An Earl’s Broken Heart by Ella Edon

Chapter Ten

If Alexander could just let his mind prevail over his heart, decisions would have been easier and, most importantly, Isabel would have gotten what she deserved. But did she really deserve it? For her name to be soiled?

Despite the fact that the rumors would affect them both, more of the damage would affect her. She was a woman. For a man, what they had done was to be criticized, but for a woman it was almost unforgivable. He was well aware of this, but was it worth it? Would that make him feel better? He had loved her once, surely there was a part of him that cared enough not to do something so brutal to her. Alexander felt his insides soften. The anger he felt towards her lessened as she pleaded. Isabel had always been a delicate woman. Her heart had always been quite emotional. Those years he had stood by her boldly, willing to hold her up when she was overwhelmed. Even that day at the wine cellar, the day that had been the beginning of the worst days of his life, he had been by her side. He hated to see her cry. He hated to know that something was hurting her.

It was that same feeling that came over him as he stood there. Isabel was crying and she needed comfort. He wanted to be that comfort, but he knew that he could not. Any emotional action or support that he showed towards her would pull him back to being that young foolish boy. It was why his decision was hard for him to make, but he had to make it anyway because her life was at stake. She didn't deserve the punishment that she seemed sure to suffer. Even the most confused and lost girl could not deserve it. Shame and social exile were not fair consequences for their mistake; was it fair for Isabel to be ostracized for wanting?

"We shall have to be wed," he said.

Isabel's eyes darted to his, wide and full of surprise. "What – what are you saying?"

Alexander queried himself as well. Surely, he was not thinking things through. Did he really want to marry her? If he went ahead to wed her, he was not certain that it would benefit the manor. He wondered if sacrificing the future of his manor for Isabel would be worth it.

"No. No.” Alexander pulled a hand through his hair and looked away from her. Everything was truly ruined. Marrying her meant making a sacrifice for her and not the Estate. Carter Manor was supposed to be his priority. He was supposed to be ascertaining that the noble Lady he might wed paid a good dowry that would help lift the estate out of its mess.

Alexander shook his head gradually. He had to protect Isabel. He just had to. No matter what had happened, a small part of him cared for her. He closed his eyes and did what he had done many times, years ago. He put Isabel first.

"Yes. We shall be wed," he said with finality.

He did not turn to look at Isabel before he made his way out of the room. He wanted to head home. There was nothing more for him to do in that party. Going back into the room where it was hosted would only make him angry and send him a feeling of regret. Miss Hopkins was angry at him. He could tell. But at that point in time, he did not care for her. He only cared that it was through her that the rumors would begin to spread. Everything was going the opposite direction of the plans he had in mind when he took up the position of the Earl.

As Alexander's carriage drove away from the Addington manor, he felt himself relax a bit. He could have some days to himself before the wedding preparations would begin. And what was more, he needed to find out from Michael how well-off Isabel was as a Dowager. He needed to know if she would be able to save his Estate or if it was now certain that they would all sink into debt together.

Before heading home, Alexander decided to call on Michael. He asked that the coachman stop over at Michael’s home. On getting there, he was pleased to know that Michael had come to meet him and was at that moment waiting in his office, as well. The instant he walked in, Michael lit up. Alexander pretended that he was not distraught by his decision. Knowing fully well that he needed to keep everything under control, he forced a smile and took a seat.

"Michael," he greeted.

"What a pleasant surprise, Alexander. I expected that you'd be at the tea party at the Addington’s for quite a while longer," Michael said, giving him a pointed look.

"I might have thought the same, but I return early to confirm something," he began. Although Alexander had come here to find out how beneficial his marriage to Isabel would be, he knew that even if it would not benefit his Estate, he would not abandon her. He would still wed her. All he needed to know was just how bad it would be, so that he could seek other measures if it came to it.

"Pray tell what you wish to confirm?" Michael sat up, worrying crossing his face.

"I wish to know if marrying Dowager Viscountess Barnes would help lift the Manor out of its current state and set it up for good business alliances on the long run." Alexander let out.

Michael's lips parted slowly. He stared at Alexander for a while, frozen, before he spoke. "Does this mean that you shall be wedding the Dowager Viscountess Barnes? "

Alexander tilted his head. "That does not answer the question, Michael."

