Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Eleven


What have I done? Rocking back and forth, there are screams in my head. Why can’t I remember anything? It's been years since I've had a blackout. A broken sob escapes as the door opens. Why can’t they leave me alone?

“Hellion?” Marcus. Some of the tension leaves my body. But it isn’t enough, the voices have started again.

Worthless. You aren’t good for anything.

Broken. Who would want something as damaged as you?

Useless. You couldn’t save them. What makes you think you can save Mel?

Death. You bring death to everything you care about.


I desperately try to shut my mind down. I can’t do this. It’s true, what they are telling me is right. “I am a Monster.” Broken screams come from somewhere in the room. Whoever it is best piss off.

“Hellion, it’s ok. I’m here.” He pulls me into a hug. I realize the noises are mine.

I can’t speak. Even though Marcus is holding me trying to comfort me, I can’t. If I see the look in his eyes that everyone else has, I can't bear it.

You let them die.

“Reika, talk to me.”

“I, I, I killed them, Marcus.” I start sobbing uncontrollably. I can't get enough oxygen into my lungs. I can’t breathe.

“Hellion. Breathe for me. You're safe. I won’t judge.” He will judge me when he knows.

“They tried to take me. Something about someone wanting me.”

“Who? What was their name?” How should I know? I can’t remember much.

“I’m not sure.” I think back. It’s like my memories are fuzzy, like they are fading.

I can hear my thoughts through a filter.

“D, the name starts with D.”

“Is that all you remember?”

“Look at me, Marcus. I look like I've taken a bath in blood.” Looking at myself, my stomach turns. How can he stand to touch me?

“Tell me everything you remember.”

He releases me from the bone crushing hug. Which allows me to shift my ass so I'm in a more comfortable position. Then I dive into telling him what I remember.


All I can do is stare at her. Hearing what happened outside the store, fucking De’Marco, it had to be his goons. Looking down at Reika, I can’t understand how she has survived the bits she has just told me. The voices in her head telling her she’s a monster. Telling her she couldn’t save them. She was a child for fuck’s sake. The pain of everything must be too much for her, she is even more broken than I realized. She killed his men, he will want her in the competition now as payment. From everything Liam said on the call, she has a chance to survive. Possibly. I have to help her anyway I can.

“She's asleep?” Looking over my shoulder, I notice Kane is standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed on the girl who is asleep with her head on my lap.

“Crashed out after telling me what happened. She doesn’t remember much. It’s like she blacked out.”

“You know who tried to take her?” I can see the bloodlust written across his face. He cares for her.

“All she said was D.”

“De’Marco?” Bingo.

Realization runs across his face. He was desperate for Kane to agree to his demands, then someone tried to grab her. It’s too much of a coincidence for my liking.

“Step out, I want to talk to you.”

“What about her?” He definitely cares.

“She will be out for a while, I think.”

Slowly getting to my feet with Reika in my arms, I gently place her on the sofa and turn to face my brother. Who looks like he’s about to tear me apart.

“You're lucky you're my brother. Do I need to remind you she is mine?”

Is he serious at this moment in time?

Leaving Reika in the office, I nod toward the kitchen. He either follows or he doesn’t. One of the crew is sitting in the kitchen when we make it there.

“Get out.” The crew member scurries out. I need to word all this carefully or he is going to go batshit.

“Kane, sit down!” Fuck, this is going to turn into a right fuck up.

“Don’t speak, just listen. And don’t lose your shit.” Taking a deep breath, I tell him everything Reika has told me. I don’t want to break her trust but he needs to know he can’t be playing these stupid games with her. She deserves more than that. Normal people would crumble under the pressure of a life like hers.


What the fuck do I say? My body is like ice, emotions warring within me. Knowing what I know now, I can understand why she pushes back so hard. She is the one who has to pick herself up from the ground and dust herself off when life turns to shit. The amount of times she has had to do it alone guts me. After digging into her history, I know she has people in her life who are like family; Mel and a guy called Tom.

Shit, Mel. She thought I had her. I will do some digging and find out what has happened. If I offer to help in this, she will turn me down. If she doesn’t know, she can’t.I grab my phone and press dial.

“Well, Well, Well. If it isn’t the infamous Southbourne brother ringing me.”

“Cut the crap, Fox. I need you to find out what you can about a missing person.”

