Kiss My Ass by M.G. Rayne

Chapter Twenty-One


Should have known it wouldn’t take long for him to lose his shit. All it took was a waste-of-space fighter pushing his damn buttons. We knew this was gonna happen, the men of this world don’t take kindly to a woman that can do things better than them. Liam is AWOL. I don’t have a clue what is wrong with him at the moment but the tension between him and Hellion is off the charts. Thank God he came tonight to show a united front to all the other crews. If they had so much as seen a blip in our armour they would pounce.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen. The semi-finals last match up. The Reaper verses The Destroyer.”

How the fuck did I miss the last round for fuck’s sake? I need to start paying attention or Kane will fucking gut me. I spot her looking around the tables for us. When her eyes land on our table, she looks worried that Kane isn’t sitting here with me. Quickly giving her a thumbs up to let her know everything is ok, the tension leaves her body. I fire off a quick message to Kane letting him know she’s up and I will keep him updated. I watch intently as they size each other up in the ring. To be honest, I’m glad Kane isn’t here because he would be having a seizure at the size difference between these two. But Hellion isn’t fazed.


Please tell me she is ok?

Bro, they haven’t even started yet.


Let me know she isn’t hurt!

Chill out man! Girl means business lol

The roar of the crowd draws my attention to the cage. Quickly putting my phone on silent so I am not disturbed anymore by Kane, I watch in shock as she moves around the cage like a pro. Watching her train with Ivan and Mateo was hell for me. But damn, did they train her well. I’m amazed at how fluid her movements are. I nearly choke on my drink when she dick punches him, dropping him to the floor screaming like a bitch. Hellion looks down on him and pounces. The guy is on his front and his left arm is twisted behind his back, while he is also tangled up in her legs. With her knee resting on his shoulder, a maniacal laugh flows from her like this is the greatest thing ever. Applying pressure his shoulder gives way under her. ‘Crunch’ He screams which makes Hellion laugh more. Security rushes in dragging her away from the guy. I actually think he has passed out cold. They proceed to drag her toward the changing rooms. I go to follow, but Mateo stops me in my tracks.

“We need to talk about your brother.”

“Which one?”



“Get your fucking hands off me, clown!”

‘Thump’ Motherfucker just tossed me on my ass in the changing room. What the actual fuck? Adrenaline is pouring through my veins. I can't believe I have made it this far. My whole body is a live wire with zaps of electricity tingling all over my body. I can’t stand still. Pacing up and down the locker room, the quiet is nice letting nothing dull my buzz.

The changing room goes pitch black. I can hear the women in the crowd screaming. It sounds like shit’s going down. Leaving my bag, I head to the door to find out what's happening. Peeking my head around the door, I see bodies running in different directions.

“Hey, what the fuck is going on?” I shout to a security guard who runs past like his ass is on fire. He doesn’t even bother to answer me. The screams and shouts are growing out in the main area. Everyone is in a panic. Cautiously walking down the corridor, I head off to search for Kane. Maybe he knows what's going on. My body comes alive again, something feels off about this. I make it to the doors leading to the main area when something is put over my mouth. My body goes into fight mode. Darkness starts to creep in on me, my body goes limp in the guy's arms. Fight it Reika!