Big Neighbor Daddy by S.E. Law



My head spins, but I’m not sure if that’s from the fall, or from the feel of Carl’s strong arms carrying me into his home. His arm is like a steel band around my waist and I feel curiously safe in his embrace as he helps me limp across the threshold and into his house.

“Thanks,” I murmur, too embarrassed to even look at Carl. “I swear, I’m such a klutz.”

My gorgeous neighbor merely snorts and shakes his head, his expression dark.

“No, you’re not. That was a huge pothole that the city needs to fix, and I have a mind to call the mayor’s office myself tomorrow and demand that they get that done. You could have killed yourself.”

I blush hotly.

“No, I’m okay,” I murmur as he helps me sit gingerly on his living room couch. “Ooof, I guess I’m more banged up than I thought.”

His blue eyes sweep over me, assessing the damage, and fire sears my veins at his hot gaze.

“You stay here. I’m going to hit up the medicine cabinet and see what I have. Hold on just one second,” he growls. The big man disappears before I can say a word, and I use the opportunity to look around. The living room is large and comfortable, like I’d expect a man’s home to be. All the furniture is brown leather, giving the room a deep, earthy vibe, and the walls are painted a subtle cream. There’s a table that looks to be cherrywood if I had to guess, and it gleams beautifully in the low light. It serves as the perfect tie between the walls and the couches, melding the two together with harmony and grace.

Of course, there’s a massive TV hung on the wall across from where I sit, and it appears to be the ninety-six inch kind. Holy cow, you could go for a swim in a flatscreen this big! Suddenly, an image flashes in my mind of me and Carl, cuddled together on the couch while watching a movie. My feet would be in his lap as he caresses my calf, and my cheeks flush. Wow, that would be such a dream come true.

“Here, change into these so I can fix up your wounds,” a deep voice speaks. Carl’s back and he’s holding out a big t-shirt and loose shorts. I jerk out of my daydream, my cheeks going tomato red. Oh god, I hope he can’t read minds because it would be so embarrassing if he knew what I was just thinking! But then I shake my head with a small half-smile.

“No no, it’s okay. It’s not that bad, really. I should just head home but thank you for your help.”

The handsome man shakes his head, blue eyes fierce.

“Not a chance, sweetheart. You cut yourself up pretty good, and I want to take a look at those wounds, but your current clothes are covering some of your injuries. Plus, they’re pretty torn up in places,” he says. “Just change, and we’ll talk.”

Our eyes meet, and his are piercing blue as well as utterly commanding. I swallow.

“Okay,” I whisper. Then, I take the clothes and limp into the hallway bathroom before shutting the door. The light flickers on as I stare at the woman reflected in the mirror. OMG, I look awful. My curls are springing from my head in a corona, making me look like a crazy bag lady. Not only that, but there’s a cut on my cheek, and my face and arms literally look gray from all the dust. I’m definitely more hobo than seductress.

But with slow movements, I change out of my jeans and t-shirt, and into the big shorts and t-shirt. They’re so huge that the t-shirt practically goes to my knees, and the shorts won’t stay up because the waistband is far too big, no matter how I cinch the string. As a result, I make an executive decision. Forgetting the shorts, I exit the restroom dressed only in my bra and panties, with the big t-shirt covering my busty figure.

Carl’s eyes flare immediately when he sees me approach, but he doesn’t comment on the missing shorts. Instead, he seems stunned by the length of creamy thigh visible beneath the t-shirt hem, not to mention the huge Double Ds that sway pendulously beneath the thin cotton fabric. But then he looks away and gestures for me to sit on the couch once more.

“Take a seat, sweetheart,” he growls, his voice sounding a bit choked. “Let’s take a look.”

I manage to lower myself, gasping a bit at the pain. Carl sinks to his knees before me before appraising the damage.

“It’s bad, but nothing a bit of Neosporin can’t fix,” he says, dabbing at the wound on my knee with water and alcohol. It stings, but I bite my tongue and let him do his work.

“You’re good at this,” I mention.

He chuckles a bit. “I do a lot of basic first aid as a firefighter because it’s part of the job. But if you need something more serious, like stitches, we’d be on our way to the hospital.”