“Fucking hell, Southbourne. You’re into kidnapping now?”

“Not me, smartass. Mel Jacobs is a friend of mine and she has gone missing. I need you to find all the information you can.” Cheeky little prick. If he wasn't as good as he is at finding shit out, he would have dropped long before now.

“Usual Fee stands. When do you want the info by?”

“Yesterday. You’ll get it when you deliver.”

Dropping the call, I head back to the office. After our talk, Marcus came back to keep an eye on Pretty Bird, not knowing what state she would wake up in. My eyes land on her instantly, she is still out cold.

“Has she woken up at all?” She looks so peaceful asleep.

He is sitting behind the desk staring into space, not hearing the question I ask him. I make my way over to the desk. He pulls his gun from under the desk. I throw my hands up.

“Easy brother, I just came to check on her.” His emotions are all over the place. His eyes are blown wide but he has a slight tremor to his hands. Shit, he’s close to taking a trip down memory lane.

“Before you go all nuclear on my ass, you think we should take her back to the house? It's safer there than here.”

“Yeah. Um. Sure. Good idea.” He makes a move.

“It’s all good. I've got her.” As gently as possible, I scoop her up into my arms.

Before I know it, I’m heading down the corridor to my room with her in my arms. I can’t take my eyes off her. I accidentally jolt her body trying to grab the door handle, she stirs in her sleep. To my surprise she doesn’t wake but snuggles closer into my chest and falls back into a deep sleep. Without turning on a light I make my way to the bed and place her down. Fuck it. I strip off my shirt and crawl into the spot beside her. I just want to keep an eye on her. Her soft snores and even breathing relax me and I start to feel the pull of sleep. Marcus knows to come wake me up in a couple of hours.


So much heat. I feel like I'm hugging a furnace. Why is it so goddamn hot in here? Wait where the hell am I? My thoughts are jumbled. What the hell is going on? I know I didn’t turn the heat on. As I shift to get my bearings, an arm pulls me closer. I freeze. Oh crap! What the fuck did I do? Peeling my eyes open, they begin to sting like I've scraped them along asphalt. Ouch! I notice an arm, which is wrapped around my stomach. Oh no. I follow the arm from my stomach to the elbow. Tattoos? I continue to follow the arm to the shoulder “Holy shit, this dude’s stacked.”

My eyes land on the owner of the arm. Fuck! What the actual fuck? Did we fuck? Slowly lifting the covers, I find I am still wearing my clothes from yesterday. Thank God. Something scrapes along my neck. As gently as I can, I reach to see what it is. I really can’t deal with this asshole. Nope, not happening.


Be nice to him when you wake up.

He wouldn’t leave you or let anyone else watch you.

Don’t try to murder him!


Be nice. He has got to be shitting me. I would rather pick a fight with a porcupine. Why the hell wouldn’t he leave me? I can’t stand his ass and I thought the feeling was mutual.

“Stop moving, Pretty Bird.” Is this guy like the dude from Candyman? Only when you think about him too much, he pops up.

“You gonna let me go, asswipe?” Ugh, I really need coffee.

“Nope, we are staying put, I’m comfy.” What the fuck? Did aliens come down and brain probe him or something?

“Very funny, asshole. Move.” Thank God, I am calmer than I was last night, but what is the deal with Kane? As mum used to say, “Man up, buttercup. Make the most of an unexpected situation.”

“Not gonna happen, Pretty Bird.”

“You keep saying that, fuckface. Why won't you let me move?”

“Because I'm comfy and you're warm.” Yeah, cause that makes perfect sense.

“Why wouldn’t you leave me last night?” His body tenses. Let’s see how honest he is willing to be.

“You are in my bed. I wasn’t sleeping on the floor.” Bullshit.

“Bullshit! You could have easily tossed me in any other room. Why didn’t you?”

“Because, I didn’t.” Now this is the guy I know. He’s angry, growling with each second I question him.

“What’s up, baby? Cat got your tongue?” Sarcasm drips into my voice. Yeah, I really can't help myself sometimes and ruffling Kane’s feathers is just too much fun.

“Fuck you.” Awww, someone’s too easy today.

“Oooooo, someone’s in a pissy mood.” Did I hit my head last night? I’m talking to him like I would with people I actually like. I must have done, but fuck it, just seeing his face as I torment him is soooo worth it. Pinned beneath him, huh. What? When?

