His Game by B.L. Brooks



Isniffle, attempting to strengthen my heart as I walk into Blixxer—a hot club in the city that always seems to be hiring.

It’s been two days now since leaving Leo.

Once I had Cole’s driver drop me off outside of grandma’s nursing home, I stood there sulking for a few minutes before sneaking my way inside. Once my head hit the pillow for the night, I realized then how I have no way of getting ahold of Leo. We never exchanged numbers…but that’s fine, anyhow.

It doesn’t bother me. I’m over my feels.

It’s time to get back to reality, the reality of doing what’s right. I don’t know what I was thinking staying put with Leo when I have bills, and grandma to look after. I know he said there’s no need to worry as he’s here to take care of me—but not anymore. Now, it’s just me. I might have chosen to walk away, but why should I stick around for a man who won’t voice what the hell is going on, especially when I have a pretty good idea it involves me.

And that leads me to why I’m here, walking into Blixxer when it’s a high-end strip club—if that’s even a thing—and I don’t know what the hell I plan to do. But I need to figure something out to make money quick.

“Mila!” I hear my voice called, bringing me to look over to find Kara tottering out of a gloomy back room. She’s dressed in a bikini with a silky robe thrown over it.

“There you are,” I say with a sense of relief, taking in Kara’s hug as it lifts a bit of the tension in my chest with a friend close by. Though, Kara is the complete opposite of me for a friend. With her bleach blonde hair and killer body, looking at her makes me reconsider why I’m even here. No guy wants to see a nervous wreck like me up on stage, trying her best to prance around with her ass out. I can’t even dance. There’s not a single rhythm inside my veins to get me by.

“Thanks again for helping out,” I tell her. If she didn’t pick up when I called, I could very well still be on the search for a job. “It’s not like I could reach out to my Uncle for any more help,” I mumble, knowing Kara knows the deal. She gives me a good once over and grins, looking pleased.

“Girl, you know it’s no problem. You’re gonna be a freaking hit here. Trust me!” She beams excitement, slapping a hand down on the bar as a tall man saunters up, smirking at the both of us.

“Mikey, meet Mila.”

Mila,” Mikey purrs, looking me up and down. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

“See! Told ya, girl. You’re hot stuff,” Kara smirks, then turns back to Mikey. “Would you be a doll and grab us both a drink? Mila’s nerves are shot. The girl needs to loosen up before the show begins.”

I look around at the empty club, wondering what she’s talking about. I figured this was how these places were…just a few guys lingering around throughout the day.

“Oh, Mila. It’s still early yet, girl. Just a few more hours until this place starts filling up with deep pockets, and by seven, we’ll be pumping.”

Oh, God. I don’t even know what that means and I’m scared.

“It’s only five o’clock,” I remind her, unsure if I should be taking this drink as Mikey slides it my way with a grin. If things don’t start picking up for another two or three hours, I’ll need to pace myself if I have any chance of sticking around.

“Right! Sometimes we even start at nine, so it just ends up giving you more time to drink. You gotta keep yourself relaxed around here or you won’t survive. Trust me, Mila. It’s the way to go.”

Although I know better, I push my better thoughts back as I take a sip of my drink, consuming what I assume to be gasoline as the liquid burns sliding down my throat, pushing up a cough.

Kara laughs, then shrugs her shoulders at me.

“You got this, Mila. You’re a strong, gorgeous girl. And girls like us have to do what we gotta do to look after ourselves, and even our family at times. Just remember why you’re here,” she says softly, aware of how I’m getting behind. “It always helps me.”

Kara’s been a friend since high school. She ended up getting pregnant at sixteen, but through it all, she stuck it out in school. I ended up seeing her back in class a week after labor.

But after graduation, she fell into stripping to take care of herself and her little boy. She attends community college, so there’s an end in sight to these sort of…days. I respect the girl.

And I know if Kara can do this, I can too.

I just need Leo out of my head…I need to stop thinking of him every time the thought of showing my body to another man comes to mind.

* * *

I already missthe uniform I had to wear while working for Capo.

And that says a lot considering I felt nude in that thing. But compared to what I feel now as I shuffle in front of the mirror in the dressing room…

“You look hot!” one of the girls around yell from where she’s sitting at a dressing table, applying glitter to her lids and fluffing her hair.

“T-thanks,” I mumble, trying to amp myself up but as I stare at my reflection, my nerves are eating me alive.

I’m barely wearing a red bikini. With its sparkles and sequins on the bottom that isn’t…well, a bottom. It’s a thong. And it leaves nothing to the imagination. Don’t even get me started on the top as it’s so small, it only covers my nipples.

Yup. I’m pretty much naked.

“Mila!” Kara shouts walking in. “You look gorgeous! All those curves, those men are going to lose their minds.” She’s definitely more excited than I am right now. “I hope you’re ready because you’re up next,” she chimes, standing behind me with just a bikini bottom on—no top.

Everyone around here sure is comfortable with their bodies…

I suddenly wish I didn’t have these boobs, but I quickly shake myself, knowing it’s time to go. I have to do this. It’s now or never…right?

Taking a deep breath, I follow Kara out to where the stage begins, covering myself behind the curtain as I try remembering the dance moves shown to me by the girls earlier. All I basically have to do is make sure to shake my ass, turn and bend over, and be sure I’m close enough to the edge of the stage so the men can get a view of my tits spilling out my top.

Kara reassured me I don’t have to take it all off tonight. I’m new. I have plenty of time to work up to it, and Tony, the owner, thinks the crowd will love the tease. But I don’t think I’ll be sticking around long enough to get to that point.

“And now, get ready for the newest sensation to join Blixxer’s wild women! Gentlemen, give it up for Red!” the announcer yells as a soft beat starts to play, giving me my signal.

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. I slide onto stage, letting the bright lights blind me to the men around. I try to focus, strutting myself forward as my mind grasps for something to help me get through this. As Leo’s warm eyes come to mind, the way he adores my body…it helps me feel a little less terrified as I pretend it’s him I’m up here dancing for.

I walk up to the pole, slowly lowering myself down as my legs open up, evoking yells and excited hoots from the crowd.

“That’s it, baby! Shake those tits for us!” a gravelly voice shouts, interrupting my stride, I nearly slip and topple over on stage.

Oh, God. My nerves are really getting to me.

I grasp the pole tighter and hang on, shimmying my butt as I rise up slowly, telling myself this isn’t a big deal. Okay, so I’m stripping…so what? I figured it was the quickest way to earn a chunk of cash, which I so desperately need right now.

“What in the fuck is this?!” I hear a roar, followed by a deep growl that has my eyes popping open just seconds before a wild animal grabs ahold of me, throwing me over his shoulder as a familiar scent fills my nose.


He growls as he smacks my ass, erupting a cry from my lips as he carries me off stage and out of the club.

Oh, shit.