The Italian Dom by N.J. Adel




I went to sleep in the nursery with Nick, Leo nowhere to be found yet. I couldn’t sleep a wink, though. If I saw that bastard I’d kill him myself.

Surprisingly, he wasn’t the only bastard taking away my sleep. I caught myself thinking about Domenico—and his body— more than I liked. More than I should have.

Yes, I’d sworn off men for all eternity. Yes, I didn’t—couldn’t—fantasize about a guy unless he was fictional or a celebrity I had no chance to ever meet in person. But with Domenico…things were different.

He wasn’t the first man that tried to hit on me, and I might have reacted with Domenico the same way I had with each one of them. Scared them away. But my body hadn’t reacted as it always had, as I hoped it would have when it came to someone like Domenico.

The cringe, the bile that filled my chest, the sting in the heart, the tears that pricked my eyes and the urge to hide them. To hide my fear, to hide my pain that wrapped around me like a blackout curtain, blinding yet shielding me from having any more. To make them see what they only needed to see. I was hurt, but I wasn’t broken. This little kitten had claws of steel, and she wasn’t afraid to use them. You’d better stay away because she wouldn’t be messed with ever again.

It was all there with Domenico but not as strong or as urgent as it always had been. Not to mention how my body loosened up in all the wrong—or rather right— places under his insolent touch. It infuriated and baffled me at the same time. Why, in the presence of a vicious mobster, would I feel a little bit safer, a little bit…free?

Talk about fucked up…

Tossing and turning, I tried to convince myself my new twisted realization wasn’t a realization at all. There was nothing real about it. It was only the effect of staying here too long, surrounded by all these Mafiosi and the women who loved them…and the idea my little sister had put my head…and how offensively sexy Domenico Lanza was.

Fuck, he was so goddamn hot I started considering Lina’s ridiculous plan.

Ugh, what the fuck was wrong with me? Between me and my sister, I’d always been the sound of reason, the one who kept her in check, not the one who yielded to unrealistic dreams and dangerous temptations. I really needed to get out of here.

The throbs and moisture between my legs were far from unrealistic, though. Back when I was sitting with him—on him—at the pool, and right now when my hand snuck inside my pajama pants to…

No. Nope.

Not to Domenico Lanza. Never to Domenico Lanza.

My fingers slid in the gathering wetness nonetheless as the smell of his cologne hit my nostrils, as if he were there in the room with me. In the quiet darkness that had kept my secrets.

Go ahead. It’ll help you sleep. No one has to know. Even the nanny cam in the giant teddy bear across from the crib doesn’t catch this side of the bed. No one will find out.

I would.

Won’t be the first time you touch yourself to someone you hate. Maybe this time you won’t have to cry yourself to sleep after.

My eyes squeezed, a tear threatening to escape. Quickly, I distracted myself with the images of Domenico, the way he licked his plump lip, the hungry gaze he always gave me, how good his body looked in a tux.

The throbbing in my pussy intensified, and as much as I hated it, I couldn’t ignore it. I had to deal with it. Get it out of my system so I could snap out of it before it bit me in the ass.

I pictured him licking his lip again as his mouth inched closer to mine, fanning me with his hot breath. God, you’re so beautiful. You’re driving me crazy, little kitten.

Fingers fluttering inside me, I silenced him with my lips. He responded with a fierce kiss and hands that knew no boundaries when they meant to claim. My hips bucked, and my breath raced.

“Get me off,” I whispered.

Oh, I’d love to.

I was on his lap again, and he pulled me onto his huge cock. I wanna fuck you so much.

My legs parted wider, and I pushed two whole fingers in and out of my wetness, my teeth digging into my lip with a hiss.

I told you my Dom-operated cock was much better.

Yeah. Just the illusion of him inside me felt so good, much better than any of my toys. I was so wet, the unbearable arousal pulsating in my pussy begged for a release.

I told you I was the guy you’d be purring and hissing under in no time, little kitten.

“You also said you’d keep me high on orgasms, so shut the fuck up and finish the job.”

My hips rocked as if I was riding him, my gasps louder, the pressure gathering low pushing me over to the edge—

The door suddenly opened. “Are you decent, little kitten?”

I practically screamed, my eyes snapping open, yanking my hand out of my pants and snatching the covers to pull them over my shame. “What the fuck?”

Light spilled from the hall into the nursery, and I could see his smirk as his tall frame mingled with the darkness inside. “I knocked. Twice,” he said, prowling toward me.

Shit. I was too lost in getting myself off to even hear him knock. “I was…sleeping.” What if it was someone else who came in, like one of the guards or Tino? Why was I a little relieved that it was Domenico? How did that make it any better?

