Big Neighbor Daddy by S.E. Law



Isit on my bed with my buddy April. It’s officially our last semester of our senior year in high school, and even though we’d love to do nothing for the next few months, our teachers aren’t having it. There’s a history exam on Friday that we’re not prepared for, which is why we’re hitting the books.

But of course, nothing’s getting done and instead April and I are gabbing. I have a lot to tell her because I’ve been so busy with Carl the last few months that I haven’t seen my bestie much, short of a few rushed conversations at school.

“I’ve missed you!” she whines, tucking a curl behind one ear. “What gives?”

“I know,” I say in a repentant tone. “I’m sorry I’ve been a bad friend lately.”

April shakes her head. “No, it’s fine. You’re clearly happy with Carl, and I want that for you. I’ve never seen you so happy, Colleen. Besides, I need to live vicariously through you. Ugh, the boys in high school are so awful, so you’re lucky to be with an older man.”

I roll my eyes.

“Okay, what happened this time?”

April frowns.

“Well, Joey Sliss, you know the one who often has the cowlick, took me out last week. But guess where he took me?”

I think for a moment.

“Sunday Scoops? The diner over on Fifth Street? Why, where?”

April squeals.

“I wish he took me to Sunday Scoops! No, he took me to meet his grandma!”

I stare at her.

“But wasn’t this your first date?”

April squeals with outrage again.

“Yes, exactly! Who takes a woman to meet their grandma on their first date? But evidently, his grandma has a touch of dementia and she’s been telling Joey to find someone. So he figured he could bring me to her nursing home, show me off a bit, and that would settle the matter.”

I shake my head.

“OMG, I’m so sorry, girlfriend. But it was just an in and out, right?”

She nods.

“Yeah, it was only twenty minutes because his grandma can’t remember much. She’s a sweet old lady too. But still, I’m never forgiving Joey for this.”

I giggle a bit.

“Well, did he make it up to you?”

April nods smartly.

“Yeah, he bought me a necklace as a thank you gift, so I guess that makes it a little better, but still! OMG, you’re so lucky not to deal with high school guys.”

I can’t help but smile because my time with Carl has been amazing. It sucks that our relationship still has to be a secret, but in just a few months, we’ll be free to come clean. After all, my plan is to graduate from high school, move in with Carl, and then pursue my dreams. Once I’m out of the house, Judy and Bill can’t say anything. At least, I don’t think they can.

“Thanks. Carl is pretty great, but never fear: we’re going to find you the perfect guy, too.”

April rolls her eyes. “I don’t know about that. I think I’m destined to be an old maid. I’m going to shrivel up and die alone, with my carcass eaten by wild dogs.”

I giggle then.

“Don’t say that, hon, because that’s way too morbid. Just see what life deals you. After all, I didn’t expect to fall for Carl, but we’ve been dating for months now, and it’s been amazing. Everything can change once you meet the right person.”

April sighs, her brown eyes hopeful.

“You’re right, but not everyone has a hot guy move down the street from them.”

“True, but we’ll still find someone for you.”

My friend chews her lip.

“Does Carl have any friends?”

I laugh when I think of Dylan and Frank, but immediately dismiss the thought. Those two guys are too raunchy for my friend, or at least I think they are.

“I’ll ask,” I say by way of compromise. “Promise.”

Then, we try to study, but the words of my history textbook jumble before my eyes. I swear at this point, I can’t even remember if I’m supposed to be learning about the American Revolution or the Civil War, it’s that hopeless.

“I need a snack,” I announce, slamming my book shut.

April jumps. “Really? But didn’t we just have a snack?” she asks, nodding at the open bag of chips on the bed next to us.

I blush. “Yes, but I guess I’m burning a lot of calories with Carl. I think I’ve even lost some weight, as a matter of fact. Maybe my parents should have had me do this to slim down instead of pestering me about exercising all the time.”

April gasps and hits me with a pillow. “You naughty girl!”

“It’s better than any diet,” I say with satisfaction before raising three fingers in a salute. “Cub’s honor.”

My friend nods approvingly.

“You do look good. You’re basically glowing, girlfriend, and you know what they call it: it’s the ‘sex glow.’”

I giggle.