My face pales. “It’s not that bad, is it?”

“No,” the handsome man says immediately. “Just a couple of scrapes. I’ll put some ointment on, bandage you up, and you’ll be good to go. How does your head feel, by the way?”

I think for a moment. “Okay. I don’t think I hit it too hard when I flew over my handlebars.”

He chuckles. “That’s good, but if you get a headache or anything, let me know so that we can get you checked out. You may need observation at the hospital if things go in that direction, but so far, it seems like nothing more than scratches.”

Then my neighbor turns back to his ministrations, those blue eyes intense. Despite having large, callused hands, his touch is gentle and with a sigh, I slowly relax on the couch.

Finally, the huge man sits back on his ankles, a satisfied expression on his features.

“I think we’re good to go,” he announces.

I nod.

“Thank you,” I say in a small voice. “By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Colleen Weston from down the block. I’m your neighbor.”

He grins.

“Yeah, I know. I’m Carl Jager, and I moved here a few months ago. I’ve had a few conversations with your parents since. Bill and Judy, right? Nice folks.”

I smile sassily. “Did they talk your ear off?”

Carl lets out a surprised laugh.

“Yeah, pretty much,” he acknowledges. “I didn’t know there was so much to know about Monroe,” he adds dryly.

I giggle.

“OMG, don’t even let my mom get started on the history of our little village. Judy’s an amateur historian, and she’s spent so much time in the library looking at old reels and articles from the nineteenth century. Although, did you know that there’s a famous actress originally from Monroe?”

Carl shoots a surprised look at me.

“Really? Who?”

“Carmen Esposito,” I say triumphantly. “Who would have guessed right?”

Carl looks puzzled.

“Are you sure? The Carmen Esposito who goes around with bananas in her hair while playing that instrument with all the bells? I thought she was from Cuba.”

I grin.

“Yeah, she definitely cultivates a really exotic, foreign image, but actually Carmen Esposito was born Carmella Longo right here in Monroe. She’s Italian-American and not Cuban, but I guess Hollywood wanted her a certain way, and it was easier to go with the flow. So Carmen Esposito was born!”

Carl shakes his head, marveling at the change.

“Who knew?” he growls. “Hollywood is all smoke, mirrors and bullshit, obviously.”

I let out a giggle.

“I know, right? Plus, Carmen Esposito appears to speak only Spanish, but actually she had to learn the language as part of her gimmick. The real Carmella Longo only speaks English, and with a Jersey accent too. It’s so hysterical!”

Carl grins then.

“Well, we all have to do what we have to do, don’t we, pretty girl? Sometimes life gives us no choice.”

I smile, heat flushing my cheeks again.

“Yep. That’s what I tell myself too.”

But then the older man’s blue gaze gleams with a hidden meaning.

“Well on that note, I think we can do away with formalities, don’t you? Sweetheart, we’ve actually met before.”

I go beet red. Oh shit. What is he getting at? My mind whirls and I begin stammering like an idiot.

“Oh yes! My sister had a baby shower a while back and I think my mom invited everyone on the block,” I say quickly. “You were one of the guests.”

Carl nods, his blue eyes gleaming.

“I was,” he drawls. “But it was more than that, Colleen. I saw you hiding by the fence last night. I knew you were there the entire time. Did you think that I didn’t know?”

The words shimmer in the air between us as I digest what Carl has just revealed. Holy crap. Obviously, the handsome man’s not talking about all the times I’ve sailed past his house on my bike, or the times I’ve peeped from behind the curtains as he mows the lawn or goes for a shirtless jog. No, Carl knows I saw him and his friends enjoying themselves last night, and my body explodes in flames at the dirty memory.

“I’m so sorry,” I stammer in a whisper. “I heard noises in the yard and then went to investigate because I thought maybe you had a dog who needed help. I mean, I didn’t mean to stay that long, but once the girls showed up, and…”

Carl looks amused.

“I don’t have a dog, and I think you know that, Colleen.”

I swallow hard, hardly daring to look up at him through my lashes.

“You’re right. Yes, you don’t have a dog.”

He cocks his head, looking more amused than anything.

