Big Neighbor Daddy by S.E. Law



Iwasn’t exactly expecting this to happen with my sweet neighbor, but life often throws you curveballs and you just have to roll with them. After all, Colleen is young, soft and so fucking innocent. I can’t believe she let me ravage her curves the way I did, but what happened happened, and the sweet girl loved every minute of it.

Even more, I loved every minute of it too. It’s unusual because I’m generally a hit it and quit it kind of guy. I just don’t have the patience to wine and dine a woman, much less an innocent virgin. But Colleen’s different. When she looks at me, there’s trust and adoration in those caramel depths, and I can’t turn away. If anything, I end up gathering her close for a quick kiss that usually turns into something more.

That’s why I’m taking Colleen out on a date today. Even though I’m known for my dirty ways, I don’t want to be like that with the sweet girl. I want to spend time with the entrancing woman and to introduce her to new experiences. Her awe and wonder always remind me of how much there is to appreciate in the world, and if anything, Colleen’s been teaching me, and not the other way around.

“Are you ready to go?” I ask my beautiful neighbor as she hurries up my front steps. Her brown curls bobble and she glances down the street to make sure no one can see her before shooting me a shy smile. Of course, someone could see us, but we’ll just make up an excuse. Maybe something about participating in a mentorship program through the high school. Do they have that at Monroe High? I certainly hope so.

Meanwhile, the pretty girl smiles so bright that my heart pounds.

“Yes, I’m ready! I’m really excited to go. Six Flags is going to be fun, and I can’t believe I’ve never been.”

“Good, I’m glad you’re looking forward to it,” I grin before leading her to my truck. “It’s a beautiful day, so all the rides are going to be open. Come on, honey. In you go.”

The curvy girl hops in, and I take a moment to admire her lush figure in the yellow halter top and short shorts gracing those long, tanned legs.

“You look gorgeous, honey,” I growl before going around to get into the cab of the truck. “And those sneakers are a good idea too. We don’t want your shoes falling off when we go on the roller coasters.”

She giggles a bit as I back the truck out of my driveway.

“Oh, I don’t know if I’m up for roller coasters, Carl. What if I throw up on you?” she asks mischievously.

I merely shoot her a warning look before it dissolves into laughs from both of us. Then I take her hand in mine as we begin driving. It’s funny, because it’s only been about a week since her unfortunate bike accident in front of my house, and yet I feel as if I’ve known Colleen forever. I’ve never been so comfortable around a woman before, and it’s nice actually. Kind of like having a friend and lover rolled into one.

An hour later, and we’re pulling into Six Flags’ enormous parking lot. There are already hundreds of cars there, and Colleen hops out once we roll to a stop.

“Come on!” she says excitedly while grabbing at my hand. “I really want to win a giant stuffed animal. Or you should win one for me because I’m terrible at carnival games,” she adds mischievously.

Quickly, I pay at the tollbooth and we stroll right into an outdoor arcade area. Colleen grabs my hand to drag me towards a game where you shoot at a target while a clown face goes up a rod. When it hits the top of the rod, you win a prize. Giggling, my sweet girl points to a giant bear dangling from the rafters of the tent. Holy shit. The thing must be at least four feet tall, and looks oddly heavy for something made of fluff and fabric.

“Just so you know, I want that before we leave,” she says with a serious look.

I laugh.

“Really? But honey, what are you going to do with a giant bear?”

“I collect them!” Colleen says excitedly. “And now that my sister has moved out, I have a whole room to fill with giant stuffed animals. It’s so great and my parents don’t even know, they’re so clueless.”

I don’t know if I should be horrified or charmed that my girlfriend collects roomfuls of stuffed animals, but so be it. I promise to win her a giant stuffed something before the day is done as she drags me towards the rides. But before we reach a huge spinning machine where people are hurled in circles at light speed, I pull her towards a snack stand.

“Do you want to get a bite to eat, baby girl? We left early so I’m a little hungry.”

Immediately, Colleen’s face shutters and grows dark.

