Illicit Affairs by Holly Dixon


“Why doI always miss out on this shit!” Sam whined as the elevator climbed towards another tiring day at the office.

“It was bloody horrific. You should have seen the twat that was bidding for me.” Ava shook her head trying to get rid of the images.

“I bet he was sexy.”

“Samantha. He smoked a pipe, used a cane, and wore a bonnet!”

“Oh, you lucky bitch!” Sam laughed, elbowing Ava in the ribs and causing her friend to chuff slightly at her own disarray. “Speaking of booze—”

“What? We weren’t speaking of booze?” Ava screwed up her face.

“Aye, we were,” Sam said, deadpan, before her face lit up in mischief. “This weekend, you, me, and Mr. Malbec?” Her brows wiggled enticingly.

“You really are something else.” Ava laughed as the elevator doors pinged open on their floor. They both stared out onto a department that was in a state of pandemonium. Phones were ringing from every corner, people were yelling orders over the table at one another or dashing back and forth.

“Well, fuck that for a game of soldiers. I’m off to hide in the kitchen and pour vodka into my cuppa,” Sam remarked as she raised her handbag to her face and stealthily dashed towards the kitchen.

Rolling her eyes at Sam, Ava stepped out of the elevator as she hesitatingly walked through the chaos and finally saw Peter, who looked at her as though she were his saviour.

“Thank God you’re in today!” Peter sighed, wiping his brow as Ava set her things down on her desk.

“What the hell is going on?” Ava peered up at Nate’s office, worrying that the blinds were shut. They were never shut.

“Haven’t you heard the news?”

“What news?”

“Oliver Forbes was found dead in his apartment at the weekend,” Peter explained, causing Ava’s eyes to bulge. “They’re saying it’s suicide.”

“Suicide?” Ava gasped.

Taylor!” Nate’s voice boomed from his office, and Ava and Peter simultaneously jumped.

Peter gave Ava a nervous look and advised, “Do yourself a favour, ol’girl, and stay out of the boss’s way today.”

Staying out of Nate’s way was surprisingly easy considering he never once came out of his office and Ava didn’t dare chap on his door when the blinds remained shut, the door closed, and his status set to do not disturb. Whatever he was caught up in would no doubt be testing his patience and making him work for his salary.

Ava remained busy also, put on edge that her intercom was no longer being used as Nate pinged his orders at her. She wasn’t upset at it, oddly feeling sympathetic towards him as she worked fast to assist him in whatever way he needed.

Ava had blinked and it was suddenly finishing time, perhaps the fastest working day she had ever done, but she wasn’t ready to leave just yet. As per their contract together, Nate and she had a meeting scheduled to discuss the details of the Forbes case, which Ava no longer knew for certain was going ahead since the scandalous news this morning.

“Ms. Archer, I need you in my office,” Nate’s voice beckoned over the intercom and for once, Ava jumped at the chance to see him.

“Yes, sir?” she asked with a small smile, hoping her politeness would save her from his bark. However, as she took in his appearance, her lower lip descended, and her brows lowered in concern.

The executive desk was covered in a mess of white papers strewn about as if a window had shattered and the wind had placed the sheets where it saw fit. Nevertheless, in that chaos, Nate saw order. He leaned onto the dark wood with his knuckles pressed upon its surface as he diligently studied the papers. His black suit jacket hung around the back of his chair, his white shirt unbuttoned at the top, and his red silk tie wrapped around his clenched hand—a sign that he was as deep in thought as he was frustrated.

In light of the news this morning, the Forbes civil case had blown into a full-on criminal investigation, the press breathing down his client’s neck and therefore his own too.

“Come in,” Nate said, pleased that she had come so quickly, “and close the door.”

Ava did as instructed, her eyes glancing to the coffee table that had long been wiped clean of any evidence relating to their little sleepover fiasco. “What do you need?” she asked as she approached the front of his chaotic desk that coincided with his appearance and likely his emotional state.

“I had it this morning,” he explained, slowly tapping his fingertip against the hard surface of the desk. The cuffs of his shirt were rolled up, exposing his muscular forearms, which could only mean one thing—he was all business now. “I saw it. I saw it, but now I can’t seem to damn find it,” he grumbled, the ragged furrows of his forehead capturing his frustration as his eyes scanned the scene. Nate was searching for a particular paper among many that had lost its rightful place in the file and was crucial at this moment in time. That sort of thing drove him wild, and not in a good way. “I’m looking for a certificate that has a gold foil seal on its front, can you help me find it?”

“Of course.” Ava nodded, her fingers pressing against his desk as she leaned forward slightly, her eyes trying to catch his attention as concern etched into her features. “But will you please just sit down and take a breather?”

Nate’s eyes flicked up from the papers, landing on snowy globes bursting from his assistant’s skintight dress as she leaned slightly over his desk. However, his eyes rose quickly and sheepishly to hers, hoping she didn’t catch him stealing a look. As their eyes met, for just a moment his celestial being floated in her oceans, a sudden sense of serenity overcoming him as his brow relaxed. She had a deleterious effect on his concentration for whatever reason and it made him pin his plump lower lip between his teeth as he gazed into her eyes with a carnal desire. Nate wanted to take her, right there, but today his self-control would prevail.

With perfect posture he straightened his back and brought his fist to his side, the tie still wrapped around his hand, the edges of which dangled loosely, epitomising his predicament.