“And it’s all because of Carl. Honestly, I wish he were here right now because he’s the best cook and whips up amazing snacks.”

April’s eyes widen. “Wait, he cooks for you too? Holy cow, this guy is a dream come true!”

I smile.

“Yes, he definitely cooks for me. We don’t go out that much because we don’t want to see anyone we know, and because he’s a firefighter and likes to stay fit and healthy. You know restaurant food is filled with butter and fat, right? So most of the time, he cooks our meals for us. I swear, if he wasn’t a firefighter, he could’ve been a chef.”

April whistles, impressed.

“Damn, girl, you hit the jackpot. I’ve never had a guy cook for me before because they usually just want one thing and it has nothing to do with food.”

I laugh. “Trust me, Carl is into that, too. For the first month, I was sore every day and I had to hide from my parents so they didn’t see me limping.”

April’s eyes go wide.

“OMG. But are you still achy? Or have you gotten used to how big he is?”

I think for a moment.

“I’m still a little sore occasionally, but it’s more in the behind now. You know that we do back door most of the time now, right? I was afraid at first, but it feels soooo good.” At that, April can’t even speak, she’s so scandalized, but I continue. “Carl’s really gentle, you know what I mean? Like he gives it to me little by little, making sure to stretch me out. And then when he cooks for me afterwards, it puts me on Cloud Nine.”

My friend finally manages to stammer, “I don’t even know what to say right now, girlfriend.”

I just giggle.

“But wait there’s more: the best part is that Carl doesn’t judge me for what I eat. He loves to grill, no matter what the weather and encourages me to devour as much as I want.”

April is so flabbergasted at this point that she hardly knows how to reply.

“Okay, so if your boyfriend were here right now, what would you have him cook?”

My mouth waters and I answer immediately. “Two steaks, medium rare, and a baked potato with cheese and bacon and sour cream.”

“Two steaks and a side? Jesus, that’s a lot. Wait, is that one steak for him, and one steak for you? Or both for you?”

I smile like that cat that got into the cream.

“Both for me.”

April gasps then, her brown eyes like saucers.

“OMG! I’m not judging you or anything, but holy shit girlfriend! Two steaks is a lot, and I’ve never seen you eat so much before.”

I shrug nonchalantly. “Like I said, I’m burning a lot of calories with Carl. I sneak over to his house pretty much every night he’s not working, and sometimes I’ll even go in the morning before school when I know he’s about to have a long day at the station. You know, to help him get that pre-shift tension out.”

April nods. “You’re a good girlfriend, but I’m worried about you. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I mean, just with the sneaking around and the strenuous workouts. It’s a lot for curvy girls like you and me.”

I laugh, waving my hand in the air.

“No, there’s nothing to be worried about, trust me. But I’m going to head to the kitchen to grab that snack now. Do you want something?”

April shakes her head.

“No, I’m good, thanks. Oh wait, maybe a Coke if you have one.”

“Sure,” I nod. “Coming right up.”

With that, I head to the kitchen and grab two sodas, a bag of chips, and two cupcakes from the pantry. This looks so yummy, but when I re-enter my bedroom, April’s got her nose buried in her textbook, so I try to settle down and study too. Oh god, this is awful. I’m so bad at memorizing names and dates, so I’m going to have a hard time on this test. Come to think of it, this entire semester is going to be absolutely brutal, but I can’t slack because my goal in life is to graduate and get out of my parents’ house.

But then, as I finish a chapter, my stomach turns. I cover my mouth with my hand and burp loudly before running into the bathroom. In a panic, I lift the toilet lid just in time before spewing a rush of green and brown vomit. It tastes vile and there are tears in my eyes as I heave painfully.

“Holy crap, Colleen, are you okay?” my friend asks from in back of me.

I sit gingerly onto the cold, white tile floor and nod. “Yeah, I think it’s just a bug or maybe something I ate.”

April bites her lip. “Oh hon, I’m so sorry. Did you have seafood? Or maybe some avocados? My stomach always reacts badly to that stuff.”

I shake my head.

“No, just the usual. But I’m fine. I just don’t think I’m up for studying anymore.”

