Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Twelve


I’m such a shitty fucking person. How the fuck could I forget about her? I try to untangle myself from his legs.

“Pretty Bird, what’s going on?” Concern fills his face, which makes me feel even worse.

Frantically kicking my legs to untangle ourselves, I accidently kick Kane in the junk. Oops! Without another thought I am off the bed within a matter of seconds, trying my damndest to pull all my clothes back on.

“Babe, talk to me. What the hell is going on?”

I can’t believe I forgot about her. I am such an asshole.

“You're no asshole, Reika.” Is he a fucking mind reader or something?

“What the fuck? How did you know I said that in my head?”

“You didn't.”

Fucking great. Finally, I have my clothes in place and I'm off like a rocket out the door, charging full speed ahead, not paying attention to what I am doing. I don't see the person step out of another room until it's too late.

“Watch where you’re going, you stupid bitch.” Frosty glares at me with hate filled eyes. What’s his damn problem?

“Sorry, man. Didn’t see you there.”

“Aww, has my brother finally kicked Pretty Bird’s ass to the curb?” I really don't want to be dealing with an idiot today, but his words get under my skin.

“Listen up, Frosty. I don’t know what your fucking problem is with me. If you have something to say, spit it out.”

“I don’t like you. My brother has taken a shine to you for some reason. But mark my words, darling, your ass will be out of here soon.” His words remind me of Barbies.

“Wow. What do you want me to do? Cry just because you don’t like me? I don’t give a shit and me and Kane have fucked once. That’s all it is.” This is really adding to my mood and I find my mouth has taken full control.

“You can’t control who he fucks. So what if it's a couple of rolls in the sack? Don’t worry, Frosty, I ain’t trying to steal your brother.” He steps closer to me with his nostrils flaring.

“He will get rid of you, but if he doesn't, I will make him. Blood is thicker than water, Bitch. Remember that.”

I can’t help myself. I laugh in his face at his attempt to threaten me. Seriously, do men assume just because I have different equipment than them that I’m going to be scared of them? Fucking idiots the lot of them.

Still chuckling to myself I head in the direction of what I am hoping are the stairs to take me out of this place. Thank fuck. After God knows how long searching this place, I finally find the front door.

“So, you didn’t kill each other?”

“Clearly not since I am standing here. What do you want, Marcus? I got shit to do!”

“What’s your plans for today, Hellion?”

“I have shit to do. See you around, Marcus.”

“We got things to discuss, Hellion. I’ll join you.”

He can talk all he wants, doesn’t mean I’ll be listening.

We are heading out of town and surprisingly he hasn’t uttered a single word yet. I can’t help but side eye him, it doesn’t make sense. Seeing the garage, I know that I am going to catch shit from Tom if he spots me. I can’t tell him about Mel. Managing to make it inside without being noticed, Marcus is on my heels. He's like a lost puppy that won’t piss off and leave you alone.

“Make yourself at home. I need to get changed and find my phone.” A smirk comes across his face.

“Here.” Dropping my eyes to what he has just pulled out his pocket, I see that it is my phone.

“You stole it?” What a prick, bet the nosey little shit tried to have a look through it too.

“I didn't, I picked it up off the floor.”

“Huh. Ok, sorry.” My emotions are a bit all over the place at the moment. Why have you just told him that? Even my inner voice is pissed off with me.

“You and Kane?” Why do people think that there is anything going on between us?

“No, I’ve got shit to deal with that’s all,” I spit through gritted teeth.

“Marcus, can I ask you something?”


“You know anything about The Butcher or The Damned Crew?” If he has lived here a long time, surely he will know something. I need to figure out what they want.

“Why are you asking, Hellion?” I can’t put into words how he is currently looking at me, but he definitely knows something about either of them.

“I’ve been hearing stories, that's all.” A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, and if that means I have to bullshit my way through this, I will.

“The Butcher is a psycho assassin of sorts. The Damned Crew, never heard of them.”