“Yet when the girls came and you got a taste of what was happening, you decided to stay.”

Again, my words come spilling out in a nervous torrent.

“Well, I could have left, but I didn’t want to get caught, so I was waiting for the right moment to make my escape. But then it didn’t come, and then I really had to go to the bathroom, and then … OMG, I’m so sorry,” I finish pitifully, staring at my twisted hands. “I never should have watched. I know what I did was wrong.”

Carl nods.

“No, it’s fine sweetheart. I’m not mad at you. In fact, I was disappointed when you left.”

My head jerks up with shock, my eyes wide.

“You were?”

He nods, a smile playing at the corners of his mobile lips. “Yep, and in fact, I was kind of hoping you’d join us. It seemed like you enjoyed what you saw, or you wouldn’t have been looked so scandalized and hungry at once.”

My cheeks go bright red. OMG, I had no idea he could see me the entire time. I honesty believed that Carl was so busy with Genesis and Skye that … OMG. But before I can reply, Carl speaks again.

“So sweetheart, tell me what I should do with a bad girl like you?” he drawls.

I stare at him, a new wave of heat consuming me from the inside out.

“Bad girl?” I manage in a tremulous voice.

He nods, those blue eyes devilish.

“Very bad. You deserve punishment, honey, and I like to enforce discipline around here. We both know you need a lesson to teach you the difference between right and wrong.”

My mouth goes dry even as my heart begins to race. Holy cow, what have I stumbled onto? And yet, there’s a wetness pooling between my thighs, and if I’m not mistaken, that huge tent in his pants is just for me. So I swallow my hesitation and stammer, “Um, how about a spanking?”

Carl nods and looks pleased.

“That’s a very good idea, sweetheart. Yes, I think I’d enjoy spanking you.”

I swallow again, hardly able to believe we’re having this conversation, but then something takes over within my soul. Slowly, I stand up from the couch and then turn away from Carl before bending forward so that my lush bottom rises in the air, presenting itself to the big man.

“Is this what you want Daddy?” I whisper, looking at him coyly from over one narrow shoulder. “I can bend over lower if you want.”

His eyes are glued to the heart-shape of my rump, but he shakes his head.

“No sweetheart,” he rasps, his bronze features still. “I’m not spanking your bottom tonight. I’m going to spank your pussy, baby girl.”

I gasp, totally scandalized.


But Carl is firm, those blue eyes intense.

“You heard me, baby. Take off your clothes and sit down on the couch, legs spread.” I stare at him for a moment, my mouth agape, but Carl’s brooking no dissent. “Now. Don’t make me say it again, or you’re going to get twice the number of spanks.”

Fingers trembling, I whip off the loose t-shirt to stand before him in only my bra and panties.

“Those too,” he growls, his eyes roving over my luscious form. “Now, sweetheart. Don’t make me say it again.”

With another shocked gasp, I obey with trembling fingers, the lace falling to the floor. Soon, I’m nude before my handsome neighbor, and he nods, pleased, looking over my huge, quivering breasts and glistening nether lips.

“Very good. Now sit,” he directs, patting the couch. “Spread your legs.”

I gasp but take a seat and press my knees apart. My eyes close as I try to get a hold of the situation. OMG, is this really happening? Am I really in the dimly lit living room of my hunky neighbor, about to let him spank my pussy? This is utterly naughty and wrong, and yet I’m enjoying every second too. Carl is having a good time as well, judging from the way his eyes are glued to the intimate space between my thighs.

“Sweetheart, go wider. Hook your knees over your elbows, and then lift your thighs. Open yourself fully so that I can spank you good.”

I stare at him, utterly shocked.

“Um, I’m sorry?”

But that commanding mask descends over his features again.

“You heard me,” he bites out. “Do it.”

I gasp but then obey, sliding my hands beneath my thighs and slowly lifting them so that my legs are parted in an open vee. OMG. My bottom rises slightly off the couch cushion this way, and sure enough, my pinkness comes into full view, gleaming and swollen. His eyes flare with heat so hot that I can feel it on my skin.

