Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Ten


Walking into the boathouse restaurant, my body tingles in warning. I don’t like this. The occupants aren’t the regular types you would find somewhere like this. Guess the one-man rule doesn’t apply to himself.

“Are you Mr. Southbourne?” A blonde server asks.

“I am! Where is De’Marco?” Like hell am I playing games with this clown.

“Please, follow me.”

Following the blonde, I notice she has your typical girl next door vibe, with a willingness to do right. My usual type. Normally my brain would be running away with me and I would be thinking of all the different ways I could have her on my cock. She’d be begging for forgiveness but there’s nothing, not a damn thing. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Doesn’t that type get your motor running anymore, brother?”

“Piss off, Marcus,” I mumble so only he can hear.

Oh, look at his lordship himself, sitting at a six-chair table at the far end of the restaurant out of view. Wow, he really thinks he is the shit.How this bozo can think he is better than anyone confuses the life out of me. He’s a street kid, just like we were. We grew up together. He was as close to me as my brothers. Now we can't be in the same area as each other without it turning into bloodshed.

“Aaaah, Kane. Please, sit down.” Is it too extreme if I pluck my fingernails out with pliers?

“Cut the bullshit. You and I both know that voice is a load of shit.”

“I can see your attitude hasn’t gotten any better.” He smirks. The bastard does not stand to show some respect.

“No shit, Sherlock. Why would it, to a bottom feeder like you?” Nah I should pluck his nails out. That thought alone brings a sadistic smile to my face which makes him very nervous. I can see the sheen of sweat start to build on his hairline. What did he expect, me to come here and ask him nicely why he torched our property?

“No need to be a sarcastic asshole, Kane. We were close once.”

“Yeah, we were, then you threw it all away for some gash and power. It's either Southbourne or Soulless to you.”

“Now, what the fuck do you want, Grimm?”

Spotting Marcus stepping closer, I side eye him and with a slight tip of my head I give him the signal to tap the button on the device in his jeans pocket. We both clearly have the same thought. This is going to go up shit’s creek real fast.

“Word on the street is you guys have bought a new fighter?” Goddammit.

“Maybe we have. Maybe we haven’t. What’s it to you?”

“Don’t insult my intelligence, Southbourne. We know you bought The Reaper.” Kill him and end his life right now. Pull your knife and do it.

“So what if we have, Grimm? She belongs to us. She is our fighter.” I keep my facial expression as cold as possible. I can’t let any emotions slip through or he will take full advantage.

“Me and a few other heads are having a little competition in 3 months and we want your fighter on the card.” Shit. I can’t believe he is suggesting what I think he is suggesting.

“You mean the Battle Royale?”

“Damn right I do. Her reputation is famous. She's a ruthless fighter. We want her in it.”

Has he been snorting shit? Honestly, why the hell is he asking this? It’s a deathmatch and the last woman that was invited to one of these events, she was torn to pieces in the first match up.

“What are the stakes?” Marcus growls at the side of me. I know he and Reika have formed a friendship of sorts.

“Well, I'm surprised that it hasn't taken as long as I thought it would to catch your interest.”

“You haven’t, Grimm. Curiosity at its best. Why do you want her on the card? Be honest.” There's another reason why he wants her. Let’s see if he has the balls to admit it.

“Let’s just say a few of the fighters have a score to settle with her.” His eyes are shining in delight.

“So, you want me to send her in to be slaughtered?” I’m a sick fuck at the best of times, but Jesus, this isn’t a competition. This isn’t a game. This is for sport.

“She won’t be slaughtered, if she survives.”

“There is a reason why you don’t have female fighters, Grimm. It’s suicide for them.”

“Ah, you don’t have faith in the girl I see.” What the hell is he grinning for.

“I do have faith in her skills but I am not lining her up for your slaughter.”

Spinning on my heels, I start to walk out of the restaurant with Marcus behind me.

Deep rumbling laughter follows us.

“C’mon, Southbourne, stay for a drink. Let’s discuss this like adults.”

“It is a damn shame she won’t be on the card but if you don’t agree, that's fine.”


