Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Twenty-Two


‘Clink’, ‘Clink’.

God, why do people have to make so much damn noise when you're trying to sleep? Slowly the fog from my brain starts to lift. Opening my eyes, I try to shake the black spots from my vision free, but nothing. I try a couple more times but when my brain catches up to what is surrounding me, I realize I am in a dark room only lit up slightly by a lamp on the other side next to a chair. A clink catches my attention again. Pain rips across my shoulders. Lifting my head, I am hanging from a pipe with chains around my arms keeping me suspended in the air. That explains the pain. What the fuck happened? And where the hell are the guys? This makes no sense. Trying my hardest to remember what went down at the Royale, I become lost in my own thoughts.

“Welcome home, Reaper,” a deep gravel-filled voice says from the darkness.

“Home? Are you smoking shit, Dude?” I scoff at the voice. Honestly, home? It's not the Ritz, don’t get me wrong, I kind of like this kinky shit but I really don’t think Kane would be down for this.

“You are home, Girl. Well you will be when you accept your fate.” My fate? What is he, my fairy godfather or something? Because if he is, I really got the shit stain of the barrel.

“You seem confused, Sweetie. You want me to enlighten you?”

“What I want is for your stupid ass to unchain me.”

“Not going to happen. You belong here with me.”

“You? Dude, you are definitely on something. I am not yours. Plus I am with someone.” Did I hit my head or something, and my ass has landed in a different dimension?

“Ah yeah, Kane.” He steps into the light so I can see his face. With a smug look he walks over to where I am hanging.

“You actually know who he is?”

“I don’t give a shit. They will come for me. I know they will.”

I know without a doubt that Marcus will come for me. Kane is still an unknown. I do have feelings for him, which I wanted to tell him after the Royale. I can’t be the only one who feels a spark between us. Marcus wouldn’t leave me here, and I am pretty sure he would make Kane find me too.

Laughter breaks out around me. It's bouncing off the walls of the room. The look in his eyes turns manic. Gripping hold of my face, he squeezes so hard I feel like my jaw is going to crack. Flicking his eyes between mine, anger shows on his face. But just as quickly he shuts it down.

“You really think he gives a shit about you, don’t you?” Confusion clouds his features.

“Yeah, I do. He’s very protective. I can’t wait to see what happens to you.” Fucking stupid ass. When the guys realize I am missing, they won’t stop until they find me.

‘Thump’ Pain radiates through my jaw from the blow he has just thrown. I can’t help but laugh. The chicken shit has to deck me while I am dangling from the ceiling. Such a bitch move. My laughter only antagonizes him more and he doles out blow after blow until pain is radiating through my whole body as all my old injuries from training split open again. I can feel the blood running down my face, and ribs. My chin is resting on my chest. Wheezing can be heard in the room from my laboured breathing. Exhaustion is radiating off me, I am so tired. My arms are killing me. This fucker thinks he can beat on me? I don’t have a clue how long I have been gone.

“Are we going to keep this up, Reaper?” He can go take a long walk off a short pier for all I care. The guys must have noticed by now that I am missing. They will be looking for me.

I can’t bring myself to reply. The beatings pick up again. When he finally decides to stop, my eyes are closing on their own. Because no sound has passed my lips, he begins pacing in front of me ranting to himself. My eyes drift shut and sleep pulls me in.

Red hot pain shoots across my stomach just above my belly button, which instantly has me alert to my surroundings.

“Motherfucker!” My scream echoes around the room, joined by a laugh. That sends chills down my spine.

“Look who’s awake. What, was I boring you?”

“Fuck you!”

Everything hurts so much. My mouth feels like there is cotton wool stuffed down my throat. My eyes are stinging from the grit and blood which have run into them. My shoulders feel like they are about to tear off my shoulders any minute. I don’t know how much longer I have before I pass out from the pain again, but I can’t do that.

“He will come for me.” My voice is barely a whisper but whoever he is doesn’t miss my words, even though they are so quiet even I struggled to hear them.

“You really think he will, don’t you?”

“I know he will.” I know without a doubt that Kane will come for me. When I get out of this, I need to be honest with him about my feelings.

The asshole starts shaking his head while tutting, striding out of the light. I hear a door slam further down the room, and my body relaxes slightly.

Suddenly the door slams open again and I can hear excited voices. The asshole shows his face with two other guys wheeling in a TV on some kind of trolley thing.

“His name is Kane Southbourne. Leader of the Damned Crew.” Shock renders me speechless. No, he has to be lying. Surely Marcus would have told me who they were.

“Their dad ordered the hit on your mother and father.”

“You're lying,” I scream at him, my emotions are all over the place. Nothing makes sense.

“He doesn’t give a shit about you,” he screams back at me.

He starts mumbling to himself. I can’t make out any words he is saying but I can't wrap my head around anything. Why would they lie about who they are?

Exhaustion presses in on me from the beating I have been given from this madman.

When the TV screen blinds me as the asshole turns it on, my eyes are glued to the screen as a gritty video plays.

“You really think any of them give a shit about you?” His words only just register in my brain, my eyes are horrified at what I see on the screen.

My heart starts to beat erratically at his words, unease builds in my stomach. A malicious smile spreads across his face.

“That shit won’t work on me, Asshole.” How fucking stupid does he think I am?

Laughter fills the room I am in, he finds my words hilarious if the deep belly laugh coming from him is real. They wouldn’t set me up like this. I know they wouldn’t.

“Look at the bottom left corner.” My eyes drift to the left-hand side of the screen.

Moving my eyes to the bottom left-hand corner, I see the date and time stamp of the film. My heart starts to crack at this thought alone, but my brain won’t accept the fact that he would do this to me. My head and heart are at war. I don’t want to believe this. He did tell me to trust him, and I said I would. Strength and determination pours through me. They are just playing games with me, they are concerned about Kane for a reason. There has to be an explanation about my parents’ death and why they haven't told me they are in the Damned Crew. I lift my head slowly, with a grin on my face, to look this motherfucker in the eye.

“You stupid girl. You are nothing to them.” Striding toward me, the intent in his eyes is clear.

Everything turns to background noise. Pain radiates throughout my body as I realize a beating is under way again while I am chained. Suddenly the screen is switched to another video. This is clearer than the last. My eyes widen at the situation on the screen. Screams tear from my throat as I violently shake my chains to get free. The attack from the men in the room increases as I try to free myself. The noise that reaches my ears, halts my movements. Small fissures start to crack over my heart as ice starts to build in my veins. My body doesn’t feel the pain from my injuries that are being inflicted. I am consumed by the pain of my heart shattering into millions of little pieces. My head drops on my chest in defeat as a tear slips out of the corner of my eye. Watching it fall through the air and mix in with the blood, the million pieces of my heart start to turn to dust.

To be continued in….

Make Them Bleed