Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Twenty


Looking at myself in the mirror of the changing rooms of the arena, I can’t believe the change my body has made in the last two months. My body has always been lean with a small amount of muscles showing, but now, everything is defined. My abs are showing more, my arm muscles are cut. Damn, I look good. My hair is braided up into Viking braids, I have black shorts and sports bra on. My knuckles are wrapped up in my lucky hand wraps. I am ready.

It's not as high class as I thought it would be. Loads of money folk will be here but it's a four fight match up. As they call it, the last man standing round robin style, starting with four fights. Winner from each fight moves on until the last two standing are left. The first group of fights are knock out or tap out. Semi-finals is a win at knock out or until the other person can’t continue... broken bones are a must. The final, I haven’t got a clue about, but there is a buzz around the place saying the final is going to be bloody with a surprise in store for the guests. I’m waiting to be called out for my match up. I’ve done my research on the guy I am matched with. Nerves are having a field day inside me at the moment, but everything comes down to this.

Kane has tried to talk me out of this so many times I have lost count. Our relationship has progressed further than I ever thought possible. We are but aren’t a couple and everything is going great. Honestly, I am starting to fall for the big goon. It’s strange thinking about how we first met and how we are now. He is more than I expected him to be, and he is staying true to his promise. Once this is over with, we will start finding answers to who I actually am.

The roar from the crowd reaches down to the changing rooms, which adds to my nerves. There are definitely more people here than I am used to.

“Get ready bitch. You’re playing with the big boys now.” I was wondering when a fuckwit was going to open his mouth. Oh, they all threw a tantrum when they realized a female fighter was on the cards for tonight. But they soon got over it when they recognized the name. I don’t even bother to acknowledge his words. I am not about that tonight. I need to survive. People are counting on me to walk out of here. Slowly my mind blocks all sounds and noises, so I am in my own world. Nothing can enter my bubble.

“You ready, Baby?” Bringing my eyes back into focus, Kane is standing behind me. He’s nervous, it is written all over his face. I haven't seen Marcus yet, he’s probably keeping Liam company. Fucking Liam. I hate that twat with a passion. We have had loads of fights and disagreements over the last two months.

“Have I been called?” I can’t answer his question because I am not sure if I am ready or not.

“Yeah, you got Viper.” Me and Viper have a long-standing rivalry. He is still pissed Alexander dropped him after I beat his ass.

“Looks like I will have to beat his ass again.” Checking my wraps are tight enough, I spin on my heels and make my way to the hallway.

Security lines the walls on either side of the hallway. Haven’t got a clue what for. It's not like one of these rich suits are going to start shit with fighters from the wrong side of the tracks. The walk to the doors is short. I have been lost in my own world. A hand on my lower back scares the shit out of me. Smooth, Reika.

“Give ‘em hell, Baby.” A soft kiss lands on my shoulder, sending a shiver down my spine.

‘Let’s go’ by Trick Daddy, Big D blares out of the speakers. With a deep breath, I make my way to the cage. The crowd goes wild once they laid eyes on me. I have a mixed reception from the spectators. Some cheer like I am a damn celebrity, while others boo or shout abuse in my direction. Viper is already in the cage, throwing daggers my way. Yeah, he is still pissed. Well, this should be interesting... tap or knock out.

Looking at my opponent I study his movements, seeing as though he's hopping about like a cactus is stuck up his ass. Right leg knee issue, he isn’t putting a lot of weight on it. Left shoulder is dropped slightly further than his right, he has either broken it before or it has been recently dislocated and not set back in the right place. A wide smile spreads across my face, calm even breathing. The announcer finishes his introductions for this fight and gives the spectators two minutes to place their bets. I wouldn’t be surprised if we aren’t evenly matched, we are pretty much the same height. His build is slightly larger than mine but I am packing more muscle than he is.

“Fight.” Game on bitch. Viper charges forward trying to use speed on his side. I step out of his left jab and he falls face first onto the cage. His nostrils flare, I can’t help the chuckle that happens at his reaction. Charging at me again, I laugh at the stupidity of this. I keep the game of cat and mouse up for five more minutes.

“You’re dead, bitch,” he screams at me. I’m grinning like I have won the lottery, then I smirk at him.

He charges again. Fuck this shit. I set my stance and wait. ‘Thump’ With an uppercut to his bottom jaw, he lifts off his feet before landing flat on his back, out cold.

“Your winner ladies and gentlemen. The Reaper!” The announcer screams my victory through the microphone. The crowd goes wild. My brain is in a haze from the atmosphere, it is nothing like the fights I am used to. Lights blaze down from the ceiling, which are blinding. The spectators are sitting around massive circular tables while drinking champagne. But the cage is what I would have expected, just as grim and dirty as the one from the warehouse. Stepping down the steps, Kane and Marcus walk just behind on either side of me, all the way back to the changing room. As I get there, Liam is blocking my path.

“Nice fight. At least that is something you’re good at.” With a wink, he wanders off in the direction of the cage.


“Sorry, Man.” Ivan blocks my way at the door to the changing rooms.

“What the fuck, Man? I want to be with my girl.” Who does this fuckface really think he is, blocking my path? Pretty Bird shocked the whole audience out there putting Viper on his ass like that. The training with Ivan and Mateo has been brutal, but seeing her out there... fucking hell, she was dangerous before. Now she is downright lethal and she is all mine. I can’t wait until tonight is over so I can get her home. We haven't had much time to spend together. I am dying to get my hands on her.

“Let her chill out before the next round, Man. If she gets through that I will let you in.”

“What do you mean if she makes it?” Is he starting to second guess her? I can’t believe this piece of shit.

“You’ll see. She will need you if she makes the final.” What the fuck have they organized for the final?

Unease settles in my stomach. I have a bad feeling about this. But if we pull her out now, the shit with De’Marco will escalate. Since he watched a training session between the guys and Pretty Bird, he backed off.

“I don’t like this, Marcus.” Looking at my brother, I see he has a scowl on his face.

“Me either, bro. We will deal with whatever it is.”

Heading back out to our table since we can’t be in the changing room with Pretty Bird, we watch the next round. The guys in this match up are almost as tall as me and my brothers. The fight lasts longer than Reika’s did but the winner is The Deviant. He’s good. With a smug look at his opponent who has blood pouring out of his nose and mouth, he makes his way out of the cage. Instead of heading to the changing rooms like normal fighters do, he heads toward our table. The smirk which was on his face when he left the cage, is replaced by a stone-cold expression. Pulling the seat out across from me, he sits down like we are old friends.

“Your girlfriend is dead, Soulless. Get ready to pick her flowers out.” Lunging across the table, I grip his neck and pull him over the table. Marcus tears me away from the bastard who is now on the floor laughing his ass off.

“Calm down, Kane. Fucking hell.” Spinning so I am face to face with my brother, my whole body is vibrating with anger at his words.

“Calm down or get out.” Marcus says to me in a hushed tone. I know what he is saying is right, but having to see all the shit that is going down. That bastard saying that, has just pushed my unease over the top.

“Kane, can you hear me?” His words are muffled to my ears. I can see he is talking to me but I can’t hear what he is saying. He waves to one of the guys we brought with us.

“Get him outta here. I’ll call you when to bring him back.” My body won’t move, I can’t tell him to fuck off because it feels like my mouth has been wired shut.

“I’ve got her, Bro. Be ready to celebrate.”

With that, the guy and a couple of others drag me out of the arena, toward the car.