I jumped out of the bed, balling my guilty hand into a fist and turning on the lights with the other. His eyes swept over me, and his smirk curved up higher. “You look…flushed.”

Jesus Christ. Was he on to me? I jabbed a finger in the air between us. “Even if you knocked, you should have waited until I answered. How could you barge in where I slept like that? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Quiet. The baby is sleeping.” He looked down on my finger and pushed it out of the way like he was shooing a fly. “You’re coming with me to your place.”

“Are you stoned? I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“I’m not stoned. I’m on guarding the naughty principessa duty, and as your newly designated bodyguard, you will come with me anywhere I say.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Who put you on that duty?”

“Who do you think? Now, your bags are packed. I left one outfit of my choice for you to wear before we go.”

“You went through my stuff? Fuck you!”

“Hush. You’ll wake the baby.”

I clenched my teeth. “Get out. Get the hell out n—”

He bent, folding his arms around my thighs, and carried me over his shoulder. I yelped in response, telling him to put me down. He just walked out of the room past the guards who didn’t utter a word. “If you don’t stop yelling, I’ll spank you.”

“You’ll what?!”

His answer was a loud smack that seared my buttock through the silk of my pajamas.

“You didn’t!” I yelped again, and he spanked me again.

Son of a bitch. I squeezed my eyes shut, my hair dangling over my face as I heard the elevator ding and open. Then a sudden fear of his feeling my wetness through the treacherous fabric when I was pressed to him like that pinched my heart. “A-are you really taking me to my place?” I tried to create a distraction.

“Yes. Don’t worry. I won’t kidnap you. Not yet.”

Mental eye roll. “And Tino authorized this?”

“Do you think I’m that stupid to just take his daughter out of his house in the middle of the night, especially when there’s a crazy fuck on the loose? Even as your fiancé, I don’t get to do that.”

“You’re not my fucking fiancé, Domenico.”

“Tell that to your dad,” he said, and I could feel the smirk on his face.

“Tino isn’t my dad either,” I seethed. “My name is Nicole Baldi or has everybody forgotten? Because I sure haven’t.” Couldn’t. Despite how much I hated Tino, sometimes I wished he’d been my father. Neither I nor my sister would have been ruined forever.

When we reached downstairs, he put something wooly on me. A coat? “What about changing?”

“Oh now you want the outfit I chose for you?”

I’m gonna rip this asshole in half. “I can’t just leave in pajamas, and I didn’t tell Lina I was leaving.”

“She already knows and told me to remind you of her suggestion and to tell you to have fun.”

That little deviant.

“And I just gave you my coat because even though you’re an ungrateful brat, I don’t want you to get cold or want anyone to see you in these silk pajamas, especially when you’re not wearing anything under it.”

My jaw fell, and another stupid, uninvited throb found its way between my legs. Again. He must have found out I wasn’t wearing any underwear when he fucking spanked me. Or worse.

The cold air stung my skin within the brief distance between the entrance and the car he put me in. An awful awareness of my hard nipples hit me. He must have noticed those, too.

Once we were both seated in the back, he gave the driver my address and didn’t say a single word all the way to my apartment building. My mind, on the other hand, was buzzing with so many words.

Did Domenico really think he was my fiancé? Tino would have never let him near me—even if it was just to guard me—if they hadn’t made things fucking official. What the fuck? Tino couldn’t force me to marry against my will, could he?

A lump clogged my throat as the answer came clear no matter how hard I tried to convince myself otherwise. Considered me his daughter or not, Tino did whatever Tino wanted. He could and would force me or anyone else to do whatever he wanted done. And he wanted me to marry from the Mob, to make me one of them so I’d be silenced and controlled, so I’d stop knocking some sense into my sister’s head.

If there was a thing I’d learned about Tino Bellomo, it was that when it came to having and keeping my sister, there was nothing he wasn’t capable of.

Rage burned through me, and I jerked my head toward Domenico, about to snap. But then I swallowed my anger along with the lump in my throat. Snapping wouldn’t solve anything. It might make things even worse. I needed to be smart about this. Deviant.

I might have disapproved of Lina’s plan at first, but now I was starting to think it was exactly what I needed to get out of this trap. Besides, this asshole deserved it. He snatched me out of my bed in the middle of the night, spanked me, twice, went through my stuff, called me an ungrateful brat, interrupted my orgasm and thought he could just make me his little obedient wife without my consent.

Rocco Siffredi of the Mob and Massimo’s doppelganger, you are really an asshole and you leave me no choice.

As the driver got my bags out of the car, I shot a glance at Domenico and imitated one of his smirks.

He raised a brow. “What?”

Game on.