Michael shook his head and relaxed back in his seat. "Viscount Barnes was ruthless in his business and it made him successful. Many knew to fear him when he was in a business deal. The wealth he acquired before his death was enough to keep that estate stable for decades. A large portion of wealth was issued to his wife following his death; however, that might not be quite enough to free the estate and get it running well again. Notwithstanding that, there is a bright side to all of this. An alliance can be formed with the Duke of Lichfield through Dowager Barnes."

Alexander swallowed. He did not like the idea of being in contact with Lord Lichfield but there was not much choice for him. He would have to seek an alliance as a favor for saving Isabel's reputation. "So, this means that the estate would be saved?"

Michael nodded and then grinned. "Very much so."

Alexander should have been happy. He should have smiled, risen to hug his friend, been gleeful that this was victory, because he did feel relief wash over him. He felt content, knowing that he would save the estate of Carter Manor, his Great Uncle's legacy. But instead of doing all that, he thought of Isabel. Of all the years he had yearned for her and all the years he had considered her unreachable, unredeemable. All the years he had thought of himself as unworthy for her. Now he had the opportunity to be closer to her.

His emotions were tumbling. They fluctuated between happiness and anger and confusion. Perhaps this was because he had spent the past seven years despising her, despite knowing fully well that she was the only one he had ever loved so deeply. With her, he had known what it meant to be in love. And without her those emotions became useless. He swallowed.

When his mind came back to the present, Michael was watching him with a scrutinizing gaze. "Is there anything you need to discuss, Carter?"

Alexander bit on his lower lip. "Yes. I shall be marrying Viscountess Barnes."

Michael grinned instantly. "Well, that, my friend, is something to be excited about."

Alexander nodded, but within him, he felt the opposite, and though he wished that he was excited about wedding her, he was not.

* * *

After spending a little while with Michael, supposedly celebrating, Alexander decided it was time to return home. On arriving home that night, he did not have dinner. He went into his bed chamber to have a goodnight rest. He did not wish to think of Isabel, and he guaranteed that a good rest would rid his mind of her. He was wrong.

The sleep took him into his subconscious and brought his deepest fantasies to life.

When Alexander opened his eyes, he was met with a mass of beautiful blonde hair on his arm. His eyes moved slowly until it came in contact with his wife. Her eyes opened then and the beautiful brown of her eyes allured him. Alexander and Isabel had been wed for three years. Despite the hurdles that had been put their way, Alexander was happy that he had fought for Isabel, and she had fought for them, as well. He would forever be grateful for her and her love. He moved close to her and pressed his lips against hers. Isabel kissed him in return.

"You are so beautiful," Alexander said. "And you are mine."

"Good morning to you as well, my love," she whispered against his lips and kissed him again. Her lips were soft against his and it aroused him. With his libido now ignited, he wanted to do something marvelous to his wife that morning.

He moved his lips away from her lips and settled it around her ear and he whispered. "My great love, let me make love to you."

Isabel breathed out slowly but to him it sounded like a moan and he loved it. She said slowly after that, "Yes... please, make love to me."

Alexander kissed her ear and from there, he trailed downwards. He kissed her neck, nibbled on her soft skin for a bit, before he moved to her breasts. The linen clothing that she wore to sleep shielded him from seeing all of her.

Gradually, he pulled off each hand of the dress and pulled it down, revealing Isabel's round breasts. It was beguiling. He looked up at her and smiled. She blushed and bit her lips.

"Please, touch me," she whispered.

In the heat of passion, Alexander leaned in and kissed her breast. He placed his mouth over her nipple and sucked delicately. A moan escaped Isabel's lips and Alexander was certain that he was doing something right. He flicked his tongue over her nipple, doing so until he heard her moan again. He carried out the same action on his other breast and did not stop until she began to shiver. Her legs moved around his waist and held him still as his mouth worked its magic.

Touching Isabel was bliss for him. It was as though his purpose in life was to make her happy and to make her body sing with his. He ventured from her breasts all the way down to her stomach, kissing each path that led him down until her very core. When he looked up, he saw that her hands were gripping the sheets tightly, holding on while her eyes were closed. He loved that he had built up her anticipation before he made her entire body ripple from passion.