“How come, everyone has heard of The Damned Crew?”

“I don’t know. Me and my brothers have worked since teenagers and built what we have today. Plus we don’t listen to gossip.”

“Huh. So you guys don’t sit around knitting sweaters and talking shit then?”

“No, Hellion. We sit around with a beer in hand and talk about who we fucked the night before.”

“Fair point.” Would Kane shoot the shit with the guys about me? The thought alone makes my stomach turn.

“Are we gonna get started on the shit you need to do, as you put it?”

Grimacing, I head off for a shower and change of clothes. My mind is still working over how I feel about Kane possibly talking about me with the guys.

Back up bitch. So what if he does? It’s not like you want anything more from him, is it?

Giving myself a mental shake, I put my big girl panties on and say fuck it. I don’t want anything more with him. Just because I get butterflies when I see him, it means nothing. Feelings are overrated.

“You ready, Hellion?”

When I make it back into the room, I see Marcus is pacing.

“What the fuck took you so long?”

“You sure you want to come, Marcus? I’m having my hair done.” The look on this face is priceless. That’s a big fat hell no.

“Hell no. I’m not coming to a hair appointment with you.” I honestly couldn't have thought of anything better to get Cheshire off my case. I don’t want him coming with me. I need to track down my boy, Rick, and see what he can find out. Marcus is out the door like his ass is on fire. Chuckling to myself, I follow him out. Hang on. He came here with me. How is he gonna get back?

“How you getting back, dude?” He shuffles his feet. Neither of us thought that far ahead.

“Uuuuuum.” Don’t be an asshole, Reika.

“Get in, I'll drop you off on the way as I’m heading out to Dead Man’s Bay.”

“Huh. Why there? We’ve got perfectly good salons around here.”

“My girl, Becca, is amazing at doing hair. I won’t allow anyone else to get their mitts on me.”

“My brother has.” Brilliant, Reika, you walked your ass straight into that one, didn’t you?

“Keep talking, dude, and your ass is walking. You get me?”

“Yeah, yeah I hear you, Hellion.”

He’s going to be a pain in the ass for the foreseeable future.

Cheshire has been dropped off. Thank fuck for that. I definitely would have stabbed the little asshole if he had made one more joke about me and Kane.Hopefully the drive out here isn’t for fuck all or my stabby mood is gonna get worse. Come to think of it, why the fuck haven’t I been in another match up yet?

I’m not surprised I haven't heard from Alexander, I did beat his ass after all, but still. Something isn’t right about this and not having a match up since the big man explains my emotions being all over the place. If Rick isn’t at the hollow, I’ll head on down to Andre’s; two birds, one stone. My phone starts vibrating on the passenger seat so I pull over.

Unknown Number:

Meet Langdale Lane

30 minutes….

What the Fuck! Who in the hell asking me to meet up with them? Like hell, I don’t fucking think so.

Unknown Number:

We know what you are planning...

Meet us to have a talk about our plans

and your friend!!

What I’m planning? Any normal person would just call the cops or something but I'm not normal. Screeching to a halt I check the glove compartment for my 9mm Glock and knives. I check that the magazine is already in; it’s full.Thank fuck there’s another one around here somewhere. Rummaging around the cab, bingo. I spot my leather jacket in the foot well too. Strapping a knife to my ankle, I check it doesn’t show through my jeans. Next the other tucks onto my left hip. The knife strap is a thin supple leather that's virtually undetectable under clothes. Tucking the Glock into the back of my jeans and putting the other magazine in a pocket of my jacket I’m ready to fuck shit up.

Pulling up further down Langdale Road I scan the area, they’re not here yet. Checking the time, it’s been 29 minutes since the message. Where the fuck are they? Getting out of the truck, I check in both directions to try to spot any vehicles coming this way. Nothing. My body is starting to get jittery, I got a bad feeling about this. I’m standing in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road surrounded by forest. Nobody in their right mind would put themselves in this situation. Mel, you're doing this for her.

