Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Nineteen


Opening my eyes slowly so they aren’t assaulted by the sun streaming in, I stretch out my aches and pains. Not the bad kind, my body feels satisfied. So comfortable where I am, I don't want to get up. Kane isn’t in bed, he must be catching up on things he has missed. Thoughts of Kane remind me I am meant to be meeting Ivan and Mateo today. Oh shit. Jumping up out of bed I get tangled up in the sheets. I fall face first and manage to get my hands out before I land on the floor. This puts me in a fit of hysterics, I can’t believe I just did that. Running into the bathroom, I flip on the shower and dig out my shorts and sports bra. Hopefully the guys don’t want to talk.

Excitement and anticipation comes to life in my veins. The feeling is new to me. No, everything is new to me. I agreed to being Kane’s last night. I need to talk to him at some point. He asked me to be only his. I want him to know that I mean it when I say he is mine. Running back into the bathroom, I put my clothes down on the side of the sink, strip off my top. Thanks to Kane ripping my shorts off, that is the only piece of clothing I am wearing. I'm in and out of the shower in five minutes. This place is quiet today. I walk down the hallway to the main area of the house, there isn’t anybody around. The last few times I have been here there have been people everywhere. Once downstairs I head to the kitchen for a coffee. I notice a few people in the living room, but none are the ones I will be looking for after I have had my caffeine shot. I continue my way to the kitchen. Once there, I search the cupboards looking for everything I need. I find the coffee, milk and sugar, take them out, then I hunt down a cup. God, how many cupboards do they need in this place?

“Holy shit. Who is she?” Turning to the sound of the voice, I spot a couple of the guys from the living room standing at the end of the kitchen staring in my direction. Smirking to myself I don’t acknowledge the asshat’s statements.

“I dunno dude, but damn she is fine.” Do all men have their brain in their pants? What a set of idiots.

“I would love to ride her all night. Bet she’s a screamer.” Ok, now that fucking pisses me off. I spin back to the douche canoes.

“You wanna do what to my girl, boys?” This is the funniest thing I have ever seen. All the color drains from their faces - well this is awkward. I can't help the smirk that appears on my lips while staring at the two guys with a pissed off looking Kane standing behind them.

“Boss! We. Um...” This shit is the funniest thing ever. It’s better than daytime TV. His gaze lands on me. The corner of his mouth lifts slightly in a smirk. He’s enjoying watching them squirm. I bark out laughing, which scares the shit out of the guys. Their eyes flick from Kane to me and I just can’t help it.

“Hey, Babe. What ya doing?” The smile that creeps across his face completely changes his features. Holy shit, he’s even more gorgeous when he smiles.

Shaking his head slightly at me, he finally looks at the poor guys that look like they want to piss their pants. He cocks his head to the side and they are off like hundred-meter track stars. I’m still laughing as I turn to continue my search for a damn cup. Seriously, what has a girl gotta do to get a coffee around here?

“Where the hell are all the cups hiding?” I grouch out loud.

Arms wrap around me from behind and a kiss to the shoulder has a shiver running down my spine.

“Cupboard on your left.” I can hear the laughter in his voice. Huh, playful Kane is hot.

“I got it. How do you like it?” He gently moves me to the side so he can take my place.

“Strong, two sugars and a dash of milk.” And you as the side order. That thought brings another smile to my face. Hmm, Kane and coffee. I wonder if we have time.

A cup is waft under my nose, the smell makes my mouth water. I take the cup from him and take a sip. Damn that tastes nice, better than my usual cheap instant brand.

“Thanks.” Staring up at him, I have to crane my neck a little. This is the first time I have paid close attention to him this close, and fuck me, the guy is huge.

“You ready for today?” I can see the hesitation in his eyes, nerves should be kicking in now but they aren’t. To be honest, I thought it would be awkward between us but it isn’t.

“Yep, I was born ready.” I laugh at the stupidity of my words. It even draws a chuckle out of him.

