For the Heart of a Roguish Duke by Harriet Caves

Chapter Twenty

“So is this the happy ending?” Scarlet asked, looking up at Alexander.

She and Alexander sat in the garden together, on the grass, and secluded from everyone else. The trees above made a shelter for them with their overhanging branches and leaves. Somewhere around the garden bees buzzed and birds chirped, unseen.

“You could say that. All I can say is that I am happy you were not badly injured in that accident, My Dear. And I am glad I reached you in time before my uncle took your life.” There was darkness in Alexander’s tone.

She took his hand in hers, entwining her fingers through his. “It was an unfortunate business, I agree. So, let us not dwell on that anymore. We must put it behind us.” She smiled, cocking her head.

“I have something for you,” said Alexander. He took the document out from his bag, the one he had been meaning to show to Scarlet.

“What is this?”

“While I was at the country Estate, I found this file in Father’s study. It was just there, I truly felt like Father was showing me the way. It is a file with your name on it. Open it,” said Alexander.

Scarlet opened it and read the title. It had her name on it, as well as her mother’s, Ingrid Pearson. There was an address. Perhaps it was her mother’s maiden home.

“Oh,” said Scarlet, quite overwhelmed.

“Yes, it is all true,” said Alexander. “It is quite a wonder, isn’t it?”

“I feel like I have found a new life. I have an identity, I may not be able to shout out about it to society, but I can say I’m not an orphan. I have a mother. How do you feel about that, Your Grace? Do you still want me?”

“Yes, I still want you, Scarlet, and I want to marry you. Will you be my wife?”

Scarlet sat up and placed her hands on his face, kissing him boldly. “I have been wanting you to say that for a very long time, Your Grace. I am not interested in marrying anyone else but you. Since I met you in the library, I have thought about you. I have fought with myself that I could not have you since I am your Ward, and you are my Guardian. Oh, Your Grace, you do not know how happy you have made me.”

“I, too have had the same feelings for you since that day. And I too, have had to battle with myself to leave you be as I am your Guardian.” Alexander laughed. “We do make a suitable pair. Do you believe my father would approve of our union?”

“Yes, I believe he would. Do you believe you have made peace with your father now? Have you forgiven him?”

“I have, My Dear. I have forgiven him for the neglect on his part. I have also forgiven myself for hating him, and thus I now miss him very much. I wish I could have that time back and make amends. Perhaps I was not a good son, a son he wanted who was obedient and clever. That is my downfall,” Alexander said.

“Don’t belittle yourself, you are a good man. I can see the good in you, Your Grace, and don’t you dismiss it. You are a clever man and a gentleman. Your father is up there, and he can see that now, I am certain. He sent down an angel to help you find a solution to my problem. I believe in that,” Scarlet said.

“I cannot wait for you to become my wife. I want to take you, to make you feel things that you do not know of. I want you to feel me inside you. I love you very much, Scarlet, more than I can express. I say this sincerely. Do you believe me?”

“I believe you, I do,” Scarlet whispered. “And I can’t wait to be the Duchess of Bentley, the wife of the Duke of Bentley. I trust you with all my heart. I would die if I didn’t have you.”

“Shush now. No talk of death. We will lead a healthy, long life together as husband and wife. We will have children as many as you like, or just two. And I want them to be just like you, full of kindness and sweetness. Do you agree?”

“And I will have your children, as many or as few as you want,” Scarlet laughed. She kissed his face.

Above, an eagle flew over them, and they stared at it in wonder. Eagles didn’t come in this part of the Country, or at least they hadn’t seen any.

“Your Grace—” Scarlet began.

“No, no more Your Grace. Call me Alexander,” he said, his eyes gazing seductively into hers. “Say it.”


“Oh,” Alexander sighed, “what a wondrous feeling that is to hear you say my name. I feel I am yours now.”

“Scarlet,” he whispered close to her ear, and then kissed her softly. “Scarlet, oh how I love you.”

“And I love you, Alexander.” Alexander kissed her passionately.

* * *

Scarlet and Ingrid promenaded along the coast. It was Ingrid’s idea to go away for a few days to spend time as mother and daughter. The sea was calm, like a sleeping giant. A sharp wind accompanied them today with a hazy sunshine above them.

It didn’t bother Scarlet. She was wrapped up in a thick shawl and wore a warmer outdoor robe, with a hood. Ingrid had her arm linked with Scarlet’s as they walked up the small, hilly pathway. They stopped at the top and Ingrid laid down a tablecloth. They sat together, looking out to the vast sea.

