His Game by B.L. Brooks



I’m home; tired, shaken, and reeling from what’s gone down.

My father, the man I’ve looked up to for thirty-eight years, has been shot. And while he’s recovering and seeming to be out of danger for the time being, I’m seething with fury.

Ready to kill.

We have the guys out there looking, sir.” Carlo assured me earlier, his own mood was just as somber as mine.

Though my father doesn’t run our team, he’s still an integral part of operations. Every man knows that. He’s always ruled with an iron fist, much like he taught me to. But he also showed kindness to those around him. Not one Christmas would pass without my father personally selecting gifts for the children of his men, never forgetting a birthday or anniversary either.

I aim to lead my men the same way, at least I was trying to and probably failing at it until meeting Mila.

Meeting baby girl has changed the game.

When you find that piece of shit, you bring him to me.” I told Carlo before pushing through the doors leading into my father’s room, reentering the hallway to find my men gathered around, all looking pissed off and ready to kill.

We’re not gonna rest, boss.” Victor, one of my men, said—his tone so sure, I somehow seemed to relax a little.

I want him found and brought to me alive. Don’t let him make too much noise either. We don’t need anyone catching wind of this.” I’m ready to teach Capo a fucking lesson like I should’ve the night he laid eyes on what’s mine.

My men gave me their word, then I swiftly left in peace, knowing I needed Mila now more than ever.

And I know she needs me as she’s probably wondering what’s happening. I could see how lost she was when I had her go home.

As I reach my stairs, I hurry my way up as I need to see Mila. I need those soft hands of hers around me, comforting me as I hold her close. I’ve been itching to get back to where we were before Cole interrupted us.

And with that thought in mind, I begin unbuttoning my shirt before I’ve reached the bedroom.

Opening up the door, I find a dark room as expected. I flick on the light, thinking of my baby girl in bed, looking up at me with sleepy eyes I intend to awake…but instead, I find empty, smoothed out sheets.

I stride to the bathroom, expecting she’s in the bathtub as I don’t hear water running…but I come up short again as still no Mila.

“Baby girl!” I shout, checking the closet before heading out of the room, getting concerned as it’s late. She can’t possibly still be up.

The kitchen.

I bolt down the stairs, reaching the kitchen to find just another empty room, stumping me still. I figured she would’ve been grabbing a snack at best. But now, I’m really getting worried. “Mila!”

Where could she be? There’s only so many rooms in this fucking place.


I turn around at the sound of a deep voice, finding my driver, Gino, standing there. His brows are furrowed, his eyes red-rimmed and tired as he looks just as exhausted as I feel.

“Gino, please go home. It’s been a day. Tomorrow’s already here and you need to get some sleep.”

“I know sir, and I will. I just came inside to get the lunch box I forgot from earlier. You know how my Viv gets when I don’t bring her plasticware back,” he mutters. “But I figured you didn’t know Mila had left when I heard you calling for her.”

“Left? What do you mean she left?” I growl, my temper beginning to boil as I’m wondering who fucked up their job.

Gino’s eyes widen as if he’s the one who dropped the ball. “I’m sorry, boss. I-I figured you knew, sir,” he tells me hurriedly. “Bryce ended up dropping her off at some house that she said was home. I thought you knew. Mila made it seem as if you knew, sir.”

“This is her home,” I snarl, my chest growing tight at the thought of Mila not understanding what I meant when I had her leave.

This is her home, dammit.