My best friend gets a damp wash cloth and presses it to my warm forehead. She has a troubled expression on her face and bites her lip before speaking.

“Colleen, I don’t know how to say this,” April says hesitantly. “Except you’re eating a lot more than usual, you’re always hungry, and your boobs are definitely getting bigger. Now this? What gives?”

“It’s nothing,” I say, shaking my head.

April gives me a searching look.

“Are you sure you’re not pregnant, girlfriend?”

The word falls between us and I try to ignore it, but my heart starts to race.

“I can’t be because Carl and I always use protection.”

“Always? You know it’s hard to be one hundred percent careful all the time.”

I look down at my twisted hands. “Okay, you’re right. There were a few times when we didn’t use a condom because we got too caught up in the moment. So yes, he has finished inside me without protection a few times, but honestly, it felt so good.”

That’s all my friend needs to hear, and she stands up. “I’m getting you a pregnancy test.”

“No, I’m not pregnant. I think it’s just something I ate, trust me.”

April nods.

“Well then, if that’s the case the test will be negative and we can go back to our normal lives.”

I know my buddy isn’t going to stop until we see the ‘not pregnant’ symbol on a test, so I finally give in, and she takes off. In a quick fifteen minutes, April’s back and hands me a cardboard box.

“Here you go. I got two, just in case.”

I nod and stare at the white container, unable to speak. My friend puts a palm on my shoulder comfortingly. “It’s going to be okay, no matter what the test says, Colleen. Trust me. Just take it.”

With that, I disappear into the bathroom again before tearing open the package and following the instructions. The two minutes it takes for the test to develop are the longest in my life, and when I finally look at the stick, it says clear as day: pregnant.

“Oh my God.”

My friend looks over my shoulder and then slings an arm around my shoulders.

“It’s good news, right? A baby is a blessing, and I’m here for you. It’s going to be okay. You’ll be an amazing mother.”

I’m still stunned.

“I didn’t think… well, I guess I just didn’t know … we should’ve been more careful,” I finish. “OMG, what do I do? Carl and I have never talked about this.”

April stares at me.

“Hey, buck up, girlfriend. Look at your sister. Sarah’s with two guys, and they have an awesome daughter. If Sarah can make her unconventional relationship work, you can absolutely survive this.”

That’s what I keep telling myself, but it’s hard to process. What will my parents say? What will my sister, our relatives, and all my friends say when they realize I’ve been knocked up by our forty-year old neighbor? And most importantly, what will Carl say?

April reads my mind and holds my shoulders firmly while looking into my eyes.

“You need to tell him, sweetie. Right now. He deserves to know.”

I shake my head. “I can’t do it. What if he’s mad? What if he doesn’t want this baby? OMG, I think I’d die but I don’t want to lose him either. Maybe I should wait.”

April is firm.

“No, sweetie. The sooner you tell him, the easier it will be for you. After all he’s the father of your child, and you can’t keep that from him forever. Besides, he sounds like an amazing guy. Trust him to handle it.”

Could that be possible? We’ve only been together for a few months, so we’ve never talked about babies or anything like that. In fact, Carl’s already forty without kids, and I suspect it’s because he doesn’t want a family, period. What if he tells me to get rid of the baby? Then where does that leave me?

“I’m scared,” I whisper.

“I know,” April says. “But you have to do this. Stay strong, girlfriend.”

She hands me my phone and even though I’m terrified, I dial Carl’s number. I can barely say his name before he senses that something’s off.

“You okay, Colleen?” he asks, his tone concerned. “What’s wrong?”

At that, I burst into tears, and Carl’s not having it. He growls that he’ll be right over, and then hangs up.

“Do you want me to stay?” April asks sympathetically.

I hug her, then shake my head. “No, because this is something I need to tell him in private. Thanks though.”

“Okay. I love you. Call me if you need me, okay?”

I promise to do so, and then walk her out the front door. My heart’s pounding as I await Carl’s arrival and sure enough, in a few minutes there’s a huge shadow on our porch.

I open the door and immediately fall into my boyfriend’s strong arms before burying my head in his chest. Without any warning, the tears start to flow and I blurt out my news: “I’m pregnant.”

Oh god, what did I just do? Have I ruined our relationship, once and for all?