“I have always wanted you, Scarlet. I thought about you every day,” Ingrid said. “It was difficult for me to know you were not so far away, living in Bentley.”

“Was that why you hardly came to the manor?” Scarlet asked.

“Yes, seeing you and not able to talk to you and forbidden to admit you are my daughter broke my heart when I did come. I couldn’t stop George or Terence from going, what excuse could I give to them? Terence had always suspected me. You could say he never really trusted me. He would ask me who the new Ward was when your Guardian took you in. The Duke would not answer him.

“Sometimes, he would catch us talking in whispers. When he challenged us, we would not speak the truth. He would become enraged and storm out of the room. And then when we go home, he would become violent,” Ingrid said sadly.

“He would hit you, Mama?”

“He beat me many times, my darling daughter. Such is his temper. I could not leave him for he would drag me back anyway. The government doesn’t see this as a crime, I’m afraid. What was I do to?”

“Certainly when George was born, your relationship with Mr. Hargreave was better?” Scarlet hoped. “You had produced an heir.”

“Terence was delighted, of course, when George was born. For a few years, the beatings stopped, and he was kinder. I didn’t visit Bentley Manor much then and I purposely kept away from your Guardian. I began to like myself and my life again.

“It was when George turned five-and-ten, that my harmonious marriage turned bitter again. George was a frequent visitor then, and Terence didn’t like it as George put quite a lot of his attention on you.”

“I remember that,” said Scarlet. “He would follow me where I went. I found it to be quite frustrating. I had to inform my Guardian, of course. George was taken into my Guardian’s study, and I heard a stern voice. The door opened after some time and George came out, thoroughly ruffled. He gave me a look of contempt then.”

“But a flame was kindled in his heart for you, poor boy,” said Ingrid. “I blame myself for doing this. I should have sent him abroad to study. He would not have been near you, and he would not have begun to have feelings for you.”

“You are not to blame, Mama. Where is George now?” asked Scarlet.

“He has gone to France. He didn’t say how long he would be gone, but I am glad. He is quite embarrassed now as he is your brother. Oh, what a mess this all is,” sighed Ingrid.

“And what about Mr. Hargreave, where is he now?” Scarlet shuddered just mentioning his name.

“He is hiding, but the authorities will find him. I cannot see Alexander letting him go,” said Ingrid.

Scarlet stared out at the sea, the now gray and white sky reflected in the waters below. Seagulls flew in and out squawking and then with fish caught between their beaks.

She thought of Mr. Hargreave. The memory when he smothered her with his hand and the pillow came flooding back to her. She had nightmares after that day. She didn’t tell Alexander or her mother for it would only worry them.

Scarlet lay her head on Ingrid’s shoulder and held her hand. “I wish you didn’t have to give me away. I could have grown up with you, why is life so cruel?” she asked.

“Society would not accept us, My Dearest. We would have been outcasts and lived in poverty. Your grandparents foresaw that,” said Ingrid.

“What were they like, my grandparents? Did they hold me when I was a child?” asked Scarlet. She was intrigued and curious about her other life.

“They were the kindest people. Your grandmother’s name was Eliza and your grandfather’s name was Jonathon. When they held you, they had tears in their eyes. They were crying because they knew we had to give you to someone else.”

“Your Guardian and my father were very good friends. At the time, Alexander was not born, and the Duchess of Bentley was desperate to have a child. To make her happy, the Duke volunteered to take you as a Ward. I was reluctant, but your grandparents persuaded me. The Duke also suggested I marry his younger brother, Terence.

“Had I known the temperament of Terence, I would have refused to marry him. But as it was, I couldn’t dismiss this opportunity for you. One that would give you freedom and a future, something which I wouldn’t have been able to.

“Your grandmother would console me dearly after you were gone from my life. She would cry with me. But time healed the pain. I was pacified that you were near me, and I had the opportunity to see you even for short moments. And as your grandparents grew older, they too were pleased to see me married, and settled down with a man. They rejoiced too when I had George.

“But they never forgot you, dear daughter. They remembered you toward the end of their lives,” Ingrid concluded.

“I am glad to hear that,” said Scarlet. And she meant it.

The winds began to catch now, and so Scarlet and Ingrid promenaded back to the cottage.

* * *

When Scarlet got back from the coast, she and Alexander decided to announce their engagement to their friends and arranged a dinner party at Bentley Manor.

Scarlet was excited indeed. She could not remember a party held here after the Duchess passed away. She felt it was a new era, full of joy and anticipation, and celebrations. She asked Ingrid to accompany her to shop for a new dress, and of course, Ingrid couldn’t be more delighted.