Now I'm getting pissed. Why do people ask you to meet them then not turn up? I was hoping to fuck some shit up today.

A whistle comes from somewhere behind me, Fucking games. I fucking hate games.

Following the noise, I notice someone standing between two large trees.

“You The Reaper?”

“Yeah. Who the fuck are you?”

“Follow me.” I watch him walk off after his command. I have to run just to catch up to him.

We’ve been walking for about ten minutes and I am just about to ask him if he is planning on killing me. Well, he can try. Suddenly we step out into a clearing. How didn’t I know this was here? It’s beautiful.Bringing my senses back. this isn’t a time to be daydreaming, I notice six other men standing around the area. Looking them over, it’s pretty obvious they are goons for someone. But who? All eyes are on me, some with smug looks on their faces, while others are staring into space like they would rather be anywhere else.

Just as I’m about to open my mouth two impeccably dressed guys walk into the center of the circle. Both of them are suited and booted up to the nines. Must be the ones who run this show.

“Ah, how nice to finally meet you, Reaper,” says one of the men who walks right up to me. There’s such a thing as personal space, asshole. I can’t place his accent, it's definitely not from around here.

“You got me here. Now who are you?” Unease stirs under my skin.

He walks around me in a slow circle, looks me up and down like someone would a cow at a cattle market.

“You, my girl, are not what I expected. I have heard talk of the notorious Reaper.”

“Well, you can’t please everybody I guess.” Is he hoping to offend me? If that's the case he needs to try harder than that.

“Well, this chit-chat is pleasant and all, but we have business to discuss.” Yeah, like why the fuck I am here and where is Mel?

“Yeah, we do. First, where is Mel?” He turns to face the man behind him and clicks his fingers. Another bastard with a God complex! Fucking great. Clearly understanding what that command means, he makes his way out of the clearing.

“Have you made any headway with what your dad kept from us?” Motherfucker! This is the prick from the last phone call. Anger roars through my veins, if they have hurt her every single one of them dies. Keep calm! Find out if she's ok first.

“No, I haven’t got a fucking clue what shit you are on about.”

“Your dear old daddy made a deal with us. I would have what was owed to me when the time was right.”

“I don’t know anything about a deal. I was a child.” This dude is two planks short of half a brain. How has he got into the position he is in, while talking so much shit? His personality reminds me of Dory from Finding Nemo.

“You really don’t know anything about your dad, do you?”

Grunts and groans from the far side of the clearing catch my attention. Muffled screams follow the groans. No! No! The guy that left earlier comes back into view, dragging a body that can barely stand along with him. I can’t believe my eyes. Mel is in a right state, her clothes are disgusting. Her body is covered in grime and shadows that look like bruising from this distance are all over her body. White light bursts behind my eyes. He lied.

Charging forward, I'm instantly in front of her as she drops to her knees. Wrapping my arms around her she starts to scream. What have they done to you?

“Mel,” whispered close to her ear. Please let her hear me.

Violent shakes rack her whole body, muffled screams are still trying to escape her mouth but can’t as it has been duct taped shut. I forgot about her. How could I? Guilt races through me, how could I? Seeing her like she is, I hate myself.

“Mel, sweetie. I’m here.” The shaking starts to slow, her eyes land on mine. The pain I see there breaks my heart in two. I failed her. Her body is riddled in bruises, her once bright eyes are dead. There isn’t any light behind them anymore. Mumbling something, she gives a slight nod in agreement.

“You said she would be fine.”

“Well, unfortunately she got a bit wild. So we had to put her in her place.” The smug expression that graces his face pisses me off even further.

“What plan do you think I’m doing?”

“Word is, you’re in the lineup for the Death Royale.”

“The what?” Death Royale, what the fuck is that?

“Death Royale.” He steps so close we are nose to nose, his eyes flick between mine searching for something.

“I haven’t got a clue what that is or what you are going on about.” A deep sigh escapes my mouth.