“No, because my parents would probably kill me. You know Judy and Bill. Nothing about them makes sense, and they’re always on my case to lose weight because they don’t think that curvy girls can be successful in life.”

I scowl and pull my girlfriend towards the storefront before ordering two large ice cream sundaes.

“That’s total bullshit, and such a general statement. Come on, sweetheart. Dig in,” I say as they hand us the ice cream.

She protests even as her eyes go wide with anticipation.

“Carl, really, we haven’t even had lunch yet…”

I shrug. “Like I said, your parents are total bullshit, and from what you told me about how they almost lost their house, they’re idiots too. You’re gorgeous honey, and you should eat what you want. In fact, if you put on twenty extra pounds, I think you’d look even better.”

Colleen gasps.

“Twenty pounds? That’s a lot!”

I nod while digging into my sundae and nodding at her to start.

“Yeah definitely twenty, if not thirty. You’re lush and gorgeous, baby girl, and I want to keep you that way, so enjoy.”

Colleen blushes, still shaking her head with disbelief. “Do you mean that? Really?”

I lean over to kiss her, enjoying the sweet taste of her plush lips. “I absolutely do. Now, I’m serious. Enjoy yourself and let go. I want to see you happy.”

A bright gleam comes into her eyes.

“Okay, then let’s do it.”

With that, Colleen digs into her chocolate sundae, practically moaning with ecstasy as the flavors hit her palate. She literally twirls her tongue so that the chocolate syrup forms a loop and I’m tempted to kiss her just to get a taste.

But we want to enjoy the park too, so after finishing our sundaes, we stroll around hand in hand.

“You know, I remember your sister’s baby shower. How is your sister and her new baby?”

Colleen beams. “Amazing! Jade, my little niece, is the best, and I go over to visit her whenever I can. She loves her Auntie Coco.”

I smile. Images of Colleen holding a baby to her breast pop into my mind, and my breath goes short. The curvy girl would be wonderful as a mommy, and suddenly, I’m consumed with a desire to see her tummy swollen with my child. But that’s crazy because she’s only nineteen, and we only just met. So I clear my throat, trying to get rid of the frog there.

“And how’s your sister’s husband?”

“Well, Sarah’s not married,” Colleen says slowly. “She’s living with her boyfriends, and I do mean, plural boyfriends. You knew that, right? Sarah’s in a relationship with two men.”

I nod.

“Yeah, I remember. One young and one older right?”

Colleen looks down, biting her lip a little.

“Yes, and the even crazier part is that Braden and Grant are father and son. Well, not biological father and son, but Grant used to be married to Braden’s mom.”

I whistle.


Colleen shoots me a sideways look.

“But you knew all that, right? And you’re okay with it?”

I stop and turn to look at her hesitant face.

“Honey, I did know, and it’s totally fine. As long as your sister is happy, nothing else matters. Hell, if she’s got two guys to help her with the baby, even better. It takes a village to raise a child, after all.”

Colleen smiles, relaxing a bit.

“I know, right? And I’ve always looked up to my sister because Sarah is proof that curvy girls can get their happily ever afters.”

I stop moving and look at my beautiful woman seriously. “What do you mean?”

Colleen takes a deep breath and meets my eyes. “Well, I guess when you’re a bigger girl like me, the world tells you all the time that you don’t deserve happiness. That you’re a wretch because of all the extra flab and fat, and that you’ll never be as good as the skinny girl next door. But my sister made it work, and her two boyfriends adore her. In fact, I think Grant and Braden want to have more babies with her.”

That’s when I stare at Colleen, gripping her shoulders with my big hands.

“Sweetheart, again, you are perfect the way you are. Don’t listen to what fashion magazines and diet gurus say. That shit is total bullshit, and I know for a fact that you’re healthy and vigorous. You couldn’t take me the way you do if you were a wilting lily.”

She smiles hesitantly.

“You mean it?”

I nod seriously, looking deep into those caramel depths.

“Absolutely, honey. Hell, we go four or five rounds sometimes, and there’s no way you could do that without a little meat on your bones. I love the way you are, and wouldn’t change you for the world.”