“Shit baby, you’re so beautiful,” he croons, reaching forward to run a large finger down my slit. “And sopping wet too,” he remarks in a low tone. But then the determination comes back into his eyes, and he meets my gaze with his own. “This is the rule, baby girl: I want you to count as I spank you five times.”

I nod wordlessly, my heart racing. OMG, I’ve never been in a situation so dirty before and yet my pussy glistens with moisture, craving his touch. With a gleam to his eyes, his palm raises and the first smack is delivered to my pussy. Hot tingles immediately shoot through my clit and I scream a bit.

“What do you say?” Carl rasps.

“One!” I manage on a huffy breath. “Oh my god!”

He nods, pleased. Then his palm goes up again and he spanks me right on my clit again.

“Ohhhh!” I wail, squirming with mixed pleasure and pain. “Two!”

“Good girl,” he encourages before reaching one hand forward to spread my lips more fully, baring my bulging nub more fully. “There she is,” he rasps with approval. “Huge and stiff already. You’re going to like this, sweetheart.” Then, his palm strikes me right on my engorged flesh and I let out another startled squeal.

“Three!” I scream.

“Excellent,” he nods. “You’re starting to get really wet, honey, you’re enjoying this so much. But I want you to brace yourself because numbers four and five are going to be different. Roll your hips up,” he commands.

What? But I do as told, scooting forward on the couch and lifting my thighs even higher. OMG, I feel like a wanton woman with my knees hooked over my elbows and absolutely everything on display for the big man. But he merely takes in both my holes with approval, chuckling a bit as my dark star clenches reflexively.

“Beautiful,” he whispers again before lifting his hand and bringing it down with a loud thwack. But to my surprise, this time he doesn’t spank my clit. Instead, his palm hits my asshole and the pink pleats clench in surprise.

“Daddy!” I squeal as jolts run through my back end. “Why did you do that? Ohhhhh!”

“Shut your mouth because little girls don’t whine,” Carl says fiercely. Then, with his eyes glued to my pink pucker, he growls. “Besides, what do you say? Like I told you.”

“Four!” I moan hoarsely, even as shudders run through my body. “Ohhhh god!”

The older man knows exactly how to work my body because on the last strike, he uses both hands to hit both my clit and asshole at once with loud slaps. The sensation is too much as zings shoot through my sensitive spots, coalescing in my womanhood before exploding in a haze. I let out a loud squeal, convulsing and clenching with ecstasy as my vision literally goes dark.

“Daddy!” I scream. “Oh god, yes! YES!”

The pleasure makes me heady and the Earth seems to disappear entirely except for this man. Hot jolts surge through my frame and my swollenness clenches again and again as ripples run through my frame. I can’t believe this is happening, and yet it’s also magnificent, wonderful, and too explosive for words.

Slowly, I drift back to Earth after my climax, my body heaving and sheened in sweat. I’ve never felt so sated before and my vision slowly clears to focus on Carl’s handsome face as he strokes my curls with a large hand.

“You did amazing, baby girl,” he rasps. “Now, what do you say after having such a good time?

“Thank you, Daddy,” I murmur.

He chuckles.

“You’re welcome, baby girl. You’re learning fast, and I like it. But you forgot something, sweetheart, because you didn’t count on that last one.”

I nod, my pupils dilating once more.

“Oh yes. Five. I’m sorry it’s so late, Daddy, but there’s something on my mind. Mr. Jager, you didn’t come,” I say in a sweet mewl. “Is that something I can help you with?”

With those words, Carl hauls his big frame onto the couch next to me, making me feel positively petite by comparison. Then, I see that he’s already undone his jeans and his pole’s out, huge, stiff, and already shiny at the tip with need.

“Oh there’s a lot you can do,” he growls. “And I’ll be the one to show you exactly how it’s done, sweetheart.”

With that, his lips seize mine possessively, and I melt against his hard chest. Soon, Carl is teaching me the ways of how a man enjoys a woman, and I adore every second of these naughty lessons. After all, there’s no better instructor than my gorgeous neighbor, and I feel lucky to be ensconced in his arms. But will our relationship turn into something more? Or is this only a fly by night rendezvous with a man who’s looking for nothing more?