Illicit Affairs by Holly Dixon


First kisses were normallythe making of something, but this kiss was like taking a wrecking ball to any previous relationship they had made for themselves.

Ava pressed forward until all of Nate’s hard edges melted into her smooth contours.

A soft, wet click was heard as Nate kissed her top lip, just once, pulling back slightly and peering down at her to confirm that this wild fantasy was quickly becoming reality. She answered him by way of her mouth turning up into a devilish smirk that popped the dimple in her cheek, an expression that Nate mirrored as she clasped her hands behind his neck.

With brute strength, his muscular arms cinched her body close to his, but his lips drew hers in by a different, less visible force, an unearthly sort of magnetism. Nate kissed her passionately, destroying any semblance of the employment relationship. In that moment she was not his assistant, nor his business partner’s daughter, she was simply a woman, a marvellous, beautiful woman who he had craved the taste of for what felt like an eternity. He couldn’t get enough of her cinnamon dolce crème as he tenderly sucked upon her lower lip, their timid tongues finding each other like old lovers reuniting, tangling like two people sampling sweet passion after a long fast and dancing to the melody of their erotic song.

Ava needed little to no reassurance as she abruptly took a step back, her hands gripping dark tendrils as she pulled Nate with her until her back thudded up against the office door and her greedy mouth demanded every last drop.

While his fleshy explorer rhythmically darted in and out of her mouth, his lower half emoted pent-up longings as his hips pinned and gyrated against her body, not caring to hide the bulge in his pants. Breathlessly, he took a step back and took her hands in his, lifting her arms above her head and pinning them high against the heavy door with his left hand as his crimson tie hung down from her wrists and arms. He needed her to stay still, to stand there and let him devour every piece of her just like in his dreams.

He involuntarily growled like a savage bear, his tongue flicking at the soft lobe of her ear, then he surveyed her front with his dominant hand, digits caressing the softness of her lower jaw, down the side of her neck, pausing briefly to wrap lightly around her throat and squeezing the sides playfully as if to say you are mine.

Ava moaned softly, her tongue leaving a glisten of moisture on her upper lip as she smirked at him as if daring him to take a chunk clean out of her throat like the piece of forbidden fruit she was. She wasn’t afraid of him; she wanted to see what darkness hid in his shadows. She wanted him to play with her black soul.

After the detour, Nate’s eyes followed his fingers as they continued to her breasts, tracing the dip of her neckline, and then down over the fabric, registering the black lace beneath and the two hardened buds of her nipples protruding through the dress. He bit his lip with delight, a quirky smile coming to his lips as he wondered what may be happening between her legs.

Being pinned to that door by Nate felt like swimming in the sea with thunderclouds looming overhead, a type of electrical current pulsing through Ava’s body and tingling static across her gooseflesh. His primal growls and intimate touches were richer than the concentrated chocolate of a truffle, his noises that sent waves of fire down between her loins now pooling with heat and making her fear that the flimsy covering of her thong would do little to hold back her arousal.

Frustrated by the fabric blockading his assault, Nate slipped his right hand behind her back and his fingers found the zipper head of her dress.

“Shh,” he hushed, referencing the muffled voices heard on the other side of the door. It was getting close to quitting time for the remaining staff and as the sun set and warm horizontal rays ascended the walls of the office, Nate realised that the silhouette of the lovers may well be visible. He eyed the leather ottoman nearby before looking back to Ava and slowly pulled down her zip, unwrapping his present. As her dress parted at the back and cool air kissed her snowy flesh, he observed the goosebumps rising down her spine while the fabric dangled from her shoulders. Nate ran his hand up the back of her exposed thigh and grabbed a handful of her soft, doughy derriere, exhaling heavily as he did. He nearly crumbled from the beautiful sensual whine that she made for him but leant in hushing her again, his smirking lips at the shell of her ear.

Ava bit back a giggle, relishing in the adrenaline, her knee bending as she skimmed the inside of her warm thigh up the outside of his pant leg until she hooked the back of her defined calf muscle around him and tugged.

