His Game by B.L. Brooks



Isigh, trying my best to keep my eyes open as I sit on this wooden chair, waiting for Leo to return.

We dressed in such a hurry, my head was spinning by the time we made it downstairs. After Cole explained why he was here, Leo had us out the driveway faster than a bat out of hell.

I feel out of place here. Alone. Really, it’s just unsettling not knowing what’s going on. It’s not helping my pants are still damp as my crotch clings to me, reminding me of earlier escapades.

“Here you are, miss.”

I glance up, smiling at the housekeeper, murmuring my thanks as she hands me a cup of hot coffee, placing a set of fresh cookies down next to me on the side table. At least there’s a friendly face around.

“Has there…been any word?” I get out, not sure if it’s okay to ask.

I don’t know what’s happening beyond the fact that something’s wrong with Leo’s dad. When we got here, Leo gave me a quick kiss and took off upstairs.

I ended up standing around in the hall for a good ten minutes before the housekeeper found me, showing me the way to the living room as she’s kept me company.

“None yet, dear,” her warm voice soothes my nerves. She sighs, shaking her head as she knows this is taking longer than it should. “I told that old coot not to...well, he never listens.” She stops short, raising my confusion.

“I don’t…understand.”

She lets out a light laugh, shaking her head at me as if I’m the one off-kilter here.

“These men are stubborn. Most of all, Leo’s father. You don’t get to where a man like he’s at by being nice. I just wish the old fool would accept he’s not a young man anymore. It seems that Capo—” she stops short again, though this time due to Leo’s arrival as he comes walking into the living room, causing the housekeeper to silently scuttle away, leaving us alone.

“Come, baby girl. It’s time to go home. I need to stay here to handle business and I don’t want you sitting down here waiting on me.” His face looks gentle though his eyes hold an uncertainty I can’t break down.

“I-I don’t mind,” I stumble out as I don’t want to leave. Not if Leo’s coming right back.

A sinking feeling settles in my gut as he shakes his head firm, his jaw ticking in place.

“No, Mila. Like I said, you’re going home. Cole’s driver will take you now,” he tells me in that dark voice I’ve heard only once before.


“I said no,” he growls, his eyes so hard I flinch, unsure of why he’s being so cold.

“Is your dad okay?”

I have a hunch this has something to do with my former creep of a boss. I’m drowning in guilt here…if I leave without knowing, it’s going to drive me crazy.

“I’ll call you, baby girl. Please, just go home.” Leo’s eyes soften, making me want to listen just to give him some sort of relief tonight. He looks so strained.

In walks Cole’s driver, I assume, giving the signal he’s ready.

I want to throw myself at Leo and demand he tells me what’s going on, but I can’t bring myself to risk upsetting him further. His eyes hold a cold look into mine as we say goodbye.