“You don’t know? Alexander has a plan for you.”

“What the fuck are you on about?” People and their fucking secrets are starting to pluck at my last nerve.

The fucker takes great pleasure in telling me all about the competition itself, but it's obvious he doesn’t know everything. There are holes in this story. He thinks Alexander has entered me into it as his prize fighter. But it sounds like a giant free for all where men can measure their dick sizes and see who is the ultimate badass.

A hand wraps around my throat. Whoever has hold of me is around my height if the tightness of his grip is anything to go by. He is trying to assert his dominance. The main man himself seems delighted by this as a hungry gaze shows behind his eyes.

“You are going to fight, Reaper, but you will lose.” What is it with everyone asking me to throw a goddamn fight? It’s not in my nature.

“Why? What’s in this for me?”

“Well, me and the organiser have a deal. We both want you to lose this fight and make us money,” he says and before I have a chance to respond he continues...

“Since your name has been posted the ticket sales have gone through the roof for the event.”

“Ticket sales? I'm an underground fighter. It isn’t something that is really broadcasted all over the place.”

“Doesn’t matter, people want to see how you fare with the big boys, darlin’.” My life was so quiet. How has it turned into this shitshow so fast?

“Are you trying to be a cryptic asshole? Or does it just come naturally?”

“I'm just an asshole, baby.” Is he gonna get to the damn point? Pulling teeth would be less painful.

“You are going to fight. Then I will collect what is owed to me.”

“What do you mean, what's owed to you?” I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

I feel numb, my body is frozen to the spot. How could my dad do something like this? Fuckface here is all smiles and laughter thinking I’m going to agree to this. Has everybody gone insane? I’m still trying to process what has been said when Mel starts to scream as one of the goons starts pulling her up from the ground. Everything slots into place, why they took Mel. Why he thinks he is owed from a deal made twenty years ago by my parents. Why have they hurt her like they have?

“Meeeeeel,” I roar as my body moves on its own. Good girl, she’s hit the deck.

Throwing my head back, I hit goon one in the nose. Running behind the nearest tree, I check to make sure Mel is safe. All the men are standing around in shock. They weren't expecting me to react like this. Taking advantage, I pull my gun and start firing.

One down. Running for cover against another tree, luckily for me the tree line is shaded from the sun's glare. Which gives me the perfect hiding spot to disorientate them. All the men are firing at the spot I was just in. I fire off another four rounds. Four of the goons drop. Checking for Mel, I see she has managed to get herself into the tree line. Five down,three to go.

“Who the hell are you?” The last goon screams into the air. I pull my knife from my ankle.

“The Reaper.” I take a deep inhale, I fire. Before his body even hits the ground, I am out of my hiding spot. With a flick of my wrist, the knife I was holding sails through the air and hits the one who dragged Mel by the neck. One left.

The fear on his face sends a pleasant shiver throughout my body. Yeah, Dude, you fucked up.

“Wait. Wait. Please.” God what a snivelling little rat. Not so cocky now, are you?

Stalking forward I allow a sadistic grin to form on my face, which ramps up his fear even further. He’s running for his life, well the best he can considering he’s doing it backwards. Clever Man. Not wanting to take his eyes off me, but it hasn’t become clear to him just yet that he won’t be leaving here alive. He trips and lands on his ass. Looking down on him, I pin him to the ground with a foot to his chest.

“My dad may have made a deal with yours...” I lean more weight into the foot holding him, then I slowly crouch down.

“You kidnap my family, then tell me I am supposed to become your wife.” Venom pours from my voice.

“I will not be owned like an object. I will not kiss anyone’s feet.” The asshole starts stuttering so badly his words don’t make any sense at all. I’ve had enough of this shit.

Bang!! Watching the shock disappear as the light dims in his eyes brings a sick sort of satisfaction to me. He got everything he deserved for hurting my family. Now the hardest thing of all is in my path, helping Mel through this.