“Be quiet,” he growled by her ear, secretly enjoying her disobedience as his hand found its way to her inner thigh, his mouth taking her entire lobe into his wet, hot mouth for a gentle suck, nibbling lightly on her cartilage. “Or I’ll make you.” The disciplinarian emerged, the tip of his tongue drawing a jagged line from her lower jaw to the auricle of her ear before pulling back to see her reaction.

Ava didn’t like being told what to do and was always up for a challenge. To make this point clear, she playfully snapped her teeth at him like a feral kitten, her leg tightening its grip until his crotch pressed up against her own and in one swift movement she leaned forward and flicked her tongue up his chin.

“Then make me,” she dared with a small giggle. After all, what was the point in playing with fire if you didn’t expect to get a little burnt?

Nate’s eyebrows rose in surprise at her confidence before his eyes squinted at her.

Rules were rules.

He lifted his right knee between her legs, grinding his upper thigh against her heated crotch, just enough to dissolve her giggles into a hot moan before withdrawing it teasingly. He didn’t care for her protesting whine as he returned his attention to her clavicle, kissing the smooth ridge from its terminus at her shoulder to her mid-neck.

Something about this moment, the sweet smell of her flesh, the little noises escaping her voluminous lips, the way she tempted him, whatever it was, it summoned inspiration from deep within his loins and unleashed a powerful new sexual energy. Ava Archer would be the first to experience him in this hyper-aroused state.

With strategic placement of his lips, his mouth sucked on her neck before biting downhard and sucking even harder, slurping on her deliciousness, and claiming her as he saw fit. She may not bow down to him but at least the red-purple evidence left behind on her pale skin was his stamp, like the gold seal on the certificate of title.

Every breath Ava took was humid and laboured against the assault of his kiss delivered to her neck. She swore she could feel the sensation being mimicked right at the burning throb between her thighs. Her arms pressed to the cold wood of the door began to twitch under his grasp, her nails biting into her palms as his teeth marked her neck and made her mouth salivate with pure ecstasy. Despite her self-restraint crumbling, she whimpered, “That the best you got, Brooks?”

When she tempted him, the dam of pent-up sexual energy inside of Nate broke. Done with the chitchat getting in his way, he could take no more teasing with these little games as he released her dainty wrists, allowing her arms to fall to her sides and for her dress to fall to the floor. His whisky eyes revealed a hunger now not seen before as he took in the sight of her three-piece lingerie and his lips formed a coy smile at the thought of the nasty things he would do to her.

Nate aggressively twirled her near-naked body to face away, pressing her up against the door and smirking as she gasped in shock, her palms slapping against the wood.

“If we do this, there will be rules. Do you think you can play by the rules, Ms. Archer?” he asked with a smirk, not requiring an answer as he expertly slipped the red tie between her lips and made a neat knot behind her head.

Ava gawked as she felt the makeshift gag go between her lips, no man ever having done such a kinky thing to her, and it made her both aroused as it did on edge—normally it was she who delivered the kink. She didn’t protest as he then escorted her away from the door, his dominant hand softly caressing the lower boundary of her jutting shoulder blade as he guided her forward.

Nate stopped in front of his desk and turned them, biting his lip as he stared down at her body, his own feeling oxygen deprived as the sight of her stole his breath. Yet breathless, he maintained his military stance. In his mind, he had disrobed this young woman countlessly since he arrived, but no reverie could do justice to the delectable beauty now standing before him.

He took a half step back, almost stumbling as he perched on his desk, fully appreciating her attire or the lack of. The French lingerie fit her body perfectly as if designed exclusively for her feminine curves. The ends of the red tie fell from her golden locks, framed by the black straps of her balcony bra, pointing to the contrasting black lace thong dividing her alabaster cheeks. The suspender straps provided dimension to accentuate the gorgeous length of her toned legs, leading the eye to the Louboutin heels, which matched his silk accent.

Nate could not have imagined at sunrise that she would be wearing his tie by sundown.