My girl relaxes then, a brilliant smile coming over her beautiful features.

“Thank you, Carl,” she murmurs, taking my hand once more. “I appreciate your support so much.”

“Anytime,” I growl. “If you’re feeling down, just come and find me. I’ll show you how gorgeous you are.”

With that, she giggles and we stroll a bit more through the amusement park. The sun shines brightly overhead, and children’s laughter rings sweetly in my ears as other park-goers rush by. I’ve never felt so content before holding a woman’s hand, and peace settles over me.

But then Colleen turns to me with a sideways smile.

“So do you like being a firefighter?” she asks. “Isn’t it dangerous?”

I nod.

“It can be, but most of the time we’re answering minor calls, like chest pains or shortness of breath. Of course, sometimes they’re indicators of something more serious, at which point we rush the patient to the hospital.”

Colleen nods.

Well, that’s good. I bet you’re amazing at your job, seeing how you took care of me.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that, sweetheart.”

She squeezes my hand.

“I mean it! Taking care of people is what you were meant to do. After all, you lifted me out of the road last week and then fixed me up in no time.”

I smile fondly at her earnest expression.

“It’s especially easy when a beautiful woman is in distress, honey.”

Colleen laughs. “Thank heavens there aren’t too many damsels in distress. Or at least I hope not.”

I kiss my girl then, tasting the sweet vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup on her lips. “Don’t worry baby, you’re the only one I’m doing this with right now.”

She nods solemnly, squeezing my hand.

“I’m glad. I don’t think I would like it if you did that with anyone else. But what about your friends? The other men I saw that night?”

I raise my eyebrows, pretending ignorance.

“What do you mean?”

Colleen worries her lip so that it’s pink and bee-stung.

“Well, it seemed like maybe you, Dylan, and Frank have done things together before. You know, like you did with those girls last week.”

I nod, still teasing her. “You mean when you spied on me?”

She rolls her eyes and lets out an exaggerated sigh.

“Yes, last week when I spied on you.”

I chuckle deep in my chest.

“Don’t worry, you have nothing to worry about, sweetling. Those bastards are harmless, and Dylan, Frank and I just like to have a good time. Yes, we’ve shared women in the past, but we use a very reputable source. It’s called City Girls, and it’s an agency in Manhattan. I don’t expect you to have heard of it.”

But Colleen looks down, even as her pulse jumps.

“No, actually I have heard of it because my sister met her boyfriends through City Girls. Actually, Sarah was moonlighting as an escort when she met Braden and Grant. They were two of her clients,” she says in a small voice.

I squeeze her hand.

“Then even better because you know that City Girls is a very selective service. Usually, they provide the girlfriend experience, but this time around, we wanted something a little skankier, and they were able to meet our needs.”

Colleen shoots a sideways look at me.

“Yeah, Genesis and Skye are nothing like my sister. I know for a fact Sarah’s never done anything like that.”

I nod.

“Yeah, and Genesis and Skye aren’t the City Girls norm. But hell, if there’s money to be made, then why not? We tipped well, I can tell you that. But you know I’m out of the game now right, Colleen? I won’t order from City Girls going forward, not when I’m with you. I’ve already told Dylan and Frank they’ll have to party on their own for the time being.”

Colleen squeezes my hand and shoots me a grateful smile. “I appreciate that. I know it might not be as fun…”

“Hey, not at all. It is fun being with you. Ten times more fun, in fact, and if I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t. We share lots of laughs, right?”

Colleen smiles then, and my heart warms at how true my statement is. My days of a sleeping around, however “fun” that was, seem to be behind me for the time being. I thought it would be boring to be monogamous, but hell, one week with Colleen has worked out so far, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it continues for a while this way.

We stop to rest for a moment in the shade of a sycamore tree, and Colleen giggles a bit. I turn to look at her with a questioning glance.

“What is it?”

“It’s just so funny. There are so many coincidences in life don’t you think? For example, Sarah meeting a father-son pair through City Girls, and then Genesis and Skye being from City Girls too. Goodness, maybe I should join just for the hell of it.”