A fifteen-minute walk to the store normally, has taken me double the amount of time. My emotions are still at war with themselves. On one hand what went down with me and Kane was amazing, and I want to jump his bones again as the knobhead gets under my skin and rattles my insides. On the other hand, I have never wanted to punch someone so much in my life.

God, can’t this shit just piss off for a little while and let me chill out? All I want to do is watch shit TV and eat crap. If I pray, do you think god will give me a break from running into his stupid ass? Yeah, right. God has never been on my side. I walk through the lot at the store.

“Hey, yo.”

“Yo! Reaper, we want to talk.”

“You got me mixed up with someone else.” They’re little boys, Reika. Be nice.

My back hits the side of a parked Lexus. What the fuck? The guy who was shouting has his arm under my chin. Breathe.

“Wow, he never said you were this fine.” What the hell is this idiot on about?

“Dude, I don’t know who the fuck you are so just piss off.” He leans in and runs his nose up the side of my face.

“You smell goooood.” This twat sniffed me like a dog.

“De’Marco wants a word with you, Reaper.”

“Who the fuck is that? I don't know what you're going on about?”

“Come on.”

Limp dick starts dragging me toward the blacked-out van he and his boys were standing against. How the hell didn’t I notice a kidnapper van before. What the fuck?

“Roan, tie her hands and legs you fucking idiot.” One of the others says to limp dick.

“Nah, man. De’Marco is wrong. You boys think he will let me play with her?”

My vision blacks out. Muffled screams come through to my ears but it’s not a normal sound. It’s like it is being filtered through cotton wool.

Everything comes back all at once, like a veil has lifted. The sight that meets me is horrific.

There. Are. Bodies. Everywhere.


One of Grimms' guys comes flying through the door. Whispering something into his ear. The color drains from his face. What’s caused a reaction like that? I look at Marcus and give him the thumbs up. He knows what I'm wanting, so he excuses himself.

“Trouble in paradise, Grimm?”

“Fuck you, Southbourne.” Something has definitely happened, his hands are shaking, knuckles white. I clear my throat to catch his attention.

“What’s the issue? I've told you she will not be doing the Royale. So if that's all you wanted to talk about, then that’s fine.”

“But make no mistake, Grimm. If you or your boys come at us again like they did, I will gut you like a pig.”

Standing up, I make my way out of the restaurant. Grim hasn't said anything about me leaving. Where the fuck is Marcus?My fingers grip the doorknob.

“After the shit today, Southbourne, The Reaper is in the Royale.”

I step out onto the sidewalk and spot Marcus propped against the SUV.

“Thought you gave up on that shit.” I haven't seen my brother with a smoke in his hand in years.

“I did, but after the talk I just had with Liam I need it.” What is going on around here?

“It’s bad, Kane. Very bad. Grimm will want her head for this.” Without another word he climbs into the driver's side and waits. Grimm’s reaction and parting words send unease into my veins. What the fuck happened?

In no time at all we screech to a stop outside HQ. The crew members are everywhere. Some wear expressions of fear while others look sick to their stomachs. Marcus hasn’t said a word to me on the drive back.

“Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?” I roar from the side of the car. Liam comes striding out covered in blood. Shit! What has he done now?

“Before you ask, I ain't done a damn thing.” His movements are choppy, I have never seen him this agitated before.

“Where the hell is she, Liam?” Marcus asks in a cautious tone. Ok, I am definitely missing something here. Liam nods his head in the direction he has just appeared from. Marcus takes off like a bat out of hell. Liam’s arm shoots out to halt me in my tracks.

“You really don’t want to go in there, brother,” he says shaking his head.

“Why the hell not? You gonna tell me what happened?” If someone hurt pretty bird, I will tear their soul from their bodies.

Unable to move, I can’t believe what I am hearing. One of the boys was walking past the store and saw Reika being attacked, or so he thought. My brain can’t process anything Liam is saying. Repeating over again in my head are the last words he said.

She practically tore them to pieces with some type of hunting knife. It was a bloodbath.