Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Seventeen


Despair. Hatred. Guilt.

All these emotions are roaring around my body. My inner voice is telling me to stop causing people misery. Everyone I care about either dies because of me, or hates me because of the impact I cause on their life. On my knees in the cemetery, I want to end it all just to get rid of this heartache and leave people in peace. Through tear filled eyes I see Kane kneel in front of me. Why is he here still, he must have heard everything Tom has just said to me. The name from my past repeats in my head, I am The Reaper

“Baby, listen to me.” I shake my head. I don’t want to hear what he has to say. I want to be left alone.

“Tom is wrong. It is not your fault. You can’t blame yourself for this.” That’s where he is wrong. My parents died because I couldn’t save them. Mel died because of things in my past. Tom was right to walk away when he did, so he doesn’t end up hurt or worse. Not answering his words, I shuffle backward trying to get away from him but Kane stalks forward, following my movements. Doesn’t he get it? If he stays around me, he will die. Gripping my arms, he lifts me from the ground.

“You didn’t cause this,” he spits into my face with so much annoyance. I just stare at him unable to answer.

“You are stronger than this.” His eyes are looking at me, but he is so lost in his rant it looks like he doesn’t actually see me.

“Pick yourself up and become who you are.” His voice is laced in so much emotion, it breaks a little.

“Find out what the hell happened in your life. Why? People have been taken away from you.” His voice is growing louder. People close by must be able to hear him now.

“Then you fuck their world up, Baby. You are The Fucking Reaper!” A new sense of purpose flows through my body. He is right. I can’t be blamed for the shitty hand life has thrown at me.

“We will find them and make them pay.” Anger and lust combine in my body from his words.

My father always told me to control your own destiny and Kane’s words have reminded me of that. I can’t change what has happened up until now but I can make damn fucking sure it doesn’t happen to anyone again. My father has done things that still impact me now. I will find out what is going on. Clearly things have been hidden from my past, but for what reason? It is time to find out who the hell I really am. If people get in my way, they will pay in blood.


Watching the fire ignite in her eyes makes all the blood flow to my cock. There’s my Pretty Bird.

I really shouldn’t be feeling excitement at this moment, but seeing her eyes brighten with a spark and watching her stand taller than she has done in weeks, makes my body thrum with anticipation. She will have blips where she starts to crumble again but I will be there to keep her standing. She needs an answer to who she really is, and being honest with myself, I want to know too. Dropping a white lily into the ground, she strides toward the car with a newfound purpose. Just as I am about to open her door, she turns to me with a puzzled look on her face.

“I’m homeless.”

“No, you're not.” With a scoff she shakes her head at me.

“Tom wants me out, Kane.” Shit, I forgot he said he wanted her gone today.

“Yeah? You are staying with us now. So may as well make it official.” I’m grinning like a cat that got the cream.

“Make what official?” Marcus gets out of the car with a shit eating grin on his face.

“Us.” A smirk works its way across my face.

“Us!” she screeches like it is the most horrifying thing ever.

“Yeah, us. It’s happening, Baby. You just need to catch up with the script.” I can’t stop myself from teasing her. Looking over at my brother, his eyes are twinkling with amusement and a look that says God help you.

“I want my own room. And there isn’t an us, Kane.” Her voice doesn’t sound as sure as she is trying to seem. It’s kinda cute, really.

“If it makes you feel better.” I chuckle as I get into the car. The room is a moot point as she will be staying with me.

We head back to the house. I will send some of the guys to go over and grab Pretty Bird’s stuff. Maybe accidentally lose something that I can put in my wardrobe for her.

Pulling up outside the house, Pretty Bird jumps out of the car before it stops and takes off across the lawn like her ass is on fire.

“I’m going to pick a room,” she shouts over her shoulder while disappearing through the door.

“When are you gonna tell her, brother?” Marcus chuckles like this is his new favorite TV show.