Taking hold of my hand that doesn’t have a death grip on my cup, he leads me out of the kitchen and down a corridor toward the gym area. Once inside I'm surprised at the amount of high-tech equipment here. There's a weight area, a martial arts area with a cage. Seeing it, my eyes light up. I can't wait to get my ass in there. It’s so shiny and I bet it doesn't smell like shit. Squealing in excitement, I practically throw my cup at Kane, then charge toward the cage. With a shit eating grin on my face, I’m bouncing up and down like an excited child. I can't help it. Laughter rings out around me. I notice Marcus standing next to Kane who is shaking his head at me while grinning. Marcus is laughing his ass off.

“You must be The Reaper?” Turning to the voice behind me, I have to duck to avoid the fist aiming for my face.

“The fuck, man?” Another fist comes in my direction. I step out of the way and throw a counter punch to his ribs, which he manages to block at the last second.

Keeping my guard up I watch every movement over the guy's body, from twitches to his fingers. Reading someone's body language is second nature to me now.

Shit, stop daydreaming. Seconds before a fist slams into my face, I drop to my knees.

Three punch combinations to his knees makes him wobble from the impact. Jumping back to my feet, we start to circle each other, neither of us throwing a shot at the other. Looking at the sheer size of this guy in front of me, fucking hell, I thought Kane was big. He lunges forward, making me shift my position. Annoyance shows in his eyes, with a huff he shifts weight between his feet. Going on the attack he throws everything he has at me. I am barely managing to avoid his attacks.

‘Whack’ He lands a punch to my face, my brain rattles in my head from the power of it. Fucking hell, that hurt like a bitch. Stumbling backward I try to shake off being dazed.

‘Whack’ Black is creeping in from the corners of my eyes. I hear shouts coming from somewhere nearby. With a growl, I take a deep inhale and give my head a shake to force the darkness back. Finally my vision is back only with a slight blur. I realize I am on the floor at the other side of the cage. Something wet is running down my face. I lift my hand to examine my face - my nose is bleeding from the impact. I can feel blood dripping out of the corner of my mouth. My ribs are screaming at me to stay still. Following all the commotion I see Marcus trying to hold onto a pissed off Kane, who is looking at the guy planning his death. Shaking my head just a little again, I stay put for a few seconds. As quietly as I can I stand back up. Marcus’s eyes widen from where he is standing. Kane now looks like he wants to murder me instead. Hulk. Yeah, that’s his name from now on.Turning to see me back on my feet, his eyes widened slightly. I spit the blood from my mouth and bring my hands up to cover my face. His face is an open book at the moment, asking me without words if I want to continue. With a slight nod he charges again. I switch between defensive and offensive, not sticking to one fighting style, I change it up. Hulk manages to lock his arms under mine with his hands behind my head. It’s taking him a lot of effort to keep me in the air like this as I’m flopping around like a fish out of water. Kane is screaming at me from the side of the ring, a bloody grin spreads across my face which stops him screaming with a wink to him. I drop my weight and slide out of his hold. Before he realizes it, I am kneeling on the floor. I spin and land a punch straight to his junk. Bellowing, he falls to his knees as I launch off the floor with an uppercut connecting with his jaw which has him flat on his back instantly.


Seeing Pretty Bird standing over Ivan with blood dripping down her face, pride swells in my chest. The guy is an absolute force to deal with and she has taken everything he gave her just then and put him on his ass.

“Ah shit,” Marcus mumbles beside me, realizing Mateo is standing behind her and she hasn’t noticed.

Everything inside me is begging me to warn her, but I can’t. I have had to bring them in to help for the upcoming event. Not being able to say anything is killing me, all I can do is watch. Mateo starts his attack, knocking Reika all over the ring. She is injured by Ivan. She is trying her hardest to keep her ribs covered. Ivan picks himself up and goes on the attack, my brain switches off at the brutality of what's happening in the cage. Marcus’s arms grab me around my waist halting the step I have just taken forward. I can only watch in horror as both fighters set upon Reika. Hearing her grunts and moans of pain gut me.

