stay the night with her? I worry because Elizabeth is near to giving birth and you are not so well yourself.”

“You are an angel, Dear,” said Lady Spencer. “We are so grateful to you.”

“Can you send a footman to send a note to the Duke to tell him I am here for the night?” asked Scarlet.

“Of course,” said Lady Spencer.

So as Lady Spencer sent the note, Scarlet set herself upstairs in Daisy’s room. With several blankets on top of her, and the room kept warm for her, Daisy slept.

Scarlet watched her over the next few hours, worrying for her. Daisy was cold to the touch, but her head was hot as ever. Lady Spencer and Elizabeth would not sleep and joined her in the watch. They seldom spoke.

“I believe we should call the Doctor,” said Scarlet. “Lady Daisy doesn’t look well at all, I fear.”

“Oh, Dear,” cried Lady Spencer. “I will have a footman fetch him immediately.” There was a knock on the door, and then Alexander and Horace walked in.

“We apologize for the intrusion. When I heard of Lady Daisy falling ill, I couldn’t sit at home and do nothing. I have taken the liberty to bring my Doctor to see her, if you don’t terribly mind, Lady Spencer,” said Alexander.

Horace went to Daisy and took her hand. “She is burning up,” he cried.

“I will need to examine her at once,” said the Doctor. “Please allow me some room.” The Doctor examined Daisy while everyone waited. At last he turned to them.

“I can confirm it is a severe cold, I’m afraid. For tonight, she must break the fever. I suggest dressing her in a light cloth, give her plenty of tea to drink, and some balm and citrus,” he said. “Don’t cover her with too many blankets for she must be cool. I shall take my leave now. I will come back tomorrow to see the patient.”

All blankets but one were taken off Daisy immediately, and the heat was lowered. Lady Spencer draped a cool cloth on Daisy’s head to draw out the heat.

“I will order some tea,” said Elizabeth. “We are grateful to you for bringing the Doctor.”

Scarlet went down with Alexander and Horace to the drawing room. “It was good of you to come so quickly,” she said.

“I do hope she will be all right,” said Horace, sitting down on the sofa. He rubbed his hands over his face.

“Do not fret, Lord Thomkins,” said Scarlet. “The Doctor said it was a cold. She should break the fever in the morning at least.”

“I do hope so,” he said. Alexander and Horace drank their tea and Scarlet went back upstairs.

“Go to sleep,” Scarlet said to Elizabeth. “You are quite fatigued already and it can’t be good for the child. I am here to keep an eye on her.”

“You are right, I do need to sleep. But you will awake me if—”

“I will wake you. Nothing will happen to Daisy,” Scarlet said kindly.

“Lady Spencer, you must sleep too. I have Lord Hargreave and Lord Thomkins here if I need help.”

“But you can’t stay awake all night, and neither can I ask the gentlemen downstairs,” said Lady Spencer.

“We shall take turns then, but I will stay,” Scarlet pressed Lady Spencer. After Lady Spencer agreed, Scarlet went downstairs again.

“I will stay the night, you don’t have to stay here,” she told Alexander and Horace. “As I have told Lady Spencer, I will look after Daisy as neither she nor Mrs. Brown will be able to do so.”

“But will you be all right?” asked the Duke. “I don’t want you falling ill.”

“I shall be fine. You can send a carriage here in the morning,” Scarlet said.

Alexander and Horace left the residence, and then Scarlet sighed. She knew she had a long night before her. But she was not worried for herself. She would help Lady Spencer.

I cannot bear to leave Daisy in this state, knowing Elizabeth is so near her term and Lady Spencer is not fit anymore.

* * *

So Scarlet stayed. She looked after her friend and took turns sleeping when Lady Spencer or Elizabeth forced her to. Dawn broke at last as did Daisy’s fever. Although she still would be weak for a few more days, she was out of danger now. Horace was the first to arrive to see Daisy, and then Alexander arrived with the carriage.

“How is Lady Daisy?” Alexander asked.

“Her fever broke, she is all right. She is with Lord Thomkins at the moment,” said Scarlet.

“You look fatigued,” Alexander observed, caressing her face with his finger. He looked around him quickly, and then quickly kissed her.

“Careful, Your Grace. Someone may see!” Scarlet laughed, stepping back a little.

Alexander took her hand in his, “Let them, we are to be married soon anyway.” His voice was low, thank goodness.

“Perhaps so,” said Scarlet, “but we cannot have people talking yet.”

“I cannot wait for the dinner party when we can announce our engagement,” Alexander said in a mock-mournful tone.

“You only have to wait a few more days, Your Grace. Now, I will just check on Daisy and I will be back.”

Scarlet sat next to Daisy now who was sitting up. She was drinking some tea. “Poor Daisy, you will be well soon, I promise,” said Scarlet. She squeezed her friend’s cold and clammy hand.

“You are a dear for staying the night. Mama, Elizabeth and I are very grateful to you,” said Daisy. “And now I realize you are a true friend of mine. I apologize from my heart that I have not been a good friend to you, Scarlet.”

“All that matters not, my friend,” Scarlet smiled. “You must rest now and get your strength back. I will come and go to see how you are, My Dear. Drink your tea and go back to sleep now.”

Scarlet left with Alexander then, feeling the fatigue now. She longed for her bedchamber and hadn’t noticed she had fallen asleep on Alexander’s shoulder.