He bent his head and placed his tongue on her center.

"Oh, Alexander!" she rasped. Her hands moved from the sheets to his hair. He went on, flicking his tongue on where he was certain would spark her deepest desires. As his tongue worked, his hands stretched and rubbed her waist, giving him the motivation, he needed to go on. It was pleasurable to hear the sounds that escaped her lips and even more so to see that he was pleasuring her just right. When he raised his head and saw that her lips were parted and her gaze before him was intense, he decided to do something even more arousing. He went in with his fingers. He rubbed against her core in a circular motion. Isabel began to moan. Her moan was quite loud, filling his ears until it was all he could hear. Her loud cries of content made his manhood erect. He wanted to be inside her, to plunge himself into her depths until she was moving with him.

He kept on touching her, his fingers moving faster. Soon he began to stroke her, entering her with his fingers and watching her react to it. Isabel bucked her back to grant him better access and he moved in faster.

"Please... I want you inside me," she cried. Her hands moved to touch her breasts. Her breathing became faster.

"Do you like this?" he asked as he touched her. His own breathing had become quite fast, a compliment of his hardness. He wanted to be inside her, just as much as he wanted to fill her with his fingers. Her wetness was all over him, and he found it pleasing.

"Yes..." She said. "But being inside me would be better."

That did it for Alexander. He slipped his fingers out of her. He then leaned against her and kissed her squarely on her lips. As he kissed her, she gripped his waist and held him between her legs. In between that moment, Alexander penetrated his wife. She gasped and bit her lower lip. He began to move inside her, his hips making quite the effort. He moved his entire body so that his manhood could seek that area in her body that sparked her.

Isabel began to move as he stroked. Together their bodies created a chill that ran from his waist to his legs. Isabel's lips were parted, and she moaned loudly. Her hands moved to his neck. Whilst one hand paused there, the other went on to ruffle his hair. Alexander knew it was her reaction to the ecstasy that they had created with their bodies.

Alexander felt the sexual delight as well because he felt her wetness all around him and the movement of him inside her sent his body into a quivering state. He knew that he was near his climax. Isabel's moans increased then. It became louder and she just held on to him while he stroked faster. Her hand began to shake. He felt it on his neck. Soon enough, his satisfaction burst through him like the bloom of a beautiful flower. Isabel's body reacted the same way. It was beautiful how they had climaxed together. Everything about their love was beautiful. Isabel released her final moan with his name on her lips.

"I love you, Alexander," she said.

"I love you, too," he said. Truly, he saw the love in her eyes. It was as though there was nowhere else that he would rather be than with her.

Alexander opened his eyes gradually. His lashes fluttered as he did this. The smile on his face remained intact. He had had a beautiful dream, one that had taken him to a place that he had never been able to get to in reality. His smile faded as the truth of this came to him with the cold light of day. He sat up and looked around. He was alone in his bed chamber. There was no Isabel and there definitely was no love making.

However, there would be a wedding, but only one that was merely for convenience. It was not as beautiful as the one of his dreams. That dream would have been a reality – if Isabel had put in as much effort to build their union as he had. If she had fought for him the same way that he had fought for her, if she had set aside her want for nobility, riches, and power, then she would have been his. But she was more concerned about her societal status than about him. She did not even love him. She had only loved the idea of love – he had come to this conclusion after her letter to him. He had been able to fit in the pieces until it made perfect sense.

Alexander shook his head. He would not let this marriage change anything between them, not now, not after everything. There was only one thing worse than being hurt once and that was allowing the same source that had caused the hurt the first time to cause it again. He was no fool. He would never allow Isabel to get so close again. She had already tried to seduce him which had led them to this mess in the first place. He would not allow her to even try it again.

Alexander rose from the bed, slipped on a cotton white shirt, and made his way out of his bedchamber. He would write her a letter explaining how things would be between them. He would tell her exactly what she would be pleased to hear, no doubt. After that, he would come up with the perfect plan to avoid her through their blasted marriage. Perhaps a permanent relocation to the countryside would be good. With Isabel staying in London, that would be enough distance. It was the only way they would both live in peace. Anything other than that would be a disaster.