I pull the curvy girl close before planting a kiss on that plush pout.

“I don’t think that’s necessary, honey. I don’t do well sharing, and if it’s money that you need, then just let me know. I have more than enough.”

Colleen flushes.

“Oh no, I don’t need money, although thank you for offering. I just think life is so interesting sometimes.”

I nod. “The older you get, the more you’ll see how strange and wonderful this planet can be.”

With that, Colleen brightens.

“You’re right, but look! It’s Jungle World!” she exclaims, pointing at a tram that winds its way through assorted fauna and flora. “Come on, this looks fun!”

Laughing, I follow her as she pulls me to one of the cars and we get in. It’s nice and private, and the curvy girl gasps as we wind our way through Africa, and then Latin America.

“What do you want to do after high school?” I ask idly as Colleen eyes a monkey curiously. The monkey looks right back at us before turning around and stalking away, showing off its red butt. Then my girl giggles and smiles at me.

“Ugh, don’t remind me because I have no idea. College doesn’t really appeal, but I know that’s what my parents want me to do because supposedly, college is the equivalent of high school today. But I just can’t see myself paying thousands of dollars in tuition for more school. It sounds really painful, not to mention a terrible investment. Wait, did you go to college?”

I nod.

“I did, and I enjoyed it. In fact, I’d say it was the best four years of my life, but I can see how that wouldn’t hold true for everyone. Folks need to follow their own path, and maybe yours leads elsewhere.”

Colleen sighs and gazes outwards, taking in the tropical foliage.

“Yes, I think you’re right. Sometimes I dream about starting my own business. It could be fun, and I’m pretty crafty so maybe I could sell stuff I make. You know, like knit hats and hand-made jewelry. My parents wouldn’t go for it because it’s not exactly prestigious, but Judy and Bill aren’t the ones living my life. I need to figure this out for myself.”

I nod, squeezing her small palm.

“Exactly. You live for yourself, and not for them. Besides, that sounds like a wonderful business idea. What kind of jewelry do you make?”

Colleen blushes.

“Oh just simple stuff with glass beads, wire, and lobster clasps. But it looks really ornate and intricate, so I’ve been able to sell a few items to friends and family. They seem to like it, so maybe there are others who would buy my things. Maybe.”

I squeeze her hand encouragingly again.

“You won’t know unless you try,” I growl. “Just let me know if you need capital, sweetheart. All new businesses need money to start-up and I’m sure I could invest a bit. For a price, of course.”

She giggles.

“What price?”

I take the opportunity to pull the curvy girl into my lap, grateful that we have the cab to ourselves.

“The kind where sweet girls get kissed all over before they’re taken long and hard.”

Colleen giggles again, nestling against my broad chest.

“You know, I’ve heard rumors about you, Carl,” she murmurs with a naughty smile. “From even before we were formally introduced.”

I lean back to look at her.

“What do you mean?”

She giggles then.

“Well, Cindy McAdams was talking about how her sister went on a date with you. You know, Karen McAdams? The blonde girl who’s a cashier at the drugstore downtown. Evidently, Karen was super sore after you two were together, to the point where she was limping and had to take an Epson bath to soothe her aches.”

I laugh. “And? Now that you’ve tried me yourself, do you think Karen was right?”

“Yes, she was,” Colleen whispers, her eyes bright. “I’ve taken an Epson bath myself in the last week,” she admits.

I cuddle her more closely, leaning down to press a kiss to that plush pout. “And are you sore right now?”

She nods and blushes fiery hot once more. “Yes, in the best way possible though. I adore the way you make me feel, Carl.”

We kiss again, and exit the park before driving back to my place. Then I hustle Colleen into my house under the cover of evening. Usually, the sweet girl waits until her parents are asleep before sneaking down the road for a night of hedonism in my arms. But tonight, I can’t wait. I want the curvy girl, and the truth is that I’ve grown used to having her in my arms. Who would have guessed? This sweet girl appears to be the right woman for a reformed rake, and now, it’s me who can’t get enough.