“I’m fine.”

“No,” Ava insisted, walking around the large desk, pressing his shoulders down and coaxing him into his seat. “You’re spent and need to take a breather, Mr. Brooks.”

For some reason, Nate flinched at her addressing him in the way he had originally requested; it felt impersonal and cold. However, that coldness suddenly evaporated from him as dainty hands found his broad shoulders. Ava stood in front of his chair between him and the desk as her hands squeezed at him, eliciting a hiss from his teeth as the tension egressed through her feminine touch.

Maybe a five-minute break wouldn’t hurt?

“Better. Now, let me have a look for this certificate.” Ava smiled sweetly down at him for doing what he was told. She turned around at the mess across his desk, meticulously flicking through the many documents and hummed, “Gold foil seal…”

Nate sighed heavily, the sensation of her fingertips lingering happily, sending tingles down his arms and through his core. However, his attention flicked up as Ava reached over the far end of his desk, her heart-shaped derriere pushing back towards him as though the sight was for his enjoyment alone. His hands gripped the arms of his chair, the blood rushing towards his centre as the black dress pulled higher on her legs, revealing the black lace of the suspenders securing her sheer stockings.

It took every ounce of restraint he could muster to not grab her hips at that moment.

Now he had a real problem, the concern for the lost document paling in comparison. Under the neatly pressed Italian fabric of his work slacks, a monster awoke and took form, pushing against the pleated pants.

“Hm, how odd… I could have sworn I saw it earlier…” Ava pondered as she set three piles of paperwork across his desk. “You’re sure you’ve checked everywhere?”

“E-every inch…” Nate answered, stammering, his sudden loss of vernacular the direct result of observing more and more of Ms. Archer’s underwear, the exposed lines of her garters making a wreck of him as he was unable to discern a panty line through her tight dress.

“Ah, wait! Is that…” Ava saw the sheen of gold from beneath his desk and got down onto all fours, crawling beneath the desk as she pulled the crumpled certificate from between the mass of loose computer cables.

Nate’s eyes nearly sprung from their sockets as she lowered in front of him, her dress bunching so high up on her thighs that the under curve of her peach was as clear as day. At any rate, he was glad her attention was turned away, the misdirection giving him a chance to stave off the growing crisis in his pants, but his member had grown involuntarily at an alarming rate just seeing her bent over his desk. The more his pressing palms sought to conceal the bulge, the more the pressure and friction, the more the problem grew.

“Gotcha!” Ava beamed, crawling back out of the tight space and rising to her feet, but as she did, her head caught the lip of the table eliciting a squawk from her mouth as she stumbled backwards, her heel catching on a cable under the desk and tripping her. “Agh!” she squealed out, her balance thrown as she took two clumsy steps backwards and tumbled down onto her boss’s lap, the certificate in hand.

Nate was an alpha male and whenever he was aroused, his instincts turned animalistic so as his assistant stumbled backwards on the cord, he saw it happen almost as if in slow motion, reacting quickly as he caught her in his assertive grip. His strong hands wound around her waist, fingers pressing against her hipbones as he secured her in place, the red tie draped against the bare skin of her inner thigh as he released his clenched fist.

Perhaps it was the rosebud notes diffusing from the golden silk now covering his face or maybe it was the sudden warmth he felt over his lap, but either way, it made him twitch in pleasure.

Nate knew he should let her go right now but for some reason, his grip tightened around Ava’s hips and pulled her back down into him. This woman was his ultimate temptation.

Ava shivered feeling the crimson silk running down a place where only her lovers had touched. It aroused her to no degree that something of Mr. Brooks’s was now touching between her milky thighs, the very thought bringing a noticeable pulse between her legs.

A curl of hair had found its way across her pixie-like face in her dishevelled state, but she didn’t care to move it just yet, her arms and legs unable to move. Her mind and body were transfixed upon the strong hands gripping her slender hips that jutted through the skintight material of her dress, her sumptuous peach pressing down against her boss’s crotch.

Ava sucked in a hiss through her teeth as Nate pulled her down against his lap, the stiff outline of something pressing up against her fleshy globes making the whites of her eyes pop. His warmth seeped through the expanse of his solid front and oozed into her back making her teeth clamp down upon her lip.

Nate was no longer in control of his actions, his face dipping into the gold silk as he inhaled the scent clinging to the side of her neck until he was drunk on it.

A part of Ava wanted nothing more than to reach her hands behind her and grip the top of Nate’s luscious dark hair, her back against his chest as she would slowly roll her stomach in a type of sensual dance, her hips circling, grinding her rear down into whatever teasing object was prodding into her bottom. She could imagine it now, his hot breath on the side of her throat, and could only dream of the deep groans he’d pour into her ear, the feeling of his hands tightening around her hips and maybe even one around her throa

“Shit, sorry!” Ava yelped, snapping out of her corrupted thoughts as she jumped off of her boss and dusted down her dress. Her pale cheeks now blooming like a cherry blossom tree as she glanced at the closed blinds, grateful that no one saw. She knew she had to get out of there before she seriously jeopardised both of their careers and quickly made her way to the door.

“Lock the door.” The authoritarian dimension of Nate’s baritone voice filled the hollow of the room and subdued the silence. Three little words were all it took to cross that line. His assistant peered timidly over her shoulder and their eyes met in an unwavering expression of carnal lust; she knew, and he knew of the base things that were about to happen in this office.