“Don’t know what you mean, bro.” Sarcasm drips from my voice. Tears start streaming down his face. My brother falls to the floor full on belly laughing at the situation.

Chuckling to myself, I head to the house to find out where my Pretty Bird is hiding. Lost in my own thoughts I am suddenly shoulder checked from behind, Marcus can be such an asshat at times. I look up and see Marcus charging toward the house with a huge grin on his face. Just as he enters the front door, the little shit throws me the deuces over his shoulder.


Running down the landing, I pass Liam's room then Marcus’s. Kane’s room is the master right at the end of the hall. I don’t know where my feet are taking me. Skidding to a halt a couple of doors down from Marcus’s room I brush my fingers on the doorknob. Why the fuck have I agreed to this?

“I had a feeling you would pick this one!” Looking over my shoulder I find Marcus leaning against his door frame with a shit eating grin on his face.

“Oh, yeah?” What makes him so sure I don’t know what is on the other side of the door. I might not like it once I am inside.

“Check it out. Meet us in the office when you’ve finished.” Nodding to him in agreement, I turn and face the door.

Butterflies are having a house party in my stomach, bringing nausea to the party with them. Just standing here is strange. For some reason I can’t bring myself to open the door. I take a deep breath, pull up my big girl's panties and turn the knob. The door swings open to reveal a bedroom the size of my old apartment. I mean the place is massive compared to what I am used to.

The walls are different shades of grey with white and black artwork on different walls. This gives off a contemporary dark feeling to the room. A wide smile spreads across my face. I love it. A corner sofa is off to one side with a huge flat screen TV on the wall. On the other is a built-in wardrobe that runs the full length of it. What draws my attention from here is the massive, super king size bed in front of the windows with a pale grey comforter. Squealing like a schoolgirl, I run and dive bomb onto the bed. At my height I can spread eagle and my hands and feet don’t dangle over the sides.

“This is amazing.”

It's perfect. This room is just me. Rolling off the bed, I realize there is a door straight across from the bed. Curiosity gets the best of me because Marcus told me that the guy’s rooms are the only ones that have en-suites.

Opening the door, I step into an ensuite with a full-length shower, sink and freestanding tub. It’s bigger than my last bathroom. It's in the same color scheme as the bedroom.

My phone beeps in my pocket. I pull it out hoping to find a message from Tom. It’s just an email about becoming a better you. Shit.

I’ve been in here for an hour and half. Crap, I was supposed to meet Marcus in the office. Shit. Running full speed out of the door, then jumping down the stairs two at a time, I make it to the office door quickly. It opens just as I am about to grab the handle.

“Took you long enough, Hellion. We thought you had fallen asleep.”

A blush spreads across my face, because of embarrassment. I can’t believe I got carried away.

“Ooops.” With a sheepish grin on my face, I make my way over to the desk. Kane is staring at me as I take a seat. His gaze cause’s heat to travel around my veins. I wiggle slightly in the seat, trying to distract myself from the feelings his stare is causing. Staring at each other, neither of us break eye contact. Lust may be roaring throughout my body, but I won’t look away.

“We need to talk.” Well that sounds sinister. I can’t stop the chuckle that escapes my lips. Kane’s brows furrow.

“What about?”.

“There’s a big knockout fight coming up.” Ah crap, my stomach turns as flashes of that day play in my mind.

“Death Royale?” Both guys rear their heads back with a horrified expression on their faces.

“How do you know?” Marcus asks with a worried tone to his voice. My memories are taking me down the rabbit hole, as guilt courses through my veins at the reminder of what happened to my friend. Realizing we only buried her today and my reaction to the room I have chosen, tremors start to work their way through my body.

“He wanted to know the plan for it. He thought Alexander had entered me.” Realization dawns on them who the man is I am talking about. I didn’t leave these parts out to Tom about what happened that day, he told Kane everything he knew. Both of them move over to the other side of the office. Whispered words are thrown about rapidly. With both of them distracted, my mind continues to race with all the emotions I am trying to keep locked down.