The ton were now talking about the impending wedding of the Duke and Miss Snow, and they were also talking about the relationship between her and Ingrid.

“The ton has not much to talk about these days, their lives must be quite mundane,” Ingrid commented as she and Scarlet traveled into Town. “Why we are a subject to discuss is beyond me.”

“Well, to me, it is rather exciting. Not only are they discussing my wedding but our relationship as well. I just wish I could shout out that you are my mother,” said Scarlet. “But what a scandal that would be for you.”

“Not as much a scandal as my husband nearly killing the Duke and running away, and also nearly killing you,” said Ingrid. “Although, I don’t know how that got out. No servants were around to witness it, I believe.”

It was certainly a mystery. Scarlet was certain George would not have spoken about this. It was one of the reasons he fled to France. The only explanation that she could offer was one of the servants was there and had seen and heard it all.

“Perhaps as we were too occupied, we didn’t see a member of servants there when it all happened. We were quite distracted enough,” said Scarlet.

“Perhaps so. However, I have been thinking and I would like to announce you as my daughter. We don’t have to offer any explanations and we could let people wonder about us. How amusing would that be?” Ingrid chuckled.

“Quite amusing, I am certain,” Scarlet also laughed.

Their carriage rolled into Town, with other carriages following behind. “It is quite active here today,” Scarlet remarked. “Is there a sale today?”

“How bizarre, I had not heard of a sale today. Well, there is one way to find out. Driver, please stop at Esmerelda’s shop.”

Esmerelda’s shop was indeed busy and more than usual. Scarlet and Ingrid waited a little while until there was space to walk. As usual, Esmerelda was pleased to see them.

“Greetings, Ladies,” she smiled. “How lovely to see you.”

“And we reciprocate the greeting,” said Ingrid.

“Is there a sale, Esmerelda?” asked Scarlet. “It is awfully busy in here today.”

“It is rather, I have had to hire two shop assistants to deal with so many people,” Esmerelda said. “You see, we are closing this shop for a while, and then I am going on a long holiday while my new shop is built on the other side of town.”

“This is intriguing, do tell,” said Ingrid.

“I am going to Paris to look at new fashions. I will come back with more designs and ideas for you wonderful ladies,” Esmerelda said excitedly.

“It is very exciting,” said Scarlet. “I would like to see that one day.”

“And so we shall,” said Ingrid. “I shall speak with the Duke, perhaps we all can go.”

“On that note, I must congratulate you on your engagement to the Duke of Bentley, Miss Snow,” said Esmerelda. “Is that why you are here, to buy a dress for a dinner party, I assume?”

Scarlet laughed. “You are sharp. Yes, we are here for a beautiful, yet simple dress. Something that will enhance me better.”

“Then you shall have it. I have many designs, you only need to choose the fabrics.”

The women got to work. A few minutes later – for it didn’t take long for Scarlet to choose – the dress was decided and paid for, and Scarlet and Ingrid walked out happily.

“Should we go to the tea shop?” Ingrid suggested. “I would like some lovely tea and cake.”

“Wonderful, this is turning to be a lovely day already,” Scarlet said gleefully.

Mrs. Smith’s tea shop was just across the road. The ladies walked in to find it was comfortable with not so many people there. A few heads turned their way appreciatively. Scarlet and Ingrid were acknowledged by the ladies of the ton and the ones who were ordinary.

“I told you they were close,” a lady whispered to her companion. “They have been seen to be everywhere together.”

Scarlet smiled as she walked past them. They sat around a circle table, and soon a waitress arrived. “We would like some tea and some of your wonderful lemon cream, and baked apples, and a slice of your most delectable cakes,” said Ingrid. “Scarlet dear, is there anything else you would like?”

“No, that is all,” said Scarlet. When the waitress had gone, Scarlet smiled. “I have not been in a tea shop for quite some time. This is lovely, and I am grateful you brought me here.”

“It is my absolute pleasure. I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you are married. I believe the Duke will want you all to himself for a while,” Ingrid said.

“I suppose your expectation was quite different to mine when you married,” said Scarlet sadly.

“It wasn’t a whirlwind romance but rather straightforward and to the point,” Ingrid said. The waitress came back with the tea and sweetmeats. It certainly looked lovely to the eye.

“Well, I am famished, let’s eat, Dearest. And no more talk about my wedding for it was one not to be remembered,” Ingrid said. “This is a good day, and it must not be spoilt by memories of the past, which I wish to forget.”

Scarlet smiled at her mother, and then they both served their own plates.