‘Aaaargh,”she screams because of another injury. She has blood dripping from almost every part of her body. God, I feel sick to my stomach.

“Brother, if you can’t watch her training, you won’t be able to stomach her fighting.” I know what he is saying is true, but I am at war within myself.

They continue their assault on her for thirty minutes. She's bloodied and bruised, wobbling on her legs that look like they haven’t got the strength to keep her up.

Getting put on her ass again by a kick from Mateo, she's lying face down on the floor. Both men look at each other and turn toward the door of the cage. To my horror she agonizingly slowly pulls herself back on her feet and brings her hands up ready to go again. What the fuck? How does she keep doing that? Most people I have seen fight these two would have been out cold long before now. I don’t know if it's pride or stubbornness that keeps her getting up.

‘Clap, Clap, Clap’ Marcus is grinning slightly while clapping, because Reika is on her feet again. He isn’t fooling anyone, I can see the pain in his face, having to stand back and watch the horrific beating she has just been subjected to. Nausea is still turning in my stomach. Both Ivan and Mateo are staring in my direction, surprise washes across their features seeing Marcus clapping at my side. Turning to look at what has drawn a reaction like that out of him, they find Pretty Bird on her feet in guard position ready to go again.

“Stand down, Reaper. We have seen all we need to see.” Ivan’s words give me relief, almost making me hit the floor. Thank God they have called an end to it. I couldn’t stand back and watch anymore. Before anyone notices I have moved, I am in front of Pretty Bird just as her legs give way and she collapses. Wrapping her arm around my neck, I help her stay on her feet, she wouldn’t want to show weakness in front of these two. We slowly make our way over to where the guys are standing.

“You’re good, Reaper. You may just survive this.” Ivan’s words have unease swirling in my gut again.

“Be honest, Ivan. You're pissed she put you on your ass?” Mateo is chuckling to himself.

“You would be too.” Watching Ivan’s reaction to Mateo’s jesting, I can’t help the chuckle that slips past my lips which causes Marcus to burst out laughing.

“We have training to discuss, Kane.” My concern at the moment is getting Pretty Bird to her room and getting a doctor to check her over.

“Let me just sort Reika out and then we can talk.” Just as I am about to set off with an exhausted Pretty Bird, she steps out from underneath my arm, straightens herself up and looks at us all. With a nod of her head, she slowly turns and makes her way out of the gym. That right there is the reason why I love this girl. Even in the state she is in, she will not let weakness show.


Making my way up the stairs toward my room is agonizing. It's slow going for me but I am determined to get myself there. I finally managed to drag my ass back to my room, every step I took hurts like a bitch. I step into the bathroom, examine myself in the mirror, and look at the horror that stares back at me. It brings memories to the surface of training with my father. One time I was beaten so badly I couldn’t walk properly. The next morning I didn’t have the energy or muscle movement to be able to drag myself up from my bed. He dragged my ass out of bed and all the way to the training grounds. My screams fell on deaf ears. Shaking the memory off, I turn away from my reflection and flip the switch for the shower. Gingerly removing my workout clothes, I try my best to avoid the bruising on my ribs. All this is going to take a while to heal but I don’t have that sort of time. Pushing through the pain is the only way I need to prove to myself and others that I can make it out of the Royale alive. Toweling myself off, I head to bed.

I wipe the sleep from my eyes, it must be early by the moonlight streaming through the bedroom window. Pain slashes across my side as movement catches my eye. I realize Kane is in bed next to me. I didn’t even hear him come in. Another round of pain hits me like a freight train. As carefully as possible I slide out of bed. Painkillers and water have been left on the bedside table with a note.

Left these out for you in case you wake up

Kane must have left them out for me, that thought has a tingle running down my spine. I am not going to be able to sleep now. I make my way over to the windows.

Staring out of the glass, I can’t help but admire the tranquility I feel, with points glowing because of the light of the moon and everything else in the shadows. My mind wanders to what will be in store for me in the next two months. Watching the leaves fall from the trees, I know no matter what happens I have to make it through.