“Kiss me.” I’m shocked.


“Kiss me, Pretty Bird.” Has he got a split personality disorder or something?

“No.” How can he even think I would want to?

His lips crash down on mine. Motherfucker! My body takes over even though my mind is still in the what the fuck is happening stage. His kiss is brutal, erratic even. I can’t help myself. I match him in his brutality. With a groan he presses me further into the mattress, his cock grinding on me. Stop! You have to stop this! My brain is screaming at me to stop, I’m at war with myself, head against body. Fuck it, what harm will it do? I don’t even realize I’m half naked beneath him. Our skin touches as he grinds even harder. Fuck me. When did he lose his jeans? The heat between us is growing by the second. Lifting my hips, I manage to roll us both over. The shocked expression on his face is so worth it. Leaning forward I start kissing my way down the side of his neck to his collarbone. His Tattoos. Leaning back, I grind myself harder. I can get a good look at him now. Eyeing his tattoos, I can’t make out what they are but they are amazing all the same. He isn’t going to go all caveman on me this time. It’s my turn to control how this goes.

“Don’t move.” He looks at me like I have grown a second head. A glint of something under his pillow catches my attention, reaching forward I grab it. My palm curls round the handle of a knife. Sweet. I rip it out of its hiding spot and hold it against his throat. His eyes widen even further.

“Don’t fucking move, Kane.” The sense of power that runs through my veins is such a rush. Having this beast beneath me not daring to move is like a drug.

Circling my hips, I draw a groan from his throat.

“Babe, what are you doing?”

“Stay still. How goddamn hard is that? And for fuck’s sake, shut up. I’m running the show.”

Picking up from where I left off earlier, I start kissing across his collarbone, then make my way down toward his chest. I keep going, then just as I get to his stomach he shivers. Lifting my eyes to his I realize the knife in my hand has worked its way down to his chest with me still holding it. Well shit, that's a turn on. I pass his belly button. Exploring his body further, my kisses have ventured above his hip. I bite down. His upper body wrenches up on the mattress as a roar tears from deep within him. His whole body is shaking with need as he lands flat again.

Smirking to myself, I slide the knife further which causes another shiver within his body.

“Take them off!” doing as I ask. He is now stark naked in front of me.

I lick my lips at his rock-hard cock, one of my hands is on his hip and the other is keeping the knife in place. Opening my mouth, I swallow his cock as far down my throat as I can.

“Jeeeeesus.” I hum with approval which causes vibrations in my throat.

“Fuck, Babe, suck my dick before I blow my load.” Such a cocky fucker.

Not able to resist the temptation anymore, I pick up my pace so my head is bobbing faster and faster on his cock. The groans and thrashing are driving my need insane. The need to touch myself is a burning inferno. Just as I’m about to reach down to relieve some pressure...

“Open wide,” he orders with a growl. Playing nice, I do as he says.

He grips my hips and spins me. Before I have a chance to process the new position we are in, his mouth is on me. Holy shit. His tongue, fuck me, his tongue. He’s eating me out like I'm his favorite meal. Flattening his tongue, he swipes up from my clit to my asshole. A muffled moan tries to leave my mouth, with his cock still down my throat it causes us both to tremble. This is a war in itself. It’s a war I'm going to win. Widening my legs, I drop further onto his face. I swallow which allows his cock to slide past my gag reflex. Muffled sounds come from under me.

“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.”

My orgasm is building fast, so I start to hum one of my favorite songs. This is torture of the best kind. We are wild and violent, but daaaaamn if this shit isn't amazing. Fuuuuuck. Biting down on my clit sends a shock wave through me. While his cock is still in my mouth, I scream as he roars. I swallow every last bit of cum down my throat, then lick every last drop from him. He shudders again. Whack! The bastard has just slapped my ass. With a grin, I roll myself to the side. Fuck me, for such an asshole he is amazing with his mouth. Waiting for my body to come back down to reality, we are both still wrapped up in a mass of legs and my emotions are a jumbled mess. The fucker is starting to grow on me. What the hell? Yeah, I've had a couple of mind-blowing orgasms from him. But seriously me and him can never happen.

I really wish I could talk to someone.

Shit! Mel.